Shifting the priority from giving voice to listening: journalism new
- Garman, Anthea, Malila, Vanessa
- Authors: Garman, Anthea , Malila, Vanessa
- Date: 2015
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: vital:38355 ,
- Description: If, as the critics have argued, the South African media prioritise the voices of elite, middleclass South Africans, then the majority of South Africans are certainly invisible in the mainstream media. Kate Lacey argues that "listening is at the heart of what it means to be in the world, to be active, to be political" (2013: 163), and as such more than just providing a 'voice' for citizens, the media needs to be engaged in active listening to allow audiences to feel 'heard'. Servaes and Malikhao argue that people are 'voiceless' not because they have nothing to say, but because "nobody cares to listen to them" (2005: 91).
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Garman, Anthea , Malila, Vanessa
- Date: 2015
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: vital:38355 ,
- Description: If, as the critics have argued, the South African media prioritise the voices of elite, middleclass South Africans, then the majority of South Africans are certainly invisible in the mainstream media. Kate Lacey argues that "listening is at the heart of what it means to be in the world, to be active, to be political" (2013: 163), and as such more than just providing a 'voice' for citizens, the media needs to be engaged in active listening to allow audiences to feel 'heard'. Servaes and Malikhao argue that people are 'voiceless' not because they have nothing to say, but because "nobody cares to listen to them" (2005: 91).
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
Interrogating citizen journalism practices: a case study of Rhodes University’s Lindaba Ziyafika Project
- Nyathi, Sihle, Garman, Anthea
- Authors: Nyathi, Sihle , Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40240 ,
- Description: Several scholars have noted that citizen journalism in the West is essentially an online phenomenon, driven by the affordability of Internet technologies. In Africa, projects such as Ushahidi in Kenya have been enabled by platforms such as cell phones and social networks. Voices of Africa, based in southern Africa, publishes on the web only. Publishing on the Internet presumes a citizenry which is relatively well educated; has familiarity with, and access to, new media as a form of social communication; and is confident in their right to participate in newly developed public spheres – particularly those online.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
- Authors: Nyathi, Sihle , Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40240 ,
- Description: Several scholars have noted that citizen journalism in the West is essentially an online phenomenon, driven by the affordability of Internet technologies. In Africa, projects such as Ushahidi in Kenya have been enabled by platforms such as cell phones and social networks. Voices of Africa, based in southern Africa, publishes on the web only. Publishing on the Internet presumes a citizenry which is relatively well educated; has familiarity with, and access to, new media as a form of social communication; and is confident in their right to participate in newly developed public spheres – particularly those online.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
Listening to the ‘Born Frees’: politics and disillusionment in South Africa
- Malila, Vanessa, Garman, Anthea
- Authors: Malila, Vanessa , Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40237 ,
- Description: In 2014 South Africa celebrated 20 years of democracy, and for many of the ‘Born Frees’ – those who came of age politically after 1996 – this was their first opportunity to vote in national elections. With democracy came the promise for South Africa's marginalised majority of voice and agency, but also the implicit promise that their democratically elected government would listen to them. In addition, the South African media have long championed their role as a voice for the voiceless. This article presents work done with youngsters from South Africa's poorest province, the Eastern Cape, in an effort to listen to their experience of politics and to understand their use of the media – especially whether it enables them to speak out and be heard in the public sphere.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Malila, Vanessa , Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40237 ,
- Description: In 2014 South Africa celebrated 20 years of democracy, and for many of the ‘Born Frees’ – those who came of age politically after 1996 – this was their first opportunity to vote in national elections. With democracy came the promise for South Africa's marginalised majority of voice and agency, but also the implicit promise that their democratically elected government would listen to them. In addition, the South African media have long championed their role as a voice for the voiceless. This article presents work done with youngsters from South Africa's poorest province, the Eastern Cape, in an effort to listen to their experience of politics and to understand their use of the media – especially whether it enables them to speak out and be heard in the public sphere.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
Listening and the ambiguities of voice in South African journalism:
- Garman, Anthea, Malila, Vanessa
- Authors: Garman, Anthea , Malila, Vanessa
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40180 ,
- Description: Political theorists like Bickford (1996) and media theorists like Couldry (2006) have introduced the concept of listening as a complement to long-standing discussions about voice in democracies and in the media which serve the democratic project. This enhanced understanding of voice goes beyond just hearing into giving serious attention to, in particular, marginalised voices. This article reports on an investigation into the ways in which mainstream and community media in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, understand listening as an important part of their role as journalists. Interviews probed the attitudes of journalists and editors towards listening, and also interrogated their own understandings of their role in South Africa, particularly in relation to young people who are finding their political “voice”.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
- Authors: Garman, Anthea , Malila, Vanessa
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40180 ,
- Description: Political theorists like Bickford (1996) and media theorists like Couldry (2006) have introduced the concept of listening as a complement to long-standing discussions about voice in democracies and in the media which serve the democratic project. This enhanced understanding of voice goes beyond just hearing into giving serious attention to, in particular, marginalised voices. This article reports on an investigation into the ways in which mainstream and community media in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, understand listening as an important part of their role as journalists. Interviews probed the attitudes of journalists and editors towards listening, and also interrogated their own understandings of their role in South Africa, particularly in relation to young people who are finding their political “voice”.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
Confession and public life in post‐apartheid South Africa: A Foucauldian reading of Antjie Krog's country of my skull
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2006
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40337 , DOI: 10.1080/02564710608530406
- Description: Truth commissions around the world have given the technique of confession a new public currency and political power. Many works of literature thematising these commissions have also adopted the technique of confession for literary purposes. In this paper I bring Foucault's understanding of the technique of confession, and his discourse on the role of public intellectuals in modernity, to bear upon an examination of Antjie Krog's literary reflection of the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), entitled Country of My Skull (1998). I look at how this text, and Krog's subsequent public intellectual status as a witness of the TRC, perpetuate the technique of confession without problematising it in ways that Foucault's work would suggest is necessary.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2006
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40337 , DOI: 10.1080/02564710608530406
- Description: Truth commissions around the world have given the technique of confession a new public currency and political power. Many works of literature thematising these commissions have also adopted the technique of confession for literary purposes. In this paper I bring Foucault's understanding of the technique of confession, and his discourse on the role of public intellectuals in modernity, to bear upon an examination of Antjie Krog's literary reflection of the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), entitled Country of My Skull (1998). I look at how this text, and Krog's subsequent public intellectual status as a witness of the TRC, perpetuate the technique of confession without problematising it in ways that Foucault's work would suggest is necessary.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
Intermediating Africa:
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2007
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40230 ,
- Description: In July, Vanity Fair, based in New York, did a unique special edition. Editor Graydon Carter explained how it came about: "Earlier this year, Mark Dowley, a marketing polymath at the Endeavour talent agency who has been involved with Bono's (Red) campaign from the start, called to inquire if I would be interested in having him guest edit an issue of the magazine. Interested? I'll say!".
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2007
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2007
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40230 ,
- Description: In July, Vanity Fair, based in New York, did a unique special edition. Editor Graydon Carter explained how it came about: "Earlier this year, Mark Dowley, a marketing polymath at the Endeavour talent agency who has been involved with Bono's (Red) campaign from the start, called to inquire if I would be interested in having him guest edit an issue of the magazine. Interested? I'll say!".
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2007
Ordinary people and the media: the demotic turn
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2014
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40352 , DOI: 10.1080/02560054.2014.886661
- Description: In this latest book, Graeme Turner, who we have come to know as a thoughtful, perceptive and questioning cultural studies theorist, investigates what the crucial underlying shift is in the relation between the media and the people. This shift is evidenced by the increasing visibility of ordinary people (and their experiences and opinions) in what we consume. At the outset he sums up what he sees as a structural move from media as ‘mediator or perhaps a broadcaster of cultural identities’ to ‘translator or even an author of identities’ (p. 3).
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2014
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2014
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40352 , DOI: 10.1080/02560054.2014.886661
- Description: In this latest book, Graeme Turner, who we have come to know as a thoughtful, perceptive and questioning cultural studies theorist, investigates what the crucial underlying shift is in the relation between the media and the people. This shift is evidenced by the increasing visibility of ordinary people (and their experiences and opinions) in what we consume. At the outset he sums up what he sees as a structural move from media as ‘mediator or perhaps a broadcaster of cultural identities’ to ‘translator or even an author of identities’ (p. 3).
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2014
Book Review: Herman Wasserman, Media, Geopolitics and Power
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2019
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40187 ,
- Description: The strength of this book is not only that Herman Wasserman gives us a comprehensive overview of the major changes in South Africa’s journalism industries since the transition to democracy, but that he does it through the theoretical lens of Global South thinking. In order to cover the terrain thoroughly Wasserman draws on years of careful observation of – and his previous writings on – the shifts in the institutions and practices of journalism.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2019
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40187 ,
- Description: The strength of this book is not only that Herman Wasserman gives us a comprehensive overview of the major changes in South Africa’s journalism industries since the transition to democracy, but that he does it through the theoretical lens of Global South thinking. In order to cover the terrain thoroughly Wasserman draws on years of careful observation of – and his previous writings on – the shifts in the institutions and practices of journalism.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
Being South African and belonging: the status and practice of mediated citizenship in a new democracy
- Wasserman, Herman, Garman, Anthea
- Authors: Wasserman, Herman , Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2013
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:40342 , ISBN 978-1-84888-186-0
- Description: Democratic South Africa, with its highly inclusive constitution and embrace of all races, creeds and colours, could be understood as having an ideal form of citizenship to be emulated by other nations. At the heart of the 1996 constitution is the eradication of apartheid separation and the provision that all South Africans have shared humanity (‘ubuntu’). The Truth and Reconciliation Commission entrenched three founding critical ideas in public life: the right to talk, the recognition of shared humanity and the impulse to speak out about the horrors of the past. As a result the public sphere is filled with a great outpouring of personal stories and experiences in both the mainstream and popular forms of media. But South Africans continue to be preoccupied with the status of their citizenship; who a South African is and who belongs is uppermost in many public conversations.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2013
- Authors: Wasserman, Herman , Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2013
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:40342 , ISBN 978-1-84888-186-0
- Description: Democratic South Africa, with its highly inclusive constitution and embrace of all races, creeds and colours, could be understood as having an ideal form of citizenship to be emulated by other nations. At the heart of the 1996 constitution is the eradication of apartheid separation and the provision that all South Africans have shared humanity (‘ubuntu’). The Truth and Reconciliation Commission entrenched three founding critical ideas in public life: the right to talk, the recognition of shared humanity and the impulse to speak out about the horrors of the past. As a result the public sphere is filled with a great outpouring of personal stories and experiences in both the mainstream and popular forms of media. But South Africans continue to be preoccupied with the status of their citizenship; who a South African is and who belongs is uppermost in many public conversations.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2013
When an Editor Decides to Listen to a City: Heather Robertson, The Herald, and Nelson Mandela Bay
- Garman, Anthea, Malila, Vanessa
- Authors: Garman, Anthea , Malila, Vanessa
- Date: 2018
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:40185 , ISBN 9781351664363
- Description: This book provides case studies, many incorporating in-depth interviews and surveys of journalists. It examines issues such as journalists’ attitudes toward their contributions to society; the impact of industry and technological changes; culture and minority issues in the newsroom and profession; the impact of censorship and self-censorship; and coping with psychological pressures and physical safety dilemmas. Its chapters also highlight journalists’ challenges in national and multinational contexts. International scholars, conducting research within a wide range of authoritarian, semi-democratic, and democratic systems, contributed to this examination of journalistic practices in the Arab World, Australia, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, China, Denmark, India, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, Samoa, South Africa, Taiwan, Turkey, and the United States.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
- Authors: Garman, Anthea , Malila, Vanessa
- Date: 2018
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:40185 , ISBN 9781351664363
- Description: This book provides case studies, many incorporating in-depth interviews and surveys of journalists. It examines issues such as journalists’ attitudes toward their contributions to society; the impact of industry and technological changes; culture and minority issues in the newsroom and profession; the impact of censorship and self-censorship; and coping with psychological pressures and physical safety dilemmas. Its chapters also highlight journalists’ challenges in national and multinational contexts. International scholars, conducting research within a wide range of authoritarian, semi-democratic, and democratic systems, contributed to this examination of journalistic practices in the Arab World, Australia, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, China, Denmark, India, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, Samoa, South Africa, Taiwan, Turkey, and the United States.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
Teaching journalism to produce “interpretive communities" rather than just “professionals”:
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2010
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40349 , DOI: 10.1080/02560054.2005.9653330
- Description: Debates about whether journalism is a “trade” and can only be learnt “on the job”, or whether journalism should even be taught at universities, are no longer fruitful or even interesting for teachers in tertiary environments. The far more important discussion around the teaching of journalism should be on the approach which focuses too exclusively on its nature as a “profession” and so ignores the critical function of journalists in the world as “interpretive communities”.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2010
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2010
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40349 , DOI: 10.1080/02560054.2005.9653330
- Description: Debates about whether journalism is a “trade” and can only be learnt “on the job”, or whether journalism should even be taught at universities, are no longer fruitful or even interesting for teachers in tertiary environments. The far more important discussion around the teaching of journalism should be on the approach which focuses too exclusively on its nature as a “profession” and so ignores the critical function of journalists in the world as “interpretive communities”.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2010
The many faces of racism:
- Garman, Anthea, Baumann, Melissa
- Authors: Garman, Anthea , Baumann, Melissa
- Date: 2001
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40223 ,
- Description: Last year South African journalists reluctantly agreed to examine themselves under the public spotlight when the Human Rights Commission decided to hold hearings into racism in the media.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2001
- Authors: Garman, Anthea , Baumann, Melissa
- Date: 2001
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40223 ,
- Description: Last year South African journalists reluctantly agreed to examine themselves under the public spotlight when the Human Rights Commission decided to hold hearings into racism in the media.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2001
When the students are revolting: the (im) possibilities of listening in academic contexts in South Africa
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2018
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:40182 , ISBN 978-3-319-93958-2 ,
- Description: Student activists in South Africa have put the decolonisation of higher education firmly on the agenda, demanding that researchers and teachers pay attention to something in particular that is very hard to hear and very possibly unhearable. These young, black South Africans are the intellectual force upon whom we are depending for the altered future of our country. We cannot change the circumstances which continue to frustrate and anger them without paying particular attention to them. Taking on the knowledge bases and knowledge generation in the Global South, they are demanding that we rethink the logos-based project of universities in South Africa. Their struggle is critically about how knowledge is implicated as a shaping force in lives which are still defined by colonial governmentality.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2018
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:40182 , ISBN 978-3-319-93958-2 ,
- Description: Student activists in South Africa have put the decolonisation of higher education firmly on the agenda, demanding that researchers and teachers pay attention to something in particular that is very hard to hear and very possibly unhearable. These young, black South Africans are the intellectual force upon whom we are depending for the altered future of our country. We cannot change the circumstances which continue to frustrate and anger them without paying particular attention to them. Taking on the knowledge bases and knowledge generation in the Global South, they are demanding that we rethink the logos-based project of universities in South Africa. Their struggle is critically about how knowledge is implicated as a shaping force in lives which are still defined by colonial governmentality.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
Troubling White Englishness in South Africa:
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2012
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:40340 , ISBN 978-1-84888-105-1
- Description: To be white in Africa is to be part of a minority - but a very powerful minority. To be white in South Africa is to be implicated and complicit in historical dispossession and disenfranchisement. However, in post-apartheid South Africa, whiteness is no longer the invisible condition of the default human being, a condition to which all other humans must aspire. In fact, to be white is suddenly to be very visibly Other to the black African majority who are increasingly shaping the social landscape in ways that undermine the trajectories of both the colonial project and the apartheid project in this country.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2012
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:40340 , ISBN 978-1-84888-105-1
- Description: To be white in Africa is to be part of a minority - but a very powerful minority. To be white in South Africa is to be implicated and complicit in historical dispossession and disenfranchisement. However, in post-apartheid South Africa, whiteness is no longer the invisible condition of the default human being, a condition to which all other humans must aspire. In fact, to be white is suddenly to be very visibly Other to the black African majority who are increasingly shaping the social landscape in ways that undermine the trajectories of both the colonial project and the apartheid project in this country.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
Capital E for events: ways that work: useful solutions
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2003
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: vital:38359 ,
- Description: You would think being located in a small town in one of the most impoverished provinces in South Africa would be a drawback for making media. But a small town is a reachable, convenient laboratory environment for student journalists - and never more so than when the National Arts Festival comes to Grahamstown during the winter vacation.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2003
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2003
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: vital:38359 ,
- Description: You would think being located in a small town in one of the most impoverished provinces in South Africa would be a drawback for making media. But a small town is a reachable, convenient laboratory environment for student journalists - and never more so than when the National Arts Festival comes to Grahamstown during the winter vacation.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2003
Africa: Media
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2003
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40225 ,
- Description: Those are our twin concerns as we move into this new moment in human history which is being called the "Information Society" or the "Information Age".
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2003
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2003
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40225 ,
- Description: Those are our twin concerns as we move into this new moment in human history which is being called the "Information Society" or the "Information Age".
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2003
Speaking to power through newspaper editorials in Zimbabwe:
- Nyaungwa, Mathew, Garman, Anthea
- Authors: Nyaungwa, Mathew , Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2019
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40186 ,
- Description: This article seeks to provide an insight into the complex role that editorials – a newspaper’s institutional voice – play in highly polarised political contexts. It focuses on how the editorials of two Zimbabwean daily newspapers – The Herald, a progovernment newspaper, and NewsDay, a perceived pro-opposition newspaper – spoke to those in power at a time of transition from a government of national unity to majoritarian rule in 2013. The study also sets out to understand how both the newspapers’ editorials over this time responded to a contested political domain. Qualitative content analysis, rhetorical analysis and in-depth interviews were used to consider the tactics employed in the editorials to question and challenge the decisions and behaviours of those in positions of authority. The research findings contradict the common view in Zimbabwe that the privately–owned media blindly support the opposition while the state-owned media do the same with ZANU-PF. The findings show that in the period in question both newspapers exploited the editorial as a space to urge politicians to think of the national common good.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Nyaungwa, Mathew , Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2019
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40186 ,
- Description: This article seeks to provide an insight into the complex role that editorials – a newspaper’s institutional voice – play in highly polarised political contexts. It focuses on how the editorials of two Zimbabwean daily newspapers – The Herald, a progovernment newspaper, and NewsDay, a perceived pro-opposition newspaper – spoke to those in power at a time of transition from a government of national unity to majoritarian rule in 2013. The study also sets out to understand how both the newspapers’ editorials over this time responded to a contested political domain. Qualitative content analysis, rhetorical analysis and in-depth interviews were used to consider the tactics employed in the editorials to question and challenge the decisions and behaviours of those in positions of authority. The research findings contradict the common view in Zimbabwe that the privately–owned media blindly support the opposition while the state-owned media do the same with ZANU-PF. The findings show that in the period in question both newspapers exploited the editorial as a space to urge politicians to think of the national common good.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
Rewrite, revise, refine, reflect, rethink: the long and short of teaching journalism at Rhodes
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2012
- Language: English
- Type: Text
- Identifier: vital:585 , ,
- Description: Vice-Chancellor’s 2011 Senior Distinguished Teaching Award lecture, 10 October 2012
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2012
- Language: English
- Type: Text
- Identifier: vital:585 , ,
- Description: Vice-Chancellor’s 2011 Senior Distinguished Teaching Award lecture, 10 October 2012
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
Reviewing review:
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2004
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40227 ,
- Description: In this 10th year of freedom of media in South Africa, the Rhodes Journalism Review has entered its 14th year as chronicler of media in South Africa. RJR was started in the year that actually unrolled the changes we now live with - 1990 - and attempted to document the complex journey out of apartheid. In the last 10 years Review has been charting the even more complex journey into freedom.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2004
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2004
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40227 ,
- Description: In this 10th year of freedom of media in South Africa, the Rhodes Journalism Review has entered its 14th year as chronicler of media in South Africa. RJR was started in the year that actually unrolled the changes we now live with - 1990 - and attempted to document the complex journey out of apartheid. In the last 10 years Review has been charting the even more complex journey into freedom.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2004
The future is already here...:
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2015
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40235 ,
- Description: Two of the School of Journalism and Media Studies' most important projects get into high gear in July and August: the Highway Africa conference and the Rhodes Journalism Review. And for a great many years now the two have had an important association as well as being important vehicles for our engagement with the continent of Africa and its journalists, editors, media owners, policy-makers, researchers, theorists, educators and innovators.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2015
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40235 ,
- Description: Two of the School of Journalism and Media Studies' most important projects get into high gear in July and August: the Highway Africa conference and the Rhodes Journalism Review. And for a great many years now the two have had an important association as well as being important vehicles for our engagement with the continent of Africa and its journalists, editors, media owners, policy-makers, researchers, theorists, educators and innovators.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015