Interrelations between learning abilities in various situations
- Authors: Lundie, Carol Frances
- Date: 1942
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:21159 ,
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- Date Issued: 1942
- Authors: Lundie, Carol Frances
- Date: 1942
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:21159 ,
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- Date Issued: 1942
A report on the comparative performance of coloured and European factory workers on four tests of ability
- Authors: Gough, Margaret Frances
- Date: 1947
- Subjects: Cross-cultural psychology , Employees -- South Africa , Colored people (South Africa) -- Psychology
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3246 ,
- Description: This thesis is a report on the results or four psychological tests, applied to two groups or workers in Port Elizabeth factories; the one group consisting of European, the other of Coloured workers. The abilities selected for testing were believed to be necessary, to some extent, in certain Industrial operations.
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- Date Issued: 1947
- Authors: Gough, Margaret Frances
- Date: 1947
- Subjects: Cross-cultural psychology , Employees -- South Africa , Colored people (South Africa) -- Psychology
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3246 ,
- Description: This thesis is a report on the results or four psychological tests, applied to two groups or workers in Port Elizabeth factories; the one group consisting of European, the other of Coloured workers. The abilities selected for testing were believed to be necessary, to some extent, in certain Industrial operations.
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- Date Issued: 1947
Linkage in extra-sensory perception
- Authors: Marsh, Maurice Clement
- Date: 1959
- Subjects: Telepathy , Extrasensory perception
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3215 ,
- Description: The aims of this investigation were firstly to find whether 371 subjects, mainly students at Rhodes University, would be able to reproduce target drawings made 470 miles away by an agent in Cape Town, by means of General Extra-Sensory Perception; secondly, to find whether any association existed between any such hit scoring ability shown and personality ratings derived from a battery of personality test material; and thirdly, to find whether providing the subjects with material designed to link them more closely with the agent would increase their scoring rate. The 17,440 drawings returned by the subjects were randomised, and scored against a randomised set of 100 drawings consisting of 50 which had actually been used as targets, intermixed with 50 that were equal in difficulty but which had not been used as targets, and which were inserted merely as controls. Three independent judges assessed the subjects' drawings, and awarded hits in terms of title, shape and association. In the crucial title hits highly significant deviations in favour of the experimental target drawings were found, the control series of drawings showing no such effects. It was found that the subjects' hits were distributed evenly throughout the whole 25 day period of the experiment for each target, and showed no tendency to occur more frequently in the week a particular drawing was being used as a target than in the other weeks when it was not. When the subjects were divided into a high scoring and low-scoring group in terms of their E.S. P. abiility, the high- scoring group proved to be significantly more extraverted (as measured by the Bernreuter B3I scale) than the low- scoring group, confirming a relationship previously reported by Humphrey. In addition the data showed several other relationships, predicted by the work of previous experimenters, although these did not reach the .01 level of statistical significance. To assess the effect of the Linkage Material the subjects were divided into an experimental and a control group. The Experimental Group was supplied with correct Linkage Material, the Control Group with incorrect Linkage Material, which they were led to believe was correct . The two sets of Linkage Material were equated in all other respects. The Experimental Group showed significant improvements in scoring rate when supplied with a photograph and description of the agent, and a probably significant improvement when supplied with squares of handkerchief which had previously belonged to him. When supplied with squares of colour, also appearing on the agent's target sheets, no significant increase in scoring rate took place on the target drawings, but a significant decrease occurred in hits scored on the control targets. By contrast no consistent significant fluctuations were shown by Control Group Subjects, leading to the conclusion that the correctness of the Linkage Material was a factor contributing to its effectiveness. A qualitative examination of the hits scored by the subjects revealed that they tended to reproduce the concepts depicted by the target drawings, rather than the actual shapes drawn by the agent, suggesting that the hits were being produced by a telepathic process rather than a clairvoyant one. The results of the experiment suggest that the subjects were assisted by the Linkage Material to gain access to the agent's mind as a whole, and not to particular items in it. This throws doubt on the correctness of Whately Carington's Association Theory of Telepathy, which the experiment was designed to test.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1959
- Authors: Marsh, Maurice Clement
- Date: 1959
- Subjects: Telepathy , Extrasensory perception
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3215 ,
- Description: The aims of this investigation were firstly to find whether 371 subjects, mainly students at Rhodes University, would be able to reproduce target drawings made 470 miles away by an agent in Cape Town, by means of General Extra-Sensory Perception; secondly, to find whether any association existed between any such hit scoring ability shown and personality ratings derived from a battery of personality test material; and thirdly, to find whether providing the subjects with material designed to link them more closely with the agent would increase their scoring rate. The 17,440 drawings returned by the subjects were randomised, and scored against a randomised set of 100 drawings consisting of 50 which had actually been used as targets, intermixed with 50 that were equal in difficulty but which had not been used as targets, and which were inserted merely as controls. Three independent judges assessed the subjects' drawings, and awarded hits in terms of title, shape and association. In the crucial title hits highly significant deviations in favour of the experimental target drawings were found, the control series of drawings showing no such effects. It was found that the subjects' hits were distributed evenly throughout the whole 25 day period of the experiment for each target, and showed no tendency to occur more frequently in the week a particular drawing was being used as a target than in the other weeks when it was not. When the subjects were divided into a high scoring and low-scoring group in terms of their E.S. P. abiility, the high- scoring group proved to be significantly more extraverted (as measured by the Bernreuter B3I scale) than the low- scoring group, confirming a relationship previously reported by Humphrey. In addition the data showed several other relationships, predicted by the work of previous experimenters, although these did not reach the .01 level of statistical significance. To assess the effect of the Linkage Material the subjects were divided into an experimental and a control group. The Experimental Group was supplied with correct Linkage Material, the Control Group with incorrect Linkage Material, which they were led to believe was correct . The two sets of Linkage Material were equated in all other respects. The Experimental Group showed significant improvements in scoring rate when supplied with a photograph and description of the agent, and a probably significant improvement when supplied with squares of handkerchief which had previously belonged to him. When supplied with squares of colour, also appearing on the agent's target sheets, no significant increase in scoring rate took place on the target drawings, but a significant decrease occurred in hits scored on the control targets. By contrast no consistent significant fluctuations were shown by Control Group Subjects, leading to the conclusion that the correctness of the Linkage Material was a factor contributing to its effectiveness. A qualitative examination of the hits scored by the subjects revealed that they tended to reproduce the concepts depicted by the target drawings, rather than the actual shapes drawn by the agent, suggesting that the hits were being produced by a telepathic process rather than a clairvoyant one. The results of the experiment suggest that the subjects were assisted by the Linkage Material to gain access to the agent's mind as a whole, and not to particular items in it. This throws doubt on the correctness of Whately Carington's Association Theory of Telepathy, which the experiment was designed to test.
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- Date Issued: 1959
Die sielkundige aanpassing van drie groepe Bantoes volgens die Rorschach toets
- Authors: Du Preez, Pieter Hendrik
- Date: 1968
- Subjects: Rorschach test Black people -- South Africa -- Psychology Ethnopsychology
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3203 ,
- Description: Die huidige belangrike rol wat die Bantoe van Afrika in internasionale sake speel, is welbekend. So ook die belangrikheid van die Suid-Afrikaanse Bantoe. Hierdie belangrikheid van die Bantoe het egter verbasend skielik en vinnig gekom, so vinnig dat wetenskaplike kennis van hom as mens, nie kon tred hou nie, met die gevolg dat die beskaafde wereld hom swak ken. Die doel van hierdie proefskrif is dan ook om meer Iig te probeer werp op die persoonlikheid van die Bantoe en die lnvloed wat die snel veranderende omstandighede op hom uitoefen. Ten einde die maksimum waarde uit die Rorschach toets wat aangewend is, te verkry, is dlt nodig om beide die determinants berekenings sowel as die inhoudsanalise in berekening te bring. Vir navorsingsdoeleindes waar die resultate van verskeie proefpersone saamgevoeg word in verskiIlende groepe, is dit egter 'n moelIike taak om die gegewens kwantitatief hanteerbaar te kry. Dit is die rede waarom in hierdie studie van ordeskale gebruik gemaak is wat vir die doel heel doeltreffend blyk te gewees het.
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- Date Issued: 1968
- Authors: Du Preez, Pieter Hendrik
- Date: 1968
- Subjects: Rorschach test Black people -- South Africa -- Psychology Ethnopsychology
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3203 ,
- Description: Die huidige belangrike rol wat die Bantoe van Afrika in internasionale sake speel, is welbekend. So ook die belangrikheid van die Suid-Afrikaanse Bantoe. Hierdie belangrikheid van die Bantoe het egter verbasend skielik en vinnig gekom, so vinnig dat wetenskaplike kennis van hom as mens, nie kon tred hou nie, met die gevolg dat die beskaafde wereld hom swak ken. Die doel van hierdie proefskrif is dan ook om meer Iig te probeer werp op die persoonlikheid van die Bantoe en die lnvloed wat die snel veranderende omstandighede op hom uitoefen. Ten einde die maksimum waarde uit die Rorschach toets wat aangewend is, te verkry, is dlt nodig om beide die determinants berekenings sowel as die inhoudsanalise in berekening te bring. Vir navorsingsdoeleindes waar die resultate van verskeie proefpersone saamgevoeg word in verskiIlende groepe, is dit egter 'n moelIike taak om die gegewens kwantitatief hanteerbaar te kry. Dit is die rede waarom in hierdie studie van ordeskale gebruik gemaak is wat vir die doel heel doeltreffend blyk te gewees het.
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- Date Issued: 1968
The measurement of group differences in social concepts
- Authors: Morsbach, Gisela W L
- Date: 1968
- Subjects: Ethnic groups -- Psychology -- South Africa , Racism -- South Africa , Stereotypes (Social psychology) , Cross-cultural studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3218 ,
- Description: The present study attempted a cross-cultural investigation of ethnic and national stereotypes in South Africa, a land inhabited by a heterogeneous population. In this country, real or imagined differences due to racial characteristics profoundly influence social interaction. Moreover, such differences are entrenched and underscored by the prevailing legal system while supplying the rationale for many actions of the goverru:tent in power. On the basis of relevant literature it was assumed that differentiation between stereotypes would be based mainly on colour, but that further distinctive differentiations would be present inside the ensuing major groupings ("White and "Non-White"). It was furthermore attempted to show that various groups differed significantly in their judgment of an ethnic stereotype only if they had a dissimilar relationship with the group to be judged. Altogether 760 subjects were tested. These belonged to the six major ethnic and cultural groups in South Africa (Africans, Afrikaners, Coloureds, English-speaking White Gentiles, Indians, and Jews). They were all asked to judge each one of ten concepts by means of the semantic differential technique, which consisted of twenty adjective pairs. Six of these concepts were the names of the South African groups mentioned above, while another three concepts represented the names of groups outside South Africa ("the Americans", "the Germans", and "the Russians") which play an important role in the thinking of South Africans. Finally, the subjects were asked to rate themselves ("Me"- concept). For the sake of better comparison, only first-year students were tested at various universities. The results were analyzed with the aid of a computer (the ICT computers at the University of Cape Town and at Rhodes University). Since a cross-cultural study rests on the theoretical assumption that any tests used for the purpose of comparison are reliable and valid in all cultures to be investigated, a few additional questions had to be asked. The checks undertaken confirmed that in the present study:- 1) The motivation of the subjects as well as their comprehension of the test's basic aims did not differ to any great extent. 2) The six groups did not differ appreciably as regards the social desirability of adjectives used, the semantic structure of the adjective pairs, and the range of scores on the adjective pairs. Furthermore, it was established that male-female differences in attitudes in each of the six groups tested were negligible. The stereotypes were compared with each other inside every one of the groups tested, as well as being compared between all the groups. These comparisons were carried out on the single adjective pairs separately (by means of the Sign Test and the Median Test), and then undertaken in the context of the factorial structure of the concepts. The major results showed that:- 1. The 'colour line' is an important criterion of evaluation in all groups but the Coloureds and the Jews. a) Apart from a 'Black Factor', on which the concepts "the Africans" and "the Coloureds" obtained high loadings, there appeared to be two factors dealing with the evaluation of the White groups. b) The evaluation of the 'Black Factor' by the African subjects was much more positive than the 'Black Factor' found in other groups. c) The Indian subjects did not regard themselves as belonging to the ' Non-Whites' ; neither were they regarded as such by the other subjects tested. 2. The criterion of colour was of less importance in the Coloured and Jewish groups tested. 3. The Jewish subjects appeared to possess the most differentiated stereotype structure, since, in their case, there were four, instead of the usual three factors to be extracted. Moreover, they tended to regard the Non-'White groups more positively than did the other two White groups. 4. The Afrikaans subjects held the most negative opinion of "the Africans"; conversely, "the Afrikaners" were also rejected more strongly than the English-speaking Whites by the Non-Whites tested. 5. Of all groups rated, "the Americans" were the most liked. 6. The stereotypes of "the Russians" and "the Germans" were fairly similar, except in the case of the Afrikaans subjects, who had an exceptionally positive regard for "the Germans". 1. Ratings of the subjects' own group were generally very much more positive than the ratings of the same group by members of other groups, except in the case of the English-speaking White Gentiles. 8. When any two groups rated a concept differently, this could generally be traced back to, on the one hand, differences in the relationships between each one of the judging groups, and, on the other, the group being judged. In conclusion it can be stated that differences between the groups as regards any one stereotype were generally smaller than the differences between the stereotypes of different concepts as held by any one group tested. Where no special relationships existed between a judging group and one being judged, ethnic and national stereotypes tended to be relatively similar in the various cultures and sub-cultures investigated.
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- Date Issued: 1968
- Authors: Morsbach, Gisela W L
- Date: 1968
- Subjects: Ethnic groups -- Psychology -- South Africa , Racism -- South Africa , Stereotypes (Social psychology) , Cross-cultural studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3218 ,
- Description: The present study attempted a cross-cultural investigation of ethnic and national stereotypes in South Africa, a land inhabited by a heterogeneous population. In this country, real or imagined differences due to racial characteristics profoundly influence social interaction. Moreover, such differences are entrenched and underscored by the prevailing legal system while supplying the rationale for many actions of the goverru:tent in power. On the basis of relevant literature it was assumed that differentiation between stereotypes would be based mainly on colour, but that further distinctive differentiations would be present inside the ensuing major groupings ("White and "Non-White"). It was furthermore attempted to show that various groups differed significantly in their judgment of an ethnic stereotype only if they had a dissimilar relationship with the group to be judged. Altogether 760 subjects were tested. These belonged to the six major ethnic and cultural groups in South Africa (Africans, Afrikaners, Coloureds, English-speaking White Gentiles, Indians, and Jews). They were all asked to judge each one of ten concepts by means of the semantic differential technique, which consisted of twenty adjective pairs. Six of these concepts were the names of the South African groups mentioned above, while another three concepts represented the names of groups outside South Africa ("the Americans", "the Germans", and "the Russians") which play an important role in the thinking of South Africans. Finally, the subjects were asked to rate themselves ("Me"- concept). For the sake of better comparison, only first-year students were tested at various universities. The results were analyzed with the aid of a computer (the ICT computers at the University of Cape Town and at Rhodes University). Since a cross-cultural study rests on the theoretical assumption that any tests used for the purpose of comparison are reliable and valid in all cultures to be investigated, a few additional questions had to be asked. The checks undertaken confirmed that in the present study:- 1) The motivation of the subjects as well as their comprehension of the test's basic aims did not differ to any great extent. 2) The six groups did not differ appreciably as regards the social desirability of adjectives used, the semantic structure of the adjective pairs, and the range of scores on the adjective pairs. Furthermore, it was established that male-female differences in attitudes in each of the six groups tested were negligible. The stereotypes were compared with each other inside every one of the groups tested, as well as being compared between all the groups. These comparisons were carried out on the single adjective pairs separately (by means of the Sign Test and the Median Test), and then undertaken in the context of the factorial structure of the concepts. The major results showed that:- 1. The 'colour line' is an important criterion of evaluation in all groups but the Coloureds and the Jews. a) Apart from a 'Black Factor', on which the concepts "the Africans" and "the Coloureds" obtained high loadings, there appeared to be two factors dealing with the evaluation of the White groups. b) The evaluation of the 'Black Factor' by the African subjects was much more positive than the 'Black Factor' found in other groups. c) The Indian subjects did not regard themselves as belonging to the ' Non-Whites' ; neither were they regarded as such by the other subjects tested. 2. The criterion of colour was of less importance in the Coloured and Jewish groups tested. 3. The Jewish subjects appeared to possess the most differentiated stereotype structure, since, in their case, there were four, instead of the usual three factors to be extracted. Moreover, they tended to regard the Non-'White groups more positively than did the other two White groups. 4. The Afrikaans subjects held the most negative opinion of "the Africans"; conversely, "the Afrikaners" were also rejected more strongly than the English-speaking Whites by the Non-Whites tested. 5. Of all groups rated, "the Americans" were the most liked. 6. The stereotypes of "the Russians" and "the Germans" were fairly similar, except in the case of the Afrikaans subjects, who had an exceptionally positive regard for "the Germans". 1. Ratings of the subjects' own group were generally very much more positive than the ratings of the same group by members of other groups, except in the case of the English-speaking White Gentiles. 8. When any two groups rated a concept differently, this could generally be traced back to, on the one hand, differences in the relationships between each one of the judging groups, and, on the other, the group being judged. In conclusion it can be stated that differences between the groups as regards any one stereotype were generally smaller than the differences between the stereotypes of different concepts as held by any one group tested. Where no special relationships existed between a judging group and one being judged, ethnic and national stereotypes tended to be relatively similar in the various cultures and sub-cultures investigated.
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- Date Issued: 1968
A cross-cultural study of susceptibility to the Müller-Lyer and Ponzo illusions
- Authors: Smith, T V G
- Date: 1970
- Subjects: Personality and culture , Xhosa (African people) -- Psychology , Visual perception , Optical illusions , Cross-cultural studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3239 ,
- Description: In order to investigate certain anomalies evident in the literature, the performances of three Xhosa groups (rural dwellers, urban dwellers, and undergraduates) of varying degrees of acculturation and a White undergraduate group, each group consisting of 30 subjects, were measured on tests of mode of field approach and susceptibility to the Müller- Lyer and Ponzo illusions. In addition, the effect of the introduction of a mental set, which facilitated the perception of perspective in the Ponzo figure, on susceptibility to the illusion was ascertained. Mode of field approach was measured by a portable version of the Rod-and-Frame Test. Susceptibility to the Müller-Lyer illusion was measured by a conventional movable- slide, subject-adjustable device, while a piece of apparatus which also worked on the movable slide principle and was subject-adjustable was developed to measure susceptibility to the Ponzo illusion. The set to facilitate the perception of perspective in the Ponzo figure was introduced by having subjects match the length of Ponzo contrast lines embodied in a photograph and a line-drawing of a bridge, both of these pictures having strong perspective cues. The subjects were required to perform the tasks in prescribed order. Standardised English or Xhosa instructions were ensured by the use of "programmed" worksheets for each task. Prior to each experimental task, the more unacculturated subjects performed comprehension checks to ensure that they understood the concepts of equal length and verticality. The results of the study suggested that: (i) When groups of differing acculturation levels are tested, there may be a pronounced negative association of field dependence with susceptibility to the Müller-Lyer and Ponzo illusions. In general, the more unacculturated the subject, the more field dependent and the less susceptible to illusions he was. However, there was no evidence which either strongly supported or refuted the relationship between these attributes at the intra-group level. (ii) There is no intra- group association between susceptibility to the Müller-Lyer and to the Ponzo illusions. This would indicate that they are not necessarily generated by similar inference habits or by similar contour properties. (iii) The introduction of a "perspective set" increases susceptibility to the Ponzo illusion only among acculturated subjects, who have well-developed pictorial depth perception skills and who habitually infer depth in inverted - V configurations. (iv) There is a significant association between acculturation and field independence. The unacculturated subjects, presumably because they lack the skills of visual analysis which are engendered by Western culture, were more field dependent than the acculturated subjects. (v) Provided that their degrees of acculturation are more-or-less equivalent, as were those of the two undergraduate groups, there are no differences in mode of field approach or susceptibility to the Müller-Lyer and Ponzo illusion among Xhosa and White subjects. Summary, p. 112.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1970
- Authors: Smith, T V G
- Date: 1970
- Subjects: Personality and culture , Xhosa (African people) -- Psychology , Visual perception , Optical illusions , Cross-cultural studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3239 ,
- Description: In order to investigate certain anomalies evident in the literature, the performances of three Xhosa groups (rural dwellers, urban dwellers, and undergraduates) of varying degrees of acculturation and a White undergraduate group, each group consisting of 30 subjects, were measured on tests of mode of field approach and susceptibility to the Müller- Lyer and Ponzo illusions. In addition, the effect of the introduction of a mental set, which facilitated the perception of perspective in the Ponzo figure, on susceptibility to the illusion was ascertained. Mode of field approach was measured by a portable version of the Rod-and-Frame Test. Susceptibility to the Müller-Lyer illusion was measured by a conventional movable- slide, subject-adjustable device, while a piece of apparatus which also worked on the movable slide principle and was subject-adjustable was developed to measure susceptibility to the Ponzo illusion. The set to facilitate the perception of perspective in the Ponzo figure was introduced by having subjects match the length of Ponzo contrast lines embodied in a photograph and a line-drawing of a bridge, both of these pictures having strong perspective cues. The subjects were required to perform the tasks in prescribed order. Standardised English or Xhosa instructions were ensured by the use of "programmed" worksheets for each task. Prior to each experimental task, the more unacculturated subjects performed comprehension checks to ensure that they understood the concepts of equal length and verticality. The results of the study suggested that: (i) When groups of differing acculturation levels are tested, there may be a pronounced negative association of field dependence with susceptibility to the Müller-Lyer and Ponzo illusions. In general, the more unacculturated the subject, the more field dependent and the less susceptible to illusions he was. However, there was no evidence which either strongly supported or refuted the relationship between these attributes at the intra-group level. (ii) There is no intra- group association between susceptibility to the Müller-Lyer and to the Ponzo illusions. This would indicate that they are not necessarily generated by similar inference habits or by similar contour properties. (iii) The introduction of a "perspective set" increases susceptibility to the Ponzo illusion only among acculturated subjects, who have well-developed pictorial depth perception skills and who habitually infer depth in inverted - V configurations. (iv) There is a significant association between acculturation and field independence. The unacculturated subjects, presumably because they lack the skills of visual analysis which are engendered by Western culture, were more field dependent than the acculturated subjects. (v) Provided that their degrees of acculturation are more-or-less equivalent, as were those of the two undergraduate groups, there are no differences in mode of field approach or susceptibility to the Müller-Lyer and Ponzo illusion among Xhosa and White subjects. Summary, p. 112.
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- Date Issued: 1970
A study of the performance of a Bantu sample on a test of perceptual field-dependence under conditions of normal and abnormal sensory environments
- Authors: Cogill, Charles John
- Date: 1970
- Subjects: Perception -- Testing , Senses and sensation -- Cross-cultural studies , Bantu speaking peoples
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3201 , , Perception -- Testing , Senses and sensation -- Cross-cultural studies , Bantu speaking peoples
- Description: For purposes of this background study, previous research findings relating to the development of the concept of field dependence - independence may be traced in five clearly distinct and logical stages: Stage 1: The Determination of the Factors Responsible for the Maintenance of Proper Orientation to the Upright. Stage 11: The Investigation of Individual Differences in the Manner of Establishing the Upright. Stage III: The Consideration of Possible Hypotheses to Account for Consistent Individual Differences in this Mode of Perception. Stage IV: An Investigation of the Relationship Between an Individual's Characteristic Way of Perceiving and his General Personality Organisation Stage V: The Ultimate Extension and Elaboration of this Work into the Construct of Psychological Differentiation which proposes that individuals are likely to function at a more differentiated or less differentiated level in many areas of behaviour. Some discussion of these stages is necessary to provide background for the present study. Chapter 1, p. 1.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1970
- Authors: Cogill, Charles John
- Date: 1970
- Subjects: Perception -- Testing , Senses and sensation -- Cross-cultural studies , Bantu speaking peoples
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3201 , , Perception -- Testing , Senses and sensation -- Cross-cultural studies , Bantu speaking peoples
- Description: For purposes of this background study, previous research findings relating to the development of the concept of field dependence - independence may be traced in five clearly distinct and logical stages: Stage 1: The Determination of the Factors Responsible for the Maintenance of Proper Orientation to the Upright. Stage 11: The Investigation of Individual Differences in the Manner of Establishing the Upright. Stage III: The Consideration of Possible Hypotheses to Account for Consistent Individual Differences in this Mode of Perception. Stage IV: An Investigation of the Relationship Between an Individual's Characteristic Way of Perceiving and his General Personality Organisation Stage V: The Ultimate Extension and Elaboration of this Work into the Construct of Psychological Differentiation which proposes that individuals are likely to function at a more differentiated or less differentiated level in many areas of behaviour. Some discussion of these stages is necessary to provide background for the present study. Chapter 1, p. 1.
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- Date Issued: 1970
An investigation into the relationship between creativity and academic performance in school children
- Authors: Noble, Sybil
- Date: 1970
- Subjects: Creative ability , Academic achievement , Performance in children
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3221 ,
- Description: The subject of creativity is of interest not only to the research worker and educationist but also, with its related mental health aspect, to the clinical psychologist. As the writer's interest is in clinical psychology the opportunity, which occurred in 1968, to undertake research on creativity, was welcomed. This opportunity arose out of a larger piece of research into the relationships between personality variables and mathematical ability in school children. This involved the administration of personality tests and tests of arithmetic and mathematical ability to all the English speaking school children in Grahamstown from Standard 2 to Standard 10. The writer assisted in this testing program and did the greater part of the marking, scoring and entering on computer sheets. Thus personality test scores for over 2,000 children from the age of 8 or 9 to 17 or 18, both boys and girls were available. It was found possible to extend the computer program to calculate a score for creativity based on a combination of Cattell's personality factors and it was decided to compare these creativity scores with actual school performance, as measured by internal school examinations, which with the cooperation and agreement of the Cape Education Department and local schools, the writer was able to obtain. Intro., p.1.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1970
- Authors: Noble, Sybil
- Date: 1970
- Subjects: Creative ability , Academic achievement , Performance in children
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3221 ,
- Description: The subject of creativity is of interest not only to the research worker and educationist but also, with its related mental health aspect, to the clinical psychologist. As the writer's interest is in clinical psychology the opportunity, which occurred in 1968, to undertake research on creativity, was welcomed. This opportunity arose out of a larger piece of research into the relationships between personality variables and mathematical ability in school children. This involved the administration of personality tests and tests of arithmetic and mathematical ability to all the English speaking school children in Grahamstown from Standard 2 to Standard 10. The writer assisted in this testing program and did the greater part of the marking, scoring and entering on computer sheets. Thus personality test scores for over 2,000 children from the age of 8 or 9 to 17 or 18, both boys and girls were available. It was found possible to extend the computer program to calculate a score for creativity based on a combination of Cattell's personality factors and it was decided to compare these creativity scores with actual school performance, as measured by internal school examinations, which with the cooperation and agreement of the Cape Education Department and local schools, the writer was able to obtain. Intro., p.1.
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- Date Issued: 1970
An investigation into the sensory mechanisms underlying the two point threshold, with particular reference to the practice effect
- Authors: Gradwell, Peter Bertram
- Date: 1971
- Subjects: Sensorimotor integration , Perceptual-motor learning
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3209 , , Sensorimotor integration , Perceptual-motor learning
- Description: The two point threshold was studied extensively by the psychophysical experimenters of the last century. More recent formulations in signal detection theory have suggested that the statements of these workers about absolute thresholds should be viewed with caution. This study investigates the two point threshold in the light of these formulations, and has two main aims :- (1) To state and deal with the problem of relating a limitation in perceptual ability, such as that which is represented by the two point threshold, to the receptor organisation of the body. (2) To demonstrate a practice effect on the two point threshold, and to consider this in the light of (1) above. To fulfil these two aims, a model of the neural mechanisms underlying the discrimination of two points applied to the skin is proposed, and this is able to accommodate what is known of the two point threshold. Although the model is simple it explicitly accounts for size transfer and the practice effect, and provides some clues as to the type of neural mechanism capable of producing them. The practice effect is demonstrated experimentally, and the results are then referred to the model proposed. The physiology of an organism sets the limits for its behaviour. 'The first aim is thus an important one, in that it considers a specific case of this general problem. And secondly, the practice effect on the two point threshold is typical of a number of fairly simple "learning" phenomena, which are part of the psychologists' study of learning.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1971
- Authors: Gradwell, Peter Bertram
- Date: 1971
- Subjects: Sensorimotor integration , Perceptual-motor learning
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3209 , , Sensorimotor integration , Perceptual-motor learning
- Description: The two point threshold was studied extensively by the psychophysical experimenters of the last century. More recent formulations in signal detection theory have suggested that the statements of these workers about absolute thresholds should be viewed with caution. This study investigates the two point threshold in the light of these formulations, and has two main aims :- (1) To state and deal with the problem of relating a limitation in perceptual ability, such as that which is represented by the two point threshold, to the receptor organisation of the body. (2) To demonstrate a practice effect on the two point threshold, and to consider this in the light of (1) above. To fulfil these two aims, a model of the neural mechanisms underlying the discrimination of two points applied to the skin is proposed, and this is able to accommodate what is known of the two point threshold. Although the model is simple it explicitly accounts for size transfer and the practice effect, and provides some clues as to the type of neural mechanism capable of producing them. The practice effect is demonstrated experimentally, and the results are then referred to the model proposed. The physiology of an organism sets the limits for its behaviour. 'The first aim is thus an important one, in that it considers a specific case of this general problem. And secondly, the practice effect on the two point threshold is typical of a number of fairly simple "learning" phenomena, which are part of the psychologists' study of learning.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1971
Creative processes in young children
- Authors: Styles, Irene Mavis
- Date: 1971
- Subjects: Creative ability in children , Creative thinking
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3244 ,
- Description: Enthusiasm for developing creativity in the individual has been remarkably widespread - at least in America - over the past twenty-five years or so. The armed services, the arts and sciences, educational institutions, businesses and industries are recognising to a greater and greater extent, the urgent necessity of developing this relatively neglected aspect of people is personalities. Their reasons differ, of course, and usually the welfare of the individual himself is not the main concern. This is perhaps fortunate, as advances made on philanthropic grounds alone have never progressed very rapidly. In business and industry, new ideas are urgently needed for survival - this was especially evident after World War II which was, in the end, really a battle of ideas. The importance of this implication has not decreased with distance in time from that conflagration, indeed, individuals in the armed services are probably the people most deeply involved in and the most concerned with the problem of developing creative thought. "We are in a mortal struggle for the survival of our way of life", writes Guilford. "The need (for developing creativity) is a national crisis" says Anderson*. Intro., p. 1.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1971
- Authors: Styles, Irene Mavis
- Date: 1971
- Subjects: Creative ability in children , Creative thinking
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3244 ,
- Description: Enthusiasm for developing creativity in the individual has been remarkably widespread - at least in America - over the past twenty-five years or so. The armed services, the arts and sciences, educational institutions, businesses and industries are recognising to a greater and greater extent, the urgent necessity of developing this relatively neglected aspect of people is personalities. Their reasons differ, of course, and usually the welfare of the individual himself is not the main concern. This is perhaps fortunate, as advances made on philanthropic grounds alone have never progressed very rapidly. In business and industry, new ideas are urgently needed for survival - this was especially evident after World War II which was, in the end, really a battle of ideas. The importance of this implication has not decreased with distance in time from that conflagration, indeed, individuals in the armed services are probably the people most deeply involved in and the most concerned with the problem of developing creative thought. "We are in a mortal struggle for the survival of our way of life", writes Guilford. "The need (for developing creativity) is a national crisis" says Anderson*. Intro., p. 1.
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- Date Issued: 1971
Effects of vigilance decrement on the recognition of embedded figures
- Authors: Daniel, Robert David
- Date: 1971
- Subjects: Perception -- Testing , Cognitive psychology
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3202 ,
- Description: Field independence was described by Witkin et al (1962) as the ability to separate an item perceived from its context. Here most experiments have used visually presented material where the subject was shown a simple geometrical figure and then a complex one containing the simple figure as part of it: the subject's task was to find and point out where the simple figure was hidden. Recent work has suggested that the skills involved in Witkin's tests might be associated with particular cultural backgrounds. This extension of Witkin's theory of field independence by Wober linked visual phenomena with those of a social and maturational nature: the ability to separate visual items from their context was shown to be aligned with the development of a sense of personal identity ; the person was considered to be an item set in a context or social field, be it family or society around him: an individual, depending on the way he was socialized as a child, may perceive the world analytically, if he did he was labelled field independent, if not he was field dependent. Intro. p.1.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1971
- Authors: Daniel, Robert David
- Date: 1971
- Subjects: Perception -- Testing , Cognitive psychology
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3202 ,
- Description: Field independence was described by Witkin et al (1962) as the ability to separate an item perceived from its context. Here most experiments have used visually presented material where the subject was shown a simple geometrical figure and then a complex one containing the simple figure as part of it: the subject's task was to find and point out where the simple figure was hidden. Recent work has suggested that the skills involved in Witkin's tests might be associated with particular cultural backgrounds. This extension of Witkin's theory of field independence by Wober linked visual phenomena with those of a social and maturational nature: the ability to separate visual items from their context was shown to be aligned with the development of a sense of personal identity ; the person was considered to be an item set in a context or social field, be it family or society around him: an individual, depending on the way he was socialized as a child, may perceive the world analytically, if he did he was labelled field independent, if not he was field dependent. Intro. p.1.
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- Date Issued: 1971
A comparative developmental study of the fear of snakes
- Authors: Bartel, P R
- Date: 1972
- Subjects: Snakes , Fear
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3198 , , Snakes , Fear
- Description: This study was conducted to determine the influence of age and culture on the fear of snakes. Five age groups, consisting of 20 White and 20 Xhosa subjects each, were tested. In addition to a behavioural and a GSR measure of fear, questionnaires were applied to determine the extent of the subjects' personal and vicarious aversive experiences of snakes and attitudes towards snakes. The behavioural measure showed a significant decrease in the fear of snakes between the 9 - 11 year and the 14 - 16 year White groups, while, for the Xhosa subjects, the fear of snakes increased significantly between the age groups 14 - 16 years and 18 - 20 years. The GSR measure showed a consistent level in the fear of snakes for White subjects. For the Xhosa subjects the mean GSR score for the 18 - 20 year .group was considerably higher than the means for the other age groups. The intensity of the fear of snakes for White and Xhosa subjects of the same age was remarkably similar. Xhosa subjects had significantly more negative attitudes towards snakes than white subjects. This finding was explained in terms of Whites having had greater opportunities to obtain factual information about snakes. No significant relationships were found between (a) the measures of the extent of the subjects' aversive experiences of snakes; (b) the degree of negative attitudes towards snakes; and the measures of the fear of snakes. On the basis of these measures, the etiology of the fear of snakes cannot be explained in terms of aversive experiences with snakes per se. The striking similarity of responses to a live snake by subjects from two widely different cultures suggests caution in an over-hasty dismissal of the theory of an innate fear of snakes.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1972
- Authors: Bartel, P R
- Date: 1972
- Subjects: Snakes , Fear
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3198 , , Snakes , Fear
- Description: This study was conducted to determine the influence of age and culture on the fear of snakes. Five age groups, consisting of 20 White and 20 Xhosa subjects each, were tested. In addition to a behavioural and a GSR measure of fear, questionnaires were applied to determine the extent of the subjects' personal and vicarious aversive experiences of snakes and attitudes towards snakes. The behavioural measure showed a significant decrease in the fear of snakes between the 9 - 11 year and the 14 - 16 year White groups, while, for the Xhosa subjects, the fear of snakes increased significantly between the age groups 14 - 16 years and 18 - 20 years. The GSR measure showed a consistent level in the fear of snakes for White subjects. For the Xhosa subjects the mean GSR score for the 18 - 20 year .group was considerably higher than the means for the other age groups. The intensity of the fear of snakes for White and Xhosa subjects of the same age was remarkably similar. Xhosa subjects had significantly more negative attitudes towards snakes than white subjects. This finding was explained in terms of Whites having had greater opportunities to obtain factual information about snakes. No significant relationships were found between (a) the measures of the extent of the subjects' aversive experiences of snakes; (b) the degree of negative attitudes towards snakes; and the measures of the fear of snakes. On the basis of these measures, the etiology of the fear of snakes cannot be explained in terms of aversive experiences with snakes per se. The striking similarity of responses to a live snake by subjects from two widely different cultures suggests caution in an over-hasty dismissal of the theory of an innate fear of snakes.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1972
An investigation of the determinants of the spatial characteristics of figure placements
- Authors: Edwards, David J A
- Date: 1973
- Subjects: Characters and characteristics , Psychology, Applied , Cross-cultural studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3205 , , Characters and characteristics , Psychology, Applied , Cross-cultural studies
- Description: The doll placement technique is a projective instrument which yields objective measures from which inferences may be drawn. Subjects place pairs of dolls to represent social encounters described to them by the experimenter. When the dolls have been placed, the distance between them and the angles at which they stand can serve as a source of information either about the personality of the placer or about the way in which he perceives the relationship between the interactors represented. Most experimental work employing figure placements has used flat felt figures which subjects have mounted on a flannel graph. This method limits an investigator to one dependent variable, the inter-figure distance. However if three dimensional dolls are placed three dependent measures can be derived from a placement, one of distance and two of orientation. It has been demonstrated that a reliable correlation exists between the spatial relations between figures placed by a person and the spatial relationships between real interactors. The theoretical analysis of the determinants of interpersonal distance and orientation in social encounters which has been worked out by students of non-verbal behaviour is therefore able to serve as a basis for the interpretation of the spatial characteristics of doll placements. Previous work with the doll placement technique has concentrated on the distance between dolls. The present study explored the determinants of figure orientations. Firstly an analysis was made of the types of orientation pattern that can occur when two persons are involved in a social encounter. Secondly, an experiment was performed which was designed to explore whether asymmetry in an orientation pattern might act as a cue to determine how individual figures in a pair were perceived. Thirdly, two doll placement studies were performed which were designed to investigate the conditions giving rise to asymmetrical orientation patterns and the determinants of direct and indirect orientations. The confidence or anxiety attributed to an interactor represented by a figure proved to be a major determinant of its spatial position. The results of the study indicate that the use of the angle measures in the analysis of doll placements considerably enhances the value of the technique. It is argued that the doll placement method could be profitably employed both as a clinical instrument and as a research tool for cross-cultural psychology.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1973
- Authors: Edwards, David J A
- Date: 1973
- Subjects: Characters and characteristics , Psychology, Applied , Cross-cultural studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3205 , , Characters and characteristics , Psychology, Applied , Cross-cultural studies
- Description: The doll placement technique is a projective instrument which yields objective measures from which inferences may be drawn. Subjects place pairs of dolls to represent social encounters described to them by the experimenter. When the dolls have been placed, the distance between them and the angles at which they stand can serve as a source of information either about the personality of the placer or about the way in which he perceives the relationship between the interactors represented. Most experimental work employing figure placements has used flat felt figures which subjects have mounted on a flannel graph. This method limits an investigator to one dependent variable, the inter-figure distance. However if three dimensional dolls are placed three dependent measures can be derived from a placement, one of distance and two of orientation. It has been demonstrated that a reliable correlation exists between the spatial relations between figures placed by a person and the spatial relationships between real interactors. The theoretical analysis of the determinants of interpersonal distance and orientation in social encounters which has been worked out by students of non-verbal behaviour is therefore able to serve as a basis for the interpretation of the spatial characteristics of doll placements. Previous work with the doll placement technique has concentrated on the distance between dolls. The present study explored the determinants of figure orientations. Firstly an analysis was made of the types of orientation pattern that can occur when two persons are involved in a social encounter. Secondly, an experiment was performed which was designed to explore whether asymmetry in an orientation pattern might act as a cue to determine how individual figures in a pair were perceived. Thirdly, two doll placement studies were performed which were designed to investigate the conditions giving rise to asymmetrical orientation patterns and the determinants of direct and indirect orientations. The confidence or anxiety attributed to an interactor represented by a figure proved to be a major determinant of its spatial position. The results of the study indicate that the use of the angle measures in the analysis of doll placements considerably enhances the value of the technique. It is argued that the doll placement method could be profitably employed both as a clinical instrument and as a research tool for cross-cultural psychology.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1973
A cross cultural study of eidetic imagery and short term memory
- Authors: Lewis, William Michael
- Date: 1974
- Subjects: Cross-cultural studies , Eidetic imagery , Short-term memory
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3141 , , Cross-cultural studies , Eidetic imagery , Short-term memory
- Description: The complexity of behaviour necessitates a clear and concise approach in order to comprehend its functioning. An example of such an approach is highlighted by the field of cybernetics. Cybernetic models have been used extensively throughout the various fields of Psychology but perhaps never more so as in the case of short term memory (STM). This particular field abounds with behavioural models and research workers are constantly developing new models or testing the universality of existing models. Universal validity is essential to the strength of the behavioural principles inherent in any model but unfortunately such validity tends to be neglected. The present study attempts to reconcile this position with reference to specific models of STM, with relation to the phenomena of eidetic imagery (EI). Certain studies concerning the incidence of EI in illiterate Africans have produced results which are contradictory to those obtained in the Western culture. Two of the most important contradictions concern the fact that the illiterate Africans experienced the absence of an age parameter on the occurrence of such imagery and the fact that the incidence of imagery was more extensive in the African culture. A reason for these contradictions was sought and it was reasoned that as eidetic images have been closely linked with memory images, it may, therefore, be assumed that these particular cultures may use EI as an aid to memory in the absence of written material. Further, it would not be unreasonable to assume that this visual imagery may tend to dominate the STM process and thereby challenge the universality of those memory models that proposed acoustic domination of this process. No work has been done in investigating the memory process of the Africans. Thus, a study which did so would not only test the universality of specific memory models but would also possibly throw more light on the memory process itself. In this particular study there were three specific aims; (a) to ascertain the relative incidence of EI on a cross-cultural level, (b) to assess the influence of EI on the memory process, and (c) to ascertain the extent to which principles of STM developed in the West applied to the African groups. The groups concerned in the study comprised two Xhosa groups and a European group. The European group (WS) was drawn from a White Student population at Rhodes University and was regarded as a control group. The equivalent literate Xhosa group (BS) was drawn from a Black Student population at the University of Fort Hare. The illiterate Xhosa group (RX) was drawn from a population of Red Xhosa people in the Transkei. Four tasks were administered to the groups with the cross-cultural variable carefully controlled as much as possible. The following comprised the four tasks; (a) eidetic imagery (b) auditory serial recall (c) visual serial recall and (d) an acoustic confusable task. Each subject commenced with the eidetic imagery task and was then confronted with a random presentation of the other three tasks. The EI task began with an after image task which was foIlowed by three selected pictures which comprised the EI task. After each picture presentation the subject was closely questioned as to the presence of imagery. Scoring was of a subjective nature. The visual and acoustic confusion tasks constituted serial presentation of ten items over six randomized trials. Each item was presented for 0,75 seconds with a negligible inter-item interval. The presentation order of the items was randomized throughout the trials. Presentation was by means of a preprogrammed 16mm colour film. Items were scored for correct serial position. The auditory task consisted of the serial presentation of ten items over six randomized trials. The items were once again randomized throughout the trials with regards to presentation order. The presentation speed was one word per second. The presentation was by means of a pre-programmed tape. Items were scored for correct serial position. The visual task was common to both language groups whilst the other two tasks correlated with the language group. Thus, the items in the auditory and acoustic confusion tasks were different for each language but an attempt was made to control this variable. The tasks were conducted in the subjects home language which was either Xhosa or English. It was assumed that the RX group would demonstrate a greater incidence of EI, irrespective of the age of the subject, and that imagery would be reflected in the recall performance of the memory tasks. It was suggested that imagery may determine or encourage the mode of storage that the subject employed, which, in this case, would be the visual modality. If so then it would be expected that visual storage would circumvent the detrimental influence of acoustic confusability. The Xhosa university group (BS ) was an unknown quantity but was included to ascertain whether there were any marked differences between the group and the other two. The results revealed that imagery was in fact more prevalent in the Xhosa groups whilst the WS group demonstrated a complete lack of EI but did report the presence of pictorial imagery (PI). However, imagery did not appear to function as an aid to memory. It seemed, however, that in certain instances it correlated with visual encoding. Generally the Xhosa subjects, especially with regards to the visual tasks, tended to encode visually whilst the WS group encoded auditorily. With reference to recall performance, it was found that in all instances the WS group demonstrated superior recall followed by the BS and RX groups in that order. There was a significant difference in the strength of recall between each of the groups. The results of the auditory and visual tasks were interpreted within the STM principles developed in the West. It was found that the WS group adhered to these principles thereby justifying its position as a central group. The BS group followed a similar pattern with exception to the recency effect which was much weaker in their case. The RX group reported the absence of any storage and rehearsal strategies and this was reflected in their poor recall performance. They too were characterized by a very weak recency effect. The interesting point arose, however, when the auditory and visual recency effects were compared. According to Crawder and Norton (1969) the influence or the precategorical acoustic store (PAS) on recall should be reflected by a comparatively stronger auditory recency effect. This trend was observed in relation to the WS group but not to the Xhosa groups who tended to demonstrate a stronger visual recency effect. It was therefore, suspected that PAS did not operate with the same effectiveness with the Xhosa subjects. In fact it was suggested that in the case of the Xhosa subjects the visual peripheral store may be stronger than PAS. Contrary to expectation all three groups exhibited acoustic confusion. This was expected of the WS group as the subjects preferred auditory storage , but not of the Xhosa subjects who preferred visual storage. It was suggested however, that in the case of the Xhosa subjects the visual storage technique would have to be abandoned immediately prior to or during recall as recall was necessarily in the auditory modality. The outcome of the experiment generally confirmed Doab's conclusions as to the incidence of imagery and its relation with memory. However, due to the Xhosa preference for visual storage and their stronger visual recency effect, Sperling's model was slightly modified. Conrad 's findings were, of course, substantiated.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1974
- Authors: Lewis, William Michael
- Date: 1974
- Subjects: Cross-cultural studies , Eidetic imagery , Short-term memory
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3141 , , Cross-cultural studies , Eidetic imagery , Short-term memory
- Description: The complexity of behaviour necessitates a clear and concise approach in order to comprehend its functioning. An example of such an approach is highlighted by the field of cybernetics. Cybernetic models have been used extensively throughout the various fields of Psychology but perhaps never more so as in the case of short term memory (STM). This particular field abounds with behavioural models and research workers are constantly developing new models or testing the universality of existing models. Universal validity is essential to the strength of the behavioural principles inherent in any model but unfortunately such validity tends to be neglected. The present study attempts to reconcile this position with reference to specific models of STM, with relation to the phenomena of eidetic imagery (EI). Certain studies concerning the incidence of EI in illiterate Africans have produced results which are contradictory to those obtained in the Western culture. Two of the most important contradictions concern the fact that the illiterate Africans experienced the absence of an age parameter on the occurrence of such imagery and the fact that the incidence of imagery was more extensive in the African culture. A reason for these contradictions was sought and it was reasoned that as eidetic images have been closely linked with memory images, it may, therefore, be assumed that these particular cultures may use EI as an aid to memory in the absence of written material. Further, it would not be unreasonable to assume that this visual imagery may tend to dominate the STM process and thereby challenge the universality of those memory models that proposed acoustic domination of this process. No work has been done in investigating the memory process of the Africans. Thus, a study which did so would not only test the universality of specific memory models but would also possibly throw more light on the memory process itself. In this particular study there were three specific aims; (a) to ascertain the relative incidence of EI on a cross-cultural level, (b) to assess the influence of EI on the memory process, and (c) to ascertain the extent to which principles of STM developed in the West applied to the African groups. The groups concerned in the study comprised two Xhosa groups and a European group. The European group (WS) was drawn from a White Student population at Rhodes University and was regarded as a control group. The equivalent literate Xhosa group (BS) was drawn from a Black Student population at the University of Fort Hare. The illiterate Xhosa group (RX) was drawn from a population of Red Xhosa people in the Transkei. Four tasks were administered to the groups with the cross-cultural variable carefully controlled as much as possible. The following comprised the four tasks; (a) eidetic imagery (b) auditory serial recall (c) visual serial recall and (d) an acoustic confusable task. Each subject commenced with the eidetic imagery task and was then confronted with a random presentation of the other three tasks. The EI task began with an after image task which was foIlowed by three selected pictures which comprised the EI task. After each picture presentation the subject was closely questioned as to the presence of imagery. Scoring was of a subjective nature. The visual and acoustic confusion tasks constituted serial presentation of ten items over six randomized trials. Each item was presented for 0,75 seconds with a negligible inter-item interval. The presentation order of the items was randomized throughout the trials. Presentation was by means of a preprogrammed 16mm colour film. Items were scored for correct serial position. The auditory task consisted of the serial presentation of ten items over six randomized trials. The items were once again randomized throughout the trials with regards to presentation order. The presentation speed was one word per second. The presentation was by means of a pre-programmed tape. Items were scored for correct serial position. The visual task was common to both language groups whilst the other two tasks correlated with the language group. Thus, the items in the auditory and acoustic confusion tasks were different for each language but an attempt was made to control this variable. The tasks were conducted in the subjects home language which was either Xhosa or English. It was assumed that the RX group would demonstrate a greater incidence of EI, irrespective of the age of the subject, and that imagery would be reflected in the recall performance of the memory tasks. It was suggested that imagery may determine or encourage the mode of storage that the subject employed, which, in this case, would be the visual modality. If so then it would be expected that visual storage would circumvent the detrimental influence of acoustic confusability. The Xhosa university group (BS ) was an unknown quantity but was included to ascertain whether there were any marked differences between the group and the other two. The results revealed that imagery was in fact more prevalent in the Xhosa groups whilst the WS group demonstrated a complete lack of EI but did report the presence of pictorial imagery (PI). However, imagery did not appear to function as an aid to memory. It seemed, however, that in certain instances it correlated with visual encoding. Generally the Xhosa subjects, especially with regards to the visual tasks, tended to encode visually whilst the WS group encoded auditorily. With reference to recall performance, it was found that in all instances the WS group demonstrated superior recall followed by the BS and RX groups in that order. There was a significant difference in the strength of recall between each of the groups. The results of the auditory and visual tasks were interpreted within the STM principles developed in the West. It was found that the WS group adhered to these principles thereby justifying its position as a central group. The BS group followed a similar pattern with exception to the recency effect which was much weaker in their case. The RX group reported the absence of any storage and rehearsal strategies and this was reflected in their poor recall performance. They too were characterized by a very weak recency effect. The interesting point arose, however, when the auditory and visual recency effects were compared. According to Crawder and Norton (1969) the influence or the precategorical acoustic store (PAS) on recall should be reflected by a comparatively stronger auditory recency effect. This trend was observed in relation to the WS group but not to the Xhosa groups who tended to demonstrate a stronger visual recency effect. It was therefore, suspected that PAS did not operate with the same effectiveness with the Xhosa subjects. In fact it was suggested that in the case of the Xhosa subjects the visual peripheral store may be stronger than PAS. Contrary to expectation all three groups exhibited acoustic confusion. This was expected of the WS group as the subjects preferred auditory storage , but not of the Xhosa subjects who preferred visual storage. It was suggested however, that in the case of the Xhosa subjects the visual storage technique would have to be abandoned immediately prior to or during recall as recall was necessarily in the auditory modality. The outcome of the experiment generally confirmed Doab's conclusions as to the incidence of imagery and its relation with memory. However, due to the Xhosa preference for visual storage and their stronger visual recency effect, Sperling's model was slightly modified. Conrad 's findings were, of course, substantiated.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1974
Accident liability and primary process thinking : a study in ego psychology
- Authors: Nell, Oelrich
- Date: 1975
- Subjects: Automobile drivers -- Psychology , Ego (Psychology) , Traffic safety -- South Africa -- Psychological aspects , Liability for traffic accidents -- South Africa , Traffic accidents -- South Africa -- Psychological aspects
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3220 ,
- Description: Serious efforts must be made to combat the high accident rate on the roads in the Republic of South Africa. The same spirit which exists in the field of medicine when there are evidences that an epidemic is beginning to take its toll, must come into being amongst those who are concerned with traffic and its problems. The public itself needs to become more aware of road safety. Many associations and institutions have been created to assist with the inculcation of the road safety ideal. The National Road Safety Council, which creates opportunities for investigation into aspects of road safety must continue to expand its sphere of influence. The research project contained on the following pages represents an attempt to contribute to the human factor in traffic safety, particularly by making a closer study of the driver of the motor vehicle. The writer is concerned with the carnage that is caused by road accidents. His previous study of personality and particularly of the projective techniques of assessment has prompted a consideration of the problem.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1975
- Authors: Nell, Oelrich
- Date: 1975
- Subjects: Automobile drivers -- Psychology , Ego (Psychology) , Traffic safety -- South Africa -- Psychological aspects , Liability for traffic accidents -- South Africa , Traffic accidents -- South Africa -- Psychological aspects
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3220 ,
- Description: Serious efforts must be made to combat the high accident rate on the roads in the Republic of South Africa. The same spirit which exists in the field of medicine when there are evidences that an epidemic is beginning to take its toll, must come into being amongst those who are concerned with traffic and its problems. The public itself needs to become more aware of road safety. Many associations and institutions have been created to assist with the inculcation of the road safety ideal. The National Road Safety Council, which creates opportunities for investigation into aspects of road safety must continue to expand its sphere of influence. The research project contained on the following pages represents an attempt to contribute to the human factor in traffic safety, particularly by making a closer study of the driver of the motor vehicle. The writer is concerned with the carnage that is caused by road accidents. His previous study of personality and particularly of the projective techniques of assessment has prompted a consideration of the problem.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1975
5-hydroxytryptamine and sexual behaviour in rhesus monkeys
- Authors: Gradwell, Peter Bertram
- Date: 1976
- Subjects: Rhesus monkey -- Behavior Sexual behavior in animals
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3210 ,
- Description: Selective inhibition of 5-hydroxytryptamine by parachlorophenylalanine (PCPA) is able to restore sexual receptivity in female rhesus monkeys made unreceptive by bilateral adrenalectomy. PCPA in the doses used reduces the levels of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5HIAA) in the cerebrospinal fluid to 40 per cent of the normal oestradioltreated condition. Both the increased sexual receptivity and the lowered 5HIAA levels "in the CSF are in turn reversed by 5-hydroxytryptophal (5HTP), the irrmediate precursor of 5HT and the substance whose synthesis is inhibited by PCPA. 5HTP on its own reduces sexual receptivity and increases 5HIAA levels in the CSF of ovariectomised, oestradiol-treated (but otherwise intact) female rhesus monkeys. A substance other than an adrenal androgen has therefore been shown to restore sexual receptivity in adrenalectomised female monkeys . Testosterone propionate and oestradiol benzoate both lower the turnover rates of 5HT in the brains of ovariectomised female monkeys, as measured by the 2 hour probenecid test. Taken together, these findings suggest that adrenal androgens could act on specific sites in the female monkey brain via 5HT-containing neural systems, to control (or at least influence) sexual receptivity. All the results of administering oestradiol to ovariectomised monkeys in these experiments are consistent with the established roles of this hormone in female sexual attractiveness and in the gonadotrophin- controlling systems of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal axis. In contrast to these findings on 5HT and sexual receptivity in female monkeys, no clear role for 5HT- containing neural systems could be demonstrated in the grooming, aggressive or social behaviours of female monkeys. No clear role for 5HT could be demonstrated in the refractory period following ejaculation in male monkeys , or when testosterone replacement is given to castrated male monkeys.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1976
- Authors: Gradwell, Peter Bertram
- Date: 1976
- Subjects: Rhesus monkey -- Behavior Sexual behavior in animals
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3210 ,
- Description: Selective inhibition of 5-hydroxytryptamine by parachlorophenylalanine (PCPA) is able to restore sexual receptivity in female rhesus monkeys made unreceptive by bilateral adrenalectomy. PCPA in the doses used reduces the levels of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5HIAA) in the cerebrospinal fluid to 40 per cent of the normal oestradioltreated condition. Both the increased sexual receptivity and the lowered 5HIAA levels "in the CSF are in turn reversed by 5-hydroxytryptophal (5HTP), the irrmediate precursor of 5HT and the substance whose synthesis is inhibited by PCPA. 5HTP on its own reduces sexual receptivity and increases 5HIAA levels in the CSF of ovariectomised, oestradiol-treated (but otherwise intact) female rhesus monkeys. A substance other than an adrenal androgen has therefore been shown to restore sexual receptivity in adrenalectomised female monkeys . Testosterone propionate and oestradiol benzoate both lower the turnover rates of 5HT in the brains of ovariectomised female monkeys, as measured by the 2 hour probenecid test. Taken together, these findings suggest that adrenal androgens could act on specific sites in the female monkey brain via 5HT-containing neural systems, to control (or at least influence) sexual receptivity. All the results of administering oestradiol to ovariectomised monkeys in these experiments are consistent with the established roles of this hormone in female sexual attractiveness and in the gonadotrophin- controlling systems of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal axis. In contrast to these findings on 5HT and sexual receptivity in female monkeys, no clear role for 5HT- containing neural systems could be demonstrated in the grooming, aggressive or social behaviours of female monkeys. No clear role for 5HT could be demonstrated in the refractory period following ejaculation in male monkeys , or when testosterone replacement is given to castrated male monkeys.
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- Date Issued: 1976
A comparative Rorschach study of some responses of Schizophrenic and non-Schizophrenic Nguni female subjects
- Authors: Melane, Nompumelelo Popana
- Date: 1976
- Subjects: Rorschach Test , Schizophrenia -- Social aspects , Schizophrenia -- Treatment , Psychoanalysis -- Social aspects , Nguni (African people) -- Psychology , Women -- Mental health
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3216 ,
- Description: Observation of the frequency with which major decisions on issues affecting psychiatric patients were decided on material elicited from techniques like the Rorschach stimulated the investigation of the applicability of this technique to African patients. The nosological group chosen for this study was the schizophrenic group. Scrutiny into the literature revealed great diversity in conceptions of the etiology of the schizophrenic condition. To handle this material it was necessary to adopt a modification of the framework used in Friedman and Kaplan (1974). Having gone into the models on etiology it was evident that consistency was only possible in the realm of symptoms and diagnosis and the definition of schizophrenia as a group of psychotic disorders characterised by gross distortions of reality : the disorganisation and fragmentation of perception, thought and emotion and withdrawal from social interaction, was adopted. With this preconceived idea of schizophrenia three hypotheses were formulated to test the diagnostic utility of the Rorschach with Nguni schizophrenic female subjects. Summary, p. 104.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1976
- Authors: Melane, Nompumelelo Popana
- Date: 1976
- Subjects: Rorschach Test , Schizophrenia -- Social aspects , Schizophrenia -- Treatment , Psychoanalysis -- Social aspects , Nguni (African people) -- Psychology , Women -- Mental health
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3216 ,
- Description: Observation of the frequency with which major decisions on issues affecting psychiatric patients were decided on material elicited from techniques like the Rorschach stimulated the investigation of the applicability of this technique to African patients. The nosological group chosen for this study was the schizophrenic group. Scrutiny into the literature revealed great diversity in conceptions of the etiology of the schizophrenic condition. To handle this material it was necessary to adopt a modification of the framework used in Friedman and Kaplan (1974). Having gone into the models on etiology it was evident that consistency was only possible in the realm of symptoms and diagnosis and the definition of schizophrenia as a group of psychotic disorders characterised by gross distortions of reality : the disorganisation and fragmentation of perception, thought and emotion and withdrawal from social interaction, was adopted. With this preconceived idea of schizophrenia three hypotheses were formulated to test the diagnostic utility of the Rorschach with Nguni schizophrenic female subjects. Summary, p. 104.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1976
A comparative study of the vocational interests of black and white school-leaving boys in South Africa
- Authors: Breger, Richard Allen
- Date: 1976
- Subjects: Vocational interests -- South Africa , Vocational interests -- Cross-cultural studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3200 , , Vocational interests -- South Africa , Vocational interests -- Cross-cultural studies
- Description: This is an exploratory study to compare the vocational interests of Black and White school-leaving boys in South Africa. The aim of the study is, first, to test the hypothesis that the samples hold similar stereotypes of vocations and that they structure interest fields in a similar way; and, second. to test the hypothesis that the vocational interests of the samples are different. The samples comprise four hundred and ten matriculants from schools in Johannesburg and Soweto. The methodological requirements for conducting cross-cultural research are adhered to as far is practically possible. The main findings provide general support for the hypotheses. It is found that the Black and White samples have similar vocational stereotypes and that they structure interest fields similarly, and in a way which closely approximates the reported structures characteristically found in Western culture. The Black and White samples differ in their vocational interests, although there are also similarities.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1976
- Authors: Breger, Richard Allen
- Date: 1976
- Subjects: Vocational interests -- South Africa , Vocational interests -- Cross-cultural studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3200 , , Vocational interests -- South Africa , Vocational interests -- Cross-cultural studies
- Description: This is an exploratory study to compare the vocational interests of Black and White school-leaving boys in South Africa. The aim of the study is, first, to test the hypothesis that the samples hold similar stereotypes of vocations and that they structure interest fields in a similar way; and, second. to test the hypothesis that the vocational interests of the samples are different. The samples comprise four hundred and ten matriculants from schools in Johannesburg and Soweto. The methodological requirements for conducting cross-cultural research are adhered to as far is practically possible. The main findings provide general support for the hypotheses. It is found that the Black and White samples have similar vocational stereotypes and that they structure interest fields similarly, and in a way which closely approximates the reported structures characteristically found in Western culture. The Black and White samples differ in their vocational interests, although there are also similarities.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1976
Self-esteem of coloured and white scholars and students in South Africa
- Authors: Momberg, Allan
- Date: 1976
- Subjects: Self-esteem in children , Self-esteem -- Cross-cultural studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3217 ,
- Description: A measure of the self-esteem of 426 subjects was obtained by means of the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory. The sample comprised two Afrikaans, two Coloured and two English groups. Each of the above three groups was made up of pupils and students, (i. e. there were six separate sample groups). The major purpose of this study was to ascertain whether or not the Coloureds could be said to differ meaningfully from their White counterparts with regard to their general level of self-esteem. A secondary objective was to investigate the possibility of the Afrikaans and English groups differing in self-esteem. No significant differences were found to exist between any of the three student sample groups. The ranking of the mean self-esteem scores of these groups was: Afrikaans (highest), Coloured, English (lowest). The only groups that differed significantly from one another at the pupil level were the Afrikaans and the Coloureds. Their ranking was: Afrikaans (highest), English, Coloured (lowest). The prediction arising from the hypothesis of this study was that the Coloureds do not necessarily differ from Whites in their general level of self-esteem. This view is held because factors similar to those which are believed to have facilitated the rise in the self-esteem of the American Negroes are now operating in South Africa. It was concluded that this prediction was upheld.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1976
- Authors: Momberg, Allan
- Date: 1976
- Subjects: Self-esteem in children , Self-esteem -- Cross-cultural studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3217 ,
- Description: A measure of the self-esteem of 426 subjects was obtained by means of the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory. The sample comprised two Afrikaans, two Coloured and two English groups. Each of the above three groups was made up of pupils and students, (i. e. there were six separate sample groups). The major purpose of this study was to ascertain whether or not the Coloureds could be said to differ meaningfully from their White counterparts with regard to their general level of self-esteem. A secondary objective was to investigate the possibility of the Afrikaans and English groups differing in self-esteem. No significant differences were found to exist between any of the three student sample groups. The ranking of the mean self-esteem scores of these groups was: Afrikaans (highest), Coloured, English (lowest). The only groups that differed significantly from one another at the pupil level were the Afrikaans and the Coloureds. Their ranking was: Afrikaans (highest), English, Coloured (lowest). The prediction arising from the hypothesis of this study was that the Coloureds do not necessarily differ from Whites in their general level of self-esteem. This view is held because factors similar to those which are believed to have facilitated the rise in the self-esteem of the American Negroes are now operating in South Africa. It was concluded that this prediction was upheld.
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- Date Issued: 1976
A cross-cultural study of interpersonal distance and orientation schemata
- Authors: Edwards, David J A
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Personal space -- Testing Orientation (Psychology) Cross-cultural studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3206 ,
- Description: Expectations about interpersonal distance during social encounters (distance schemata) and body orientation (orientation schemata) were investigated among White English-speakers and Xhosa groups which included illiterate traditionalists (Reds), poorly educated urban dwellers, and highly literate students and nurses. In a series of six experiments a doll placement task was used in which subjects represented dyadic encounters by placing pairs of standing dolls. For each situation represented the responses of each group of subjects were summarised in the form of a profile which showed the mean of the distance and three angle measures (IPOS profile). Independent variables included culture of subject, type of situation represented (friendly encounter, quarrel, accusation and denial, request) and the sex, age or relationship of the persons represented. In the culminating experiment (Experiment 6), females from three Xhosa groups (Reds or XR, poorly educated urban or XU, and urban nurses or XN) made twenty-three placements. In some respects the schemata of the four groups were very similar, while in others both distance and orientation schemata were a function of cultural group. The experiments allowed an assessment of the validity of the doll placement method to be made, and results were discussed in terms of the effects on interpersonal distance and body orientation of cultural norms concerning the showing of respect and the nature and strength of the emotions present in the various types of situation. It was concluded that with cultural movement away from the traditionalist pattern the schemata of the urban Xhosa showed a transition towards those found among the Whites in some respects. However, while the schemata of the XN group showed features of both those of the XR and White groups, those of the XU group showed features found in neither which seemed to reflect the insecurity of the cultural milieu of the urban poor.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
- Authors: Edwards, David J A
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Personal space -- Testing Orientation (Psychology) Cross-cultural studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3206 ,
- Description: Expectations about interpersonal distance during social encounters (distance schemata) and body orientation (orientation schemata) were investigated among White English-speakers and Xhosa groups which included illiterate traditionalists (Reds), poorly educated urban dwellers, and highly literate students and nurses. In a series of six experiments a doll placement task was used in which subjects represented dyadic encounters by placing pairs of standing dolls. For each situation represented the responses of each group of subjects were summarised in the form of a profile which showed the mean of the distance and three angle measures (IPOS profile). Independent variables included culture of subject, type of situation represented (friendly encounter, quarrel, accusation and denial, request) and the sex, age or relationship of the persons represented. In the culminating experiment (Experiment 6), females from three Xhosa groups (Reds or XR, poorly educated urban or XU, and urban nurses or XN) made twenty-three placements. In some respects the schemata of the four groups were very similar, while in others both distance and orientation schemata were a function of cultural group. The experiments allowed an assessment of the validity of the doll placement method to be made, and results were discussed in terms of the effects on interpersonal distance and body orientation of cultural norms concerning the showing of respect and the nature and strength of the emotions present in the various types of situation. It was concluded that with cultural movement away from the traditionalist pattern the schemata of the urban Xhosa showed a transition towards those found among the Whites in some respects. However, while the schemata of the XN group showed features of both those of the XR and White groups, those of the XU group showed features found in neither which seemed to reflect the insecurity of the cultural milieu of the urban poor.
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- Date Issued: 1977