Délices et négation: une approche de l’écriture féminine à travers quelques romans Africains Francophones
- Authors: Anjugu, Taimako Ajigo
- Date: 2023-03-30
- Subjects: African fiction (French) History and criticism , Literature Women authors , Women authors, African , Reader-response criticism , Womanism in literature
- Language: French
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/409779 , vital:70629 , DOI 10.21504/10962/409779
- Description: From the onset, it is worthy to note that, nowadays, just as after the independence of most African countries, several writers from the African continent have been preoccupied with the fate of women. This is because, the African continent was since ancient times characterized by certain traditions and cultures which mainly have contributed to the plight of the women. This goes to emphasise that women in most cases are the victims of misdeeds such as early marriage, forced marriage, prejudices, violence, marginalisation, exploitation, discrimination; in short, vices that lead to devalorisation of African women in Africa. Over time, some contemporary French-speaking African writers have responded to the devaluation and valuation of women in their novels using 21st century objective view. With regard to the theme that we decided to address in this research, it is worth knowing that the preponderant task is based on the socio-critical theory, postulated by Claude Duchet. Meanwhile, recourse is also made to the comparative method by Rens, Bod et al. However, since the author’s message could be understood by the reader through the use of some expressions or terms that speak directly to the themes of the research, and that a reader’s role in reading experience cannot be overemphasised, we have been able to also lean on the Reader-response theory of Louise Michelle Rosenblatt. The three methods were used concurrently especially that the analysis of each text is based on how characters are being depicted leading us to realizing that our findings on how the African woman is devalued in the first part of the research, while in the second part of the thesis, our findings demonstrate that a lot of tributes are showered on the African woman due to her numerous outstanding qualities. In effect, our findings also reinforce a significant shift in the narrative that concerns the contemporary view on womanhood. Hence, moving from a dogmatic overconcentration on her lot to the new era woman whose lot is now redefined via the new wave feminist perspective on the negation of the African woman. This could be said to be in line with Amadiume Ifi’s contributions and pioneering work in feminist discourse towards new ways of thinking about sex and gender, the question of power, and women’s place in history and culture. , Pour commencer, il est nécessaire de se souvenir qu’à l’époque actuelle, comme juste après les indépendances de la plupart des pays africains, bon nombre des écrivains venant du continent africain décident de se préoccuper des méfaits sociaux tels que le mariage précoce et/ou forcé, les préjugés, la violence, la marginalisation, l’exploitation, la discrimination, entre autres. Tous ces vices sont issus de la négation de la femme africaine. Ceci se justifie par le fait que le continent africain était depuis l’antiquité caractérisé par certaines traditions et cultures qui ont contribué principalement aux dégâts ci-dessus soulignés subis par les femmes. En effet, nous estimons que beaucoup de femmes sont victimes de ces méfaits qui sont encore pratiqués dans certaines parties de l’Afrique. Avec le temps, certains écrivains africains francophones contemporains représentent la dévalorisation et la valorisation de la femme dans leurs romans en se servant d’une vision contemporaine, celle du XXIe siècle. En ce qui concerne le thème que nous avons décidé d'aborder dans cette recherche, il faut savoir que la tâche prépondérante repose sur la théorie sociocritique, postulée par Claude Duchet. Parallèlement, on a également recours à la méthode comparative de Bod Rens Et ses coauteurs. Cependant, puisque le message de l’auteur pourrait être compris aussi par le lecteur à travers l’usage de certaines expressions ou termes qui sont directement liés aux thèmes de la recherche, le rôle du lecteur dans l’expérience de lecture ne peut pas être surestimé, nous avons également pu nous appuyer sur la théorie de la réponse du lecteur de Louise Michelle Rosenblatt. Les trois méthodes ont été utilisées simultanément d'autant plus que l'analyse de chaque texte est basée sur la façon dont les personnages sont représentés ; ceci nous a amené à tirer nos conclusions sur la façon dont la femme africaine est dévalorisée dans la première partie de la recherche, tandis que dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, nos résultats démontrent que de nombreux hommages sont rendus à la femme africaine grâce à ses nombreuses qualités exceptionnelles. En effet, nos résultats renforcent également un changement important dans le récit qui concerne la vision contemporaine de la féminité. Par conséquent, passer d’une surconcentration dogmatique sur son sort à la femme de la nouvelle ère dont le sort est maintenant redéfini via la perspective féministe par rapport à la négation de la femme africaine telle a été la démarche. On pourrait dire que cela est au diapason avec les contributions d’Amadiume Ifi et avec son travail dans le discours féministe vers de nouvelles façons de penser le sexe et le genre, la question du pouvoir et la place de la femme dans l’histoire et la culture. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-03-30
- Authors: Anjugu, Taimako Ajigo
- Date: 2023-03-30
- Subjects: African fiction (French) History and criticism , Literature Women authors , Women authors, African , Reader-response criticism , Womanism in literature
- Language: French
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/409779 , vital:70629 , DOI 10.21504/10962/409779
- Description: From the onset, it is worthy to note that, nowadays, just as after the independence of most African countries, several writers from the African continent have been preoccupied with the fate of women. This is because, the African continent was since ancient times characterized by certain traditions and cultures which mainly have contributed to the plight of the women. This goes to emphasise that women in most cases are the victims of misdeeds such as early marriage, forced marriage, prejudices, violence, marginalisation, exploitation, discrimination; in short, vices that lead to devalorisation of African women in Africa. Over time, some contemporary French-speaking African writers have responded to the devaluation and valuation of women in their novels using 21st century objective view. With regard to the theme that we decided to address in this research, it is worth knowing that the preponderant task is based on the socio-critical theory, postulated by Claude Duchet. Meanwhile, recourse is also made to the comparative method by Rens, Bod et al. However, since the author’s message could be understood by the reader through the use of some expressions or terms that speak directly to the themes of the research, and that a reader’s role in reading experience cannot be overemphasised, we have been able to also lean on the Reader-response theory of Louise Michelle Rosenblatt. The three methods were used concurrently especially that the analysis of each text is based on how characters are being depicted leading us to realizing that our findings on how the African woman is devalued in the first part of the research, while in the second part of the thesis, our findings demonstrate that a lot of tributes are showered on the African woman due to her numerous outstanding qualities. In effect, our findings also reinforce a significant shift in the narrative that concerns the contemporary view on womanhood. Hence, moving from a dogmatic overconcentration on her lot to the new era woman whose lot is now redefined via the new wave feminist perspective on the negation of the African woman. This could be said to be in line with Amadiume Ifi’s contributions and pioneering work in feminist discourse towards new ways of thinking about sex and gender, the question of power, and women’s place in history and culture. , Pour commencer, il est nécessaire de se souvenir qu’à l’époque actuelle, comme juste après les indépendances de la plupart des pays africains, bon nombre des écrivains venant du continent africain décident de se préoccuper des méfaits sociaux tels que le mariage précoce et/ou forcé, les préjugés, la violence, la marginalisation, l’exploitation, la discrimination, entre autres. Tous ces vices sont issus de la négation de la femme africaine. Ceci se justifie par le fait que le continent africain était depuis l’antiquité caractérisé par certaines traditions et cultures qui ont contribué principalement aux dégâts ci-dessus soulignés subis par les femmes. En effet, nous estimons que beaucoup de femmes sont victimes de ces méfaits qui sont encore pratiqués dans certaines parties de l’Afrique. Avec le temps, certains écrivains africains francophones contemporains représentent la dévalorisation et la valorisation de la femme dans leurs romans en se servant d’une vision contemporaine, celle du XXIe siècle. En ce qui concerne le thème que nous avons décidé d'aborder dans cette recherche, il faut savoir que la tâche prépondérante repose sur la théorie sociocritique, postulée par Claude Duchet. Parallèlement, on a également recours à la méthode comparative de Bod Rens Et ses coauteurs. Cependant, puisque le message de l’auteur pourrait être compris aussi par le lecteur à travers l’usage de certaines expressions ou termes qui sont directement liés aux thèmes de la recherche, le rôle du lecteur dans l’expérience de lecture ne peut pas être surestimé, nous avons également pu nous appuyer sur la théorie de la réponse du lecteur de Louise Michelle Rosenblatt. Les trois méthodes ont été utilisées simultanément d'autant plus que l'analyse de chaque texte est basée sur la façon dont les personnages sont représentés ; ceci nous a amené à tirer nos conclusions sur la façon dont la femme africaine est dévalorisée dans la première partie de la recherche, tandis que dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, nos résultats démontrent que de nombreux hommages sont rendus à la femme africaine grâce à ses nombreuses qualités exceptionnelles. En effet, nos résultats renforcent également un changement important dans le récit qui concerne la vision contemporaine de la féminité. Par conséquent, passer d’une surconcentration dogmatique sur son sort à la femme de la nouvelle ère dont le sort est maintenant redéfini via la perspective féministe par rapport à la négation de la femme africaine telle a été la démarche. On pourrait dire que cela est au diapason avec les contributions d’Amadiume Ifi et avec son travail dans le discours féministe vers de nouvelles façons de penser le sexe et le genre, la question du pouvoir et la place de la femme dans l’histoire et la culture. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-03-30
Une analyse critique de deux adaptations filmiques de Les Liaisons dangereuses de Pierre Choderlos de Laclos
- Authors: Naumann, Tyler
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Film adaptations History and criticism , Laclos, Choderlos de, 1741-1803. Liaisons dangereuses Criticism and interpretation , Liaisons dangereuses (Motion picture) History and criticism , French fiction 18th century History and criticism , Semiotics and motion pictures , Translating and interpreting in motion pictures , Continuum of proximity
- Language: French
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/190284 , vital:44980
- Description: Film adaptation has been practised since the emergence of cinema in France in the early twentieth century. Theorists have identified, however, that a detailed system of analysis of film adaptations remains lacking and that there is a dearth of detailed case studies. This study adopts the lens of intersemiotic translation and seeks to apply a system of analysis, comprised of a synthesis of three existing systems (Cattrysse, Metz, McFarlane). The semiotic transferal of five key sequences from the source text are analysed in their film adaptations. The source text, Les Liaisons dangereuses by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, an eighteenth-century epistolary novel focusing on the erotic exploits of two nobles in French high society, was chosen for its challenging nature as a film adaptation. Two film adaptations, that at first glance seem to be at the opposing extremes of film adaptation classification: ‘free’ and ‘close’; have been chosen to firstly, better understand the mechanics of the semiotic transferal process, and secondly, to identify at which points these adaptations are constituted as ‘free’ or ‘close’. Since the domain’s theorisation in the early 1930’s, the fidelity debate has remained omnipresent in the analysis of film adaptation. Even though theorists have tried to move away from the fidelity debate, it remains indispensable when comparing an adaptation with the original text and is a key point of departure when analysing the semiotic transferal between source text and screen. Through the lens of translation, theorists have come to question the binary classifications of film adaptations: ‘free’ and ‘close’. Contemporary theorists suggest that proximity to the source text operates on a continuum rather than as a fixed category. As a result of the multi-layered system of analysis used in this study, it has been concluded that the two film adaptations chosen are both ‘free’ and ‘close’ at varying points. Intersemiotic translation used in comparative film adaptations studies is therefore a useful methodological tool that allows for a more detailed and nuanced analysis and strengthens the case for using a continuum of proximity rather than fixed classifications. , Depuis l’émergence du cinéma en France au début du XXe siècle, il existe des adaptations filmiques. Les théoriciens de ce domaine constatent pourtant le manque d’un système d’analyse détaillé de ces adaptations. En plus, il y a une pénurie de cas d’études détaillés. La présente étude vise à prendre l’optique de la traduction intersémiotique et à appliquer un système d’analyse, qui se compose d’une synthèse de trois systèmes existants (Cattrysse, Metz, McFarlane). Le transfert sémiotique sera analysé de cinq séquences clefs du texte source. Le texte source, Les Liaisons dangereuses de Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, roman épistolaire du XVIIIe siècle qui se focalise sur les conquêtes amoureuses de deux aristocrates, a été choisi pour sa nature stimulante en tant que projet d’adaptation filmique. Nous avons choisi deux adaptations, qui à première vue, semblent être aux extrêmes opposés de classements des adaptations filmiques : ‘approchant’ et ‘libre’, pour découvrir les mécanismes du processus du transfert sémiotique, et en deuxième lieu, pour identifier à quels points ces adaptations seraient ‘approchantes’ ou ‘libres’. Dès la théorisation du domaine au début des années 1930, le débat de la fidélité est resté omniprésent dans les analyses des adaptations filmiques. Comparer une adaptation filmique au texte source est fait, et reste un point de départ essentiel lorsque l’analyse du transfert sémiotique entre le texte source et l’écran s’effectue. À travers l’optique de la traduction intersémiotique, les théoriciens ont remis en question les classifications binaires des adaptations filmiques : ‘approchante’, ‘hybride’, et ‘libre’. Les théoriciens contemporains suggèrent que la proximité du texte source s’opère sur un continuum au lieu d’être précisée dans des classements fixes. Grâce au système à multiples composantes utilisé dans cette étude, il a été conclu que les deux adaptations filmiques choisies sont toutes les deux ‘approchantes’ et ‘libres’ aux points variés. La traduction intersémiotique utilisée dans les études comparatives des adaptations filmiques constitue donc un outil méthodologue indispensable qui permet une analyse détaillée et nuancée, et qui renforce les arguments en faveur de l’emploi d’un continuum de proximité qui contourne le problème d’étiquettes rigides et binaires. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, French Studies, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
- Authors: Naumann, Tyler
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Film adaptations History and criticism , Laclos, Choderlos de, 1741-1803. Liaisons dangereuses Criticism and interpretation , Liaisons dangereuses (Motion picture) History and criticism , French fiction 18th century History and criticism , Semiotics and motion pictures , Translating and interpreting in motion pictures , Continuum of proximity
- Language: French
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/190284 , vital:44980
- Description: Film adaptation has been practised since the emergence of cinema in France in the early twentieth century. Theorists have identified, however, that a detailed system of analysis of film adaptations remains lacking and that there is a dearth of detailed case studies. This study adopts the lens of intersemiotic translation and seeks to apply a system of analysis, comprised of a synthesis of three existing systems (Cattrysse, Metz, McFarlane). The semiotic transferal of five key sequences from the source text are analysed in their film adaptations. The source text, Les Liaisons dangereuses by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, an eighteenth-century epistolary novel focusing on the erotic exploits of two nobles in French high society, was chosen for its challenging nature as a film adaptation. Two film adaptations, that at first glance seem to be at the opposing extremes of film adaptation classification: ‘free’ and ‘close’; have been chosen to firstly, better understand the mechanics of the semiotic transferal process, and secondly, to identify at which points these adaptations are constituted as ‘free’ or ‘close’. Since the domain’s theorisation in the early 1930’s, the fidelity debate has remained omnipresent in the analysis of film adaptation. Even though theorists have tried to move away from the fidelity debate, it remains indispensable when comparing an adaptation with the original text and is a key point of departure when analysing the semiotic transferal between source text and screen. Through the lens of translation, theorists have come to question the binary classifications of film adaptations: ‘free’ and ‘close’. Contemporary theorists suggest that proximity to the source text operates on a continuum rather than as a fixed category. As a result of the multi-layered system of analysis used in this study, it has been concluded that the two film adaptations chosen are both ‘free’ and ‘close’ at varying points. Intersemiotic translation used in comparative film adaptations studies is therefore a useful methodological tool that allows for a more detailed and nuanced analysis and strengthens the case for using a continuum of proximity rather than fixed classifications. , Depuis l’émergence du cinéma en France au début du XXe siècle, il existe des adaptations filmiques. Les théoriciens de ce domaine constatent pourtant le manque d’un système d’analyse détaillé de ces adaptations. En plus, il y a une pénurie de cas d’études détaillés. La présente étude vise à prendre l’optique de la traduction intersémiotique et à appliquer un système d’analyse, qui se compose d’une synthèse de trois systèmes existants (Cattrysse, Metz, McFarlane). Le transfert sémiotique sera analysé de cinq séquences clefs du texte source. Le texte source, Les Liaisons dangereuses de Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, roman épistolaire du XVIIIe siècle qui se focalise sur les conquêtes amoureuses de deux aristocrates, a été choisi pour sa nature stimulante en tant que projet d’adaptation filmique. Nous avons choisi deux adaptations, qui à première vue, semblent être aux extrêmes opposés de classements des adaptations filmiques : ‘approchant’ et ‘libre’, pour découvrir les mécanismes du processus du transfert sémiotique, et en deuxième lieu, pour identifier à quels points ces adaptations seraient ‘approchantes’ ou ‘libres’. Dès la théorisation du domaine au début des années 1930, le débat de la fidélité est resté omniprésent dans les analyses des adaptations filmiques. Comparer une adaptation filmique au texte source est fait, et reste un point de départ essentiel lorsque l’analyse du transfert sémiotique entre le texte source et l’écran s’effectue. À travers l’optique de la traduction intersémiotique, les théoriciens ont remis en question les classifications binaires des adaptations filmiques : ‘approchante’, ‘hybride’, et ‘libre’. Les théoriciens contemporains suggèrent que la proximité du texte source s’opère sur un continuum au lieu d’être précisée dans des classements fixes. Grâce au système à multiples composantes utilisé dans cette étude, il a été conclu que les deux adaptations filmiques choisies sont toutes les deux ‘approchantes’ et ‘libres’ aux points variés. La traduction intersémiotique utilisée dans les études comparatives des adaptations filmiques constitue donc un outil méthodologue indispensable qui permet une analyse détaillée et nuancée, et qui renforce les arguments en faveur de l’emploi d’un continuum de proximité qui contourne le problème d’étiquettes rigides et binaires. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, French Studies, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
L’analyse du Panafricanisme dans la littérature africaine d’expression française: étude de Les Soleils des Indépendances d’Ahmadou Kourouma
- Batubenga David-Roger, Ndaye
- Authors: Batubenga David-Roger, Ndaye
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: African literature (French) History and criticism , Kourouma, Ahmadou. Soleils des indépendances , Pan-Africanism in literature , Postcolonialism in literature , Africans in literature , Identity (Philosophical concept) in literature , Ethnicity in literature
- Language: French
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/${Handle} , vital:45204
- Description: Analysis of pan-Africanism in French African literature: case study of The Suns of independences by Ahmadou Kourouma. (L’analyse du Panafricanisme dans la littérature africaine d’expression française : étude des Soleils des Indépendances d’Ahmadou Kourouma) This study seeks to analyse the concept of pan-Africanism in French African Literature as depicted in The Suns of independences by Ahmadou Kourouma. The theme as well as the plot of the novel are both part of the post-colonial era, when African states acceded to the so-called national sovereignty. Theoretically, this was the end of colonization. Indeed, the advent of independence in Africa was, among other things, the fulfilment of one of the objectives of the pan-Africanism movement. Those objectives, according to Estanilas Ngodi (2003:6), were to promote the well-being as well as the unity of African people and those of African descendants around the world; to ensure equal civic rights for African people; to ensure the total abolition of all forms of racial discrimination; and to demand a self-determination and genuine independence of and for African’s people and states. To understand this challenging concept of pan-Africanism, we will draw inspiration from the studies of Edward Wilmot Blyden (1832-1912) who defined it as emerging a distinctive African personality: It is accepted in this study that the manner in and the extent to which the concept of pan-Africanism will be analysed should not be confused with other concepts such as Negroism or Negritude. The concern of asserting African history and identity by African people is justified by the fact that for centuries the philosophical and anthropological Eurocentric trend that Africans and their cultures and knowledge had no value. For this purpose, Trevor Roper (1963:871) asserted: “Perhaps in the future, there will be some African history, but at present, there is none; only the history of Europeans in Africa. The rest is darkness…and darkness is not a subject of history…” This denial of African history and civilization was, according to Europeans, the reason for the slave trade and colonization, and the development of pan-Africanism was the reaction or resistance against these views. That is the reason why, in the novel (The Suns of 4 independences), Kourouma depicts the concept of pan-Africanism and reveals the need for African people to assert themselves in humanity as being equal to all other races. Indeed, the advent of independence in Africa was an opportunity for Africans to regain their pre-colonial roots. Because it raised hopes and expectations to see Africa being led by its own sons. Unfortunately, independences have become a missed rendezvous or a disappointment for Africans. This argument is confirmed by the metaphor of Fama, a traditional king in the post-independence Africa: find himself “dried and undressed by colonization and Independences” (p.116). Broadly speaking, Kourouma interrogates the evolution of African societies in the light of pan-Africanism and denounces political, economic, and social issues that are affecting Africa in the post-colonial era. These issues include dictatorship, mismanagement, corruption, poverty, and the challenge of regaining African personality from colonial influence. What differentiates my study from the previous research is that I seek to investigate to which extent Kourouma portrays the failure of African society in the light of pan-Africanism before and after the colonialist era, and the impact of this failure upon the establishment of the pan-Africanist vision in Africa. Little attention has been given to the analysis of this novel (The Suns of independences) in this perspective. Kourouma is an Ivorian writer. In 1970, he published his first novel (The Suns of Independences) which is considered as a masterpiece in French African Literature and which many critics have classified it as one of the founding works in African Literature. In this study, in accordance with the novel above-mentioned I have considered three different aspects of pan-Africanism. Firstly, I described pan-Africanism as the search for the dignity of black people. Secondly, I examined it as the desire of regaining or rebuilding the African unity (African states without colonial borders). Thirdly, I analysed it as the return of African people to their history, their origin, and their cultural identity, in short, the return of Africa to its original state before the slave trade and colonization. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
- Authors: Batubenga David-Roger, Ndaye
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: African literature (French) History and criticism , Kourouma, Ahmadou. Soleils des indépendances , Pan-Africanism in literature , Postcolonialism in literature , Africans in literature , Identity (Philosophical concept) in literature , Ethnicity in literature
- Language: French
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/${Handle} , vital:45204
- Description: Analysis of pan-Africanism in French African literature: case study of The Suns of independences by Ahmadou Kourouma. (L’analyse du Panafricanisme dans la littérature africaine d’expression française : étude des Soleils des Indépendances d’Ahmadou Kourouma) This study seeks to analyse the concept of pan-Africanism in French African Literature as depicted in The Suns of independences by Ahmadou Kourouma. The theme as well as the plot of the novel are both part of the post-colonial era, when African states acceded to the so-called national sovereignty. Theoretically, this was the end of colonization. Indeed, the advent of independence in Africa was, among other things, the fulfilment of one of the objectives of the pan-Africanism movement. Those objectives, according to Estanilas Ngodi (2003:6), were to promote the well-being as well as the unity of African people and those of African descendants around the world; to ensure equal civic rights for African people; to ensure the total abolition of all forms of racial discrimination; and to demand a self-determination and genuine independence of and for African’s people and states. To understand this challenging concept of pan-Africanism, we will draw inspiration from the studies of Edward Wilmot Blyden (1832-1912) who defined it as emerging a distinctive African personality: It is accepted in this study that the manner in and the extent to which the concept of pan-Africanism will be analysed should not be confused with other concepts such as Negroism or Negritude. The concern of asserting African history and identity by African people is justified by the fact that for centuries the philosophical and anthropological Eurocentric trend that Africans and their cultures and knowledge had no value. For this purpose, Trevor Roper (1963:871) asserted: “Perhaps in the future, there will be some African history, but at present, there is none; only the history of Europeans in Africa. The rest is darkness…and darkness is not a subject of history…” This denial of African history and civilization was, according to Europeans, the reason for the slave trade and colonization, and the development of pan-Africanism was the reaction or resistance against these views. That is the reason why, in the novel (The Suns of 4 independences), Kourouma depicts the concept of pan-Africanism and reveals the need for African people to assert themselves in humanity as being equal to all other races. Indeed, the advent of independence in Africa was an opportunity for Africans to regain their pre-colonial roots. Because it raised hopes and expectations to see Africa being led by its own sons. Unfortunately, independences have become a missed rendezvous or a disappointment for Africans. This argument is confirmed by the metaphor of Fama, a traditional king in the post-independence Africa: find himself “dried and undressed by colonization and Independences” (p.116). Broadly speaking, Kourouma interrogates the evolution of African societies in the light of pan-Africanism and denounces political, economic, and social issues that are affecting Africa in the post-colonial era. These issues include dictatorship, mismanagement, corruption, poverty, and the challenge of regaining African personality from colonial influence. What differentiates my study from the previous research is that I seek to investigate to which extent Kourouma portrays the failure of African society in the light of pan-Africanism before and after the colonialist era, and the impact of this failure upon the establishment of the pan-Africanist vision in Africa. Little attention has been given to the analysis of this novel (The Suns of independences) in this perspective. Kourouma is an Ivorian writer. In 1970, he published his first novel (The Suns of Independences) which is considered as a masterpiece in French African Literature and which many critics have classified it as one of the founding works in African Literature. In this study, in accordance with the novel above-mentioned I have considered three different aspects of pan-Africanism. Firstly, I described pan-Africanism as the search for the dignity of black people. Secondly, I examined it as the desire of regaining or rebuilding the African unity (African states without colonial borders). Thirdly, I analysed it as the return of African people to their history, their origin, and their cultural identity, in short, the return of Africa to its original state before the slave trade and colonization. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
Personnages dans l’espace, Personnages comme espace: une analyse du conte « Barbe Bleue » par Charles Perrault et les révisions de Tahar Ben Jelloun et d’Amélie Nothomb
- Authors: Jimu, Kundai Michelle
- Date: 2023-10-13
- Subjects: Perrault, Charles, 1628-1703. Barbe bleue , Perrault, Charles, 1628-1703 Criticism and interpretation , Fairy tales Psychological aspects , Space , Characters and characteristics in literature , Ben Jelloun, Tahar, 1947- Criticism and interpretation , Nothomb, Amélie Criticism and interpretation
- Language: French
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/424943 , vital:72195
- Description: Dans un couple, la négociation de l’espace domestique est contesté. Dans le conte « La Barbe Bleue » (1697) de Charles Perrault, cette négociation de l’espace est particulièrement dangereuse. Le mari a un espace privé à lui, interdite à sa femme, dans lequel il cache un secret sinistre : il a tué toutes les épouses précédentes. L’existence de cette pièce menace l’équilibre du foyer, mettant en question le droit à un espace privé, et révélant le danger de garder un secret quand on vit en couple. Quand l’épouse franchit le seuil de la pièce interdite, son mari se met en colère et s’apprête à la tuer. Il s’ensuit une lutte acharnée entre homme et femme, devenus adversaires. Puisque la chambre interdite joue un rôle capital dans ce récit, cela suggère que les éléments spatiaux jouent un rôle significatif au sein du couple. Alors, on vise à analyser le cadre domestique et son rôle dans le rapport entre les personnages. Avant leur mariage, l’épouse avait déjà une idée que Barbe Bleue n’était pas honorable, ce qui remet en question sa décision d’épouser cet homme. Au même temps, on se demande pourquoi l’époux aurait tué toutes les épouses précédentes. Cela incite le lecteur à chercher à mieux comprendre les personnages. A cette fin, on vise à considérer les personnages comme des espaces, eux aussi, ce qui permettra une analyse approfondie de leur caractère et de leurs rapports personnels. Nous ferons la comparaison du conte perraultien avec les versions contemporaines de notre époque de Tahar Ben Jelloun et d’Amélie Nothomb. Dans la version jellounienne, l’intrigue se déroule dans un cadre musulman et maghrébin, tandis que le récit nothombien se situe à Paris. Ces ouvrages présentent donc des perspectives neuves sur Barbe Bleue et sa dernière épouse, et sur le cadre dans lequel ils se trouvent. , For a couple, negotiating the spatial dynamics of their home can be a challenging feat. In the story of “Bluebeard” (1697) by Charles Perrault, this negotiation is presented in an even more grim light. The husband sets aside a private room for himself, off-limits to his wife, in which he conceals a deadly secret, that he has murdered his previous wives. The very existence of this forbidden chamber threatens the stability of the household and raises the question about whether secret unshared spaces between partners are tenable, and indeed whether spouses have the right to keep secrets. When the wife enters this forbidden room and discovers the corpses of his previous wives she provokes the anger of her husband, who then attempts to kill her as punishment. A fierce struggle ensues between husband and wife, who have now become adversaries. Because the forbidden chamber plays a key role in this story, this tells us that space is very important to the relationship between the couple. Thus, we intend to explore the domestic sphere and its role in the relationship between the characters. Prior to their marriage, the wife already has an indication as to her husband’s dubious character, which calls into question her decision to marry him. We also wonder why Bluebeard might have murdered his previous wives. To understand them better, the characters will be considered as spaces, an approach which has the potential to offer a deeper and more holistic analysis of their characters and their personal relationships. We will be comparing Perrault’s tale to two revisions by Tahar Ben Jelloun and Amélie Nothomb, which place the story into different contexts: the Islamic world and modern-day Paris respectively. These two revisions provide interesting and new perspectives on the couple in the domestic space and the ways in which the characters are represented. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-10-13
- Authors: Jimu, Kundai Michelle
- Date: 2023-10-13
- Subjects: Perrault, Charles, 1628-1703. Barbe bleue , Perrault, Charles, 1628-1703 Criticism and interpretation , Fairy tales Psychological aspects , Space , Characters and characteristics in literature , Ben Jelloun, Tahar, 1947- Criticism and interpretation , Nothomb, Amélie Criticism and interpretation
- Language: French
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/424943 , vital:72195
- Description: Dans un couple, la négociation de l’espace domestique est contesté. Dans le conte « La Barbe Bleue » (1697) de Charles Perrault, cette négociation de l’espace est particulièrement dangereuse. Le mari a un espace privé à lui, interdite à sa femme, dans lequel il cache un secret sinistre : il a tué toutes les épouses précédentes. L’existence de cette pièce menace l’équilibre du foyer, mettant en question le droit à un espace privé, et révélant le danger de garder un secret quand on vit en couple. Quand l’épouse franchit le seuil de la pièce interdite, son mari se met en colère et s’apprête à la tuer. Il s’ensuit une lutte acharnée entre homme et femme, devenus adversaires. Puisque la chambre interdite joue un rôle capital dans ce récit, cela suggère que les éléments spatiaux jouent un rôle significatif au sein du couple. Alors, on vise à analyser le cadre domestique et son rôle dans le rapport entre les personnages. Avant leur mariage, l’épouse avait déjà une idée que Barbe Bleue n’était pas honorable, ce qui remet en question sa décision d’épouser cet homme. Au même temps, on se demande pourquoi l’époux aurait tué toutes les épouses précédentes. Cela incite le lecteur à chercher à mieux comprendre les personnages. A cette fin, on vise à considérer les personnages comme des espaces, eux aussi, ce qui permettra une analyse approfondie de leur caractère et de leurs rapports personnels. Nous ferons la comparaison du conte perraultien avec les versions contemporaines de notre époque de Tahar Ben Jelloun et d’Amélie Nothomb. Dans la version jellounienne, l’intrigue se déroule dans un cadre musulman et maghrébin, tandis que le récit nothombien se situe à Paris. Ces ouvrages présentent donc des perspectives neuves sur Barbe Bleue et sa dernière épouse, et sur le cadre dans lequel ils se trouvent. , For a couple, negotiating the spatial dynamics of their home can be a challenging feat. In the story of “Bluebeard” (1697) by Charles Perrault, this negotiation is presented in an even more grim light. The husband sets aside a private room for himself, off-limits to his wife, in which he conceals a deadly secret, that he has murdered his previous wives. The very existence of this forbidden chamber threatens the stability of the household and raises the question about whether secret unshared spaces between partners are tenable, and indeed whether spouses have the right to keep secrets. When the wife enters this forbidden room and discovers the corpses of his previous wives she provokes the anger of her husband, who then attempts to kill her as punishment. A fierce struggle ensues between husband and wife, who have now become adversaries. Because the forbidden chamber plays a key role in this story, this tells us that space is very important to the relationship between the couple. Thus, we intend to explore the domestic sphere and its role in the relationship between the characters. Prior to their marriage, the wife already has an indication as to her husband’s dubious character, which calls into question her decision to marry him. We also wonder why Bluebeard might have murdered his previous wives. To understand them better, the characters will be considered as spaces, an approach which has the potential to offer a deeper and more holistic analysis of their characters and their personal relationships. We will be comparing Perrault’s tale to two revisions by Tahar Ben Jelloun and Amélie Nothomb, which place the story into different contexts: the Islamic world and modern-day Paris respectively. These two revisions provide interesting and new perspectives on the couple in the domestic space and the ways in which the characters are represented. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-10-13
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