Hierdie keer gaan nie maklik wees nie
- Authors: Visser, Deon Claudius
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) -- South Africa , Diaries -- Authorship , Short stories, Afrikaans -- 21st century , Afrikaans fiction -- 21st century , Afrikaans fiction -- History and criticism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: thesis , text , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/178317 , vital:42929
- Description: My tesis bestaan uit twee versamelings van prosa wat verwant en in noue verband met mekaar tree. Die prosa is fragmentaries en kort maar verbind met ‟n oorkoepelende storie wat in beide Afrikaans en Engels voorgelê word. Die Afrikaanse deel van my tesis ondersoek die verlede, en die Engels die toekoms. My algemene bron van inspirasie vir die struktuur en voorlegging van die tesis word verkry vanaf die klassieke raamverteller konvensie soos gebruik in One Thousand and One Nights, hierdie konvensie maak gebruik van raamfragmente wat binne ‟n groter geheel gevind kan word. Dit is juis hierdie komplekse struktuur wat dit moontlik maak om tyd, hede en verlede asook die toekoms, te kan ondersoek en uit te beeld. Verder maak dit dit ook moontlik om gekoppelde herinneringe, gedagteneigings, en fantasieverhale te kan gebruik as die dryfkrag van die oorkoepelende storie. Met betrekking tot kontemporêre fiksie vind ek die meeste aanklank en invloed by Sandra Cisneros se boek House on Mango Street. Ek het by hierdie verhaal geleer hoe om vignette en kortverhale onafhanklik maar met ‟n motief-verbinding aan mekaar te koppel. Tematies gesproke handel my tesis oor herinneringe, nostalgie, familieverhoudings, die dood asook afsluiting en aanbeweging. In terme van hierdie temas vind ek dat Nathan Trantraal se Chokers en Survivors, en Noudat Slapende Honde deur Ronelda S. Kamfer my die meeste insae gee oor die verhouding tussen Afrikaans en Engels in die literatuur. Verder is Loftus Marais se taalgebruik en die vermenging van taal in Staan in die Algemeen Nader aan Vensters ook insiggewend. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-04
- Authors: Visser, Deon Claudius
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) -- South Africa , Diaries -- Authorship , Short stories, Afrikaans -- 21st century , Afrikaans fiction -- 21st century , Afrikaans fiction -- History and criticism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: thesis , text , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/178317 , vital:42929
- Description: My tesis bestaan uit twee versamelings van prosa wat verwant en in noue verband met mekaar tree. Die prosa is fragmentaries en kort maar verbind met ‟n oorkoepelende storie wat in beide Afrikaans en Engels voorgelê word. Die Afrikaanse deel van my tesis ondersoek die verlede, en die Engels die toekoms. My algemene bron van inspirasie vir die struktuur en voorlegging van die tesis word verkry vanaf die klassieke raamverteller konvensie soos gebruik in One Thousand and One Nights, hierdie konvensie maak gebruik van raamfragmente wat binne ‟n groter geheel gevind kan word. Dit is juis hierdie komplekse struktuur wat dit moontlik maak om tyd, hede en verlede asook die toekoms, te kan ondersoek en uit te beeld. Verder maak dit dit ook moontlik om gekoppelde herinneringe, gedagteneigings, en fantasieverhale te kan gebruik as die dryfkrag van die oorkoepelende storie. Met betrekking tot kontemporêre fiksie vind ek die meeste aanklank en invloed by Sandra Cisneros se boek House on Mango Street. Ek het by hierdie verhaal geleer hoe om vignette en kortverhale onafhanklik maar met ‟n motief-verbinding aan mekaar te koppel. Tematies gesproke handel my tesis oor herinneringe, nostalgie, familieverhoudings, die dood asook afsluiting en aanbeweging. In terme van hierdie temas vind ek dat Nathan Trantraal se Chokers en Survivors, en Noudat Slapende Honde deur Ronelda S. Kamfer my die meeste insae gee oor die verhouding tussen Afrikaans en Engels in die literatuur. Verder is Loftus Marais se taalgebruik en die vermenging van taal in Staan in die Algemeen Nader aan Vensters ook insiggewend. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-04
Identity and difference: a postcolonial analysis of Cape Malay as depicted in the literary texts from selected South African writers
- Authors: Chaudhari, Shamiega
- Date: 2009-11
- Subjects: Postcolonialism , Orientalism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/${Handle} , vital:64143
- Description: The identity of the Cape Malay is usually reduced to the submissive, the comic and the exotic dishes such as bobotie, curry and samosas. Terms like "slams","slaamaaier" and "halfnaatjie" (Roos 2003:3) were just a few of the derogatory names that was awarded to the Cape Malay. Many of these terms and identity constructions are in the South African literature immortalized. The true history, the struggle, tears and sacrifices of this community slipped by unnoticed and in silence. And today, after all this suffering, they become identity is called into question and this identity is referred to as a controversial identity. In the Western Cape this identity mainly centered around being Malay, being Coloured, Being Cape Muslim or Black Muslim. It seems as if the Cape Malay is in an intermediate identity (defined in English as "inbetweenness") are trapped, defined by their "Muslimness","Cape-ness", "Malay-ness" and "Coloured-ness". This dissertation examines the controversy of the Cape Malay identity and focus specifically on identity construction and Otherness. It emphasizes certain characteristics that people divided due to certain character traits that are different from the norm and therefore cause that they are considered the Other. The study is undertaken with the aim of establishing the authenticity of the Cape Malay identity state and how it is depicted in the works of selected South African writers. It intends to look specifically at the construction of identity through Otherness during the colonial period in Southern Africa as well as how these identities were implemented, rejected or accepted is. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2009
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2009-11
- Authors: Chaudhari, Shamiega
- Date: 2009-11
- Subjects: Postcolonialism , Orientalism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/${Handle} , vital:64143
- Description: The identity of the Cape Malay is usually reduced to the submissive, the comic and the exotic dishes such as bobotie, curry and samosas. Terms like "slams","slaamaaier" and "halfnaatjie" (Roos 2003:3) were just a few of the derogatory names that was awarded to the Cape Malay. Many of these terms and identity constructions are in the South African literature immortalized. The true history, the struggle, tears and sacrifices of this community slipped by unnoticed and in silence. And today, after all this suffering, they become identity is called into question and this identity is referred to as a controversial identity. In the Western Cape this identity mainly centered around being Malay, being Coloured, Being Cape Muslim or Black Muslim. It seems as if the Cape Malay is in an intermediate identity (defined in English as "inbetweenness") are trapped, defined by their "Muslimness","Cape-ness", "Malay-ness" and "Coloured-ness". This dissertation examines the controversy of the Cape Malay identity and focus specifically on identity construction and Otherness. It emphasizes certain characteristics that people divided due to certain character traits that are different from the norm and therefore cause that they are considered the Other. The study is undertaken with the aim of establishing the authenticity of the Cape Malay identity state and how it is depicted in the works of selected South African writers. It intends to look specifically at the construction of identity through Otherness during the colonial period in Southern Africa as well as how these identities were implemented, rejected or accepted is. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2009
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- Date Issued: 2009-11
Main thesis title: Onderwysers se belewing van multikulturele onderwys
- Authors: Strydom, Louise
- Date: 1999-04
- Subjects: Port Elizabeth (South Africa) , Eastern Cape (South Africa) , South Africa
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/60003 , vital:62732
- Description: The South African Schools’ Act of 1996 terminated segregated education in South Africa. Multi-cultural education has become a reality in the new democratic South Africa. As a result of this major shift in policy, the researcher probed for an answer to the following question: “How does the teacher, especially the teacher already in service, experience this new situation regarding multi-cultural education?” To find an answer to this question, a literature study and empirical research, making use of a representative sample of respondents in the Southern Cape, were undertaken. The researcher has personally experienced the challenges of having to adapt from a mono-cultural teaching environment to a multi-cultural teaching environment at school level, hence a further interest in this research problem. Relevant terminology was highlighted and a brief historical synopsis of the course that multi-cultural education took in Western societies such as the USA, Canada, Australia and Britain was studied. These sources were utilised to draw a comparison with the South African situation. A concise synopsis of the history of multi-cultural education in South Africa was also undertaken to highlight the complexity of the educational situation presently being experienced in South Africa. The empirical research, with a target group representing teachers in the Southern Cape, was undertaken by means of a self-compiled questionnaire to make an analysis of teachers’ attitudes, expectations and perceptions of multi-cultural education as experienced in the classroom. The information obtained from the respondents indicated a generally positive attitude towards multi-cultural education amongst teachers. A great need for in-service training also became evident. xvi The researcher has thus made recommendations regarding in-service training that she thinks is of utmost importance. The practical problems that were highlighted during the research, make a vital contribution towards the successful implementation of multi-cultural education in South Africa. , Thesis (DEd) -- Faculty of Education, 1999
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- Date Issued: 1999-04
- Authors: Strydom, Louise
- Date: 1999-04
- Subjects: Port Elizabeth (South Africa) , Eastern Cape (South Africa) , South Africa
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/60003 , vital:62732
- Description: The South African Schools’ Act of 1996 terminated segregated education in South Africa. Multi-cultural education has become a reality in the new democratic South Africa. As a result of this major shift in policy, the researcher probed for an answer to the following question: “How does the teacher, especially the teacher already in service, experience this new situation regarding multi-cultural education?” To find an answer to this question, a literature study and empirical research, making use of a representative sample of respondents in the Southern Cape, were undertaken. The researcher has personally experienced the challenges of having to adapt from a mono-cultural teaching environment to a multi-cultural teaching environment at school level, hence a further interest in this research problem. Relevant terminology was highlighted and a brief historical synopsis of the course that multi-cultural education took in Western societies such as the USA, Canada, Australia and Britain was studied. These sources were utilised to draw a comparison with the South African situation. A concise synopsis of the history of multi-cultural education in South Africa was also undertaken to highlight the complexity of the educational situation presently being experienced in South Africa. The empirical research, with a target group representing teachers in the Southern Cape, was undertaken by means of a self-compiled questionnaire to make an analysis of teachers’ attitudes, expectations and perceptions of multi-cultural education as experienced in the classroom. The information obtained from the respondents indicated a generally positive attitude towards multi-cultural education amongst teachers. A great need for in-service training also became evident. xvi The researcher has thus made recommendations regarding in-service training that she thinks is of utmost importance. The practical problems that were highlighted during the research, make a vital contribution towards the successful implementation of multi-cultural education in South Africa. , Thesis (DEd) -- Faculty of Education, 1999
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- Date Issued: 1999-04
Lady Die
- Authors: Jephtas, Veronique Bianca
- Date: 2023-10-13
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Kaaps , Books Reviews , South African fiction 21st century , Diaries Authorship
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/424928 , vital:72194
- Description: My tesis is geskryf in Kaaps en incorporate veskillende streeksvariante vannie taal. Die gedigte is hoofsaaklik innie dialek en ytie perspektief vannie spreker, Pamela geskryf. Tematies issie fokus die seksualiteit ennie inner workings vanne jong, bruinvrou wat haa feminine power probee assert in ’n patriarchal en invasive wêreld. Die bundel illustreer hierdie constant shifting power dynamics dee Pamela en haa vier boyfriends se vehoudings te examine. Wat vorm betref gebryk ek aspekte vannie zuihitsu, spesifiek die free movement tussen genre en styles: veskillende dele vannie bundel is geskryf as prose, poetry en kort, losstaande gedagtes. Ek kies die skryfstyl wattie narrative van oomblik tot oomblik die beste onnersteun, en beperk nie myself tot een consistent vorm nie ––oek kenmerkend van zuihitsu. Literêre invloede virrie teks is The Pillow Book dee Makura no Sōshi. Meer kontemporêre invloede is Kathy Acker, Marie Calloway, Nathan Trantraal en Ronelda S. Kamfer. Acker virrie manier wat sy identiteit illustreer, amper soese collage constructed yt seemingly unrelated stukkies teks en experiences; Calloway vi haa detached en unromanticised skrywe oo sex en vehoudings; Trantraal en Kamfer virrie manier waarop hulle universal stories vetel in ’n taal wat tightly bound is aan ’n baie spesifieke geography. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-10-13
- Authors: Jephtas, Veronique Bianca
- Date: 2023-10-13
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Kaaps , Books Reviews , South African fiction 21st century , Diaries Authorship
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/424928 , vital:72194
- Description: My tesis is geskryf in Kaaps en incorporate veskillende streeksvariante vannie taal. Die gedigte is hoofsaaklik innie dialek en ytie perspektief vannie spreker, Pamela geskryf. Tematies issie fokus die seksualiteit ennie inner workings vanne jong, bruinvrou wat haa feminine power probee assert in ’n patriarchal en invasive wêreld. Die bundel illustreer hierdie constant shifting power dynamics dee Pamela en haa vier boyfriends se vehoudings te examine. Wat vorm betref gebryk ek aspekte vannie zuihitsu, spesifiek die free movement tussen genre en styles: veskillende dele vannie bundel is geskryf as prose, poetry en kort, losstaande gedagtes. Ek kies die skryfstyl wattie narrative van oomblik tot oomblik die beste onnersteun, en beperk nie myself tot een consistent vorm nie ––oek kenmerkend van zuihitsu. Literêre invloede virrie teks is The Pillow Book dee Makura no Sōshi. Meer kontemporêre invloede is Kathy Acker, Marie Calloway, Nathan Trantraal en Ronelda S. Kamfer. Acker virrie manier wat sy identiteit illustreer, amper soese collage constructed yt seemingly unrelated stukkies teks en experiences; Calloway vi haa detached en unromanticised skrywe oo sex en vehoudings; Trantraal en Kamfer virrie manier waarop hulle universal stories vetel in ’n taal wat tightly bound is aan ’n baie spesifieke geography. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2023
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- Date Issued: 2023-10-13
Wille Dagga
- Authors: Kruger, Liesel Hilge
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Kaaps , Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Diaries -- Authorship , South African poetry 21st century , Graphic novels 21st century , Fiction History and criticism , Kaaps poetry 21st century
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/192230 , vital:45208
- Description: My thesis isse graphic novel/fumetto (photos)/ poetry hybrid. It speel af innie Kylemore, ’n klein ghetto net byte Stellenbosch. Vi ways wat mens genre en visual borders kan veskyf kyk ek ve’al na ‘Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth’ geskryf dee Grant Morrison en illustrated dee Dave McKean. Met ‘Arkham Asylum’ combine McKean painting, photos, collage en illustration. ‘Bitterkomix’ dee Anton Kannemeyer en Conrad Botes is nogge inspirasie in terme vanne meer fluid approach tot style waa die storie die art-style dictate. Ek kyk oek ve’al na ‘Fun Home’ dee Alison Bechdel, vi haa incredible ability om inne tragic, maa somehow humorous way, oo sexual repression te skryf. Oek kyk ek na ‘Dykes to Watch Out For’, dee Bechdel en ‘Wimmen’s Comix’ (Michele Brand, Diane Noomin, et al.) vi die unapologetic manier waa’op díe vrouens oorie vroue liggaam geskryf et. Die struktuur is largely influenced dee Joe Sacco se ‘Palestine’, waa’in hy die broader storie van Palestine vetel innie form van episodic short stories. Vi die sensitiewe handling van LGBTQ themes kyk ek na ‘Death: The Time of Your Life’ dee Neil Gaiman en ‘Blue is the Warmest Colour’ dee Julie Maroh. Ek draw ook oppie wêk van Nathan Trantraal en Gert Vlok Nel se poetry, virrie way hoe hulle oo arme mense skryf, Trantraal oo Bishop Lavis, Vlok Nel oo Beaufort Wes. En oek vi hoe beide skryf innie stem wat hulle praat. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
- Authors: Kruger, Liesel Hilge
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Kaaps , Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Diaries -- Authorship , South African poetry 21st century , Graphic novels 21st century , Fiction History and criticism , Kaaps poetry 21st century
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/192230 , vital:45208
- Description: My thesis isse graphic novel/fumetto (photos)/ poetry hybrid. It speel af innie Kylemore, ’n klein ghetto net byte Stellenbosch. Vi ways wat mens genre en visual borders kan veskyf kyk ek ve’al na ‘Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth’ geskryf dee Grant Morrison en illustrated dee Dave McKean. Met ‘Arkham Asylum’ combine McKean painting, photos, collage en illustration. ‘Bitterkomix’ dee Anton Kannemeyer en Conrad Botes is nogge inspirasie in terme vanne meer fluid approach tot style waa die storie die art-style dictate. Ek kyk oek ve’al na ‘Fun Home’ dee Alison Bechdel, vi haa incredible ability om inne tragic, maa somehow humorous way, oo sexual repression te skryf. Oek kyk ek na ‘Dykes to Watch Out For’, dee Bechdel en ‘Wimmen’s Comix’ (Michele Brand, Diane Noomin, et al.) vi die unapologetic manier waa’op díe vrouens oorie vroue liggaam geskryf et. Die struktuur is largely influenced dee Joe Sacco se ‘Palestine’, waa’in hy die broader storie van Palestine vetel innie form van episodic short stories. Vi die sensitiewe handling van LGBTQ themes kyk ek na ‘Death: The Time of Your Life’ dee Neil Gaiman en ‘Blue is the Warmest Colour’ dee Julie Maroh. Ek draw ook oppie wêk van Nathan Trantraal en Gert Vlok Nel se poetry, virrie way hoe hulle oo arme mense skryf, Trantraal oo Bishop Lavis, Vlok Nel oo Beaufort Wes. En oek vi hoe beide skryf innie stem wat hulle praat. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
- Authors: Arendse, Ashwin Albert
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Kaaps , Creative writing (Higher education) -- South Africa , Diaries -- Authorship , Afrikaans poetry -- 21st century , African literature -- History and criticism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: thesis , text , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/178259 , vital:42925
- Description: My thesis, is geskryf in Swartlandse Kaaps, ’n streeksvariant van Kaaps. Die poems is free verses wat afspeel tien ie backdrop van Malmesbury en Stellenbosch se “Coloured areas” mette analysis van dialect en ideolect wat eie is annie mense wat ampe altyd feature innie stories wat ek vertel. Die thesis explore die liefde asse konsep. Dit kyk na hoe die desperate need vi absent liefde ’n toxic relationship feed tussen ’n jong couple ennie destructive impact van liefde oppe pesoon wie nooit geleer was hoe om lief te wies vi annes ie. Dan kyk ek oek na hoe die previous generations, dit van my ma en pa liefde reject et asse unaffordable excess inne community wat brutal en harsh is. Antonio Gramsci se konsep vannie organic intellectual, dien asse philosophical underpinning virrie thesis d.w.s die hoofkarakter dien asse orator virrie intellectual en cultural insights wattie everyman in sy community nie self kan express ie. Die organic intellectual express díe thoughts innie cultural taal van sy social class. Die thesis explore stories soes it vetel wôd dee mense soes my oupa en mense wattie altyd aware is dat hulle stories in hulle in hettie. In dai way val it tot some degree binne die terrain van oral traditions. Die thesis wil dip into die collective conscious vanne social group wat die worst aspects van liewe in Syd-Afrika experience et. Ek voel free verse is ie ideal form van expression vi my in regards tot die skryf van die thesis, omdat ek daamee die line successfully kan blur tussen ie ‘language of the people’ en my eie individual leaning toward poetic language en forms. In terms van style draw ek op vorige digbundels in Kaaps, most notably op Nathan Trantraal se baie controlled, free verse digbundel, ‘Alles het niet kom wôd,’en Ronelda S. Kamfer se technique van ‘oorvertel’, in haa digbundel ‘grond/Santekraam’. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-04
- Authors: Arendse, Ashwin Albert
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Kaaps , Creative writing (Higher education) -- South Africa , Diaries -- Authorship , Afrikaans poetry -- 21st century , African literature -- History and criticism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: thesis , text , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/178259 , vital:42925
- Description: My thesis, is geskryf in Swartlandse Kaaps, ’n streeksvariant van Kaaps. Die poems is free verses wat afspeel tien ie backdrop van Malmesbury en Stellenbosch se “Coloured areas” mette analysis van dialect en ideolect wat eie is annie mense wat ampe altyd feature innie stories wat ek vertel. Die thesis explore die liefde asse konsep. Dit kyk na hoe die desperate need vi absent liefde ’n toxic relationship feed tussen ’n jong couple ennie destructive impact van liefde oppe pesoon wie nooit geleer was hoe om lief te wies vi annes ie. Dan kyk ek oek na hoe die previous generations, dit van my ma en pa liefde reject et asse unaffordable excess inne community wat brutal en harsh is. Antonio Gramsci se konsep vannie organic intellectual, dien asse philosophical underpinning virrie thesis d.w.s die hoofkarakter dien asse orator virrie intellectual en cultural insights wattie everyman in sy community nie self kan express ie. Die organic intellectual express díe thoughts innie cultural taal van sy social class. Die thesis explore stories soes it vetel wôd dee mense soes my oupa en mense wattie altyd aware is dat hulle stories in hulle in hettie. In dai way val it tot some degree binne die terrain van oral traditions. Die thesis wil dip into die collective conscious vanne social group wat die worst aspects van liewe in Syd-Afrika experience et. Ek voel free verse is ie ideal form van expression vi my in regards tot die skryf van die thesis, omdat ek daamee die line successfully kan blur tussen ie ‘language of the people’ en my eie individual leaning toward poetic language en forms. In terms van style draw ek op vorige digbundels in Kaaps, most notably op Nathan Trantraal se baie controlled, free verse digbundel, ‘Alles het niet kom wôd,’en Ronelda S. Kamfer se technique van ‘oorvertel’, in haa digbundel ‘grond/Santekraam’. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
'N polisistemiese ondersoek na die poësie van instagram-digters
- Authors: De Wat Jane
- Date: 2023-12
- Subjects: Prosodic analysis (Linguistics) , Poetry
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63265 , vital:73242
- Description: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die opkoms van Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie en die literêre en sosiale status daarvan te ondersoek met spesifieke verwysing na die volgende Afrikaanse aanlyn digters en hul selfpublikasies: Skakerings van geel (@skildermetdigkuns) en Alles wat ek wou sê (@ontmasker), sowel as die sogenaamde Rupi Kaur van Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie, (@kaalwoorde), se digbundel Kosmos en komete wat onlangs deur LAPA Uitgewers gepubliseer is. Daar word ondersoek ingestel na die manier waarop die metamodernistiese konteks waarbinne digitale of e-letterkunde ontwikkel het, in dié skryfstyl manifesteer. In my ondersoek fokus ek op metamodernisme eerder as postmodernisme, omdat metamodernisme groter klem op die waarheid en die objektiewe realiteit plaas, wat ʼn opvallende tema in die werk van die gekose digters is. Die impak van aanlyn poësie op die identiteit en voorstelling van die Zoomer-generasie (individue wat ná 1996 gebore is, andersins bekend as generasie Z) word nagespeur ten einde die impak van hierdie poësie op die gemiddelde Afrikaanse Zoomer-leser te bepaal. Verskeie vrae rakende die posisie van Instagrampoësie binne die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers en kanon word ook onder die loep geneem. Die analise en interpretasie van die gedigte is daarop gemik om die literêre status van hierdie gedigte te ondersoek op grond van skryfpatrone, die evolusie daarvan en die gewildheid wat gemeet word in terme van followers (voortaan volgelinge), likes (voortaan bekend as voorkeure) en comments (voortaan kommentaar).1 Daar is bewys dat die metamodernistiese konteks (wat breedvoerig in die studie gekonseptualiseer en in terme van Suid-Afrika gekontekstualiseer word) waarin hierdie gedigte geformuleer en versprei is, ʼn beduidende invloed het op die toon en temas daarvan. Daar word getoon dat die tematiese stryd met kwessies soos identiteit, geloof en liefde in dié woordkuns verband hou met die sosiopolitieke konteks van die Zoomer-generasie. Hierdie metamodernistiese toestand word gekenmerk deur progressiewe denke, diversiteit en ʼn samelewing wat voortdurend verander. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie ʼn literêre diskoers skep met die doel om nuwe idees met betrekking tot die waarhede van ʼn generasie wat dikwels misverstaan en misgekyk word, voor te stel. Die vryheid van Instagrampoësie bied met ander woorde ʼn geleentheid vir Zoomer-denkers om hulle stempel binne ʼn metamoderne samelewing af te druk. Deur Even-Zohar se 1 Instagram-terme wat verwys na die hoeveelheid mense wat die digter volg, sy/haar/sig gedigte lees en dan ook daarop reageer op ʼn “hou van/hou nie van nie” glyskaal. 4 polisisteemteorie en die leser-reaksie-teorie by die ondersoek na die skep en ontvangs van aanlyn poësie te betrek, word aangetoon dat e-letterkunde wel ʼn plek binne die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers vind. Hoewel die skeppingsproses, publikasie en ontvangs van aanlyn poësie verskil van dié van ander literêre vorme, stel die studie hierdie vorm van poësie aan die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers en kanon bekend. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-12
- Authors: De Wat Jane
- Date: 2023-12
- Subjects: Prosodic analysis (Linguistics) , Poetry
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63265 , vital:73242
- Description: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die opkoms van Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie en die literêre en sosiale status daarvan te ondersoek met spesifieke verwysing na die volgende Afrikaanse aanlyn digters en hul selfpublikasies: Skakerings van geel (@skildermetdigkuns) en Alles wat ek wou sê (@ontmasker), sowel as die sogenaamde Rupi Kaur van Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie, (@kaalwoorde), se digbundel Kosmos en komete wat onlangs deur LAPA Uitgewers gepubliseer is. Daar word ondersoek ingestel na die manier waarop die metamodernistiese konteks waarbinne digitale of e-letterkunde ontwikkel het, in dié skryfstyl manifesteer. In my ondersoek fokus ek op metamodernisme eerder as postmodernisme, omdat metamodernisme groter klem op die waarheid en die objektiewe realiteit plaas, wat ʼn opvallende tema in die werk van die gekose digters is. Die impak van aanlyn poësie op die identiteit en voorstelling van die Zoomer-generasie (individue wat ná 1996 gebore is, andersins bekend as generasie Z) word nagespeur ten einde die impak van hierdie poësie op die gemiddelde Afrikaanse Zoomer-leser te bepaal. Verskeie vrae rakende die posisie van Instagrampoësie binne die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers en kanon word ook onder die loep geneem. Die analise en interpretasie van die gedigte is daarop gemik om die literêre status van hierdie gedigte te ondersoek op grond van skryfpatrone, die evolusie daarvan en die gewildheid wat gemeet word in terme van followers (voortaan volgelinge), likes (voortaan bekend as voorkeure) en comments (voortaan kommentaar).1 Daar is bewys dat die metamodernistiese konteks (wat breedvoerig in die studie gekonseptualiseer en in terme van Suid-Afrika gekontekstualiseer word) waarin hierdie gedigte geformuleer en versprei is, ʼn beduidende invloed het op die toon en temas daarvan. Daar word getoon dat die tematiese stryd met kwessies soos identiteit, geloof en liefde in dié woordkuns verband hou met die sosiopolitieke konteks van die Zoomer-generasie. Hierdie metamodernistiese toestand word gekenmerk deur progressiewe denke, diversiteit en ʼn samelewing wat voortdurend verander. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie ʼn literêre diskoers skep met die doel om nuwe idees met betrekking tot die waarhede van ʼn generasie wat dikwels misverstaan en misgekyk word, voor te stel. Die vryheid van Instagrampoësie bied met ander woorde ʼn geleentheid vir Zoomer-denkers om hulle stempel binne ʼn metamoderne samelewing af te druk. Deur Even-Zohar se 1 Instagram-terme wat verwys na die hoeveelheid mense wat die digter volg, sy/haar/sig gedigte lees en dan ook daarop reageer op ʼn “hou van/hou nie van nie” glyskaal. 4 polisisteemteorie en die leser-reaksie-teorie by die ondersoek na die skep en ontvangs van aanlyn poësie te betrek, word aangetoon dat e-letterkunde wel ʼn plek binne die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers vind. Hoewel die skeppingsproses, publikasie en ontvangs van aanlyn poësie verskil van dié van ander literêre vorme, stel die studie hierdie vorm van poësie aan die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers en kanon bekend. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, 2023
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- Date Issued: 2023-12
Tienerafrikaans: ’n studie van tienertaal, met spesiale verwysing na sleng, in twee Inxuba Yethemba (RSA-)skole
- Authors: Holland, Anil Juan
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Afrikaans language -- Social aspects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Afrikaanse taal -- Grammatika , Code switching (Linguistics)
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/62816 , vital:72980
- Description: It is understood that, for us humans to communicate with one another, we need language. Communication thus has a close relationship with society. But language changes and it has many varieties. On the one hand we have the standard variety of a language which is mostly used in formal situations, and on the other hand we have other varieties, which are mostly used in informal situations. Slang serves as an example of the latter and is chiefly used by adolescents – individuals between the ages of 13 and 19. As Saal and Lawrence (2019: 24) put it: young people are the agents of linguistic change. The researcher finds the language of teenagers quite interesting seeing that he is a teacher who frequently comes across words or phrases he has not heard or does not know the meaning of. The goal of this study is thus to investigate teenage language as phenomenon, with special reference to slang. This study examines slang words and expressions as they occur among teenagers in two Nxuba (formerly Cradock) schools, as well as find out why, when, and when the research group will not make use of slang. Nxuba forms part of the Inxuba Yethemba Municipality in the Eastern Cape. During the study general linguistic phenomena that occur among the teenagers in the given town are also investigated. These phenomena are analysed using the phonetic, phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic, and lexical levels of variation. This study follows a qualitative approach with the help of questionnaires, direct observation, and focus group interviews as data collection methods. It was found that teenagers are highly creative and create novel words or give new meanings to words that already exist in the standard variety. The reasons why teenagers make use of slang is, among other things, to ease communication, for the fun of it, secrecy, and to enrich the standard variety. Slang is mostly used in informal situations and tends to be avoided in the presence of older persons, at church, and when doing schoolwork. There are also various linguistic phenomena that appear in teenagers’ general language usage: borrowing, reduction, homonyms, polysemes, and various phonological phenomena, among other. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities , School of Language, Media and Communication , 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04
- Authors: Holland, Anil Juan
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Afrikaans language -- Social aspects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Afrikaanse taal -- Grammatika , Code switching (Linguistics)
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/62816 , vital:72980
- Description: It is understood that, for us humans to communicate with one another, we need language. Communication thus has a close relationship with society. But language changes and it has many varieties. On the one hand we have the standard variety of a language which is mostly used in formal situations, and on the other hand we have other varieties, which are mostly used in informal situations. Slang serves as an example of the latter and is chiefly used by adolescents – individuals between the ages of 13 and 19. As Saal and Lawrence (2019: 24) put it: young people are the agents of linguistic change. The researcher finds the language of teenagers quite interesting seeing that he is a teacher who frequently comes across words or phrases he has not heard or does not know the meaning of. The goal of this study is thus to investigate teenage language as phenomenon, with special reference to slang. This study examines slang words and expressions as they occur among teenagers in two Nxuba (formerly Cradock) schools, as well as find out why, when, and when the research group will not make use of slang. Nxuba forms part of the Inxuba Yethemba Municipality in the Eastern Cape. During the study general linguistic phenomena that occur among the teenagers in the given town are also investigated. These phenomena are analysed using the phonetic, phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic, and lexical levels of variation. This study follows a qualitative approach with the help of questionnaires, direct observation, and focus group interviews as data collection methods. It was found that teenagers are highly creative and create novel words or give new meanings to words that already exist in the standard variety. The reasons why teenagers make use of slang is, among other things, to ease communication, for the fun of it, secrecy, and to enrich the standard variety. Slang is mostly used in informal situations and tends to be avoided in the presence of older persons, at church, and when doing schoolwork. There are also various linguistic phenomena that appear in teenagers’ general language usage: borrowing, reduction, homonyms, polysemes, and various phonological phenomena, among other. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities , School of Language, Media and Communication , 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-04
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