An investigation of the factors that influence Grahamstown East grade 12 learners to aspire to higher education : a case study
- Burns-Ncamashe, Zimasa Nomsawezulu Ancilla
- Authors: Burns-Ncamashe, Zimasa Nomsawezulu Ancilla
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Education -- South Africa -- Grahamstown -- Case studies , Education, Secondary -- South Africa -- Grahamstown -- Case studies , Education, Higher -- South Africa -- Grahamstown -- Case studies , Student aspirations -- South Africa -- Grahamstown -- Case studies , High school graduates -- South Africa -- Attitudes -- Case studies , Vocational interests -- South Africa -- Grahamstown -- Case studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1650 , , Education -- South Africa -- Grahamstown -- Case studies , Education, Secondary -- South Africa -- Grahamstown -- Case studies , Education, Higher -- South Africa -- Grahamstown -- Case studies , Student aspirations -- South Africa -- Grahamstown -- Case studies , High school graduates -- South Africa -- Attitudes -- Case studies , Vocational interests -- South Africa -- Grahamstown -- Case studies
- Description: This research is an investigation into the factors that influence the decisions of grade 12 learners from Grahamstown East disadvantaged communities to pursue higher education. Research on learner aspirations has largely focused on access to higher education and little or no attention has been has been paid to the enabling or limiting factors and what can be done to increase the numbers of learners from disadvantaged communities who enrol at higher education institutions. This study aims to fill that gap. The research was a qualitative case study located in the interpretive paradigm. The data was gathered using questionnaires and focus group interviews for grade 12 learners. Individual interviews were conducted with the parents of the grade 12 research participants, educators and the school management team. Observation and documentary evidence from school documents were also used for data collection. The data were analysed using systematic patterning, were interpreted, and given meaning linking it to the literature surveyed. The main findings indicate that a number of enabling factors that influence grade 12 learners to pursue higher education co-exist with limiting factors. Recommendations arising from the main findings are presented and the limitations of the research are identified. Areas for possible further research in strengthening learner support so as to increase the numbers of learners who qualify for higher education and to enable the learners from disadvantaged communities to realise their aspirations, are suggested.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
- Authors: Burns-Ncamashe, Zimasa Nomsawezulu Ancilla
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Education -- South Africa -- Grahamstown -- Case studies , Education, Secondary -- South Africa -- Grahamstown -- Case studies , Education, Higher -- South Africa -- Grahamstown -- Case studies , Student aspirations -- South Africa -- Grahamstown -- Case studies , High school graduates -- South Africa -- Attitudes -- Case studies , Vocational interests -- South Africa -- Grahamstown -- Case studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1650 , , Education -- South Africa -- Grahamstown -- Case studies , Education, Secondary -- South Africa -- Grahamstown -- Case studies , Education, Higher -- South Africa -- Grahamstown -- Case studies , Student aspirations -- South Africa -- Grahamstown -- Case studies , High school graduates -- South Africa -- Attitudes -- Case studies , Vocational interests -- South Africa -- Grahamstown -- Case studies
- Description: This research is an investigation into the factors that influence the decisions of grade 12 learners from Grahamstown East disadvantaged communities to pursue higher education. Research on learner aspirations has largely focused on access to higher education and little or no attention has been has been paid to the enabling or limiting factors and what can be done to increase the numbers of learners from disadvantaged communities who enrol at higher education institutions. This study aims to fill that gap. The research was a qualitative case study located in the interpretive paradigm. The data was gathered using questionnaires and focus group interviews for grade 12 learners. Individual interviews were conducted with the parents of the grade 12 research participants, educators and the school management team. Observation and documentary evidence from school documents were also used for data collection. The data were analysed using systematic patterning, were interpreted, and given meaning linking it to the literature surveyed. The main findings indicate that a number of enabling factors that influence grade 12 learners to pursue higher education co-exist with limiting factors. Recommendations arising from the main findings are presented and the limitations of the research are identified. Areas for possible further research in strengthening learner support so as to increase the numbers of learners who qualify for higher education and to enable the learners from disadvantaged communities to realise their aspirations, are suggested.
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- Date Issued: 2005
Naming in Germany in the 20th century: a sociological study of naming in times of social change, with a focus on statistical problems in empirical onomastic research
- Authors: Huschka, Denis
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Onomastics , Names, Personal -- Germany , Names, German -- Etymology , Names, German -- Social aspects , German language -- Etymology -- Names , German Socio Economic Panel Study (SOEP)
- Language: German , English
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:28359
- Description: In this thesis names are used as social indicators to observe social change in Germany in the 20th century. The German Socio Economic Panel Study (SOEP) offers the rare opportunity to analyse representative survey data of first names. The empirical results of the analyses in this thesis offer a comprehensive picture on how the naming reality in Germany looks like and how naming changed in a period of about 100 years. Names can serve as social indicators. It is demonstrated how chosen names mirror social change in the German society: Name choices have become less traditional and more individual. Over time names from other world regions and cultures have found their way into the German culture. There are more different names in use today than 100 years ago and the names have become more evenly distributed over the population. Today children are less likely to share their names with many of their peers. These are signs of an increasingly individualised, transnationalised modern behaviour of the people in contemporary Germany. Almost all of these developments started earlier and tend to be more pronounced for girl’s names. The secularisation of the German society - however - did not cause substantial changes in naming over time. Christian names still are used to the greatest extent, but – possibly – not because they are regarded as being of Christian origin. The analyses of the social-structural influences on naming touch on some effects of education and status. The analyses of differences in naming between the two German states during the time of division adds some evidence to the real-life experience that naming in the communist East Germany was much more oriented towards the free western hemisphere – a kind of silent protest. Obviously naming was a possibility to distance oneself from an un-loved regime. On a methodological level referring to onomastics, the so-called „Large Number of are Events-Zone (LNRE)“, a feature of the distribution of names that has mostly been handled inappropriately up to now, is discussed with respect to its effects on name statistics when using samples. An alternative approach is proposed for the appropriate handling of this feature. , In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Vornamen als soziale Indikatoren benutzt, um gesellschaftlichen Wandel im 20. Jahrhundert zu beschreiben. Das Soziooekonomische Panel (SOEP) bietet die seltene Möglichkeit, Umfragedaten über die Vornamen der Deutschen repräsentativ auszuwerten. Die empirischen Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit bieten einen umfassenden Einblick in die deutsche Vornamensrealität und über die Entwicklungen der Namensvergabe in 100 Jahren. Namen sind soziale Indikatoren. Es wird aufgezeigt, wie die Namensgebung den sozialen Wandel in der deutschen Gesellschaft spiegelt: Namenwahlen weisen über die Zeit weniger traditionelle Bezüge auf, sie wurden individueller. Namen aus anderen Kulturen und Ländern fanden Eingang in die deutsche Kultur. Es werden mehr verschiedene Namen benutzt als vor 100 Jahren und die typischerweise hoch konzentrierten Verteilungen der Vornamen stellen sich über die Zeit etwas weniger konzentriert dar. Heute geborene Kinder teilen ihre Namen mit anteilig weniger anderen Kindern ihrer Kohorte. Dies sind Anzeichen für eine individualisierte, transnational orientierte moderne Gesellschaft. Fast alle dieser Entwicklungen sind für Mädchennamen früher und in deutlicherem Maße zu beobachten. Die Säkularisierung der deutschen Gesellschaft hat hingegen wenig Einfluss auf die Vornamenswahlen genommen. Nach wie vor werden vor allem christliche Namen vergeben, auch wenn der christliche Bezug unter Umständen nicht mehr der maßgebliche Grund für die Auswahl ist. Die Analyse der sozialstrukturellen Einflüsse auf Namenswahlen bestätigt einige Effekte von Bildung und Status der Mütter. Die Analyse der Unterschiede in der Namensgebung der beiden deutschen Staaten während der 40 jährigen Teilung zeigt, dass der lebensweltliche Eindruck einer zunehmenden West-Orientierung der Namenswahlen ostdeutscher Eltern nicht trügt. Offenbar waren westliche Namen eine Möglichkeit, sich vom ungeliebten Regime zu distanzieren. Auf einer statistisch-methodischen Ebene wird eine bislang in der empirischen Onomastik unrichtig gehandhabte Besonderheit von Vornamensverteilungen – die Large Number of Rare Events-Zone (LNRE) – diskutiert und Lösungsvorschläge für den statistisch korrekten Umgang mit dieser Besonderheit in Gruppenvergleichen auf der Basis von Stichproben vorgelegt.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
- Authors: Huschka, Denis
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Onomastics , Names, Personal -- Germany , Names, German -- Etymology , Names, German -- Social aspects , German language -- Etymology -- Names , German Socio Economic Panel Study (SOEP)
- Language: German , English
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:28359
- Description: In this thesis names are used as social indicators to observe social change in Germany in the 20th century. The German Socio Economic Panel Study (SOEP) offers the rare opportunity to analyse representative survey data of first names. The empirical results of the analyses in this thesis offer a comprehensive picture on how the naming reality in Germany looks like and how naming changed in a period of about 100 years. Names can serve as social indicators. It is demonstrated how chosen names mirror social change in the German society: Name choices have become less traditional and more individual. Over time names from other world regions and cultures have found their way into the German culture. There are more different names in use today than 100 years ago and the names have become more evenly distributed over the population. Today children are less likely to share their names with many of their peers. These are signs of an increasingly individualised, transnationalised modern behaviour of the people in contemporary Germany. Almost all of these developments started earlier and tend to be more pronounced for girl’s names. The secularisation of the German society - however - did not cause substantial changes in naming over time. Christian names still are used to the greatest extent, but – possibly – not because they are regarded as being of Christian origin. The analyses of the social-structural influences on naming touch on some effects of education and status. The analyses of differences in naming between the two German states during the time of division adds some evidence to the real-life experience that naming in the communist East Germany was much more oriented towards the free western hemisphere – a kind of silent protest. Obviously naming was a possibility to distance oneself from an un-loved regime. On a methodological level referring to onomastics, the so-called „Large Number of are Events-Zone (LNRE)“, a feature of the distribution of names that has mostly been handled inappropriately up to now, is discussed with respect to its effects on name statistics when using samples. An alternative approach is proposed for the appropriate handling of this feature. , In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Vornamen als soziale Indikatoren benutzt, um gesellschaftlichen Wandel im 20. Jahrhundert zu beschreiben. Das Soziooekonomische Panel (SOEP) bietet die seltene Möglichkeit, Umfragedaten über die Vornamen der Deutschen repräsentativ auszuwerten. Die empirischen Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit bieten einen umfassenden Einblick in die deutsche Vornamensrealität und über die Entwicklungen der Namensvergabe in 100 Jahren. Namen sind soziale Indikatoren. Es wird aufgezeigt, wie die Namensgebung den sozialen Wandel in der deutschen Gesellschaft spiegelt: Namenwahlen weisen über die Zeit weniger traditionelle Bezüge auf, sie wurden individueller. Namen aus anderen Kulturen und Ländern fanden Eingang in die deutsche Kultur. Es werden mehr verschiedene Namen benutzt als vor 100 Jahren und die typischerweise hoch konzentrierten Verteilungen der Vornamen stellen sich über die Zeit etwas weniger konzentriert dar. Heute geborene Kinder teilen ihre Namen mit anteilig weniger anderen Kindern ihrer Kohorte. Dies sind Anzeichen für eine individualisierte, transnational orientierte moderne Gesellschaft. Fast alle dieser Entwicklungen sind für Mädchennamen früher und in deutlicherem Maße zu beobachten. Die Säkularisierung der deutschen Gesellschaft hat hingegen wenig Einfluss auf die Vornamenswahlen genommen. Nach wie vor werden vor allem christliche Namen vergeben, auch wenn der christliche Bezug unter Umständen nicht mehr der maßgebliche Grund für die Auswahl ist. Die Analyse der sozialstrukturellen Einflüsse auf Namenswahlen bestätigt einige Effekte von Bildung und Status der Mütter. Die Analyse der Unterschiede in der Namensgebung der beiden deutschen Staaten während der 40 jährigen Teilung zeigt, dass der lebensweltliche Eindruck einer zunehmenden West-Orientierung der Namenswahlen ostdeutscher Eltern nicht trügt. Offenbar waren westliche Namen eine Möglichkeit, sich vom ungeliebten Regime zu distanzieren. Auf einer statistisch-methodischen Ebene wird eine bislang in der empirischen Onomastik unrichtig gehandhabte Besonderheit von Vornamensverteilungen – die Large Number of Rare Events-Zone (LNRE) – diskutiert und Lösungsvorschläge für den statistisch korrekten Umgang mit dieser Besonderheit in Gruppenvergleichen auf der Basis von Stichproben vorgelegt.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Quality of work and work life: understanding the work ethic of medical professionals in selected hospitals in the Eastern Cape region of South Africa
- Authors: Kwizera, Alice Stella
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Hospitals -- Medical staff -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Work ethic -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Medical personnel -- Job satisfaction -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Protestant work ethic
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3323 ,
- Description: This thesis reports a study of work ethic values, beliefs and attitudes held by medical professionals in selected hospitals in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The study was in response to the public outcry about the declining work ethic and poor service delivery in South Africa’s healthcare sector. Scholarly interest in the work ethic and its role in economic development dates back to Max Weber’s classical work, which was the starting point for my study. The German economic sociologist published his seminal essay on The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism in 1904/1905. Since that time, Weber’s ideas on the Protestant work ethic continue to inform and influence studies of the contemporary work ethic, which is thought to have become secularised. My study was informed by data collected in 2009 through a questionnaire survey and personal interviews. A total of 174 doctors and nurses, working in four urban, periurban and rural hospitals near East London, completed a self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire replicated the Multi-Dimensional Work Ethic Profile (MWEP) developed by Miller, Woehr and Hudspeth in 2001/2002. The instrument examines seven critical dimensions of the work ethic, namely self-reliance, morality, (foregoing) leisure, hard work, centrality of work in life, not wasting time, and delay of gratification. In addition, I conducted personal interviews in the same four hospitals with 41 hospital managers, doctors, nurses, and patients to discuss their understanding of the work ethic and its practical application. The study found that both doctors’ and nurses’ overall work ethic scores on the MWEP scale were above average. Although there was no significant difference between the overall work ethic scores of the two professions, doctors scored significantly higher than nurses on the ‘hard work’ and ‘self reliance’ dimensions of the work ethic scale. In the qualitative study, the doctors’ work ethic was rated much more highly than the nurses’ by their superiors and patients; and the work ethic of nurses in the urban hospitals was rated much lower than that of their rural colleagues. In contradiction to the idea of the secularization of the contemporary work ethic, religiosity and religious beliefs were influential in the endorsement of work ethic principles. In line with the notion that ‘happy’ workers are more productive, job and life satisfaction were found to be strong correlates of the work ethic of medical professionals.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Kwizera, Alice Stella
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Hospitals -- Medical staff -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Work ethic -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Medical personnel -- Job satisfaction -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Protestant work ethic
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3323 ,
- Description: This thesis reports a study of work ethic values, beliefs and attitudes held by medical professionals in selected hospitals in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The study was in response to the public outcry about the declining work ethic and poor service delivery in South Africa’s healthcare sector. Scholarly interest in the work ethic and its role in economic development dates back to Max Weber’s classical work, which was the starting point for my study. The German economic sociologist published his seminal essay on The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism in 1904/1905. Since that time, Weber’s ideas on the Protestant work ethic continue to inform and influence studies of the contemporary work ethic, which is thought to have become secularised. My study was informed by data collected in 2009 through a questionnaire survey and personal interviews. A total of 174 doctors and nurses, working in four urban, periurban and rural hospitals near East London, completed a self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire replicated the Multi-Dimensional Work Ethic Profile (MWEP) developed by Miller, Woehr and Hudspeth in 2001/2002. The instrument examines seven critical dimensions of the work ethic, namely self-reliance, morality, (foregoing) leisure, hard work, centrality of work in life, not wasting time, and delay of gratification. In addition, I conducted personal interviews in the same four hospitals with 41 hospital managers, doctors, nurses, and patients to discuss their understanding of the work ethic and its practical application. The study found that both doctors’ and nurses’ overall work ethic scores on the MWEP scale were above average. Although there was no significant difference between the overall work ethic scores of the two professions, doctors scored significantly higher than nurses on the ‘hard work’ and ‘self reliance’ dimensions of the work ethic scale. In the qualitative study, the doctors’ work ethic was rated much more highly than the nurses’ by their superiors and patients; and the work ethic of nurses in the urban hospitals was rated much lower than that of their rural colleagues. In contradiction to the idea of the secularization of the contemporary work ethic, religiosity and religious beliefs were influential in the endorsement of work ethic principles. In line with the notion that ‘happy’ workers are more productive, job and life satisfaction were found to be strong correlates of the work ethic of medical professionals.
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- Date Issued: 2012
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