Vhoro tenda vhone Parts II and III
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Lambani family (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Halambani -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Xylophone , Mbila
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:16064 , JKC14a-25 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1009253 , Tape number: JKC14 , Original tape number: 14 , Track number: 25
- Description: Parts II and III of traditional Venda song accompanied by the 21 key xylophone , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 149
- Full Text: false
Vho Nyamuofhe
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Musisinyani, Piet (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Mangaya , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Mbila , Tshizambi
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:16058 , JKC09b-09 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1009247 , Tape number: JKC09 , Original tape number: 9 , Track number: 09
- Description: Traditional Shangaan song accompanied by the tshizambi friction musical bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 112
- Full Text: false
Gai na gai
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Netshifhefhe, Ronald (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Tsianda , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Ground harp , Solo , Dumbu Kalinga
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15857 , JKC10a-18 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1009046 , Tape number: JKC10 , Original tape number: 10 , Track number: 18
- Description: English translation of title: 'The locusts are flying all over' , Traditional song with Venda Dumbu Kalinga the ground harp accompaniment , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 117
- Full Text: false
Tende nne ndi songo
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , D. Tshikunde and Venda women (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Tshapasha , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Tshihwana
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15795 , JKC13a-12 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008984 , Tape number: JKC13 , Original tape number: 13 , Track number: 12
- Description: Traditional Venda song with tshihwana musical bow accompaniment , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 140
- Full Text: false
Tshelede vho tamba ngayo
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Mashandule (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Levubu , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Malende dance
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15887 , JKC16a-04 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1009076 , Tape number: JKC16 , Original tape number: 16 , Track number: 04
- Description: Unaccompanied Malende Venda traditional dance song , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 174
- Full Text: false
Nyamudanga lo otsha nama
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Nagana, Nyawasedza (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Malavuhe , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Lugube , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15691 , JKC07b-19 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008880 , Tape number: JKC07 , Original tape number: 7 , Track number: 19
- Description: English translation of title: 'Nyamudanga stole meat' , Traditional Venda children's song accompanied by the lugube musical bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 97
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Thanyani, Jim (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Dende , Braced gourd bow , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15570 , JKC03a-12 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008759 , Tape number: JKC03 , Original tape number: 3 , Track number: 12
- Description: Traditional song accompanied by the dende braced gourd-bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 53
- Full Text: false
Khaladzi yanga mbengwa
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Shonisani, Selina (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Khubvi -- Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Tshihwana , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:16094 , JKC13a-20 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1009283 , Tape number: JKC13 , Original tape number: 13 , Track number: 20
- Description: Traditional Venda song with tshihwana musical bow accompaniment , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 142
- Full Text: false
Vho Nndanganeni
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Petros Rambofheni and group (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Tshandani , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Tshizambi , Mbila
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:16052 , JKC09b-03 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1009241 , Tape number: JKC09 , Original tape number: 9 , Track number: 03
- Description: Traditional Shangaan song accompanied by the tshizambi friction musical bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 111
- Full Text: false
Title not specified
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Performer not specified , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Indigenous music , Traditional song , Mbube style , Clapping , Whistling , Stick hitting
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15849 , JKC16b-12 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1009038 , Tape number: JKC16 , Original tape number: 16 , Track number: 12
- Description: Traditional mbube style song sung by men with clapping, whistling and stick hitting accompaniment
- Full Text: false
Tshirivha tshi na muthavhela
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Mphaphuli, John (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Khubvi -- Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Tshihwana , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15957 , JKC13a-17 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1009146 , Tape number: JKC13 , Original tape number: 13 , Track number: 17
- Description: Traditional Venda song with tshihwana musical bow accompaniment , Note that the performer was recorded as being John Mphaphuli, however it is clearly a woman singing , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 141
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Mashandule (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Levubu , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Malende dance
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15740 , JKC16a-02 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008929 , Tape number: JKC16 , Original tape number: 16 , Track number: 02
- Description: Unaccompanied Malende Venda traditional dance song , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 173
- Full Text: false
Benzi hero ra todza zwa mai
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Phophi, George (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Malavuhe , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Dende , Braced gourd bow , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15646 , JKC05b-04 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008835 , Tape number: JKC05 , Original tape number: 5 , Track number: 04
- Description: Traditional Venda song accompanied by the dende braced gourd bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 76
- Full Text: false
Tshidavhula mananga
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Mulaudzi, Munzhedzi (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Hamutsha village , Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Lugube , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15892 , JKC12a-16 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1009081 , Tape number: JKC12 , Original tape number: 12 , Track number: 16
- Description: English translation of title: 'A reference to rural taxis' , Traditional Venda song accompanied by the lugube musical bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 136
- Full Text: false
Ndo loiwa ndo loiwa
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Phampha, Masindi (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Khubvi -- Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Lugube , Solo , Trance dance song
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15665 , JKC07b-03 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008854 , Tape number: JKC07 , Original tape number: 7 , Track number: 03
- Description: Traditional Venda trance dance song accompanied by the lugube musical bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 94
- Full Text: false
Ro tambula matsige a lipo
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Ramabanda, Lukas (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Tshivhilwi , Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Mbila , Tshizambi , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15748 , JKC09a-11 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008937 , Tape number: JKC09 , Original tape number: 9 , Track number: 11
- Description: Traditional Venda song accompanied by the tshizambi friction musical bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 108
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Mashandule (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Levubu , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Malende dance , Xylophone song
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15627 , JKC16a-06 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008816 , Tape number: JKC16 , Original tape number: 16 , Track number: 06
- Description: Unaccompanied Malende Venda traditional dance song , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 174
- Full Text: false
Shonisani nwananga
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Malaudzi, Vele (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Khubvi -- Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Lugube , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15781 , JKC07a-04 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008970 , Tape number: JKC07 , Original tape number: 7 , Track number: 04
- Description: English translation of title: 'Shonisani my child' , Traditional Venda song accompanied by the lugube musical bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 91
- Full Text: false
Lotsha Mandevhele
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Phophi, George (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Khubvi -- Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Tshizambi , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15544 , JKC09a-16 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008733 , Tape number: JKC09 , Original tape number: 9 , Track number: 16
- Description: English translation of title: 'Morning Mandevhele' , Traditional Venda song accompanied by the tshizambi friction musical bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 109
- Full Text: false
Vhasidzana Part I
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Thiba and Mashandule (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Indigenous music , Traditional song , Xylophone
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:16025 , JKC14a-02 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1009214 , Tape number: JKC14 , Original tape number: 14 , Track number: 02
- Description: Traditional Venda song accompanied by the 21 key xylophone , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 132
- Full Text: false