Délices et négation: une approche de l’écriture féminine à travers quelques romans Africains Francophones
- Authors: Anjugu, Taimako Ajigo
- Date: 2023-03-30
- Subjects: African fiction (French) History and criticism , Literature Women authors , Women authors, African , Reader-response criticism , Womanism in literature
- Language: French
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/409779 , vital:70629 , DOI 10.21504/10962/409779
- Description: From the onset, it is worthy to note that, nowadays, just as after the independence of most African countries, several writers from the African continent have been preoccupied with the fate of women. This is because, the African continent was since ancient times characterized by certain traditions and cultures which mainly have contributed to the plight of the women. This goes to emphasise that women in most cases are the victims of misdeeds such as early marriage, forced marriage, prejudices, violence, marginalisation, exploitation, discrimination; in short, vices that lead to devalorisation of African women in Africa. Over time, some contemporary French-speaking African writers have responded to the devaluation and valuation of women in their novels using 21st century objective view. With regard to the theme that we decided to address in this research, it is worth knowing that the preponderant task is based on the socio-critical theory, postulated by Claude Duchet. Meanwhile, recourse is also made to the comparative method by Rens, Bod et al. However, since the author’s message could be understood by the reader through the use of some expressions or terms that speak directly to the themes of the research, and that a reader’s role in reading experience cannot be overemphasised, we have been able to also lean on the Reader-response theory of Louise Michelle Rosenblatt. The three methods were used concurrently especially that the analysis of each text is based on how characters are being depicted leading us to realizing that our findings on how the African woman is devalued in the first part of the research, while in the second part of the thesis, our findings demonstrate that a lot of tributes are showered on the African woman due to her numerous outstanding qualities. In effect, our findings also reinforce a significant shift in the narrative that concerns the contemporary view on womanhood. Hence, moving from a dogmatic overconcentration on her lot to the new era woman whose lot is now redefined via the new wave feminist perspective on the negation of the African woman. This could be said to be in line with Amadiume Ifi’s contributions and pioneering work in feminist discourse towards new ways of thinking about sex and gender, the question of power, and women’s place in history and culture. , Pour commencer, il est nécessaire de se souvenir qu’à l’époque actuelle, comme juste après les indépendances de la plupart des pays africains, bon nombre des écrivains venant du continent africain décident de se préoccuper des méfaits sociaux tels que le mariage précoce et/ou forcé, les préjugés, la violence, la marginalisation, l’exploitation, la discrimination, entre autres. Tous ces vices sont issus de la négation de la femme africaine. Ceci se justifie par le fait que le continent africain était depuis l’antiquité caractérisé par certaines traditions et cultures qui ont contribué principalement aux dégâts ci-dessus soulignés subis par les femmes. En effet, nous estimons que beaucoup de femmes sont victimes de ces méfaits qui sont encore pratiqués dans certaines parties de l’Afrique. Avec le temps, certains écrivains africains francophones contemporains représentent la dévalorisation et la valorisation de la femme dans leurs romans en se servant d’une vision contemporaine, celle du XXIe siècle. En ce qui concerne le thème que nous avons décidé d'aborder dans cette recherche, il faut savoir que la tâche prépondérante repose sur la théorie sociocritique, postulée par Claude Duchet. Parallèlement, on a également recours à la méthode comparative de Bod Rens Et ses coauteurs. Cependant, puisque le message de l’auteur pourrait être compris aussi par le lecteur à travers l’usage de certaines expressions ou termes qui sont directement liés aux thèmes de la recherche, le rôle du lecteur dans l’expérience de lecture ne peut pas être surestimé, nous avons également pu nous appuyer sur la théorie de la réponse du lecteur de Louise Michelle Rosenblatt. Les trois méthodes ont été utilisées simultanément d'autant plus que l'analyse de chaque texte est basée sur la façon dont les personnages sont représentés ; ceci nous a amené à tirer nos conclusions sur la façon dont la femme africaine est dévalorisée dans la première partie de la recherche, tandis que dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, nos résultats démontrent que de nombreux hommages sont rendus à la femme africaine grâce à ses nombreuses qualités exceptionnelles. En effet, nos résultats renforcent également un changement important dans le récit qui concerne la vision contemporaine de la féminité. Par conséquent, passer d’une surconcentration dogmatique sur son sort à la femme de la nouvelle ère dont le sort est maintenant redéfini via la perspective féministe par rapport à la négation de la femme africaine telle a été la démarche. On pourrait dire que cela est au diapason avec les contributions d’Amadiume Ifi et avec son travail dans le discours féministe vers de nouvelles façons de penser le sexe et le genre, la question du pouvoir et la place de la femme dans l’histoire et la culture. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-03-30
- Authors: Anjugu, Taimako Ajigo
- Date: 2023-03-30
- Subjects: African fiction (French) History and criticism , Literature Women authors , Women authors, African , Reader-response criticism , Womanism in literature
- Language: French
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/409779 , vital:70629 , DOI 10.21504/10962/409779
- Description: From the onset, it is worthy to note that, nowadays, just as after the independence of most African countries, several writers from the African continent have been preoccupied with the fate of women. This is because, the African continent was since ancient times characterized by certain traditions and cultures which mainly have contributed to the plight of the women. This goes to emphasise that women in most cases are the victims of misdeeds such as early marriage, forced marriage, prejudices, violence, marginalisation, exploitation, discrimination; in short, vices that lead to devalorisation of African women in Africa. Over time, some contemporary French-speaking African writers have responded to the devaluation and valuation of women in their novels using 21st century objective view. With regard to the theme that we decided to address in this research, it is worth knowing that the preponderant task is based on the socio-critical theory, postulated by Claude Duchet. Meanwhile, recourse is also made to the comparative method by Rens, Bod et al. However, since the author’s message could be understood by the reader through the use of some expressions or terms that speak directly to the themes of the research, and that a reader’s role in reading experience cannot be overemphasised, we have been able to also lean on the Reader-response theory of Louise Michelle Rosenblatt. The three methods were used concurrently especially that the analysis of each text is based on how characters are being depicted leading us to realizing that our findings on how the African woman is devalued in the first part of the research, while in the second part of the thesis, our findings demonstrate that a lot of tributes are showered on the African woman due to her numerous outstanding qualities. In effect, our findings also reinforce a significant shift in the narrative that concerns the contemporary view on womanhood. Hence, moving from a dogmatic overconcentration on her lot to the new era woman whose lot is now redefined via the new wave feminist perspective on the negation of the African woman. This could be said to be in line with Amadiume Ifi’s contributions and pioneering work in feminist discourse towards new ways of thinking about sex and gender, the question of power, and women’s place in history and culture. , Pour commencer, il est nécessaire de se souvenir qu’à l’époque actuelle, comme juste après les indépendances de la plupart des pays africains, bon nombre des écrivains venant du continent africain décident de se préoccuper des méfaits sociaux tels que le mariage précoce et/ou forcé, les préjugés, la violence, la marginalisation, l’exploitation, la discrimination, entre autres. Tous ces vices sont issus de la négation de la femme africaine. Ceci se justifie par le fait que le continent africain était depuis l’antiquité caractérisé par certaines traditions et cultures qui ont contribué principalement aux dégâts ci-dessus soulignés subis par les femmes. En effet, nous estimons que beaucoup de femmes sont victimes de ces méfaits qui sont encore pratiqués dans certaines parties de l’Afrique. Avec le temps, certains écrivains africains francophones contemporains représentent la dévalorisation et la valorisation de la femme dans leurs romans en se servant d’une vision contemporaine, celle du XXIe siècle. En ce qui concerne le thème que nous avons décidé d'aborder dans cette recherche, il faut savoir que la tâche prépondérante repose sur la théorie sociocritique, postulée par Claude Duchet. Parallèlement, on a également recours à la méthode comparative de Bod Rens Et ses coauteurs. Cependant, puisque le message de l’auteur pourrait être compris aussi par le lecteur à travers l’usage de certaines expressions ou termes qui sont directement liés aux thèmes de la recherche, le rôle du lecteur dans l’expérience de lecture ne peut pas être surestimé, nous avons également pu nous appuyer sur la théorie de la réponse du lecteur de Louise Michelle Rosenblatt. Les trois méthodes ont été utilisées simultanément d'autant plus que l'analyse de chaque texte est basée sur la façon dont les personnages sont représentés ; ceci nous a amené à tirer nos conclusions sur la façon dont la femme africaine est dévalorisée dans la première partie de la recherche, tandis que dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, nos résultats démontrent que de nombreux hommages sont rendus à la femme africaine grâce à ses nombreuses qualités exceptionnelles. En effet, nos résultats renforcent également un changement important dans le récit qui concerne la vision contemporaine de la féminité. Par conséquent, passer d’une surconcentration dogmatique sur son sort à la femme de la nouvelle ère dont le sort est maintenant redéfini via la perspective féministe par rapport à la négation de la femme africaine telle a été la démarche. On pourrait dire que cela est au diapason avec les contributions d’Amadiume Ifi et avec son travail dans le discours féministe vers de nouvelles façons de penser le sexe et le genre, la question du pouvoir et la place de la femme dans l’histoire et la culture. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-03-30
Satire in J.J. R. Jolobe's literary works : a critique in relation to contemporary South Africa
- Authors: Benayo, Xolela
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Jolobe, James J. R. , Xhosa literature -- History and criticism , Xhosa poetry -- History and criticism , Humor in literature , Xhosa literature -- Humor , Xhosa language
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/161762 , vital:40667
- Description: J.J.R. Jolobe is regarded as one of the individuals who made a valuable contribution to the development of isiXhosa literature through his works, notably in his poetry (Ilitha, Umyezo; Jolobe 1936). His poetry ranges from abstract subjects to more philosophical matters. This study is aimed at decoding the manner in which he employs satire to conscientise African people of the then horrible situation that they were facing. With that said, poetry will not be the only work that this thesis analyses in the process of evaluating Jolobe’s satire; his essays will also be examined (Amavo; Jolobe 1940). Based on the writings of various authors specialising in the subject, satire has been deemed to be a style of literary writing, one which involves invective satire. For the researcher, that statement will be rebutted, as it will be argued that the mode of satire need not be wholly invective. Jolobe’s light-hearted satire not only showcases the amusing side of his writings, but also indicates the seriousness with which they were intended. Themes covered in Jolobe’s satire have inspired the researcher to evaluate these literary texts in relation to modern contexts, especially when it comes to the relationship between the lines of the author’s experience and the public. With that said, the social role of satire is something that one cannot deny. One could therefore say that there is an urgent need for African satirists to face the existing social and economic reality as authentically as possible. The voice of a satirist should also echo the voice of their society as a whole. Satirical study in post-colonial Africa, in South Africa in particular, is useful due to the idea that the works of the likes of Jolobe may diminish in significance due to neo-colonialism. In fact, this is the point which is considered in this study of Jolobe’s satire. This study also examines stages afforded to the development of satire in Africa, especially in the post-colonial era. The purpose is to identify the effects of satire that are related to socio-political as well as religious factors. These factors are often seen as those that play a vital role is one’s personal morals, and those that are meant to shape the whole community. Jolobe addresses imperialism and the class struggle, which speaks to the society’s loyalties regarding the mobilization toward realizing the dream of being independent. This speaks to the works analysed, revealing protests against oppression and exploitation by imperialists; such works show how inhumane people could be against those who they deem to be beneath their standards. Researchers like Mahlasela (1973), Sirayi (1985), Kwetana (2000) and Khumalo (2015) are amongst those who have made it a point to study Jolobe to ensure that these works are kept alive, along with their significance. Other prospective researchers can follow suite in researching the great Jolobe. In ensuring that the aims of this study come to light, the researcher will be using socialist realism as a way of seeing that the works of Jolobe are realistic in nature. With that said, there will be an exploration of allegoric satire. Satiric allegory will be evaluated with regard to the view that it represents a unique slant on satire, whereby it deems satire to be more than just a supportive method of literary criticism. This allows the researcher to hold the view that satire should not be a restrictive framework when dealing with African literature. Satire as a modern form of criticism can be viewed as having an element of humanism, which would result in the satirist doing all he can to make sure that what is satirized is not isolated from the struggle of the community. It is for the above-mentioned reasons that we see a big challenge in the future development of satiric discourse in African literature.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Benayo, Xolela
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Jolobe, James J. R. , Xhosa literature -- History and criticism , Xhosa poetry -- History and criticism , Humor in literature , Xhosa literature -- Humor , Xhosa language
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/161762 , vital:40667
- Description: J.J.R. Jolobe is regarded as one of the individuals who made a valuable contribution to the development of isiXhosa literature through his works, notably in his poetry (Ilitha, Umyezo; Jolobe 1936). His poetry ranges from abstract subjects to more philosophical matters. This study is aimed at decoding the manner in which he employs satire to conscientise African people of the then horrible situation that they were facing. With that said, poetry will not be the only work that this thesis analyses in the process of evaluating Jolobe’s satire; his essays will also be examined (Amavo; Jolobe 1940). Based on the writings of various authors specialising in the subject, satire has been deemed to be a style of literary writing, one which involves invective satire. For the researcher, that statement will be rebutted, as it will be argued that the mode of satire need not be wholly invective. Jolobe’s light-hearted satire not only showcases the amusing side of his writings, but also indicates the seriousness with which they were intended. Themes covered in Jolobe’s satire have inspired the researcher to evaluate these literary texts in relation to modern contexts, especially when it comes to the relationship between the lines of the author’s experience and the public. With that said, the social role of satire is something that one cannot deny. One could therefore say that there is an urgent need for African satirists to face the existing social and economic reality as authentically as possible. The voice of a satirist should also echo the voice of their society as a whole. Satirical study in post-colonial Africa, in South Africa in particular, is useful due to the idea that the works of the likes of Jolobe may diminish in significance due to neo-colonialism. In fact, this is the point which is considered in this study of Jolobe’s satire. This study also examines stages afforded to the development of satire in Africa, especially in the post-colonial era. The purpose is to identify the effects of satire that are related to socio-political as well as religious factors. These factors are often seen as those that play a vital role is one’s personal morals, and those that are meant to shape the whole community. Jolobe addresses imperialism and the class struggle, which speaks to the society’s loyalties regarding the mobilization toward realizing the dream of being independent. This speaks to the works analysed, revealing protests against oppression and exploitation by imperialists; such works show how inhumane people could be against those who they deem to be beneath their standards. Researchers like Mahlasela (1973), Sirayi (1985), Kwetana (2000) and Khumalo (2015) are amongst those who have made it a point to study Jolobe to ensure that these works are kept alive, along with their significance. Other prospective researchers can follow suite in researching the great Jolobe. In ensuring that the aims of this study come to light, the researcher will be using socialist realism as a way of seeing that the works of Jolobe are realistic in nature. With that said, there will be an exploration of allegoric satire. Satiric allegory will be evaluated with regard to the view that it represents a unique slant on satire, whereby it deems satire to be more than just a supportive method of literary criticism. This allows the researcher to hold the view that satire should not be a restrictive framework when dealing with African literature. Satire as a modern form of criticism can be viewed as having an element of humanism, which would result in the satirist doing all he can to make sure that what is satirized is not isolated from the struggle of the community. It is for the above-mentioned reasons that we see a big challenge in the future development of satiric discourse in African literature.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
Praying mantis
- Authors: Kenene, Thobeka
- Date: 2022-04-07
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Diaries -- Authorship , South African fiction (English) 21st century , South African essays (English) 21st century , Portuguese fiction 20th century History and criticism , Russian fiction 20th century History and criticism , Zimbabwean fiction (English) 20th century History and criticism , American fiction 20th century History and criticism
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/292726 , vital:57010
- Description: (Prologue) I could only see in black and white as if I had travelled through time. I was the star of the medieval people who waited on me. The city was Johannesburg where strange faces called me a traitor because I was an educated black person. I hid between the skyscrapers and ran into a mirror image of myself as a man. “I write this book,” he said to his readers, “To invoke a yearning in our youth to awaken from slumber. To set examples for them to desist from characters like Velesazi and Nongendi, and imitate Nomsa and Themba. And also, to contribute to Xhosa literature.” He signed off by calling himself our servant. These are the words from the note my great-grandfather left me. We walked together across a barren field and past a graveyard. I was feeling tired and lost; I wanted to get home as fast as possible. We quickened our step and entered a church site. Inside the church were all my close relatives. I saw myself on stage looking down at them, and when I opened my mouth to sing, they began laughing at me. I imagined him in his 1917 suit, as a writer, penning down his first novel that is dedicated to his mother. His round cheeks enveloped in a haze of candle light. He visited my dream in 2012 and in the dream he asked me, “Do you see?” I said, “Yes, I see.” My great-grandfather hummed a song from his belly. I inhaled deeply into my belly and then exhaled a sound. Together we hummed this song that made everyone fall silent and listen. In the dream I could feel my lungs expanding and deflating along to the rhythm of the song. As my great-grandfather and I sang it, the night lamps shone brighter. I had become my great-grandfather, wearing his suit and black leather shoes. His friends were my friends. They turned and asked me what my clan name was. When I told them, they whispered something among themselves. One of them said to me, “Unogcwabevu.” I saw a white unknown woman who was afraid of me. I told her it is going to be okay, and that I would not harm her. But the colour of my skin frightened her. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2022
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2022-04-07
- Authors: Kenene, Thobeka
- Date: 2022-04-07
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Diaries -- Authorship , South African fiction (English) 21st century , South African essays (English) 21st century , Portuguese fiction 20th century History and criticism , Russian fiction 20th century History and criticism , Zimbabwean fiction (English) 20th century History and criticism , American fiction 20th century History and criticism
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/292726 , vital:57010
- Description: (Prologue) I could only see in black and white as if I had travelled through time. I was the star of the medieval people who waited on me. The city was Johannesburg where strange faces called me a traitor because I was an educated black person. I hid between the skyscrapers and ran into a mirror image of myself as a man. “I write this book,” he said to his readers, “To invoke a yearning in our youth to awaken from slumber. To set examples for them to desist from characters like Velesazi and Nongendi, and imitate Nomsa and Themba. And also, to contribute to Xhosa literature.” He signed off by calling himself our servant. These are the words from the note my great-grandfather left me. We walked together across a barren field and past a graveyard. I was feeling tired and lost; I wanted to get home as fast as possible. We quickened our step and entered a church site. Inside the church were all my close relatives. I saw myself on stage looking down at them, and when I opened my mouth to sing, they began laughing at me. I imagined him in his 1917 suit, as a writer, penning down his first novel that is dedicated to his mother. His round cheeks enveloped in a haze of candle light. He visited my dream in 2012 and in the dream he asked me, “Do you see?” I said, “Yes, I see.” My great-grandfather hummed a song from his belly. I inhaled deeply into my belly and then exhaled a sound. Together we hummed this song that made everyone fall silent and listen. In the dream I could feel my lungs expanding and deflating along to the rhythm of the song. As my great-grandfather and I sang it, the night lamps shone brighter. I had become my great-grandfather, wearing his suit and black leather shoes. His friends were my friends. They turned and asked me what my clan name was. When I told them, they whispered something among themselves. One of them said to me, “Unogcwabevu.” I saw a white unknown woman who was afraid of me. I told her it is going to be okay, and that I would not harm her. But the colour of my skin frightened her. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2022
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- Date Issued: 2022-04-07
Biton’s Lost Siege Engine: Experimental archaeology in Classical Studies
- Authors: Rademan, David John
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Pergamum (Extinct city) , Dimensional analysis , Engineering History To 168 B.C. , Fluid mechanics History To 168 B.C. , Byzantine literature History and criticism , Siege warfare History To 168 B.C. , Biton of Pergamon , Isidorus of Abydos , Poliorcetics
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/192330 , vital:45216
- Description: This thesis entails an examination of several problems inherent in placing a technical treatise by the Hellenistic Greek engineer, Biton of Pergamon, at a siege of 156-154BCE, with a view to galvanising the existing case of previous scholarship through a combined approach of literary, textual, geographical, and technical analysis. Particular focus is given to the following problems: technical errors in current translations of the treatise of Biton; technical considerations in scholars’ reproductions of a particular engine in the treatise; an assessment of the practical implications of the treatise in situ at the physical site of the ancient city of Pergamon in the second century BCE, as evidenced by archaeological findings and surveys; assessment of those implications by way of historical records of similar conflicts from the Hellenistic period; and suggesting a procedure of dimensional analysis for testing a hypothesis regarding the feasibility of the ancient engineer’s recommended engines as a stand-in for the city’s original defenses, in a manner that harmonises the methodologies of historicism and experimental archaeology with sound and appropriate modern engineering practice from the field of Fluid Mechanics. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
- Authors: Rademan, David John
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Pergamum (Extinct city) , Dimensional analysis , Engineering History To 168 B.C. , Fluid mechanics History To 168 B.C. , Byzantine literature History and criticism , Siege warfare History To 168 B.C. , Biton of Pergamon , Isidorus of Abydos , Poliorcetics
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/192330 , vital:45216
- Description: This thesis entails an examination of several problems inherent in placing a technical treatise by the Hellenistic Greek engineer, Biton of Pergamon, at a siege of 156-154BCE, with a view to galvanising the existing case of previous scholarship through a combined approach of literary, textual, geographical, and technical analysis. Particular focus is given to the following problems: technical errors in current translations of the treatise of Biton; technical considerations in scholars’ reproductions of a particular engine in the treatise; an assessment of the practical implications of the treatise in situ at the physical site of the ancient city of Pergamon in the second century BCE, as evidenced by archaeological findings and surveys; assessment of those implications by way of historical records of similar conflicts from the Hellenistic period; and suggesting a procedure of dimensional analysis for testing a hypothesis regarding the feasibility of the ancient engineer’s recommended engines as a stand-in for the city’s original defenses, in a manner that harmonises the methodologies of historicism and experimental archaeology with sound and appropriate modern engineering practice from the field of Fluid Mechanics. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
Performance, functionalism and form in Ịzọn oral poety
- Authors: Armstrong, Imomotimi
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Ijo (African people , Ijo language , Folk poetry, Ijo , Folk poetry -- Nigeria
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/140641 , vital:37906
- Description: Since the publication of Ruth Finnegan’s influential Oral Literature in Africa, way back in 1970, scholars have been paying earnest attention to oral traditions on the African continent. That seminal book pointed out to Africanist scholars the need to urgently collect and document the oral literatures of their various ethnic groups before they die out. However, it is the verbal arts of the major ethnic groups on the continent that very often benefit from this collection and documentation, as it were. Therefore, this study sought to examine the oral poetry of the Ịzọn, a minority ethnic nationality, located in the oil-rich Niger Delta region of Nigeria. The study employed unstructured interviews and participant observations to collect the data for the research. The transcribed and translated data was examined through three eclectic theories to the study of folklore: Russian formalism, performance and functionalism. The study found out that Ịzọn oral poetry is a combination of songs and one person’s praise chants. Moreover, it revealed that praise chanting is a recent practice amongst the Ịzọn that was introduced into Ịzọnland by Chief Adolphus Munamuna from the Yoruba of southwestern Nigeria. Furthermore, the study established that oral poetry plays important roles amongst the people. Besides, it ascertained that the performance of some sub-categories of the poetry is highly dramatic and theatrical. It also discovered that stylistic techniques such as formula, parallelism, proverb, ideophone, praise title, metaphor, repetition, alliteration, assonance, vowel lengthening, amongst others, give the poetry the quality of “literariness.” In addition, the study found out that the poetry, like oral poetry in other ethnic groups, demonstrates the three qualities of change, adaptability and survival. The study has contributed to existing scholarship on African oral traditions in the sense of collecting, documenting and generating awareness on Ịzọn oral poetry, most importantly pointing out the existence of praise chanting amongst a people who had no such culture and the conditions that gave rise to that practice.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Armstrong, Imomotimi
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Ijo (African people , Ijo language , Folk poetry, Ijo , Folk poetry -- Nigeria
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/140641 , vital:37906
- Description: Since the publication of Ruth Finnegan’s influential Oral Literature in Africa, way back in 1970, scholars have been paying earnest attention to oral traditions on the African continent. That seminal book pointed out to Africanist scholars the need to urgently collect and document the oral literatures of their various ethnic groups before they die out. However, it is the verbal arts of the major ethnic groups on the continent that very often benefit from this collection and documentation, as it were. Therefore, this study sought to examine the oral poetry of the Ịzọn, a minority ethnic nationality, located in the oil-rich Niger Delta region of Nigeria. The study employed unstructured interviews and participant observations to collect the data for the research. The transcribed and translated data was examined through three eclectic theories to the study of folklore: Russian formalism, performance and functionalism. The study found out that Ịzọn oral poetry is a combination of songs and one person’s praise chants. Moreover, it revealed that praise chanting is a recent practice amongst the Ịzọn that was introduced into Ịzọnland by Chief Adolphus Munamuna from the Yoruba of southwestern Nigeria. Furthermore, the study established that oral poetry plays important roles amongst the people. Besides, it ascertained that the performance of some sub-categories of the poetry is highly dramatic and theatrical. It also discovered that stylistic techniques such as formula, parallelism, proverb, ideophone, praise title, metaphor, repetition, alliteration, assonance, vowel lengthening, amongst others, give the poetry the quality of “literariness.” In addition, the study found out that the poetry, like oral poetry in other ethnic groups, demonstrates the three qualities of change, adaptability and survival. The study has contributed to existing scholarship on African oral traditions in the sense of collecting, documenting and generating awareness on Ịzọn oral poetry, most importantly pointing out the existence of praise chanting amongst a people who had no such culture and the conditions that gave rise to that practice.
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- Date Issued: 2020
A tribute to you
- Ndlebe-September, Thobeka Veronica
- Authors: Ndlebe-September, Thobeka Veronica
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: South African fiction (English) -- 21st century , South African fiction (English) -- History and criticism , Short stories, South African (English) -- 21st century , Xhosa fiction -- 21st century , Xhosa fiction -- History and criticism , Short stories, Xhosa -- 21st century , Diaries -- Authorship
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/144989 , vital:38398
- Description: My collection of short stories reflects my interest in narrative biblical fiction, allegorical stories about people and nature that resonate with our daily lives. I have been greatly influenced by writers such as Joel Matlou, Flannery O’Connor, Barry Gifford, Miriam Tladi and Leah Harris amongst others. I have also been captivated by fairy tales and folk tales, and also the work of isiXhosa writers such as S. E. K. Mqhayi, Madiponi Masenya, and Hulisani Ramantswana. I have discovered that I can borrow certain styles and forms of writing to enhance my own stories which are situated within ‘local’ contexts such as education, poverty, employment, the body, life and death.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Ndlebe-September, Thobeka Veronica
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: South African fiction (English) -- 21st century , South African fiction (English) -- History and criticism , Short stories, South African (English) -- 21st century , Xhosa fiction -- 21st century , Xhosa fiction -- History and criticism , Short stories, Xhosa -- 21st century , Diaries -- Authorship
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/144989 , vital:38398
- Description: My collection of short stories reflects my interest in narrative biblical fiction, allegorical stories about people and nature that resonate with our daily lives. I have been greatly influenced by writers such as Joel Matlou, Flannery O’Connor, Barry Gifford, Miriam Tladi and Leah Harris amongst others. I have also been captivated by fairy tales and folk tales, and also the work of isiXhosa writers such as S. E. K. Mqhayi, Madiponi Masenya, and Hulisani Ramantswana. I have discovered that I can borrow certain styles and forms of writing to enhance my own stories which are situated within ‘local’ contexts such as education, poverty, employment, the body, life and death.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
The Daily Sun subscribers
- Authors: Mahe, Xolani
- Date: 2022-10-14
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Diaries -- Authorship , Books Reviews , South African fiction (English) 21st century , Short stories, South African (English) 21st century
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/406276 , vital:70254
- Description: My thesis comprises interlinked short stories, verfabula, sketches, fragments, flash fiction, folktales, anecdotes, and the epistolary form. I write in English tinged with IsiXhosa. In terms of specific influences, the collection is strongly influenced by the experimental writing of Kathy Acker and Samuel Delany notably the uncompromising ways in which they contort formal grammar and sexuality, the defamiliarizing function of the phantasmagoria in the films of Alejandro Jodorowsky and David Lynch, the techniques of the picturesque as used by Amos Tutuola, and, importantly, narration in the present tense as deployed in Dambudzo Marechera’s House of Hunger which results in negation and subversion of the narrative depiction of the past, the present, and the future. On the stylistic level, I am strongly influenced by the haunting surrealism of Sony Labou Tansi, the eccentric meditations of Julio Cortázar, and the iconoclastic rants of Lesego Rampolokeng. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2022
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2022-10-14
- Authors: Mahe, Xolani
- Date: 2022-10-14
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Diaries -- Authorship , Books Reviews , South African fiction (English) 21st century , Short stories, South African (English) 21st century
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/406276 , vital:70254
- Description: My thesis comprises interlinked short stories, verfabula, sketches, fragments, flash fiction, folktales, anecdotes, and the epistolary form. I write in English tinged with IsiXhosa. In terms of specific influences, the collection is strongly influenced by the experimental writing of Kathy Acker and Samuel Delany notably the uncompromising ways in which they contort formal grammar and sexuality, the defamiliarizing function of the phantasmagoria in the films of Alejandro Jodorowsky and David Lynch, the techniques of the picturesque as used by Amos Tutuola, and, importantly, narration in the present tense as deployed in Dambudzo Marechera’s House of Hunger which results in negation and subversion of the narrative depiction of the past, the present, and the future. On the stylistic level, I am strongly influenced by the haunting surrealism of Sony Labou Tansi, the eccentric meditations of Julio Cortázar, and the iconoclastic rants of Lesego Rampolokeng. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2022
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2022-10-14
- Authors: Pillay, Previn
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , South African poetry (English) 21st century , Identity (Philosophical concept) in literature , Grandmothers in literature , Families in literature
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/191636 , vital:45128
- Description: My thesis is a collection of poems, divided into 4 sections. The first section draws on my experiences and background as an Indian South African, presenting a portrait of a KwaZulu-Natal Indian community, infused with the lingo of the streets. It also delves into my background by sharing real stories from my childhood and youth. The second section is about my grandmother, who is an influential character on my writing and a source for many unique stories. The third section is a brief look at my recent past and the fourth section is a sharing of my life and what is most important to me. My collection is a timeline of my life and the events which have shaped me. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
- Authors: Pillay, Previn
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , South African poetry (English) 21st century , Identity (Philosophical concept) in literature , Grandmothers in literature , Families in literature
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/191636 , vital:45128
- Description: My thesis is a collection of poems, divided into 4 sections. The first section draws on my experiences and background as an Indian South African, presenting a portrait of a KwaZulu-Natal Indian community, infused with the lingo of the streets. It also delves into my background by sharing real stories from my childhood and youth. The second section is about my grandmother, who is an influential character on my writing and a source for many unique stories. The third section is a brief look at my recent past and the fourth section is a sharing of my life and what is most important to me. My collection is a timeline of my life and the events which have shaped me. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
Poems caught in dreams
- Jafta, Nthabiseng Rose JahRose
- Authors: Jafta, Nthabiseng Rose JahRose
- Date: 2022-10-14
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , South African poetry (English) 21st century
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/406249 , vital:70252
- Description: My thesis is a collection of Lyrical and Prose Poetry. I am strongly influenced by Marina Tsvetaeva’s observation that “The condition of creation is a condition of dreaming.” As a writer I want to contribute to human knowledge by drawing from a wide literary ancestry, participating in a community of distinct voices and styles to capture and preserve the language of dreams. I fuse inherited knowledge, visions, dreams, my own experiences and what I have discovered through listening to music, reading and my own experiments in exploring poetry in dreams, thoughts and lived experiences. I am inspired by Sindiwe Magona, how she chose to express her spirituality and personal narratives into her work, and Aimé Césaire’s vision “The ground of poetic knowledge, [is] an astonishing mobilization of all human and cosmic forces.” I particularly enjoy intense forms of expression that hold substance and provoke one to elevate in knowledge and in writing. Exploring these combination of forces from these writers affords me an opportunity to write my dreams as reality. Exploring the characters, the different scenes, symbols and colours as poems flashing super/naturally yet leave one with fathomable felt, though sometimes hazy interpretations. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2022
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2022-10-14
- Authors: Jafta, Nthabiseng Rose JahRose
- Date: 2022-10-14
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , South African poetry (English) 21st century
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/406249 , vital:70252
- Description: My thesis is a collection of Lyrical and Prose Poetry. I am strongly influenced by Marina Tsvetaeva’s observation that “The condition of creation is a condition of dreaming.” As a writer I want to contribute to human knowledge by drawing from a wide literary ancestry, participating in a community of distinct voices and styles to capture and preserve the language of dreams. I fuse inherited knowledge, visions, dreams, my own experiences and what I have discovered through listening to music, reading and my own experiments in exploring poetry in dreams, thoughts and lived experiences. I am inspired by Sindiwe Magona, how she chose to express her spirituality and personal narratives into her work, and Aimé Césaire’s vision “The ground of poetic knowledge, [is] an astonishing mobilization of all human and cosmic forces.” I particularly enjoy intense forms of expression that hold substance and provoke one to elevate in knowledge and in writing. Exploring these combination of forces from these writers affords me an opportunity to write my dreams as reality. Exploring the characters, the different scenes, symbols and colours as poems flashing super/naturally yet leave one with fathomable felt, though sometimes hazy interpretations. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2022
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- Date Issued: 2022-10-14
Thrice-born Dionysos: an analysis of the birth narrative of Dionysos in Nonnos of Panopolis’ Dionysiaca
- Authors: Mackay, Danielle Louize
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Dionysus (Greek deity) , Zeus (Greek deity) , Nonnus, of Panopolis , Mythology, Greek , Epic poetry , Birth (Philosophy) in literature , Late antiquity , Bacchus
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/192235 , vital:45209
- Description: The following paper aims to analyse lines 660 – 774 of Euripides’ Bacchae paying close attention to the representation of the bacchants in the account given to Pentheus by the herdsman.1 Accompanying the translation is a brief commentary further elaborated and discussed in the paper below. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the Theban women are portrayed in the hills outside of Thebes and the implications this might for the inherent conception of the supposed structure of the polis and the oikos. Dionysos’ arrival in Thebes hails a systematic disruption of the social order of the Theban polis. His presence causes an inverting of all that is familiar to the Thebans, the unknown becomes known and the known reveals itself as unknown. Euripides’ Bacchae was first performed at the City Dionysia in 405 BCE, in the year after the tragedian’s death. The play dramatises the arrival of the god Dionysos to Thebes to exact vengeance on those responsible for his mother’s death and to establish his mysteries there (line 24f & 47f). Before one can begin any analysis of the text, it is important to establish the context established by the play, as this context is important to a fuller understanding of the text. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
- Authors: Mackay, Danielle Louize
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Dionysus (Greek deity) , Zeus (Greek deity) , Nonnus, of Panopolis , Mythology, Greek , Epic poetry , Birth (Philosophy) in literature , Late antiquity , Bacchus
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/192235 , vital:45209
- Description: The following paper aims to analyse lines 660 – 774 of Euripides’ Bacchae paying close attention to the representation of the bacchants in the account given to Pentheus by the herdsman.1 Accompanying the translation is a brief commentary further elaborated and discussed in the paper below. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the Theban women are portrayed in the hills outside of Thebes and the implications this might for the inherent conception of the supposed structure of the polis and the oikos. Dionysos’ arrival in Thebes hails a systematic disruption of the social order of the Theban polis. His presence causes an inverting of all that is familiar to the Thebans, the unknown becomes known and the known reveals itself as unknown. Euripides’ Bacchae was first performed at the City Dionysia in 405 BCE, in the year after the tragedian’s death. The play dramatises the arrival of the god Dionysos to Thebes to exact vengeance on those responsible for his mother’s death and to establish his mysteries there (line 24f & 47f). Before one can begin any analysis of the text, it is important to establish the context established by the play, as this context is important to a fuller understanding of the text. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
Ingqumbo yomthondo kukuzika kohlanga
- Authors: Mtirara, Zodwa
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Women and literature , Feminism and literature , Gender identity in literature , Masculinity in literature , Sex role in literature , Xhosa poetry , South African poetry (English) , Sex discrimination against women
- Language: Xhosa, English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/154095 , vital:39562
- Description: Le yingqokelela yemibongo ebhentsisa ukutyeshelwa kobuntu nobuchule bamanina yinkolo yobuKrestu, kunye nenkolo yemveli okanye inkolo yesiNtu. Ikwenza oku ngokwaphula imithetho nemigaqo siseko yenkolo yobuKrestu nesiNtu sakwaXhosa malunga nokufanelekileyo ukuba owasetyhini akuthethe okanye akwenze. Ikwabhentsisa nokuhlukunyezwa kwabasetyhini, ibuza nemibuzo ngesimo esizifumana sikuso mva-nje. Ichukunyiswe bubomi bam kanye nobamanye amanina endiphila nawo ekuhlaleni. Ikubhentsisa ke oku ngokungenalusini njengoko imbongi uLesego Rampolokeng esenza. Izeka mzekweni ezibhalweni zooNtozakhe Shange, Diane Di Prima, Lidia Yuknavitch, noWame Molefhe. Iphikisa indlela ekubhalwe ngayo ngamanina ngooMema nooJolobe, isenza oko uNontsizi Mgqwetho angazange ade afikelele ukukwenza njengombhali wasetyhini.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Mtirara, Zodwa
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Women and literature , Feminism and literature , Gender identity in literature , Masculinity in literature , Sex role in literature , Xhosa poetry , South African poetry (English) , Sex discrimination against women
- Language: Xhosa, English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/154095 , vital:39562
- Description: Le yingqokelela yemibongo ebhentsisa ukutyeshelwa kobuntu nobuchule bamanina yinkolo yobuKrestu, kunye nenkolo yemveli okanye inkolo yesiNtu. Ikwenza oku ngokwaphula imithetho nemigaqo siseko yenkolo yobuKrestu nesiNtu sakwaXhosa malunga nokufanelekileyo ukuba owasetyhini akuthethe okanye akwenze. Ikwabhentsisa nokuhlukunyezwa kwabasetyhini, ibuza nemibuzo ngesimo esizifumana sikuso mva-nje. Ichukunyiswe bubomi bam kanye nobamanye amanina endiphila nawo ekuhlaleni. Ikubhentsisa ke oku ngokungenalusini njengoko imbongi uLesego Rampolokeng esenza. Izeka mzekweni ezibhalweni zooNtozakhe Shange, Diane Di Prima, Lidia Yuknavitch, noWame Molefhe. Iphikisa indlela ekubhalwe ngayo ngamanina ngooMema nooJolobe, isenza oko uNontsizi Mgqwetho angazange ade afikelele ukukwenza njengombhali wasetyhini.
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- Date Issued: 2020
L’entre-deux identitaire dans quelques oeuvres d’écrivains francophones “immigrantsˮ, “cas de Dany Laferrière, d’Alain Mabanckou, de Calixthe Beyala et de Lottin Wekapeˮ
- Kayumba, Viviane Ngoie Banza
- Authors: Kayumba, Viviane Ngoie Banza
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: African literature (French) -- History and criticism , Immigrants in literature , Mabanckou, Alain, 1966-. Black bazaar , Laferrière, Dany. Je suis un écrivain japonais , Beyala, Calixthe. Le Petit prince de Belleville , Wekape, Lottin, 1968-. J’appartiens au monde
- Language: French
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/150929 , vital:39018
- Description: This dissertation examines the theme of hybrid identities in Mabanckou, Laferrière, Beyala and Wekape’s novels : Black Bazar, Le Petit prince de Belleville, Je suis un écrivain japonais and J’appartiens au monde. Hybrid identity raises the issue of identity diversity and contemporary francophone literature is characterised by the emergence of fictional narratives increasingly numerous. This research undertaken is driven by the desire to extend the field of investigation in francophone literature by taking into account a varied corpus of Haitian, Congolese, and Cameroonian literatures. I have opted for writers who settled in a foreign country and have adopted a foreign language that they considered to be part of a foreign literary world; writers who are between two or more cultures which they depict in French. The few existing studies on hybrid identities on these four novels focused more on formal and linguistic analysis and omitted meaningful sociocritic analysis. It is clear that a full study on sociocritic approach on hybrid identity on these four authors remains to be done. The research is demonstrating how different characters created by these four postmodern immigrant French-speaking writers occasionally function similarly in their texts. This gives a clear understanding of the specific behaviour of immigrants characters, vis-à-vis their various situations in the novels, and how these immigrants seek to address the problems they encounter. As this research offers reflections related to the identities and nationalities of immigrants, Laferrière, Mabanckou, Beyala and Wekape’s texts are based on the search for social belonging and a literary membership in this modern world. Therefore, they are analysing their position in a literary field as well as in a social field. In their texts they highlight the Space real or imaginary. In which way and how this Space contribute to the evolution of francophone literature? To what extent does francophone literature takes into account this representation of the Space? These questions lead to a reflection on the position occupied by these authors in the francophone field and the source of their literary inspirations. My interest in these authors is motivated by the fact that, by living and writing in a country which is not their place of birth, they each reveal different aspects of hybrid identity. Each of them, has his or her personal and original way of tackling the problem of mixed identity. They present their characters in different situations and different contexts, showing that each has been in contact with several cultures which they have assimilated and each lived in his or her own way a particular story. My study’s focus is to understand the problems of contact of cultures and their consequences, and to explore how through the characters of the novel, immigrant French speaking writers understood their acculturation as themselves have experienced an identity crisis, resulting from the confrontation of the culture of their new homeland and the culture of their country of origin. For this reason, Bourdieu’s approach “la sociocritique” will help me to found out the origin of the author’s obsession with the question of hybrid identity. I have chosen these four immigrant speaking writers to explore the strategies implemented by the novels’ narrators to construct their identities and to find out how the narrators express the intentions of the authors. In their texts, Mabanckou, Beyala, Laferrière and Wekape have used various strategies to express the quest for identity which gives clear indications of the authors’ creativity such as humour, parody, or solemnity and gravity - and the narrative voices reveal distinctive attitudes in relation to hybrid identity. At this level, other approaches will also be called for, such as the work of Westphal, Doubrovsky, Genette, Colona, etc. Through my investigation, these works present similarities and dissimilarities. Each author tackled the questions of hybrid identities according to his own experience. From there, a different commitment emerges, depending on the degree of inquiry into questions about immigration. These authors all evoke the social precariousness of their characters or the immigrant and privilege an urban framework. The examination of these works allowed me to identify their place in Francophonie literature and to discover the importance of their texts. The four novels relate to the search for identity, an aesthetic way and a search for freedom. They possess aesthetic qualities, they have a high degree of coherence. Their romantic choice shows their creativity and their strategies engender a hybrid writing that stems from their position between several languages and place these novels within the world literature.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Kayumba, Viviane Ngoie Banza
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: African literature (French) -- History and criticism , Immigrants in literature , Mabanckou, Alain, 1966-. Black bazaar , Laferrière, Dany. Je suis un écrivain japonais , Beyala, Calixthe. Le Petit prince de Belleville , Wekape, Lottin, 1968-. J’appartiens au monde
- Language: French
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/150929 , vital:39018
- Description: This dissertation examines the theme of hybrid identities in Mabanckou, Laferrière, Beyala and Wekape’s novels : Black Bazar, Le Petit prince de Belleville, Je suis un écrivain japonais and J’appartiens au monde. Hybrid identity raises the issue of identity diversity and contemporary francophone literature is characterised by the emergence of fictional narratives increasingly numerous. This research undertaken is driven by the desire to extend the field of investigation in francophone literature by taking into account a varied corpus of Haitian, Congolese, and Cameroonian literatures. I have opted for writers who settled in a foreign country and have adopted a foreign language that they considered to be part of a foreign literary world; writers who are between two or more cultures which they depict in French. The few existing studies on hybrid identities on these four novels focused more on formal and linguistic analysis and omitted meaningful sociocritic analysis. It is clear that a full study on sociocritic approach on hybrid identity on these four authors remains to be done. The research is demonstrating how different characters created by these four postmodern immigrant French-speaking writers occasionally function similarly in their texts. This gives a clear understanding of the specific behaviour of immigrants characters, vis-à-vis their various situations in the novels, and how these immigrants seek to address the problems they encounter. As this research offers reflections related to the identities and nationalities of immigrants, Laferrière, Mabanckou, Beyala and Wekape’s texts are based on the search for social belonging and a literary membership in this modern world. Therefore, they are analysing their position in a literary field as well as in a social field. In their texts they highlight the Space real or imaginary. In which way and how this Space contribute to the evolution of francophone literature? To what extent does francophone literature takes into account this representation of the Space? These questions lead to a reflection on the position occupied by these authors in the francophone field and the source of their literary inspirations. My interest in these authors is motivated by the fact that, by living and writing in a country which is not their place of birth, they each reveal different aspects of hybrid identity. Each of them, has his or her personal and original way of tackling the problem of mixed identity. They present their characters in different situations and different contexts, showing that each has been in contact with several cultures which they have assimilated and each lived in his or her own way a particular story. My study’s focus is to understand the problems of contact of cultures and their consequences, and to explore how through the characters of the novel, immigrant French speaking writers understood their acculturation as themselves have experienced an identity crisis, resulting from the confrontation of the culture of their new homeland and the culture of their country of origin. For this reason, Bourdieu’s approach “la sociocritique” will help me to found out the origin of the author’s obsession with the question of hybrid identity. I have chosen these four immigrant speaking writers to explore the strategies implemented by the novels’ narrators to construct their identities and to find out how the narrators express the intentions of the authors. In their texts, Mabanckou, Beyala, Laferrière and Wekape have used various strategies to express the quest for identity which gives clear indications of the authors’ creativity such as humour, parody, or solemnity and gravity - and the narrative voices reveal distinctive attitudes in relation to hybrid identity. At this level, other approaches will also be called for, such as the work of Westphal, Doubrovsky, Genette, Colona, etc. Through my investigation, these works present similarities and dissimilarities. Each author tackled the questions of hybrid identities according to his own experience. From there, a different commitment emerges, depending on the degree of inquiry into questions about immigration. These authors all evoke the social precariousness of their characters or the immigrant and privilege an urban framework. The examination of these works allowed me to identify their place in Francophonie literature and to discover the importance of their texts. The four novels relate to the search for identity, an aesthetic way and a search for freedom. They possess aesthetic qualities, they have a high degree of coherence. Their romantic choice shows their creativity and their strategies engender a hybrid writing that stems from their position between several languages and place these novels within the world literature.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
Uphononongo nzulu lwamasiko nezithethe kwiincwadi ezichongiweyo zesiXhosa: "Ityala lamawele no "Ukuba ndandazile"
- Authors: Diko, Mlamli
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Xhosa (African people) , Mqhayi, S E K -- Ityala lamawele , Tamsanqa, Witness K -- Ukuba ndandazile , Xhosa (African people) -- Social life and customs , Authors, South African -- 19th century -- Criticism and interpretation , Xhosa (African people) -- Rites and ceremonies , Mqhayi, S E K -- Critisicism and interpretation , Tamsanqa, Witness, K -- Criticism and interpretation , Xhosa literature -- Criticism and interpretation , Xhosa fiction -- History and criticism
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/145232 , vital:38420
- Description: Olu phando lujolise ekubhentsiseni nasekuphononongeni nzulu indima yamasiko nezithethe kwiincwadi ezichongiweyo zesiXhosa ezizezi, “Ityala Lamawele” (1914) ibhalwe nguSamuel Edward Krune Mqhayi kunye no “Ukuba Ndandazile” (1967) ibhalwe nguWitness Kholekile Tamsanqa. Amasiko nezithethe aya kuthi aphononongwe ngala: ukulobola, ingqithi nesithembu. Kwakhona, la masiko nezi zithethe ziya kuthi ziphicothwe kugudlwa kwizinto zesiNtu ezinobuzaza eziqhushekwe zaze zancathama phantsi kwawo. Umzekelo, phantsi kwesiko lokulobola kukho izithethe ezithiwe qhushe phantsi kwalo ezifana nokuhota, ukuyalwa komtshakazi nezinye. Zonke ezi zinto ziya kuthi zivelelwe. La masiko nezi zithethe zichongwe kuba kukholeleka into ethi zitshatshele ngokwendima eziyidlalayo kwezi ncwadi zimbini. Ukubalasela kwawo la masiko nezithethe akwaneli ekubeni indima yawo ityhilwe kwezi ncwadi kuphela, koko indima yawo ithi ityhile banzi ngentlalo kaXhosa. Lilonke, aba babhali babini ababhali ngezinto ezingaziwayo okanye ezibuntsomirha, koko babhala ngemiba echaphazela amaXhosa ngqo. Umphandi uya kuthi aqhaqhe iindlela la masiko nezithethe aqhutywa ngazo, iinjongo zokwenziwa kwawo kwakunye neziphumo xa ethe la masiko enziwa okanye angenziwa ngokusesikweni. Konke oku kuya kuthi kwenziwe egameni lobuXhosa bemveli. Umphandi uya kukwenza oku ngeenjongo zokuphicotha nzulu intsingiselo ngokwamasiko nezithethe zamaXhosa ezama ukutyhila obona bunyani bufihlakeleyo bamasiko nezithethe kunye nokuzalana kwawo nentlalo yamaXhosa. Ngaphezulu, kukutyhila into ethi kwaXhosa amasiko nezithethe ziintsika zokuphila, ngako oko ananto ithile ayithethayo kuthi thina maXhosa ungaphiki nje kuba ezakwaLizwi zidungadungile ngendlela yazo kumzi kaPhalo ze zasahlukanisa nezinto zoobawo bethu. Kunamhlanje nje azinqabanga iintetho ezithi ukunqula iminyanya nezinyanya bubuhedeni, ukuxhela ibhokhwe kuyongxengxezwa bubudimoni. Kule ngxoxo, kuya kujongwa isakhono nobuchule bababhali abathe babusebenzisa njengesixhobo sokukhusela inkcubeko yamaXhosa eyathi yabhunyulwa ngamaNgesi yasala nje ibhityile, yiyo ke ngoku le esele igululwa okwamathumbu ngurhulumente wenkululeko. Lilonke, kwa kolu phando kunconywa ababhali abaziingcungela ekubeni basebenzise ulwazi lwabo lolwimi ekukhuseleni inkcubeko yamaXhosa athi xa ahlomla ngayo uMkonto (2005: v) athi: The study of the survival of cultural traditional customs in isiXhosa literature is an overdue task facing literary critics. Le ngcali ingentla apha ihlaba ikhwelo kubaphandi besiXhosa ukuba banyathelele phezulu bephanda bebhentsisa ubunyani bamasiko nezithethe kuncwadi lwesiXhosa. Olu phando, ngaphezu kwazo zonke izizathu, lusabela elo khwelo. Kwelinye icala, uthi uSaule (1996) xa ethetha ngoMqhayi, nangona uMqhayi lo wayenobuhlobo nabefundisi bezakwaLizwi nokhanyo kodwa akazange ayivumele ingqondo nentliziyo yakhe ithwetyulwe ziinkolo neenkcubeko zasemzini. Ukutsho ngokwakhe oku uSaule (1996: 20) xa ahambisa enjenje: Although Mqhayi was obviously a brain child of the missionaries, he did not, unlike many writers at that time, allow their influence to engulf his thoughts. He uses a Bible as a technique rather than as an instrument that guides him towards predestined objectives. Le ngcinga kaSaule ingentla igxininisiwe kwilixa elingaphambili nguDikeni (1992: 12) xa wayesithi: It is clear that Mqhayi as one of the early writers could not address the political situation of the South Africa directly in his novel. He had to use an extended metaphor to avoid the strict laws of censorship. This he did by using a Biblical story and adapting it to his culture. Ngokwezi ngcali zimbini, kuyaqapheleka ukuba nangona uMqhayi lo ifuthe laseNtshona lazama kangangoko linako ukumthwebula kodwa ukuhlakanipha kwakhe kwamenza wagwencela okwesikhwenene kwiingcambu zakhe, kwisizwe sakhe, kumasiko nezithethe zakwaXhosa. Kungani ke ukuba singangamphakamiseli phezulu lo mbhali ngokuthi simane sindwendwela iimbalo zakhe sihlaba sikhangela ukuba zithetha ukuthini na kuthi sizwe sikaXhosa xa sikule ndawo sikuyo nje? Kwelinye icala, uMkonto (2005) umqhwabela izandla uTamsanqa xa athi nangona wayefundile akazange ayivumele imfundo imntywilisele eludakeni lwaseNtshona hleze buthi obu buncwane bezi ncwadi zakhe zifana no “Buzani Kubawo” (1958), “Ukuba Ndandazile” (1967), “Imitha Yelanga” (1967) kunye nezinye zaziya kufela engqondweni yakhe engakhange afundise umzi kaXhosa ngobuXhosa bawo. UMkonto (2005: 17) uhambisa athi xa ethetha ngoTamsanqa: Most of his experiences which he shared with people at the time were of hardships ... probably these were some of the experiences that triggered the themes expressed in ‘Buzani kubawo’ and ‘Ukuba ndandazile’ Ngokwala mazwi angentla, okona kuncomekayo ngoTamsanqa kukuba uthe nokuba sele ehlangabezana neenzingo zobomi kodwa wabona kukuhle ukuba afundise umzi kaXhosa ngaloo mahla ndinyuka kuba kakade lisiko kwaXhosa into yokuba xa uye wagileka endaweni ethile uze ufundise abanye ukwenzela ukuba bangangeni kulaa mgibe ubuwele kuwo. Bubuntu ke obo. Ubukhulu becala bezinto athe wadlula kuzo uTamsanqa zicazululwe kwisahluko sesibini esidandalazisa ubunzululwazi mlando mbali wobom ngababhali. Okunye, uTamsanqa sesinye sezizukulwana esathi saneTamsanqa lokukhula ngeliya xesha amasiko nezithethe kwaXhosa bezisaqhutywa ngendlela encomekayo kunangoku, kodwa umfundi makaqaphele ukuba umphandi akazami kuthelekisa amaxesha amasiko nezithethe ezaziqhutywa kodwa ubona kubalulekile ukuba icace inkolelo ethi amasiko nezithethe namaxesha awayeqhutywa ngawo awasafani. Kolu phando nzulu okunye okuphambili kukuthi nangona aba babhali babini bathi basebenzisa ulwimi oluntsokothileyo nezagwelo zokubhala ezifihlakeleyo ngendlela enomkhitha kodwa loo nto ibe lulutho kumzi kaPhalo kuba ushiyeke ufumbethe ulwimi lwesiXhosa. Ngaphezu koko amaXhosa ashiyeke efumbethe ulwazi ngamasiko nezithethe ekusafuneka efundisiwe. Ingcambu yolu phando ke ingamasiko nezithethe kusetyenziswa isiThako samaSiko neziThethe esiza kuchazwa banzi kwimihlathi engezantsi. Ngaphandle kokuphonononga nzulu intsingiselo yamasiko nezithethe, olu phando lukwayinkuthazo kwabanye ababhali ukuba bazeke mzekweni benjenjeya ukuzalisa umphanda kaXhosa ngamasiko nezithethe kunye nolwimi olusulungekileyo khona ukuze izizukulwana ngezizukulwana zibe nento yokufunda. Ukongeza, kukukhuthaza abo babhali baneembalo ezintlakekileyo nezibutenxarha ngokwamasiko nezithethe, nolwimi ke, ukuba baziqhelanise nokufunda iincwadi zesiXhosa, bafunde isiXhosa, baphande ngokuzinikela ngemiba yesiXhosa. Njengamntu mtsha, olu phando lukhuthaza olunye ulutsha ngokubaluleka kokulondolozwa kwenkcubeko ukuze isizukulwana esizayo sibe nokufunda kuyo. Uphando olu lujolise ekukhuliseni iimbalo zesiXhosa ingakumbi ke xa sele lubhalwe ngesiXhosa. Likho iqaqobana elibhalileyo ngesiXhosa kodwa ezinye zezo mbalo ziyakhwinisa ngenxa yegrama etenxileyo, umgangatho ophantsi wokusetyenziswa kolwimi ukunonga iintetho, nezinye iziphene. Masibe sisithi ziinzame ekukhucululeni nasekuphuculeni oko kwenziwa ngabeLungu; masingaligxeki kakhulu elo gcuntswana. Enye yezinto ezikhwinisayo kuluncwadi lwesiXhosa kukunqongophala kweencwadi ezibonisa isiNtu sethu ngendlela egqibeleleyo nemsulwa. Iyathuthumba into yokunqongophala kweencwadi ezingembali yethu ebhalwe sithi. Oku kunqongophala kufika kube negalelo elibi kubafundi neetitshala zesiXhosa ezona kufuneka zingcamle ubuncwane benkcubeko yazo kunye nabafundi jikelele. Iincwadi eziya kuthi zisetyenziswe zezo zababhali abaziinjojeli kubhalo lwesiXhosa, uS.E.K. Mqhayi noW.K. Tamsanqa. Isizathu soko asikokuba umphandi uzama ukuthelekisa ababhali koko uya kubachonga, okokuqala, ngenxa yokuba bengababhali abaphume izandla kuncwadi lwesiXhosa. Okwesibini, kunconywa ubuchule babo ekusebenziseni ulwimi nesakhono njengesixhobo sokuphakamisa umgangatho woncwadi lwesiNtu ngokuyeleleneyo namasikonezithethe. Okwesithathu, iimbalo zabo zezinye zeembalo ezithe zaphakanyiswa kakhulungabaphandi de zafumana amawonga ngamawonga. Okwesine, kudederhu lweencwadizesiXhosa ezingaka andinokwazi ukuthi ndilume umthamo omkhulu endizojika ndixakane nawo ndingakwazi ukuwuhlafuna ndiwucokisise hleze ndomiwe emqaleni ndingabisalugqiba kwa olo phando.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Diko, Mlamli
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Xhosa (African people) , Mqhayi, S E K -- Ityala lamawele , Tamsanqa, Witness K -- Ukuba ndandazile , Xhosa (African people) -- Social life and customs , Authors, South African -- 19th century -- Criticism and interpretation , Xhosa (African people) -- Rites and ceremonies , Mqhayi, S E K -- Critisicism and interpretation , Tamsanqa, Witness, K -- Criticism and interpretation , Xhosa literature -- Criticism and interpretation , Xhosa fiction -- History and criticism
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/145232 , vital:38420
- Description: Olu phando lujolise ekubhentsiseni nasekuphononongeni nzulu indima yamasiko nezithethe kwiincwadi ezichongiweyo zesiXhosa ezizezi, “Ityala Lamawele” (1914) ibhalwe nguSamuel Edward Krune Mqhayi kunye no “Ukuba Ndandazile” (1967) ibhalwe nguWitness Kholekile Tamsanqa. Amasiko nezithethe aya kuthi aphononongwe ngala: ukulobola, ingqithi nesithembu. Kwakhona, la masiko nezi zithethe ziya kuthi ziphicothwe kugudlwa kwizinto zesiNtu ezinobuzaza eziqhushekwe zaze zancathama phantsi kwawo. Umzekelo, phantsi kwesiko lokulobola kukho izithethe ezithiwe qhushe phantsi kwalo ezifana nokuhota, ukuyalwa komtshakazi nezinye. Zonke ezi zinto ziya kuthi zivelelwe. La masiko nezi zithethe zichongwe kuba kukholeleka into ethi zitshatshele ngokwendima eziyidlalayo kwezi ncwadi zimbini. Ukubalasela kwawo la masiko nezithethe akwaneli ekubeni indima yawo ityhilwe kwezi ncwadi kuphela, koko indima yawo ithi ityhile banzi ngentlalo kaXhosa. Lilonke, aba babhali babini ababhali ngezinto ezingaziwayo okanye ezibuntsomirha, koko babhala ngemiba echaphazela amaXhosa ngqo. Umphandi uya kuthi aqhaqhe iindlela la masiko nezithethe aqhutywa ngazo, iinjongo zokwenziwa kwawo kwakunye neziphumo xa ethe la masiko enziwa okanye angenziwa ngokusesikweni. Konke oku kuya kuthi kwenziwe egameni lobuXhosa bemveli. Umphandi uya kukwenza oku ngeenjongo zokuphicotha nzulu intsingiselo ngokwamasiko nezithethe zamaXhosa ezama ukutyhila obona bunyani bufihlakeleyo bamasiko nezithethe kunye nokuzalana kwawo nentlalo yamaXhosa. Ngaphezulu, kukutyhila into ethi kwaXhosa amasiko nezithethe ziintsika zokuphila, ngako oko ananto ithile ayithethayo kuthi thina maXhosa ungaphiki nje kuba ezakwaLizwi zidungadungile ngendlela yazo kumzi kaPhalo ze zasahlukanisa nezinto zoobawo bethu. Kunamhlanje nje azinqabanga iintetho ezithi ukunqula iminyanya nezinyanya bubuhedeni, ukuxhela ibhokhwe kuyongxengxezwa bubudimoni. Kule ngxoxo, kuya kujongwa isakhono nobuchule bababhali abathe babusebenzisa njengesixhobo sokukhusela inkcubeko yamaXhosa eyathi yabhunyulwa ngamaNgesi yasala nje ibhityile, yiyo ke ngoku le esele igululwa okwamathumbu ngurhulumente wenkululeko. Lilonke, kwa kolu phando kunconywa ababhali abaziingcungela ekubeni basebenzise ulwazi lwabo lolwimi ekukhuseleni inkcubeko yamaXhosa athi xa ahlomla ngayo uMkonto (2005: v) athi: The study of the survival of cultural traditional customs in isiXhosa literature is an overdue task facing literary critics. Le ngcali ingentla apha ihlaba ikhwelo kubaphandi besiXhosa ukuba banyathelele phezulu bephanda bebhentsisa ubunyani bamasiko nezithethe kuncwadi lwesiXhosa. Olu phando, ngaphezu kwazo zonke izizathu, lusabela elo khwelo. Kwelinye icala, uthi uSaule (1996) xa ethetha ngoMqhayi, nangona uMqhayi lo wayenobuhlobo nabefundisi bezakwaLizwi nokhanyo kodwa akazange ayivumele ingqondo nentliziyo yakhe ithwetyulwe ziinkolo neenkcubeko zasemzini. Ukutsho ngokwakhe oku uSaule (1996: 20) xa ahambisa enjenje: Although Mqhayi was obviously a brain child of the missionaries, he did not, unlike many writers at that time, allow their influence to engulf his thoughts. He uses a Bible as a technique rather than as an instrument that guides him towards predestined objectives. Le ngcinga kaSaule ingentla igxininisiwe kwilixa elingaphambili nguDikeni (1992: 12) xa wayesithi: It is clear that Mqhayi as one of the early writers could not address the political situation of the South Africa directly in his novel. He had to use an extended metaphor to avoid the strict laws of censorship. This he did by using a Biblical story and adapting it to his culture. Ngokwezi ngcali zimbini, kuyaqapheleka ukuba nangona uMqhayi lo ifuthe laseNtshona lazama kangangoko linako ukumthwebula kodwa ukuhlakanipha kwakhe kwamenza wagwencela okwesikhwenene kwiingcambu zakhe, kwisizwe sakhe, kumasiko nezithethe zakwaXhosa. Kungani ke ukuba singangamphakamiseli phezulu lo mbhali ngokuthi simane sindwendwela iimbalo zakhe sihlaba sikhangela ukuba zithetha ukuthini na kuthi sizwe sikaXhosa xa sikule ndawo sikuyo nje? Kwelinye icala, uMkonto (2005) umqhwabela izandla uTamsanqa xa athi nangona wayefundile akazange ayivumele imfundo imntywilisele eludakeni lwaseNtshona hleze buthi obu buncwane bezi ncwadi zakhe zifana no “Buzani Kubawo” (1958), “Ukuba Ndandazile” (1967), “Imitha Yelanga” (1967) kunye nezinye zaziya kufela engqondweni yakhe engakhange afundise umzi kaXhosa ngobuXhosa bawo. UMkonto (2005: 17) uhambisa athi xa ethetha ngoTamsanqa: Most of his experiences which he shared with people at the time were of hardships ... probably these were some of the experiences that triggered the themes expressed in ‘Buzani kubawo’ and ‘Ukuba ndandazile’ Ngokwala mazwi angentla, okona kuncomekayo ngoTamsanqa kukuba uthe nokuba sele ehlangabezana neenzingo zobomi kodwa wabona kukuhle ukuba afundise umzi kaXhosa ngaloo mahla ndinyuka kuba kakade lisiko kwaXhosa into yokuba xa uye wagileka endaweni ethile uze ufundise abanye ukwenzela ukuba bangangeni kulaa mgibe ubuwele kuwo. Bubuntu ke obo. Ubukhulu becala bezinto athe wadlula kuzo uTamsanqa zicazululwe kwisahluko sesibini esidandalazisa ubunzululwazi mlando mbali wobom ngababhali. Okunye, uTamsanqa sesinye sezizukulwana esathi saneTamsanqa lokukhula ngeliya xesha amasiko nezithethe kwaXhosa bezisaqhutywa ngendlela encomekayo kunangoku, kodwa umfundi makaqaphele ukuba umphandi akazami kuthelekisa amaxesha amasiko nezithethe ezaziqhutywa kodwa ubona kubalulekile ukuba icace inkolelo ethi amasiko nezithethe namaxesha awayeqhutywa ngawo awasafani. Kolu phando nzulu okunye okuphambili kukuthi nangona aba babhali babini bathi basebenzisa ulwimi oluntsokothileyo nezagwelo zokubhala ezifihlakeleyo ngendlela enomkhitha kodwa loo nto ibe lulutho kumzi kaPhalo kuba ushiyeke ufumbethe ulwimi lwesiXhosa. Ngaphezu koko amaXhosa ashiyeke efumbethe ulwazi ngamasiko nezithethe ekusafuneka efundisiwe. Ingcambu yolu phando ke ingamasiko nezithethe kusetyenziswa isiThako samaSiko neziThethe esiza kuchazwa banzi kwimihlathi engezantsi. Ngaphandle kokuphonononga nzulu intsingiselo yamasiko nezithethe, olu phando lukwayinkuthazo kwabanye ababhali ukuba bazeke mzekweni benjenjeya ukuzalisa umphanda kaXhosa ngamasiko nezithethe kunye nolwimi olusulungekileyo khona ukuze izizukulwana ngezizukulwana zibe nento yokufunda. Ukongeza, kukukhuthaza abo babhali baneembalo ezintlakekileyo nezibutenxarha ngokwamasiko nezithethe, nolwimi ke, ukuba baziqhelanise nokufunda iincwadi zesiXhosa, bafunde isiXhosa, baphande ngokuzinikela ngemiba yesiXhosa. Njengamntu mtsha, olu phando lukhuthaza olunye ulutsha ngokubaluleka kokulondolozwa kwenkcubeko ukuze isizukulwana esizayo sibe nokufunda kuyo. Uphando olu lujolise ekukhuliseni iimbalo zesiXhosa ingakumbi ke xa sele lubhalwe ngesiXhosa. Likho iqaqobana elibhalileyo ngesiXhosa kodwa ezinye zezo mbalo ziyakhwinisa ngenxa yegrama etenxileyo, umgangatho ophantsi wokusetyenziswa kolwimi ukunonga iintetho, nezinye iziphene. Masibe sisithi ziinzame ekukhucululeni nasekuphuculeni oko kwenziwa ngabeLungu; masingaligxeki kakhulu elo gcuntswana. Enye yezinto ezikhwinisayo kuluncwadi lwesiXhosa kukunqongophala kweencwadi ezibonisa isiNtu sethu ngendlela egqibeleleyo nemsulwa. Iyathuthumba into yokunqongophala kweencwadi ezingembali yethu ebhalwe sithi. Oku kunqongophala kufika kube negalelo elibi kubafundi neetitshala zesiXhosa ezona kufuneka zingcamle ubuncwane benkcubeko yazo kunye nabafundi jikelele. Iincwadi eziya kuthi zisetyenziswe zezo zababhali abaziinjojeli kubhalo lwesiXhosa, uS.E.K. Mqhayi noW.K. Tamsanqa. Isizathu soko asikokuba umphandi uzama ukuthelekisa ababhali koko uya kubachonga, okokuqala, ngenxa yokuba bengababhali abaphume izandla kuncwadi lwesiXhosa. Okwesibini, kunconywa ubuchule babo ekusebenziseni ulwimi nesakhono njengesixhobo sokuphakamisa umgangatho woncwadi lwesiNtu ngokuyeleleneyo namasikonezithethe. Okwesithathu, iimbalo zabo zezinye zeembalo ezithe zaphakanyiswa kakhulungabaphandi de zafumana amawonga ngamawonga. Okwesine, kudederhu lweencwadizesiXhosa ezingaka andinokwazi ukuthi ndilume umthamo omkhulu endizojika ndixakane nawo ndingakwazi ukuwuhlafuna ndiwucokisise hleze ndomiwe emqaleni ndingabisalugqiba kwa olo phando.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
Salt in my footsteps
- Authors: Radebe, Mxolisi Vusumuzi
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) -- South Africa , South African poetry (English) -- 21st century , South African fiction (English) -- 21st century
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/178201 , vital:42920
- Description: My thesis is a collection of poems which focus on human experiences related to my background. I grew up in a countryside village, freely experiencing nature in unrestricted walks to the rivers and mountains; communal living instilled in me the humanitarian values which I uphold to the present. I use short and long lyrical prose poems to bring life and humanise the untold or unexpressed stories of my community. My use of simple everyday language and clear, concrete but surprising images that resonate with deeper meanings and emotions is influenced by Seitlhamo Motsapi’s poems, especially his collection of poems titled earthstepper/the ocean is very shallow and Mxolisi Nyezwa’s poetry book, Song Trials. Spanish poems in English translations by the 20th century Spanish poets: Blas de Otero, Juan Roman Jimenez and Federico Garcia Lorca, published in the book titled Roots and Wings have had a huge impact on my construction of images. I also draw from the free-form and narrative prose poetry experiments of poets: Mangaliso Buzani, vangile gantsho and Ivy Alvarez. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-04
- Authors: Radebe, Mxolisi Vusumuzi
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) -- South Africa , South African poetry (English) -- 21st century , South African fiction (English) -- 21st century
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/178201 , vital:42920
- Description: My thesis is a collection of poems which focus on human experiences related to my background. I grew up in a countryside village, freely experiencing nature in unrestricted walks to the rivers and mountains; communal living instilled in me the humanitarian values which I uphold to the present. I use short and long lyrical prose poems to bring life and humanise the untold or unexpressed stories of my community. My use of simple everyday language and clear, concrete but surprising images that resonate with deeper meanings and emotions is influenced by Seitlhamo Motsapi’s poems, especially his collection of poems titled earthstepper/the ocean is very shallow and Mxolisi Nyezwa’s poetry book, Song Trials. Spanish poems in English translations by the 20th century Spanish poets: Blas de Otero, Juan Roman Jimenez and Federico Garcia Lorca, published in the book titled Roots and Wings have had a huge impact on my construction of images. I also draw from the free-form and narrative prose poetry experiments of poets: Mangaliso Buzani, vangile gantsho and Ivy Alvarez. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-04
Journeying home, exile and transnationalism in Noni Jabavu and Sisonke Msimang’s memoirs
- Authors: Masola, Athambile
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Home in literature , Exile (Punishment) in literature , Women authors, Black -- South Africa -- History and criticism , Jabavu, Noni -- Criticism and interpretation , Msimang, Sisonke -- Criticism and interpretation
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/166529 , vital:41376
- Description: This thesis examines the memoirs of two South Africa female writers: Noni Jabavu and Sisonke Msimang. In analysing their memoirs, this thesis sets out to contribute to the scholarship which centres the voices of Black women writers. It explores how both writers interrogate the concepts of home, exile and transnationalism. My focus is on the ways in which the writers theorise questions of belonging, and the extent to which their writing provides the opportunity to give voice to the complex nature of belonging. I read the narratives from these two writers alongside each other, as Noni Jabavu is Sisonke Msimang’s literary ancestor. By looking at their works alongside each other, this thesis becomes an intergenerational conversation between the past and the present. Using Black feminist thought and migratory subjectivity, this thesis examines the ways in which these writers connect the personal and the political. Noni and Sisonke navigate the private spaces of home in conversation with the political experience of exile and the nation. In the second chapter, I explore home as ekhaya, isizwe and an imaginary homeland. Ekhaya is the isiXhosa word denoting the family home, where there is a network of family rather than a nuclear family. Home is also isizwe: the isiXhosa word which evokes the nation state, which takes on layered meanings in the context of colonialism and apartheid. Home can also be an imaginary homeland, which is an imagined version of home after a long absence such as exile. In the third chapter, I examine three forms of exile: internal exile, estrangement and political exile. Finally, in chapter four, I analyse transnationalism: a border-crossing which raises questions of power, mobility and kinship. Looking at home, exile and transnationalism together allows for an exploration which challenges taken-for-granted ideas about place and identity. These memoirs illuminate the ways in which Black women constitute and reconstitute their identities according to the places which they access through travel.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Masola, Athambile
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Home in literature , Exile (Punishment) in literature , Women authors, Black -- South Africa -- History and criticism , Jabavu, Noni -- Criticism and interpretation , Msimang, Sisonke -- Criticism and interpretation
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/166529 , vital:41376
- Description: This thesis examines the memoirs of two South Africa female writers: Noni Jabavu and Sisonke Msimang. In analysing their memoirs, this thesis sets out to contribute to the scholarship which centres the voices of Black women writers. It explores how both writers interrogate the concepts of home, exile and transnationalism. My focus is on the ways in which the writers theorise questions of belonging, and the extent to which their writing provides the opportunity to give voice to the complex nature of belonging. I read the narratives from these two writers alongside each other, as Noni Jabavu is Sisonke Msimang’s literary ancestor. By looking at their works alongside each other, this thesis becomes an intergenerational conversation between the past and the present. Using Black feminist thought and migratory subjectivity, this thesis examines the ways in which these writers connect the personal and the political. Noni and Sisonke navigate the private spaces of home in conversation with the political experience of exile and the nation. In the second chapter, I explore home as ekhaya, isizwe and an imaginary homeland. Ekhaya is the isiXhosa word denoting the family home, where there is a network of family rather than a nuclear family. Home is also isizwe: the isiXhosa word which evokes the nation state, which takes on layered meanings in the context of colonialism and apartheid. Home can also be an imaginary homeland, which is an imagined version of home after a long absence such as exile. In the third chapter, I examine three forms of exile: internal exile, estrangement and political exile. Finally, in chapter four, I analyse transnationalism: a border-crossing which raises questions of power, mobility and kinship. Looking at home, exile and transnationalism together allows for an exploration which challenges taken-for-granted ideas about place and identity. These memoirs illuminate the ways in which Black women constitute and reconstitute their identities according to the places which they access through travel.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
Hierdie keer gaan nie maklik wees nie
- Authors: Visser, Deon Claudius
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) -- South Africa , Diaries -- Authorship , Short stories, Afrikaans -- 21st century , Afrikaans fiction -- 21st century , Afrikaans fiction -- History and criticism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: thesis , text , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/178317 , vital:42929
- Description: My tesis bestaan uit twee versamelings van prosa wat verwant en in noue verband met mekaar tree. Die prosa is fragmentaries en kort maar verbind met ‟n oorkoepelende storie wat in beide Afrikaans en Engels voorgelê word. Die Afrikaanse deel van my tesis ondersoek die verlede, en die Engels die toekoms. My algemene bron van inspirasie vir die struktuur en voorlegging van die tesis word verkry vanaf die klassieke raamverteller konvensie soos gebruik in One Thousand and One Nights, hierdie konvensie maak gebruik van raamfragmente wat binne ‟n groter geheel gevind kan word. Dit is juis hierdie komplekse struktuur wat dit moontlik maak om tyd, hede en verlede asook die toekoms, te kan ondersoek en uit te beeld. Verder maak dit dit ook moontlik om gekoppelde herinneringe, gedagteneigings, en fantasieverhale te kan gebruik as die dryfkrag van die oorkoepelende storie. Met betrekking tot kontemporêre fiksie vind ek die meeste aanklank en invloed by Sandra Cisneros se boek House on Mango Street. Ek het by hierdie verhaal geleer hoe om vignette en kortverhale onafhanklik maar met ‟n motief-verbinding aan mekaar te koppel. Tematies gesproke handel my tesis oor herinneringe, nostalgie, familieverhoudings, die dood asook afsluiting en aanbeweging. In terme van hierdie temas vind ek dat Nathan Trantraal se Chokers en Survivors, en Noudat Slapende Honde deur Ronelda S. Kamfer my die meeste insae gee oor die verhouding tussen Afrikaans en Engels in die literatuur. Verder is Loftus Marais se taalgebruik en die vermenging van taal in Staan in die Algemeen Nader aan Vensters ook insiggewend. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-04
- Authors: Visser, Deon Claudius
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) -- South Africa , Diaries -- Authorship , Short stories, Afrikaans -- 21st century , Afrikaans fiction -- 21st century , Afrikaans fiction -- History and criticism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: thesis , text , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/178317 , vital:42929
- Description: My tesis bestaan uit twee versamelings van prosa wat verwant en in noue verband met mekaar tree. Die prosa is fragmentaries en kort maar verbind met ‟n oorkoepelende storie wat in beide Afrikaans en Engels voorgelê word. Die Afrikaanse deel van my tesis ondersoek die verlede, en die Engels die toekoms. My algemene bron van inspirasie vir die struktuur en voorlegging van die tesis word verkry vanaf die klassieke raamverteller konvensie soos gebruik in One Thousand and One Nights, hierdie konvensie maak gebruik van raamfragmente wat binne ‟n groter geheel gevind kan word. Dit is juis hierdie komplekse struktuur wat dit moontlik maak om tyd, hede en verlede asook die toekoms, te kan ondersoek en uit te beeld. Verder maak dit dit ook moontlik om gekoppelde herinneringe, gedagteneigings, en fantasieverhale te kan gebruik as die dryfkrag van die oorkoepelende storie. Met betrekking tot kontemporêre fiksie vind ek die meeste aanklank en invloed by Sandra Cisneros se boek House on Mango Street. Ek het by hierdie verhaal geleer hoe om vignette en kortverhale onafhanklik maar met ‟n motief-verbinding aan mekaar te koppel. Tematies gesproke handel my tesis oor herinneringe, nostalgie, familieverhoudings, die dood asook afsluiting en aanbeweging. In terme van hierdie temas vind ek dat Nathan Trantraal se Chokers en Survivors, en Noudat Slapende Honde deur Ronelda S. Kamfer my die meeste insae gee oor die verhouding tussen Afrikaans en Engels in die literatuur. Verder is Loftus Marais se taalgebruik en die vermenging van taal in Staan in die Algemeen Nader aan Vensters ook insiggewend. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
A skin that took them through
- Authors: Kgame, Mbali
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: South African fiction (English) -- 21st century , African fiction (English) -- History and criticism , Short stories, South African (English) -- 21st century , Diaries -- Authorship
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/147638 , vital:38656
- Description: This project comprises of interlinked fictional short stories capturing experiences of the “invisibilised’’ young people- the street kids, drug addicts, cashiers, childminders, the sick, first graduates etc. These stories are a way to interrogate the fallacy of a “free and fair” South Africa by noting events taking place within homes, communities and countrywide. Told in a playful, innocent, curious, childlike voice and reasoning, my work draws inspiration from Werewere Likings ‘The Amputated Memory,’ for its ability to narrate the current without divorcing the past. I draw inspiration from Liking’s way of writing family connectivity and employing an emerging voice of the narrator starting from being a child scribbling to later becoming an elder. Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah’s ‘Black Friday’ for scanning into young black people’s experiences in a society where their bodies move as misfits. My work also draws from Lesley Nneka Arimah’s ‘What It Means When a Man Falls from the Sky’ for the interlinked stories. Lastly the stories in this project take from Sindiwe Magona’s Mother to Mother for humanising bodies that have been reduced to frames.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Kgame, Mbali
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: South African fiction (English) -- 21st century , African fiction (English) -- History and criticism , Short stories, South African (English) -- 21st century , Diaries -- Authorship
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/147638 , vital:38656
- Description: This project comprises of interlinked fictional short stories capturing experiences of the “invisibilised’’ young people- the street kids, drug addicts, cashiers, childminders, the sick, first graduates etc. These stories are a way to interrogate the fallacy of a “free and fair” South Africa by noting events taking place within homes, communities and countrywide. Told in a playful, innocent, curious, childlike voice and reasoning, my work draws inspiration from Werewere Likings ‘The Amputated Memory,’ for its ability to narrate the current without divorcing the past. I draw inspiration from Liking’s way of writing family connectivity and employing an emerging voice of the narrator starting from being a child scribbling to later becoming an elder. Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah’s ‘Black Friday’ for scanning into young black people’s experiences in a society where their bodies move as misfits. My work also draws from Lesley Nneka Arimah’s ‘What It Means When a Man Falls from the Sky’ for the interlinked stories. Lastly the stories in this project take from Sindiwe Magona’s Mother to Mother for humanising bodies that have been reduced to frames.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
The use of African languages in traditional courts: a Luyengweni case study
- Authors: Nyakambi, Ntombizethu
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: African languages South Africa Eastern Cape , Forensic linguistics South Africa Eastern Cape , Linguistic rights South Africa Eastern Cape , Communication in law South Africa Eastern Cape , Language planning South Africa Eastern Cape , Language policy South Africa Eastern Cape , Court interpreting and translating South Africa Eastern Cape , Customary law South Africa Eastern Cape , Customary law courts South Africa Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Masters theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/188810 , vital:44788
- Description: Forensic linguistics is a relatively new field in South Africa. This field which forms part of the applied linguistic discipline seeks to look at the application of linguistic knowledge, methods and insights to the forensic context of the law. This is a forensic linguistic study that seeks to look at the use of African languages in the traditional courts. The researcher explored the traditional courts of Luyengweni, a rural area situated in KwaBhaca at Mount Frere in the Eastern Cape. The concept of African languages usage is explored within the boundaries of customary laws as outlined in Section 6 of the South African Constitution of 1996. To fully elicit the use of African languages in the traditional courts of Luyengweni this study employed an exploratory qualitative research design method. This research method allows for data to be collected from the participants using semi-structured interviews, observation and other qualitative methods of data instrumentation. Relevant community members of Luyengweni such as Chiefs and their councillors, ordinary members of the community and the court secretary were interviewed by the researcher and the data was translated, transcribed and analysed. The thesis made use of a thematic analysis. These themes showed that the use of African languages in traditional courts is still relevant, however, the imbalances of language use in both common and customary law need to be addressed. The study revealed that the traditional courts still serve as law institutions that people trust to bring about justice, therefore language use as one of the pivotal tools in the justice system needs to be considered for effective justice to be carried out. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
- Authors: Nyakambi, Ntombizethu
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: African languages South Africa Eastern Cape , Forensic linguistics South Africa Eastern Cape , Linguistic rights South Africa Eastern Cape , Communication in law South Africa Eastern Cape , Language planning South Africa Eastern Cape , Language policy South Africa Eastern Cape , Court interpreting and translating South Africa Eastern Cape , Customary law South Africa Eastern Cape , Customary law courts South Africa Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Masters theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/188810 , vital:44788
- Description: Forensic linguistics is a relatively new field in South Africa. This field which forms part of the applied linguistic discipline seeks to look at the application of linguistic knowledge, methods and insights to the forensic context of the law. This is a forensic linguistic study that seeks to look at the use of African languages in the traditional courts. The researcher explored the traditional courts of Luyengweni, a rural area situated in KwaBhaca at Mount Frere in the Eastern Cape. The concept of African languages usage is explored within the boundaries of customary laws as outlined in Section 6 of the South African Constitution of 1996. To fully elicit the use of African languages in the traditional courts of Luyengweni this study employed an exploratory qualitative research design method. This research method allows for data to be collected from the participants using semi-structured interviews, observation and other qualitative methods of data instrumentation. Relevant community members of Luyengweni such as Chiefs and their councillors, ordinary members of the community and the court secretary were interviewed by the researcher and the data was translated, transcribed and analysed. The thesis made use of a thematic analysis. These themes showed that the use of African languages in traditional courts is still relevant, however, the imbalances of language use in both common and customary law need to be addressed. The study revealed that the traditional courts still serve as law institutions that people trust to bring about justice, therefore language use as one of the pivotal tools in the justice system needs to be considered for effective justice to be carried out. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
Transgression and transcultural blending: reading the work of Adelaide Fassinou
- Authors: Ishaya, Nandi Salome
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Fassinou, Adélaïde, 1955- -- Criticism and interpretation , Fassinou, Adélaïde, 1955- -- Jeté en pâture , Fassinou, Adélaïde, 1955- -- Modukpè, le rêve brisé. , African literature (French) -- History and criticism
- Language: French , English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/7500 , vital:21266
- Description: In Adelaide Fassinou’s novel Jete en pature (“Thrown to the lions/wolves”), the female character Fifame declares that “novels/books have sides that one is attached to. The lives of people roll pass our eyes. Some stories resemble ours” (JP, 147). Fassinou herself says: By reading this book dear friend, the stories of all these women who lived nowhere except in my imagination, may be like yours. But the fiction in which they themselves moved makes it so close and we share in their tragedy (MRB, 7). The above comments reflect the idea of sociocriticism which opines that a literary work could be a representation of the society of its author. This goes to say that real events can feed literary imagination more and more. Also, Fifame continues that “a book/novel is a path marked by steps, falls, and races towards a future that is bright or a bleak” (JP, 147). The verbs which connote ‘bright’ and ‘bleak’ in this comment unveil the writing idea/conception which Fassinou adheres to. “Bright” in our opinion could connote the gains of cross cultural blending, the precise outcome/result of modernity. “Bleak” on the other hand could refer to the violation of certain cultural values and or better still to transgressive attitudes in a society that is in the process of radical transformation. As such, transgression and cross cultural blending are the focal points of our discussion in this research. We have chosen to analyse some literary works of Adelaide Fassinou, a beninoise who came into the literary scene at the threshold of the new millennium, in 2000. It could then be said that Fassinou belongs to a new generation of African writers, the writers of the new millennium. The title of her first novel is revealing. Its title, Modukpe, le reve brise could imply that man always has a dream but in the course of time, this dream could be broken due to one factor or the other. In Fassinou, the lack of the realization of dreams could be the result of our vision of the world where new ideas oppose tradition to the extent that modernity is seen simply as a transgression of the laws of tradition. Admittedly, it is transgression in the fictional novel, a transgression against tradition and or nature because “nature has its laws”. The life experiences of man especially the female gender, “A whole lifetime is not enough to speak about it” And the story of being “Thrown to the lions” is one of such experiences. Reading Fassinou’s work, one vi could note that she presents enough social problems which reflect the notion of transgression. As a result, for the woman to liberate herself, the author who represents the woman, resorts to writing “Poems of love and brambles” of “Her exiles and her loves” because it is needful to speak so as to feel better within oneself. This action of breaking the silence by the woman constitutes in itself a transgression because, in the culture of the author, the woman should be reduced to silence. Fassinou has the urge to show that cruelty in the home, inflexible will, excessive masculinity and insensibility could lead to rebellion, dissatisfaction and violence which could affect the whole society. In view of this, to love one child above the others could compromise family cohesion. It is in this regard that suicide formed part of the theme of this research. This could represent the image of national violence provoked by tribalism and geopolitics which could be noticed in many countries on the African continent. For most critics, the transgression of traditional values is due to cultural blending because this blending is seen as the evolution of the society and the culture which represent a society that finds itself at the cross roads. Transgression in Fassinou’s works is the demystification of certain traditional beliefs. The transgression of some characters leads to bitter and traumatic experiences. Be that as it may, the author recommends/advocates, through her writing, a way of escape: hope. It shows through the representations made by the author that determination to overcome the challenges faced and the decision to put a cross on past bitter experiences are strong indications for individual transformation which would lead to the desired transformation and development of Africa. Transgression and cultural blending in the works of Fassinou are not limited to thematic study; it is also about the transgression of standard language codes and the mixing of languages. The second part of this thesis is devoted to the stylistic study of Fassinou’s works. As such, we are going to equally study formal aspects of Fassinou’s writing as a symbol of transgression and transcultural blending. , Dans le roman Jete en pature d’Adelaide Fassinou, le personnage feminin, Fifame, declare que « les livres ont un cote attachant. Ils deroulent sous nos regards la vie de personnes qui nous semblent si proches que nous nous identifions a elles. Certaines histoires ressemblent a la notre » (JP, 147). Fassinou elle-meme dit : En lisant ce livre, chere amie, tu feras egalement tienne I ’histoire de toutes ces femmes qui n ’ont vecu nulle part, sauf dans mon imagination. Mais la fiction dans laquelle elles se meuvent nous les rend encore plus proches st nous faitpartager leurs drames (MRB, 7). Ces propos refletent l’idee de la sociocritique qui indique qu’une reuvre litteraire pourrait etre une representation de la societe de son auteur(e). Ceci revient a dire que des evenements reels peuvent alimenter de plus en plus l’imagination litteraire. Aussi, poursuit-elle, « un livre est un chemin jalonne de marches, de chutes et de courses vers des lendemains qui chantent ou qui dechantent » (JP, 147). Les verbes « chanter » et « dechanter » dans ces propos devoilent la conception de l’ecriture a laquelle Fassinou adhere. « Chanter », a notre avis, pourrait denoter les gains des croisements des cultures, le resultat meme du modernisme. « Dechanter » pour sa part pourrait renvoyer a la violation de certaines valeurs traditionnelles et ou mieux encore aux attitudes transgressives dans une societe en pleine mutation. Ainsi donc la transgression et le metissage culturel constituent le point central de la discussion de cette recherche. Nous avons choisi d’analyser quelques reuvres litteraires d’Adelaide Fassinou, une ecrivaine beninoise qui est entree sur la scene litteraire au seuil du nouveau millenaire, en 2000. Par ce fait, on dirait que Fassinou appartient a une nouvelle generation d’ecrivains : les ecrivains du nouveau millenaire. Le titre du premier roman de Fassinou est revelateur. Il s’institule Modukpe, le reve brise, qui implique que l’homme a toujours un reve mais au cours du temps, ce reve pourrait etre brise. Chez Fassinou, ce manque de materialisation de reves serait le resultat de notre vision du monde ou les conceptions nouvelles rivalisent avec la tradition au point que la modernite soit simplement vue comme une transgression de lois de la tradition. C’est certes la transgression dans l’univers romanesque, une transgression contre la tradition et / ou la nature car « la nature a ses lois ». Et les experiences vecues par l’homme et surtout par la femme, Toute une vie ne viii suffirait pas pour en Parler. Et l’histoire d’etre Jete en pature est l’une de ses experiences. En lisant l’reuvre de Fassinou, on peut constater qu’elle presente assez de problemes sociaux qui renvoient a la notion de la transgression. Il en resulte que, pour se liberer, l’auteure qui represente la femme, recourt a ecrire des Poemes d ’amour et de ronces, de [S]es exiles, [s]es amours car il faut parler pour se sentir bien en soi-meme. Cette action de briser le silence par la femme constitue aussi en elle, une transgression car dans la tradition de l’auteure, la femme devrait etre reduite au silence. Fassinou a besoin de montrer que la cruaute au foyer, la volonte inflexible, la masculinite excessive et l’insensibilite conduisent a la revolte, au mecontentement et a la violence pouvant affecter toute la societe. Eu egard a cela, aimer un enfant au-dessus des autres compromettrait la cohesion familiale. C’est ainsi que le sujet du suicide fait partie de cette recherche. Ceci pourrait representer l’image de la violence nationale provoquee par le tribalisme et la geopolitique qu’on pourrait remarquer dans plusieurs pays sur le continent africain. Pour la plupart des critiques, la transgression des valeurs traditionnelles est due au metissage culturel car ce metissage est vu comme une evolution de la societe et de la culture qui represente une societe qui se trouve a la croisee des chemins. La transgression dans l’reuvre de Fassinou est la demystification de certaines croyances traditionnelles. La transgression de certains personnages conduit aux experiences ameres et traumatisantes. Quoi qu’il en soit, l’auteure preconise toujours, au moyen de son ecriture, une voie de sortie : l’espoir. Il transparait des representations que fait l’auteure que la determination pour surmonter les defis et la decision de mettre une croix sur les experiences ameres du passe sont des indications fortes pour la transformation individuelle qui amenera a la transformation et au developpement tant desire de l’Afrique. La transgression et le metissage culturel dans l’reuvre de Fassinou ne se limitent pas aux etudes thematiques ; il s’agit egalement de la transgression du code langagier standard et du melange des langues. La deuxieme partie de cette these est consacree a une etude stylistique de l’reuvre de Fassinou. Pour cela, nous avons etudie egalement les aspects des aspects formels de l’ecriture de Fassinou comme symbole de la transgression et du metissage culturel.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
- Authors: Ishaya, Nandi Salome
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Fassinou, Adélaïde, 1955- -- Criticism and interpretation , Fassinou, Adélaïde, 1955- -- Jeté en pâture , Fassinou, Adélaïde, 1955- -- Modukpè, le rêve brisé. , African literature (French) -- History and criticism
- Language: French , English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/7500 , vital:21266
- Description: In Adelaide Fassinou’s novel Jete en pature (“Thrown to the lions/wolves”), the female character Fifame declares that “novels/books have sides that one is attached to. The lives of people roll pass our eyes. Some stories resemble ours” (JP, 147). Fassinou herself says: By reading this book dear friend, the stories of all these women who lived nowhere except in my imagination, may be like yours. But the fiction in which they themselves moved makes it so close and we share in their tragedy (MRB, 7). The above comments reflect the idea of sociocriticism which opines that a literary work could be a representation of the society of its author. This goes to say that real events can feed literary imagination more and more. Also, Fifame continues that “a book/novel is a path marked by steps, falls, and races towards a future that is bright or a bleak” (JP, 147). The verbs which connote ‘bright’ and ‘bleak’ in this comment unveil the writing idea/conception which Fassinou adheres to. “Bright” in our opinion could connote the gains of cross cultural blending, the precise outcome/result of modernity. “Bleak” on the other hand could refer to the violation of certain cultural values and or better still to transgressive attitudes in a society that is in the process of radical transformation. As such, transgression and cross cultural blending are the focal points of our discussion in this research. We have chosen to analyse some literary works of Adelaide Fassinou, a beninoise who came into the literary scene at the threshold of the new millennium, in 2000. It could then be said that Fassinou belongs to a new generation of African writers, the writers of the new millennium. The title of her first novel is revealing. Its title, Modukpe, le reve brise could imply that man always has a dream but in the course of time, this dream could be broken due to one factor or the other. In Fassinou, the lack of the realization of dreams could be the result of our vision of the world where new ideas oppose tradition to the extent that modernity is seen simply as a transgression of the laws of tradition. Admittedly, it is transgression in the fictional novel, a transgression against tradition and or nature because “nature has its laws”. The life experiences of man especially the female gender, “A whole lifetime is not enough to speak about it” And the story of being “Thrown to the lions” is one of such experiences. Reading Fassinou’s work, one vi could note that she presents enough social problems which reflect the notion of transgression. As a result, for the woman to liberate herself, the author who represents the woman, resorts to writing “Poems of love and brambles” of “Her exiles and her loves” because it is needful to speak so as to feel better within oneself. This action of breaking the silence by the woman constitutes in itself a transgression because, in the culture of the author, the woman should be reduced to silence. Fassinou has the urge to show that cruelty in the home, inflexible will, excessive masculinity and insensibility could lead to rebellion, dissatisfaction and violence which could affect the whole society. In view of this, to love one child above the others could compromise family cohesion. It is in this regard that suicide formed part of the theme of this research. This could represent the image of national violence provoked by tribalism and geopolitics which could be noticed in many countries on the African continent. For most critics, the transgression of traditional values is due to cultural blending because this blending is seen as the evolution of the society and the culture which represent a society that finds itself at the cross roads. Transgression in Fassinou’s works is the demystification of certain traditional beliefs. The transgression of some characters leads to bitter and traumatic experiences. Be that as it may, the author recommends/advocates, through her writing, a way of escape: hope. It shows through the representations made by the author that determination to overcome the challenges faced and the decision to put a cross on past bitter experiences are strong indications for individual transformation which would lead to the desired transformation and development of Africa. Transgression and cultural blending in the works of Fassinou are not limited to thematic study; it is also about the transgression of standard language codes and the mixing of languages. The second part of this thesis is devoted to the stylistic study of Fassinou’s works. As such, we are going to equally study formal aspects of Fassinou’s writing as a symbol of transgression and transcultural blending. , Dans le roman Jete en pature d’Adelaide Fassinou, le personnage feminin, Fifame, declare que « les livres ont un cote attachant. Ils deroulent sous nos regards la vie de personnes qui nous semblent si proches que nous nous identifions a elles. Certaines histoires ressemblent a la notre » (JP, 147). Fassinou elle-meme dit : En lisant ce livre, chere amie, tu feras egalement tienne I ’histoire de toutes ces femmes qui n ’ont vecu nulle part, sauf dans mon imagination. Mais la fiction dans laquelle elles se meuvent nous les rend encore plus proches st nous faitpartager leurs drames (MRB, 7). Ces propos refletent l’idee de la sociocritique qui indique qu’une reuvre litteraire pourrait etre une representation de la societe de son auteur(e). Ceci revient a dire que des evenements reels peuvent alimenter de plus en plus l’imagination litteraire. Aussi, poursuit-elle, « un livre est un chemin jalonne de marches, de chutes et de courses vers des lendemains qui chantent ou qui dechantent » (JP, 147). Les verbes « chanter » et « dechanter » dans ces propos devoilent la conception de l’ecriture a laquelle Fassinou adhere. « Chanter », a notre avis, pourrait denoter les gains des croisements des cultures, le resultat meme du modernisme. « Dechanter » pour sa part pourrait renvoyer a la violation de certaines valeurs traditionnelles et ou mieux encore aux attitudes transgressives dans une societe en pleine mutation. Ainsi donc la transgression et le metissage culturel constituent le point central de la discussion de cette recherche. Nous avons choisi d’analyser quelques reuvres litteraires d’Adelaide Fassinou, une ecrivaine beninoise qui est entree sur la scene litteraire au seuil du nouveau millenaire, en 2000. Par ce fait, on dirait que Fassinou appartient a une nouvelle generation d’ecrivains : les ecrivains du nouveau millenaire. Le titre du premier roman de Fassinou est revelateur. Il s’institule Modukpe, le reve brise, qui implique que l’homme a toujours un reve mais au cours du temps, ce reve pourrait etre brise. Chez Fassinou, ce manque de materialisation de reves serait le resultat de notre vision du monde ou les conceptions nouvelles rivalisent avec la tradition au point que la modernite soit simplement vue comme une transgression de lois de la tradition. C’est certes la transgression dans l’univers romanesque, une transgression contre la tradition et / ou la nature car « la nature a ses lois ». Et les experiences vecues par l’homme et surtout par la femme, Toute une vie ne viii suffirait pas pour en Parler. Et l’histoire d’etre Jete en pature est l’une de ses experiences. En lisant l’reuvre de Fassinou, on peut constater qu’elle presente assez de problemes sociaux qui renvoient a la notion de la transgression. Il en resulte que, pour se liberer, l’auteure qui represente la femme, recourt a ecrire des Poemes d ’amour et de ronces, de [S]es exiles, [s]es amours car il faut parler pour se sentir bien en soi-meme. Cette action de briser le silence par la femme constitue aussi en elle, une transgression car dans la tradition de l’auteure, la femme devrait etre reduite au silence. Fassinou a besoin de montrer que la cruaute au foyer, la volonte inflexible, la masculinite excessive et l’insensibilite conduisent a la revolte, au mecontentement et a la violence pouvant affecter toute la societe. Eu egard a cela, aimer un enfant au-dessus des autres compromettrait la cohesion familiale. C’est ainsi que le sujet du suicide fait partie de cette recherche. Ceci pourrait representer l’image de la violence nationale provoquee par le tribalisme et la geopolitique qu’on pourrait remarquer dans plusieurs pays sur le continent africain. Pour la plupart des critiques, la transgression des valeurs traditionnelles est due au metissage culturel car ce metissage est vu comme une evolution de la societe et de la culture qui represente une societe qui se trouve a la croisee des chemins. La transgression dans l’reuvre de Fassinou est la demystification de certaines croyances traditionnelles. La transgression de certains personnages conduit aux experiences ameres et traumatisantes. Quoi qu’il en soit, l’auteure preconise toujours, au moyen de son ecriture, une voie de sortie : l’espoir. Il transparait des representations que fait l’auteure que la determination pour surmonter les defis et la decision de mettre une croix sur les experiences ameres du passe sont des indications fortes pour la transformation individuelle qui amenera a la transformation et au developpement tant desire de l’Afrique. La transgression et le metissage culturel dans l’reuvre de Fassinou ne se limitent pas aux etudes thematiques ; il s’agit egalement de la transgression du code langagier standard et du melange des langues. La deuxieme partie de cette these est consacree a une etude stylistique de l’reuvre de Fassinou. Pour cela, nous avons etudie egalement les aspects des aspects formels de l’ecriture de Fassinou comme symbole de la transgression et du metissage culturel.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
Kwelo lizwe leentsomi : iintsomi zesiXhosa
- Authors: Sigcau, Bulelwa Monica
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) -- South Africa , Xhosa fiction -- 21st century , Diaries -- Authorship , Short stories, Xhosa -- 21st century , African fiction -- History and criticism , English fiction -- History and criticism
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: thesis , text , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/178270 , vital:42926
- Description: Ukuphosa kuvimba wolwazi ngeentsomi zesiXhosa, le thisisi iqulathe iintsomi-mabali eziqanjwe zabaliswa kusetyenziswa ulwimi, umxholo nemixholo engenelelayo engeziganeko zemihla ngemihla, abalinganiswa, isakhiwo sentsomi nesimo sentlalo zala maxesha siphila kuwo. Ezi ntsomi zixhaswa kakhulu yimifanekiso ephilayo, ukusetyenziswa kwemigca emifutshane ezoba isimo sentlalo nevakala ingathi yimibongo ngenxa yokuqupha kwayo. Umsebenzi kaR.F. Mcimeli, kwincwadi ethi, Ingqaka kaMaqhudeni iqulethe iintsomi ezisondeleyo kwezi ziqanjwe kulo msebenzi, ngakumbi iintsomi ezizezi, uNomvula noNomvulazana, uDumisani nesigebenga esingabonwayo, uNomaciko noCikokazi, nezinye. Umsebenzi kaNongenile Masithathu Zenani (2006) oqokelelwe nguHarold Scheub kwincwadi ethi South African voices: A long time passed ube negaleloo elikhulu ukubonisa indima esele idlaliwe kwiintsomi zesiXhosa. UKholeka Sigenu (2002) kwincwandi ethi Ezakowethu naye ube nefuthe kwindlela ezi ntsomi eziqanjwe ngayo nokuqinisekisa ukuba ngenene zongeza ulwazi olutsha. Ezi ntsomi-mabali zibhentsise okulungileyo nokuhenxayo ngaphandle kokushumayela nokuveza abalinganiswa njengeengilosi. Ndiluthande kakhulu nohlobo lukaAmos Tutuola lokubhala, ndizame ukusondeza uhlobo lwam lokubhala kolu hlobo lukaAmos Tutuola. Ndilandele ifuthe lohlobo lokubhala olubizwa ngeflash fiction. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-04
- Authors: Sigcau, Bulelwa Monica
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) -- South Africa , Xhosa fiction -- 21st century , Diaries -- Authorship , Short stories, Xhosa -- 21st century , African fiction -- History and criticism , English fiction -- History and criticism
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: thesis , text , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/178270 , vital:42926
- Description: Ukuphosa kuvimba wolwazi ngeentsomi zesiXhosa, le thisisi iqulathe iintsomi-mabali eziqanjwe zabaliswa kusetyenziswa ulwimi, umxholo nemixholo engenelelayo engeziganeko zemihla ngemihla, abalinganiswa, isakhiwo sentsomi nesimo sentlalo zala maxesha siphila kuwo. Ezi ntsomi zixhaswa kakhulu yimifanekiso ephilayo, ukusetyenziswa kwemigca emifutshane ezoba isimo sentlalo nevakala ingathi yimibongo ngenxa yokuqupha kwayo. Umsebenzi kaR.F. Mcimeli, kwincwadi ethi, Ingqaka kaMaqhudeni iqulethe iintsomi ezisondeleyo kwezi ziqanjwe kulo msebenzi, ngakumbi iintsomi ezizezi, uNomvula noNomvulazana, uDumisani nesigebenga esingabonwayo, uNomaciko noCikokazi, nezinye. Umsebenzi kaNongenile Masithathu Zenani (2006) oqokelelwe nguHarold Scheub kwincwadi ethi South African voices: A long time passed ube negaleloo elikhulu ukubonisa indima esele idlaliwe kwiintsomi zesiXhosa. UKholeka Sigenu (2002) kwincwandi ethi Ezakowethu naye ube nefuthe kwindlela ezi ntsomi eziqanjwe ngayo nokuqinisekisa ukuba ngenene zongeza ulwazi olutsha. Ezi ntsomi-mabali zibhentsise okulungileyo nokuhenxayo ngaphandle kokushumayela nokuveza abalinganiswa njengeengilosi. Ndiluthande kakhulu nohlobo lukaAmos Tutuola lokubhala, ndizame ukusondeza uhlobo lwam lokubhala kolu hlobo lukaAmos Tutuola. Ndilandele ifuthe lohlobo lokubhala olubizwa ngeflash fiction. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-04