The uptake of educational technology in South African Higher Education: a study of the context that conditioned emergency remote teaching in the pandemic
- Ngcobo, Nomathemba Faustinah
- Authors: Ngcobo, Nomathemba Faustinah
- Date: 2022-10-14
- Subjects: Educational technology South Africa , Education, Higher South Africa , Academic development , COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- South Africa , Distance education Computer-assisted instruction , Web-based instruction South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:70176 , DOI 10.21504/10962/405495
- Description: The study explores the enablements and constraints in the uptake of educational technologies in the South African higher education system. This is a multiple institutional study which considers the differentiated nature of higher education institutions in South Africa and reflects on the implications of this for the use of educational technology (EdTech). EdTech is seen as an important aspect of 21st century education. As an established practice in many universities it has made a significant impact on teaching and learning practices. However, EdTech is often presented as a panacea to educational problems and implemented without consideration of the contexts in which it is used. Data was collected from the educational technology units of 22 of the 26 public higher education institutions and the main sources of this data were an online survey questionnaire related to the uptake of educational technologies and semi-structured interviews. For the research analysis, Archer’s analytical dualism and morphogenetic cycle provided a framework with the understanding that a social phenomenon such as EdTech emerges from a complex interplay of multiple mechanisms rather than through simple unidirectional causality. The framework directed me to analyse structure, culture and agency as separate entities allowing an understanding of the complex and rapidly growing phenomenon of EdTech. Analytical dualism provides guiding principles on how agential actions, structural resources, and cultural practices emerge and allows an understanding of how agents experience and respond to structures and cultures in social fields, for example, the uptake of EdTech for teaching and learning. The morphogenetic cycle reveals the historical nature the EdTech uptake with events happening over a period of time so that past events, which possess structural and cultural mechanisms, condition agency in socio-cultural interaction. The study identified several mechanisms enabling and constraining the uptake of EdTech, and while the findings are not exhaustive, they do indicate important enablements and constraints which the sector would do well to consider as it enters a post-pandemic phase. The data was collected prior to the pandemic and thus provides an understanding of what allowed for the uptake of EdTech when face-to-face teaching and learning was the norm. While the pandemic resulted in a rapid pivot to Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT), and fundamentally changed the face of EdTech in the South African higher education sector and around the world, the findings of this study remain pertinent. Archer argues that when a new person or structure is introduced, it occurs within a pre-existing context and so what emerges should not be seen to be simply caused by that new person or structure. Rather, its emergent properties are exercised within the conditioning effects of the pre-existing structures, cultures and agents. The Covid-19 virus brought about significant effects around the world, but it would be a mistake for us to assume that the effects were the same across different national higher education systems or even across different universities within a country. For us to understand both what occurred during the pivot to ERT and to consider the implications of this for the future of EdTech, it is imperative that we understand the pre-existing conditions in which ERT was implemented. This thesis offers a rich picture of these pre-existing conditions. Key findings include the extreme extent to which universities differed in their resourcing and uptake of EdTech prior to the pandemic. In some universities, there were well-resourced EdTech centres while in others, the implementation of EdTech was seen to be the responsibility of the IT department. Even where EdTech staff were employed, the nature of this employment varied greatly. In some cases, such staff were seen as educational experts who were hired as academics and often worked within academic development centres. In other cases, such staff were employed as administrative support staff. Another difference pertained to whether they were employed on contract (often funded through project funding) or on a permanent basis. These differences in employment and the positioning of the EdTech staff were seen to greatly condition the levels of credibility they enjoyed and the kinds of work they could undertake. If they were employed as support staff, they were more likely to be seen to be responsible for providing academics with end-user technical assistance. If they were employed as academics, they were more likely to be seen to be responsible for providing pedagogical and curriculum development support in using EdTech for teaching and learning. Another set of findings related to the extent to which EdTech was seen to be valued within each university, such as by being included in promotions criteria, mentioned in institutional strategies, and supported by university management. Where this was not the case, this constrained the uptake of EdTech. In all cases, the EdTech staff reported working almost exclusively with academics who sought to develop their EdTech capability on a voluntary basis because it aligned to what Archer terms their ‘personal projects’. At times a departmental champion, especially in the form of the Head of Department as a social actor, led to EdTech uptake spreading across the academic body. There was evidence of some resistance to the use of EdTech and a great deal of anxiety among some academics. This was seen to be implicated in concerns that at times EdTech was seen to be a ‘dumping ground’ and the Learning Management System positioned simply as a repository of materials. Many academics reported being pushed by their students to integrate more technology in their teaching. Many students seem to be adept at using technology and can see its potential pedagogical benefits and so placed pressure for this to be increased. There were however concerns that the notion of ‘Digital Natives’, that is millennial students who were born into a technological era, was only a partial picture of the student body. The ‘Digital Divide’ meant that there was highly uneven access to hardware, data, bandwidth, and technological literacies among the student body. For many students, their only access to technology was while they were physically on campus, a finding that was to have extreme implications for the pivot to ERT. This research will be valuable to the field of educational technology and enhance the understanding of what is needed to enable the uptake of educational technologies in higher education teaching and learning in pedagogically sound ways. As the sector responds to the pandemic and reflects on lessons learned during this time, it will be important to look to the conditions outlined in this study as they continue to enable and constrain the uptake of educational technology. , Ucwaningo olwethulwe yindlela elandela imigomo ka-Bhaskar kanye no-Archer yesayensi yezenhlalo ehlola ukuze inikeze incazelo yokuvumeleka nezithiyo ekuthathweni kwezifundo ezisekwe ubuchwepheshe besimanje. Lolu ucwaningo lwezikhungo eziningi zemfundo ephakeme, futhi inhloso yalo enkulu bekuwukuhlonza ukuthi kwavela kanjani izindlela ezehlukene ukuze kuvunyelwe futhi kuvinjwe ukusetshenziswa kobuchwepheshe bezemfundo ezikhungweni zemfundo ephakeme ezehlukene eNingizimu Afrika. Izifundo ezisekwe ubuchwepheshe besimanje (EdTechs) ibonwa njengezici ezibalulekile zemfundo yekhulu lamashumi amabili nanye (21st century), futhi njengomkhuba osunguliwe emanyuvesi ibe nomthelela omkhulu ekufundiseni nasekufundeni. Kodwa-ke, i-EdTechs ivame ukwethulwa njengekhambi ezinkingeni zemfundo futhi yacwaningwa ngaphandle kokucabangela izimo lapho isetshenziswa khona. Ngenxa yalokho, kwaba nesidingo sokuqonda kangcono ukuthi ukutholwa kwayo kwehlukaniswa kanjani phakathi nohlelo lwemfundo ephakeme olungalingani emaNyuvesi ahlukene. Ubufakazi buqoqwe ezingxenyeni zobuchwepheshe bezemfundo zezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme zikahulumeni ezingamashumi amabili nambili (22) kwezingamashumi amabili nesithupha (26) futhi imithombo eyinhloko yalobufakazi kwakuwuhlu lwemibuzo lwenhlolovo oluku-inthanethi oluhlobene nokusetshenziswa kobuchwepheshe bezemfundo kwase kulandela kanye nezingxoxiswano ezihlelwe kancane. Ukuze kuhlaziywe ucwaningo, i-analytical dualism ngokuka-Archer kanye nomjikelezo we-morphogenetic (uzalo kabusha) unikeze uhlaka lokuhlaziywa kokutholwa kobuchwepheshe bezemfundo njengokusebenzelana okuqhubekayo phakathi kwezifundiswa nabasebenzi bomnyango bobuchwepheshe besimanje (EdTech staff). Ekuhlaziyeni, ngixoxa ngokuthi uhlaka lungiqondise kanjani ukuba ngihlaziye isakhiwo, isiko kanye nokwenza kwabantu njengezinhlangano ezihlukene nokuthi kungani lolu hlaka lufaneleka ukuze siqonde lesi simo esiyinkimbinkimbi nesikhula ngokushesha sezemfundo zobuchwepheshe besimanje. Ubumbaxambili bokuhlaziya buhlinzeka ngohlaka oluvumela abacwaningi ezimweni zomphakathi ukuthi babone futhi bahlaziye izindlela ezikhiqizayo neziyisisekelo, okuhlanganisa izindlela zokwenza ngokusebenzisa ukuxhumana komphakathi. Iphinde inikeze izimiso eziqondisayo zokuthi ezinye izenzo zokwenza komuntu kanye nemikhuba yamasiko zivela kanjani kanye nokuqonda ukuthi abenzi nabasebenzi bezemfundo, nokuthi abhekana kanjani futhi asabela kanjani ezakhiweni namasiko emikhakheni yezenhlalo, isibonelo, ukutholwa kwe-EdTechs ekufundiseni nokufunda. Ngaphezu kwalokho, umjikelezo we-morphogenetic wembula ubunjalo bomlando ukuthathwa kwe-EdTechs nezenzakalo ezenzeka esikhathini esithile ukuze izehlakalo ezidlule ezinezindlela zesakhiwo nezamasiko zibekezelele izenzo zezifundiswa njenge-ejensi ezovela ekusebenzelaneni kwezenhlalo namasiko. Izakhiwo ezivelayo zesakhiwo, isiko kanye nezabenzi zibonwa njengezindlela ezibalulekile ezivumela futhi zibambe iqhaza ekuthathweni kobuchwepheshe bezemfundo ekufundiseni nokufunda yizifundiswa. Ngakho-ke, ucwaningo luveza ukuthi kungani ukuthathwa kunezindlela ezivumelayo neziphoqayo futhi ukuxhumana phakathi kwesakhiwo, isiko kanye nomenzi kudala ukucabangela kwesimo okungaba okuncomayo noma okuphikisanayo ngokwemvelo. Imvume yokulandelana kwesimo yencazelo yokuthi kungani kunokuhlangenwe nakho okuhlukile ekuthathweni kwalawa ma-EdTech avela ezikhungweni ezehlukene esimweni semfundo ephakeme yaseNingizimu Afrika. Lolu cwaningo luzobaluleka emkhakheni wezobuchwepheshe bezemfundo futhi luthuthukise ukuqonda kwalokho okudingekayo ukuze kusetshenziswe ubuchwepheshe bezemfundo ekufundiseni nasekufundeni imfundo ephakeme. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Education, Centre for Higher Education Research, Teaching and Learning, 2022
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2022-10-14
- Authors: Ngcobo, Nomathemba Faustinah
- Date: 2022-10-14
- Subjects: Educational technology South Africa , Education, Higher South Africa , Academic development , COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- South Africa , Distance education Computer-assisted instruction , Web-based instruction South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:70176 , DOI 10.21504/10962/405495
- Description: The study explores the enablements and constraints in the uptake of educational technologies in the South African higher education system. This is a multiple institutional study which considers the differentiated nature of higher education institutions in South Africa and reflects on the implications of this for the use of educational technology (EdTech). EdTech is seen as an important aspect of 21st century education. As an established practice in many universities it has made a significant impact on teaching and learning practices. However, EdTech is often presented as a panacea to educational problems and implemented without consideration of the contexts in which it is used. Data was collected from the educational technology units of 22 of the 26 public higher education institutions and the main sources of this data were an online survey questionnaire related to the uptake of educational technologies and semi-structured interviews. For the research analysis, Archer’s analytical dualism and morphogenetic cycle provided a framework with the understanding that a social phenomenon such as EdTech emerges from a complex interplay of multiple mechanisms rather than through simple unidirectional causality. The framework directed me to analyse structure, culture and agency as separate entities allowing an understanding of the complex and rapidly growing phenomenon of EdTech. Analytical dualism provides guiding principles on how agential actions, structural resources, and cultural practices emerge and allows an understanding of how agents experience and respond to structures and cultures in social fields, for example, the uptake of EdTech for teaching and learning. The morphogenetic cycle reveals the historical nature the EdTech uptake with events happening over a period of time so that past events, which possess structural and cultural mechanisms, condition agency in socio-cultural interaction. The study identified several mechanisms enabling and constraining the uptake of EdTech, and while the findings are not exhaustive, they do indicate important enablements and constraints which the sector would do well to consider as it enters a post-pandemic phase. The data was collected prior to the pandemic and thus provides an understanding of what allowed for the uptake of EdTech when face-to-face teaching and learning was the norm. While the pandemic resulted in a rapid pivot to Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT), and fundamentally changed the face of EdTech in the South African higher education sector and around the world, the findings of this study remain pertinent. Archer argues that when a new person or structure is introduced, it occurs within a pre-existing context and so what emerges should not be seen to be simply caused by that new person or structure. Rather, its emergent properties are exercised within the conditioning effects of the pre-existing structures, cultures and agents. The Covid-19 virus brought about significant effects around the world, but it would be a mistake for us to assume that the effects were the same across different national higher education systems or even across different universities within a country. For us to understand both what occurred during the pivot to ERT and to consider the implications of this for the future of EdTech, it is imperative that we understand the pre-existing conditions in which ERT was implemented. This thesis offers a rich picture of these pre-existing conditions. Key findings include the extreme extent to which universities differed in their resourcing and uptake of EdTech prior to the pandemic. In some universities, there were well-resourced EdTech centres while in others, the implementation of EdTech was seen to be the responsibility of the IT department. Even where EdTech staff were employed, the nature of this employment varied greatly. In some cases, such staff were seen as educational experts who were hired as academics and often worked within academic development centres. In other cases, such staff were employed as administrative support staff. Another difference pertained to whether they were employed on contract (often funded through project funding) or on a permanent basis. These differences in employment and the positioning of the EdTech staff were seen to greatly condition the levels of credibility they enjoyed and the kinds of work they could undertake. If they were employed as support staff, they were more likely to be seen to be responsible for providing academics with end-user technical assistance. If they were employed as academics, they were more likely to be seen to be responsible for providing pedagogical and curriculum development support in using EdTech for teaching and learning. Another set of findings related to the extent to which EdTech was seen to be valued within each university, such as by being included in promotions criteria, mentioned in institutional strategies, and supported by university management. Where this was not the case, this constrained the uptake of EdTech. In all cases, the EdTech staff reported working almost exclusively with academics who sought to develop their EdTech capability on a voluntary basis because it aligned to what Archer terms their ‘personal projects’. At times a departmental champion, especially in the form of the Head of Department as a social actor, led to EdTech uptake spreading across the academic body. There was evidence of some resistance to the use of EdTech and a great deal of anxiety among some academics. This was seen to be implicated in concerns that at times EdTech was seen to be a ‘dumping ground’ and the Learning Management System positioned simply as a repository of materials. Many academics reported being pushed by their students to integrate more technology in their teaching. Many students seem to be adept at using technology and can see its potential pedagogical benefits and so placed pressure for this to be increased. There were however concerns that the notion of ‘Digital Natives’, that is millennial students who were born into a technological era, was only a partial picture of the student body. The ‘Digital Divide’ meant that there was highly uneven access to hardware, data, bandwidth, and technological literacies among the student body. For many students, their only access to technology was while they were physically on campus, a finding that was to have extreme implications for the pivot to ERT. This research will be valuable to the field of educational technology and enhance the understanding of what is needed to enable the uptake of educational technologies in higher education teaching and learning in pedagogically sound ways. As the sector responds to the pandemic and reflects on lessons learned during this time, it will be important to look to the conditions outlined in this study as they continue to enable and constrain the uptake of educational technology. , Ucwaningo olwethulwe yindlela elandela imigomo ka-Bhaskar kanye no-Archer yesayensi yezenhlalo ehlola ukuze inikeze incazelo yokuvumeleka nezithiyo ekuthathweni kwezifundo ezisekwe ubuchwepheshe besimanje. Lolu ucwaningo lwezikhungo eziningi zemfundo ephakeme, futhi inhloso yalo enkulu bekuwukuhlonza ukuthi kwavela kanjani izindlela ezehlukene ukuze kuvunyelwe futhi kuvinjwe ukusetshenziswa kobuchwepheshe bezemfundo ezikhungweni zemfundo ephakeme ezehlukene eNingizimu Afrika. Izifundo ezisekwe ubuchwepheshe besimanje (EdTechs) ibonwa njengezici ezibalulekile zemfundo yekhulu lamashumi amabili nanye (21st century), futhi njengomkhuba osunguliwe emanyuvesi ibe nomthelela omkhulu ekufundiseni nasekufundeni. Kodwa-ke, i-EdTechs ivame ukwethulwa njengekhambi ezinkingeni zemfundo futhi yacwaningwa ngaphandle kokucabangela izimo lapho isetshenziswa khona. Ngenxa yalokho, kwaba nesidingo sokuqonda kangcono ukuthi ukutholwa kwayo kwehlukaniswa kanjani phakathi nohlelo lwemfundo ephakeme olungalingani emaNyuvesi ahlukene. Ubufakazi buqoqwe ezingxenyeni zobuchwepheshe bezemfundo zezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme zikahulumeni ezingamashumi amabili nambili (22) kwezingamashumi amabili nesithupha (26) futhi imithombo eyinhloko yalobufakazi kwakuwuhlu lwemibuzo lwenhlolovo oluku-inthanethi oluhlobene nokusetshenziswa kobuchwepheshe bezemfundo kwase kulandela kanye nezingxoxiswano ezihlelwe kancane. Ukuze kuhlaziywe ucwaningo, i-analytical dualism ngokuka-Archer kanye nomjikelezo we-morphogenetic (uzalo kabusha) unikeze uhlaka lokuhlaziywa kokutholwa kobuchwepheshe bezemfundo njengokusebenzelana okuqhubekayo phakathi kwezifundiswa nabasebenzi bomnyango bobuchwepheshe besimanje (EdTech staff). Ekuhlaziyeni, ngixoxa ngokuthi uhlaka lungiqondise kanjani ukuba ngihlaziye isakhiwo, isiko kanye nokwenza kwabantu njengezinhlangano ezihlukene nokuthi kungani lolu hlaka lufaneleka ukuze siqonde lesi simo esiyinkimbinkimbi nesikhula ngokushesha sezemfundo zobuchwepheshe besimanje. Ubumbaxambili bokuhlaziya buhlinzeka ngohlaka oluvumela abacwaningi ezimweni zomphakathi ukuthi babone futhi bahlaziye izindlela ezikhiqizayo neziyisisekelo, okuhlanganisa izindlela zokwenza ngokusebenzisa ukuxhumana komphakathi. Iphinde inikeze izimiso eziqondisayo zokuthi ezinye izenzo zokwenza komuntu kanye nemikhuba yamasiko zivela kanjani kanye nokuqonda ukuthi abenzi nabasebenzi bezemfundo, nokuthi abhekana kanjani futhi asabela kanjani ezakhiweni namasiko emikhakheni yezenhlalo, isibonelo, ukutholwa kwe-EdTechs ekufundiseni nokufunda. Ngaphezu kwalokho, umjikelezo we-morphogenetic wembula ubunjalo bomlando ukuthathwa kwe-EdTechs nezenzakalo ezenzeka esikhathini esithile ukuze izehlakalo ezidlule ezinezindlela zesakhiwo nezamasiko zibekezelele izenzo zezifundiswa njenge-ejensi ezovela ekusebenzelaneni kwezenhlalo namasiko. Izakhiwo ezivelayo zesakhiwo, isiko kanye nezabenzi zibonwa njengezindlela ezibalulekile ezivumela futhi zibambe iqhaza ekuthathweni kobuchwepheshe bezemfundo ekufundiseni nokufunda yizifundiswa. Ngakho-ke, ucwaningo luveza ukuthi kungani ukuthathwa kunezindlela ezivumelayo neziphoqayo futhi ukuxhumana phakathi kwesakhiwo, isiko kanye nomenzi kudala ukucabangela kwesimo okungaba okuncomayo noma okuphikisanayo ngokwemvelo. Imvume yokulandelana kwesimo yencazelo yokuthi kungani kunokuhlangenwe nakho okuhlukile ekuthathweni kwalawa ma-EdTech avela ezikhungweni ezehlukene esimweni semfundo ephakeme yaseNingizimu Afrika. Lolu cwaningo luzobaluleka emkhakheni wezobuchwepheshe bezemfundo futhi luthuthukise ukuqonda kwalokho okudingekayo ukuze kusetshenziswe ubuchwepheshe bezemfundo ekufundiseni nasekufundeni imfundo ephakeme. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Education, Centre for Higher Education Research, Teaching and Learning, 2022
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2022-10-14
A social realist account of the way academic managers exercise agency in monitoring students’ academic success in South African higher education
- Dwayi, Valindawo Valile Medicine
- Authors: Dwayi, Valindawo Valile Medicine
- Date: 2024-04-05
- Subjects: Social realism South Africa Eastern Cape , Critical realism , New public management , Academic development , Academic achievement South Africa Eastern Cape , College students Rating of South Africa Eastern Cape , College student development programs South Africa Eastern Cape , Student adjustment South Africa Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:73207 , DOI 10.21504/10962/435863
- Description: The roots of this thesis lie in discourses which promote the use of academic monitoring strategies for student success in South African higher education. Although access to higher education widened for black South Africans following the first democratic election, this ‘formal’ access (Morrow, 1993) has not been matched by success with annual cohort studies showing that, regardless of the university at which they are registered, the subjects they are studying and the qualifications they hope to attain, black South Africans fare less well than their white peers. Monitoring performance and referring students on to academic support and development structures thus became a strategy identified as having the potential to address patterns in performance data. The study reports on an attempt to introduce a strategy for Academic Monitoring for Integrated Academic Development at a historically black university in South Africa’s Eastern Cape province. It draws on a metatheoretical framework developed from Bhaskar’s (1978, 1998) critical realism and Archer’s (1995, 1996) social realism to do this. More specifically, it focuses on the way managers at the institution exercised their agency in relation to the strategy and identifies the way social and structural conditions, developed from the time colonial settlers first arrived on the continent, worked to constrain the exercise of this agency. Although the focus of the study was on agency, the study revealed a system of necessary contradictions (Archer, 1995, 1996), a system of conflicting beliefs exacerbated by a lack of resources, that led to the implementation of the strategy not being as successful as intended. The study not only illuminates the conditions at one South African university but also adds to the body of work on management in higher education and to critiques of ‘managerialism’. , Eyona ngxam yale thisisi kukuphendla iindlela zokukhuthaza ukusetyenziswa kwamaqhinga ezemfundo okuqwalasela impumelelo yabafundi kumaziko emfundo ephakamileyo aseMzantsi Afrika. Nangona emva konyulo lokuqala lwedemokhrasi abemi abantsundu baseMzantsi Afrika bethe bavuleleka ukuba bafikelele kwimfundo ephakamileyo, olu fikelelo 'lusesikweni' (Morrow, 1993) khange luhambelane nempumelelo yaba bafundi, nanjengoko uphando olujolise kwimpumelelo yabafundi ngonyaka ngamnye lubonisa ukuba aba bafundi bathi nokuba bafunda kweyiphi iyunivesithi, befunda ziphi iikhosi bekwafundela waphi amakhono, abafundi abantsundu basoloko berhuqeka emva xa bethelekiswa nabo bamhlophe. Ukuqwalaselwa kwenkqubela nokudluliselwa kwabafundi kumacandelo enkxaso nophuhliso kwimiba yemfundo kube liqhinga elithe lachongwa njengelunokukwazi ukujongana neepateni zendlela abaqhuba ngayo abafundi. Olu phando lunika ingxelo malunga nenzame yokuza neqhinga lokuQwalaselwa kwemiba yeMfundo ukwenzela uPhuhliso kwiyunivesithi eyayisakuba yeyabantsundu kwiphondo leMpuma Koloni laseMzantsi Afrika. Luqamele ngesakhelo semethathiyori esakhelwe kwi-critical realism kaBhaskar (1978, 1979) kunye ne-social realism kaArcher (1995, 1996). Eyona nto lugxile kuyo yindlela abalawuli neenkokeli zeli zikomfundo eziwasebenzisa ngayo amagunya azo ngokunxulumene neli qhinga, lukwachonga indlela iimeko zentlalo nezeziko, ezamana ziphuhliswa ukususela oko kwathi kwafika abarhwaphilizi kweli lizwekazi, ezasebenza ngayo ekunqandeni ukusetyenziswa kwala magunya. Nangona ugxiliso lolu phando belusemagunyeni, luthe lwaveza uluhlu lwemiba echaseneyo eyimfuneko (Archer, 1995, 1996), uluhlu lweenkolelo ezingqubanayo ezihlutshezwa kukushokoxeka kwezixhobo, nolukhokelele ekubeni ukufezekiswa kweli qhinga kungabiyiyo le mpumelelo ibilindelekile. Olu phando aluphelelanga nje ekugqamiseni iimeko zale yunivesithi yaseMzantsi Afrika, koko lukongeza kumsebenzi osele wenziwe kwimfundo ephakamileyo lukwaphendla ‘ezolawulo’. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Education, Centre for Higher Education Research, Teaching and Learning, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04-05
- Authors: Dwayi, Valindawo Valile Medicine
- Date: 2024-04-05
- Subjects: Social realism South Africa Eastern Cape , Critical realism , New public management , Academic development , Academic achievement South Africa Eastern Cape , College students Rating of South Africa Eastern Cape , College student development programs South Africa Eastern Cape , Student adjustment South Africa Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:73207 , DOI 10.21504/10962/435863
- Description: The roots of this thesis lie in discourses which promote the use of academic monitoring strategies for student success in South African higher education. Although access to higher education widened for black South Africans following the first democratic election, this ‘formal’ access (Morrow, 1993) has not been matched by success with annual cohort studies showing that, regardless of the university at which they are registered, the subjects they are studying and the qualifications they hope to attain, black South Africans fare less well than their white peers. Monitoring performance and referring students on to academic support and development structures thus became a strategy identified as having the potential to address patterns in performance data. The study reports on an attempt to introduce a strategy for Academic Monitoring for Integrated Academic Development at a historically black university in South Africa’s Eastern Cape province. It draws on a metatheoretical framework developed from Bhaskar’s (1978, 1998) critical realism and Archer’s (1995, 1996) social realism to do this. More specifically, it focuses on the way managers at the institution exercised their agency in relation to the strategy and identifies the way social and structural conditions, developed from the time colonial settlers first arrived on the continent, worked to constrain the exercise of this agency. Although the focus of the study was on agency, the study revealed a system of necessary contradictions (Archer, 1995, 1996), a system of conflicting beliefs exacerbated by a lack of resources, that led to the implementation of the strategy not being as successful as intended. The study not only illuminates the conditions at one South African university but also adds to the body of work on management in higher education and to critiques of ‘managerialism’. , Eyona ngxam yale thisisi kukuphendla iindlela zokukhuthaza ukusetyenziswa kwamaqhinga ezemfundo okuqwalasela impumelelo yabafundi kumaziko emfundo ephakamileyo aseMzantsi Afrika. Nangona emva konyulo lokuqala lwedemokhrasi abemi abantsundu baseMzantsi Afrika bethe bavuleleka ukuba bafikelele kwimfundo ephakamileyo, olu fikelelo 'lusesikweni' (Morrow, 1993) khange luhambelane nempumelelo yaba bafundi, nanjengoko uphando olujolise kwimpumelelo yabafundi ngonyaka ngamnye lubonisa ukuba aba bafundi bathi nokuba bafunda kweyiphi iyunivesithi, befunda ziphi iikhosi bekwafundela waphi amakhono, abafundi abantsundu basoloko berhuqeka emva xa bethelekiswa nabo bamhlophe. Ukuqwalaselwa kwenkqubela nokudluliselwa kwabafundi kumacandelo enkxaso nophuhliso kwimiba yemfundo kube liqhinga elithe lachongwa njengelunokukwazi ukujongana neepateni zendlela abaqhuba ngayo abafundi. Olu phando lunika ingxelo malunga nenzame yokuza neqhinga lokuQwalaselwa kwemiba yeMfundo ukwenzela uPhuhliso kwiyunivesithi eyayisakuba yeyabantsundu kwiphondo leMpuma Koloni laseMzantsi Afrika. Luqamele ngesakhelo semethathiyori esakhelwe kwi-critical realism kaBhaskar (1978, 1979) kunye ne-social realism kaArcher (1995, 1996). Eyona nto lugxile kuyo yindlela abalawuli neenkokeli zeli zikomfundo eziwasebenzisa ngayo amagunya azo ngokunxulumene neli qhinga, lukwachonga indlela iimeko zentlalo nezeziko, ezamana ziphuhliswa ukususela oko kwathi kwafika abarhwaphilizi kweli lizwekazi, ezasebenza ngayo ekunqandeni ukusetyenziswa kwala magunya. Nangona ugxiliso lolu phando belusemagunyeni, luthe lwaveza uluhlu lwemiba echaseneyo eyimfuneko (Archer, 1995, 1996), uluhlu lweenkolelo ezingqubanayo ezihlutshezwa kukushokoxeka kwezixhobo, nolukhokelele ekubeni ukufezekiswa kweli qhinga kungabiyiyo le mpumelelo ibilindelekile. Olu phando aluphelelanga nje ekugqamiseni iimeko zale yunivesithi yaseMzantsi Afrika, koko lukongeza kumsebenzi osele wenziwe kwimfundo ephakamileyo lukwaphendla ‘ezolawulo’. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Education, Centre for Higher Education Research, Teaching and Learning, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04-05
A social realist analysis of the professional identity formation of lecturers emerging from completing professional development at a South African research-intensive university
- Authors: Adams, Anthea
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Identity (Psychology) in education , Academic development , Staff development , Social realism , Critical realism , Scholarship of teaching and learning , Education, Higher South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:76722 , DOI
- Description: This doctoral study is part of a Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) capacity development project, Phakamisa. Using Margaret Archer's Social Realism as a substantive theory and methodological tool and Roy Bhaskar's Critical Realism as a meta-theory, I was able to identify and explain the interplay between the structural, cultural and agential mechanisms within a professional development course that enabled or constrained the emergence of lecturers' professional academic identities. My research participants are fourteen lecturers who completed the Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education (PGDip HE) at Rhodes University between 2007 and 2017. Social Realism's explanatory methodologies, analytical dualism, and the morphogenetic cycle allowed me to provide causal explanations and account for the historicity of the emergence of lecturers' professional academic identities as teachers. A qualitative research design involving case study research allowed me to search for generative mechanisms to understand and explain the conditioning influence of often unobservable phenomena and underlying mechanisms in developing lecturers' identities as teachers in a research-intensive university. As strong social actors imbued with power and material resources, university leadership should consider the constraining influence of contextual conditions, such as the hegemony of disciplinary research versus research in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). The socio-cultural (S-C) interactions of the fourteen lecturers (agents) signal the possibilities for structural, cultural and agential morphogenesis when agents choose to exercise their agency, i.e., their personal emergent properties (PEPs) to mediate prevalent structural and cultural emergent properties (SEPs and CEPs) enabling or constraining their personal projects. Lecturers' personal projects are the courses of action they intentionally engage in as they strive to establish sustainable yet evolving practices as teachers in their disciplines. This thesis shows that exercising their PEPs involves subjective reflexivity and transforming from primary agents to corporate agents due to collective action and alliances with like-minded peers and colleagues to shape the teaching and learning agenda in their respective departments and the broader higher education context. Triple morphogenesis of lecturers' agency occurred through their realisation as social actors. It signified the formation of their professional identities as teachers and how they uniquely embodied and enacted their teacher roles. , Hierdie doktorale studie is deel van 'n Departement van Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding (DHOO) kapasiteitsontwikkelingsprojek, naamlik Phakamisa. Deur gebruik te maak van Margaret Archer se Sosiale Realisme ("Social Realism") as 'n substantiewe teorie en metodologiese instrument, en Roy Bhaskar se Kritiese Realisme ("Critical Realism") as 'n metateorie, was ek in staat om die wisselwerking tussen die strukturele, kulturele en agentiese meganismes binne 'n professionele ontwikkelingskursus te identifiseer en te verduidelik wat die ontstaan van dosente se professionele akademiese identiteite moontlik gemaak of beperk het. Die deelnemers in my navorsing is veertien dosente wat die Nagraadse Diploma in Hoër Onderwys (NGDip HO) aan Rhodes Universiteit tussen 2007 en 2017 voltooi het. Sosiale Realisme se verklarende metodologieë, analitiese dualisme en die morfogenetiese siklus het my toegelaat om oorsaaklike verklarings te verskaf en die historisiteit van die ontstaan van dosente se professionele akademiese identiteite as onderwysers te verantwoord. ’n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp wat gevallestudienavorsing behels het, het my toegelaat om na generatiewe meganismes te soek om die kondisionerende invloed van dikwels onwaarneembare verskynsels en onderliggende meganismes in die ontwikkeling van dosente se identiteit as onderwysers in ’n navorsingsintensiewe universiteit te verstaan en te verduidelik. As sterk sosiale rolspelers deurdrenk met mag en materiële hulpbronne, behoort universiteitsleierskap die beperkende invloed van kontekstuele toestande, soos die hegemonie van dissiplinêre navorsing versus navorsing in die Akademieskap van Onderrig en Leer (AvOL, of in Engels "Scholarship of Teaching and Learning", afgekort na SoTL) in ag te neem. Die sosiokulturele (S-K) interaksie van die veertien dosente (agente) dui op die moontlikhede vir strukturele, kulturele en agentiale morfogenese wanneer agente doelbewus kies om hul agentskap uit te oefen, dit wil sê hul persoonlike ontluikende eienskappe (in Engels "personal emergent properties", afgekort na PEPs) om heersende strukturele en kulturele ontluikende eienskappe te bemiddel (in Engels "cultural emergent properties", afgekort na CEPs) wat hul persoonlike projekte moontlik maak of beperk. Dosente se persoonlike projekte is die aksies wat hulle doelbewus aangepak het terwyl hulle daarna gestreef het om volhoubare dog ontwikkelende praktyke as onderwysers in hul dissiplines te vestig. Hierdie tesis dui aan dat die uitoefening van hul persoonlike ontluikende eienskappe ("PEPs") behels subjektiewe refleksiwiteit en transformasie van primêre agente na korporatiewe agente as gevolg van kollektiewe optrede en alliansies met eendersdenkende eweknieë en kollegas om die onderrigen leeragenda in hul onderskeie departemente en die breër hoëronderwyskonteks te beïnvloed. Drievoudige morfogenese van dosente se agentskap het plaasgevind deur hul verwesenliking as sosiale rolspelers. Dit het die vorming van hul professionele identiteite as onderwysers aangedui en die unieke manier hoe hulle hul onderwyserrolle interpreteer en uitleef. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Education, Centre for Higher Education Research, Teaching and Learning, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
- Authors: Adams, Anthea
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Identity (Psychology) in education , Academic development , Staff development , Social realism , Critical realism , Scholarship of teaching and learning , Education, Higher South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:76722 , DOI
- Description: This doctoral study is part of a Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) capacity development project, Phakamisa. Using Margaret Archer's Social Realism as a substantive theory and methodological tool and Roy Bhaskar's Critical Realism as a meta-theory, I was able to identify and explain the interplay between the structural, cultural and agential mechanisms within a professional development course that enabled or constrained the emergence of lecturers' professional academic identities. My research participants are fourteen lecturers who completed the Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education (PGDip HE) at Rhodes University between 2007 and 2017. Social Realism's explanatory methodologies, analytical dualism, and the morphogenetic cycle allowed me to provide causal explanations and account for the historicity of the emergence of lecturers' professional academic identities as teachers. A qualitative research design involving case study research allowed me to search for generative mechanisms to understand and explain the conditioning influence of often unobservable phenomena and underlying mechanisms in developing lecturers' identities as teachers in a research-intensive university. As strong social actors imbued with power and material resources, university leadership should consider the constraining influence of contextual conditions, such as the hegemony of disciplinary research versus research in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). The socio-cultural (S-C) interactions of the fourteen lecturers (agents) signal the possibilities for structural, cultural and agential morphogenesis when agents choose to exercise their agency, i.e., their personal emergent properties (PEPs) to mediate prevalent structural and cultural emergent properties (SEPs and CEPs) enabling or constraining their personal projects. Lecturers' personal projects are the courses of action they intentionally engage in as they strive to establish sustainable yet evolving practices as teachers in their disciplines. This thesis shows that exercising their PEPs involves subjective reflexivity and transforming from primary agents to corporate agents due to collective action and alliances with like-minded peers and colleagues to shape the teaching and learning agenda in their respective departments and the broader higher education context. Triple morphogenesis of lecturers' agency occurred through their realisation as social actors. It signified the formation of their professional identities as teachers and how they uniquely embodied and enacted their teacher roles. , Hierdie doktorale studie is deel van 'n Departement van Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding (DHOO) kapasiteitsontwikkelingsprojek, naamlik Phakamisa. Deur gebruik te maak van Margaret Archer se Sosiale Realisme ("Social Realism") as 'n substantiewe teorie en metodologiese instrument, en Roy Bhaskar se Kritiese Realisme ("Critical Realism") as 'n metateorie, was ek in staat om die wisselwerking tussen die strukturele, kulturele en agentiese meganismes binne 'n professionele ontwikkelingskursus te identifiseer en te verduidelik wat die ontstaan van dosente se professionele akademiese identiteite moontlik gemaak of beperk het. Die deelnemers in my navorsing is veertien dosente wat die Nagraadse Diploma in Hoër Onderwys (NGDip HO) aan Rhodes Universiteit tussen 2007 en 2017 voltooi het. Sosiale Realisme se verklarende metodologieë, analitiese dualisme en die morfogenetiese siklus het my toegelaat om oorsaaklike verklarings te verskaf en die historisiteit van die ontstaan van dosente se professionele akademiese identiteite as onderwysers te verantwoord. ’n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp wat gevallestudienavorsing behels het, het my toegelaat om na generatiewe meganismes te soek om die kondisionerende invloed van dikwels onwaarneembare verskynsels en onderliggende meganismes in die ontwikkeling van dosente se identiteit as onderwysers in ’n navorsingsintensiewe universiteit te verstaan en te verduidelik. As sterk sosiale rolspelers deurdrenk met mag en materiële hulpbronne, behoort universiteitsleierskap die beperkende invloed van kontekstuele toestande, soos die hegemonie van dissiplinêre navorsing versus navorsing in die Akademieskap van Onderrig en Leer (AvOL, of in Engels "Scholarship of Teaching and Learning", afgekort na SoTL) in ag te neem. Die sosiokulturele (S-K) interaksie van die veertien dosente (agente) dui op die moontlikhede vir strukturele, kulturele en agentiale morfogenese wanneer agente doelbewus kies om hul agentskap uit te oefen, dit wil sê hul persoonlike ontluikende eienskappe (in Engels "personal emergent properties", afgekort na PEPs) om heersende strukturele en kulturele ontluikende eienskappe te bemiddel (in Engels "cultural emergent properties", afgekort na CEPs) wat hul persoonlike projekte moontlik maak of beperk. Dosente se persoonlike projekte is die aksies wat hulle doelbewus aangepak het terwyl hulle daarna gestreef het om volhoubare dog ontwikkelende praktyke as onderwysers in hul dissiplines te vestig. Hierdie tesis dui aan dat die uitoefening van hul persoonlike ontluikende eienskappe ("PEPs") behels subjektiewe refleksiwiteit en transformasie van primêre agente na korporatiewe agente as gevolg van kollektiewe optrede en alliansies met eendersdenkende eweknieë en kollegas om die onderrigen leeragenda in hul onderskeie departemente en die breër hoëronderwyskonteks te beïnvloed. Drievoudige morfogenese van dosente se agentskap het plaasgevind deur hul verwesenliking as sosiale rolspelers. Dit het die vorming van hul professionele identiteite as onderwysers aangedui en die unieke manier hoe hulle hul onderwyserrolle interpreteer en uitleef. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Education, Centre for Higher Education Research, Teaching and Learning, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
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