Constructions of nationhood in secession debates related to Mthwakazi Liberation Front in Bulawayo's Chronicle and Newsday newspapers in 2011
- Authors: Ndlovu, Mphathisi
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Newspapers , Bulawayo , Matabeleland , Zimbabwe , Chronicle , Newsday , Secession , Devolution , Nationhood , Ndebele , Ethnic identity , Mthwakazi Liberation Front , Mthwakazi Liberation Front -- Zimbabwe , Mass media and nationalism -- Research -- Zimbabwe , Bulawayo (Zimbabwe) -- Newspapers , Matabeleland (Zimbabwe) -- History -- Autonomy and independence movements , Matabeleland (Zimbabwe) -- Social conditions , Zimbabwe -- Social conditions
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3415 ,
- Description: This study investigates the constructions of nationhood in two Bulawayo newspapers, the Chronicle and Newsday. Against the backdrop of the emergence of a secessionist movement, Mthwakazi Liberation Front (MLF), this research examines the discourses of nationhood in the secessionist debates raging in these two newspapers. This study is premised on a view that nationhood constructions cannot be understood outside the broader context in which these newspapers are embedded. Accordingly, it traces the roots and resurgence of Matabeleland separatist politics, exploring the political-historical forces that have shaped a distinctive Ndebele identity that poses a threat to the one, indivisible Zimbabwean national identity. Further, the study situates Matabeleland separatist politics within the broader African secessionist discourse challenging the post-colonial nation-building project on the continent. Informed by Hall’s (1992, 1996) constructivist approach to identity, it considers national identities as fragmented, multiple and constantly evolving. Thus, this study is framed within Hall’s (1997) constructivist approach to representation, as it examines the constructions of nationhood in and through language. The study uses qualitative research methods, as it examines the meanings of nationhood in key media texts. Informed by Foucault’s discourse theory, this research employs critical discourse analysis (CDA) to analyse 12 articles from the two newspapers. The findings confirm that the representations of nationhood in the two newspapers are influenced by their position within the socio-political context. The state-owned Chronicle legitimates the unitary state discourse advocated by ZANU PF. On the other hand, Newsday’s representations are informed by the discourses of the opposition political parties and civil society that challenge the dominant nation-building project. Thus, within this paper, secession and devolution emerge as alternative imaginaries that contest the authoritarian discourse of nationhood
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2013
- Authors: Ndlovu, Mphathisi
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Newspapers , Bulawayo , Matabeleland , Zimbabwe , Chronicle , Newsday , Secession , Devolution , Nationhood , Ndebele , Ethnic identity , Mthwakazi Liberation Front , Mthwakazi Liberation Front -- Zimbabwe , Mass media and nationalism -- Research -- Zimbabwe , Bulawayo (Zimbabwe) -- Newspapers , Matabeleland (Zimbabwe) -- History -- Autonomy and independence movements , Matabeleland (Zimbabwe) -- Social conditions , Zimbabwe -- Social conditions
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3415 ,
- Description: This study investigates the constructions of nationhood in two Bulawayo newspapers, the Chronicle and Newsday. Against the backdrop of the emergence of a secessionist movement, Mthwakazi Liberation Front (MLF), this research examines the discourses of nationhood in the secessionist debates raging in these two newspapers. This study is premised on a view that nationhood constructions cannot be understood outside the broader context in which these newspapers are embedded. Accordingly, it traces the roots and resurgence of Matabeleland separatist politics, exploring the political-historical forces that have shaped a distinctive Ndebele identity that poses a threat to the one, indivisible Zimbabwean national identity. Further, the study situates Matabeleland separatist politics within the broader African secessionist discourse challenging the post-colonial nation-building project on the continent. Informed by Hall’s (1992, 1996) constructivist approach to identity, it considers national identities as fragmented, multiple and constantly evolving. Thus, this study is framed within Hall’s (1997) constructivist approach to representation, as it examines the constructions of nationhood in and through language. The study uses qualitative research methods, as it examines the meanings of nationhood in key media texts. Informed by Foucault’s discourse theory, this research employs critical discourse analysis (CDA) to analyse 12 articles from the two newspapers. The findings confirm that the representations of nationhood in the two newspapers are influenced by their position within the socio-political context. The state-owned Chronicle legitimates the unitary state discourse advocated by ZANU PF. On the other hand, Newsday’s representations are informed by the discourses of the opposition political parties and civil society that challenge the dominant nation-building project. Thus, within this paper, secession and devolution emerge as alternative imaginaries that contest the authoritarian discourse of nationhood
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2013
The Sound of Africa: Southern Rhodesia - The Federation of Rhodesia Nyasaland No.3
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Marimba , Gold miners , Traders , Persia , Baboons , Sprites , Rocks , History , Shona , Identity , Culture , Indigenous music , Modern music , Musicians , Personality , Poetry , Call and response , Singing , Choir , Language , Naming , Names , Mbira , Hand piano , Dances , Jazz , Rock ‘n roll , African nationalism , Village , Food , Subsistence economy , Drums , Yodelling , Utopia , Politicians , European , Politics , Zulu , Ndebele , Colonisation , Conquer , Class system , Law and order , Organised society , Stability , Discipline , Zidukwana , Donda chawane mauyo , Processional , Chipunza , Story , Acetate , Shamuyarira , Musarurwa , Savanhu , Peter Nahlanzu
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15095 , , Reel number: BC125
- Description: 3rd programme of The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland of ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Marimba , Gold miners , Traders , Persia , Baboons , Sprites , Rocks , History , Shona , Identity , Culture , Indigenous music , Modern music , Musicians , Personality , Poetry , Call and response , Singing , Choir , Language , Naming , Names , Mbira , Hand piano , Dances , Jazz , Rock ‘n roll , African nationalism , Village , Food , Subsistence economy , Drums , Yodelling , Utopia , Politicians , European , Politics , Zulu , Ndebele , Colonisation , Conquer , Class system , Law and order , Organised society , Stability , Discipline , Zidukwana , Donda chawane mauyo , Processional , Chipunza , Story , Acetate , Shamuyarira , Musarurwa , Savanhu , Peter Nahlanzu
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15095 , , Reel number: BC125
- Description: 3rd programme of The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland of ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
The Sound of Africa: The Three High Commission Territories, Basutoland, Bechuanaland and Swaziland
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Singing , Indigenous music , Traditional music , Dithoko , Praise song , Horses , Maloti mountains , Cattle herding , Sticks , Lesiba , Zulu , Tswana , Sotho , Tlokwa , Koena , Chiefs , Shaka , Mantantisi , Moshoeshoe , Hunting ground , Cattle raiders , Red cliffs , Thaba Bosiu , Lesotho , Maseru , Work songs , Mokorotlo , Stamping , Blankets , Lengae , Lelingoana , Initiation songs , Mafeking District , Sheep skin , Leather aprons , White wood ash , Grass ropes , Mask of straw , Clapping , Mouse songs , Rosery , Rain song , Pula , Chief Batwe Village , Kanye , Lion skin , Mzilikazi , Ndebele , Bulawayo , Khama, Tshekedi , Bamangwato , Fighting songs , Livingstone, David , Moffat, Robert , Christianity , Catholic Mission , French Canadians , Morija , Choral , Paris Evangelical Missionary Society , Arbousset, Thomas , Casalis, Eugene , Gosselin, Constant , Knobkerries , Red ochre , Reed pipes , Coloured dress , Chants , Ligubu bow , Regimental dance , Indlaliso , Wondoloza bantu , Incwala ritual , Umgubo , Ihlubo , Hoeing song , Maye maye inesizema , Musical bows , Flutes , Makweyana bow , Love song , Lament song , Party songs , Tshidilamolomo , Dance songs , Huts , Sacred , Secret , Ululations , Throat sound , Bana ba tau we el , Kgomo e tsaletse nageng thokwana , Serago ko gae ko gae , Kgatla
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15113 , , Reel numbers: BC110, BC111, BC112, BC113, BC120
- Description: 1st programme in ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series IV of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , Feature programme for the BBC , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Singing , Indigenous music , Traditional music , Dithoko , Praise song , Horses , Maloti mountains , Cattle herding , Sticks , Lesiba , Zulu , Tswana , Sotho , Tlokwa , Koena , Chiefs , Shaka , Mantantisi , Moshoeshoe , Hunting ground , Cattle raiders , Red cliffs , Thaba Bosiu , Lesotho , Maseru , Work songs , Mokorotlo , Stamping , Blankets , Lengae , Lelingoana , Initiation songs , Mafeking District , Sheep skin , Leather aprons , White wood ash , Grass ropes , Mask of straw , Clapping , Mouse songs , Rosery , Rain song , Pula , Chief Batwe Village , Kanye , Lion skin , Mzilikazi , Ndebele , Bulawayo , Khama, Tshekedi , Bamangwato , Fighting songs , Livingstone, David , Moffat, Robert , Christianity , Catholic Mission , French Canadians , Morija , Choral , Paris Evangelical Missionary Society , Arbousset, Thomas , Casalis, Eugene , Gosselin, Constant , Knobkerries , Red ochre , Reed pipes , Coloured dress , Chants , Ligubu bow , Regimental dance , Indlaliso , Wondoloza bantu , Incwala ritual , Umgubo , Ihlubo , Hoeing song , Maye maye inesizema , Musical bows , Flutes , Makweyana bow , Love song , Lament song , Party songs , Tshidilamolomo , Dance songs , Huts , Sacred , Secret , Ululations , Throat sound , Bana ba tau we el , Kgomo e tsaletse nageng thokwana , Serago ko gae ko gae , Kgatla
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15113 , , Reel numbers: BC110, BC111, BC112, BC113, BC120
- Description: 1st programme in ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series IV of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , Feature programme for the BBC , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
The Sound of Africa: The best recordings of 1953 - Osborn Awards
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Osborn Awards , Dr. Tom Osborn Memorial Foundation , French West Africa , Dance , Xylophone , Malinke , Kankan , French Guinea , Chopi Timbila , Musique de Fete , Baoule , Matriachy , Atiegoakro , Flute , Flute Tunes , Nigeria , Drum , Hour glass drum , Kokoro , Congo , Ekonda , Iboko , Singing , Yo-yo-yele yo-yo-le , Friction stick , Likembe , Hand piano , Guitar , Violin , Double bass , Mwana aboyi mama , Lingala , Moslem , Swahili , Khartoum , Violins , Lutes , Flutes , Drums , Love song , The meetong of the Niles , Uganda , Kenya , Dar es Salaam , Northern Rhodesia , Zambia , Ndebele , Zither , Uthando Kwabanye , Lobola , Bride-price , Tonga , Mikonkobelo , Sticks , Drinking song , Muka Nakayongo , Musical bow , Gourd resonator , Mupanza , Nalowa , South Africa , Sotho , Basutoland , Lesotho , Sculpture , International Library of African Music , Anthropology , Giriyama Dance
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15068 , , Reel numbers: BC045, BC046, BC047, BC048
- Description: 13th programme in ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series A of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the South African Broadcasting Corporation , Broadcast script and original reel recording have different dates, hence the two different dates provided in the date field , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Osborn Awards , Dr. Tom Osborn Memorial Foundation , French West Africa , Dance , Xylophone , Malinke , Kankan , French Guinea , Chopi Timbila , Musique de Fete , Baoule , Matriachy , Atiegoakro , Flute , Flute Tunes , Nigeria , Drum , Hour glass drum , Kokoro , Congo , Ekonda , Iboko , Singing , Yo-yo-yele yo-yo-le , Friction stick , Likembe , Hand piano , Guitar , Violin , Double bass , Mwana aboyi mama , Lingala , Moslem , Swahili , Khartoum , Violins , Lutes , Flutes , Drums , Love song , The meetong of the Niles , Uganda , Kenya , Dar es Salaam , Northern Rhodesia , Zambia , Ndebele , Zither , Uthando Kwabanye , Lobola , Bride-price , Tonga , Mikonkobelo , Sticks , Drinking song , Muka Nakayongo , Musical bow , Gourd resonator , Mupanza , Nalowa , South Africa , Sotho , Basutoland , Lesotho , Sculpture , International Library of African Music , Anthropology , Giriyama Dance
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15068 , , Reel numbers: BC045, BC046, BC047, BC048
- Description: 13th programme in ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series A of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the South African Broadcasting Corporation , Broadcast script and original reel recording have different dates, hence the two different dates provided in the date field , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
The Many Sides of African Music No. 10
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh , Tracey, Peggy
- Subjects: Spiritual , Religion , Movement , Music , Sudan , Magic , Ritual , Ancestor worship , High-God , Ancestors , Rhodesia , Heroes , Chiefs , Mashawi , Mazungu shawi , Chipenzi , Masangano , Chaminuka , Karanga , Zambesi river , Ndebele , Labengula of the matabele , Amandabele , Ugubulawayo , Tabora , Tanganyika , Chief Fundikela , Livingstone , Stanley , Kampala , Uganda , Benedictus , William Byrd , Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace , Congo , Joseph Kiwele , Catholic hymn , Credo , An African composed Mass , Sophiatown , Dutch Reform Church , Joseph Makema , Eternal father strong to save , Sotho , Mohammedanism , Arab , Swahili , Cassida , Moslem religious chant , Dar es Salam , Kenya , Church of Zion , Southern Rhodesia , Horn , Ululations , Rattle , Independent Christian chruches , African hymn , Church of Nazareth in Natal , Zulu , Shembe , Dance , Morning hymn , Evening hymn
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15076 , , Reel number: BC058
- Description: The Many Sides of African Music No. 10 of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey and Peggy Tracey on their travels in search of African music, broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh , Tracey, Peggy
- Subjects: Spiritual , Religion , Movement , Music , Sudan , Magic , Ritual , Ancestor worship , High-God , Ancestors , Rhodesia , Heroes , Chiefs , Mashawi , Mazungu shawi , Chipenzi , Masangano , Chaminuka , Karanga , Zambesi river , Ndebele , Labengula of the matabele , Amandabele , Ugubulawayo , Tabora , Tanganyika , Chief Fundikela , Livingstone , Stanley , Kampala , Uganda , Benedictus , William Byrd , Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace , Congo , Joseph Kiwele , Catholic hymn , Credo , An African composed Mass , Sophiatown , Dutch Reform Church , Joseph Makema , Eternal father strong to save , Sotho , Mohammedanism , Arab , Swahili , Cassida , Moslem religious chant , Dar es Salam , Kenya , Church of Zion , Southern Rhodesia , Horn , Ululations , Rattle , Independent Christian chruches , African hymn , Church of Nazareth in Natal , Zulu , Shembe , Dance , Morning hymn , Evening hymn
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15076 , , Reel number: BC058
- Description: The Many Sides of African Music No. 10 of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey and Peggy Tracey on their travels in search of African music, broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
Africa‘s Heritage No.8: The Future
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: African , Heritage , Legacy , Character , Personality , Parasites , Zulu , Praises , Izibongo , Bunyoro , Uganda , Hutu , Tutsi , Hehe , Kikuyu , Masai , Yao , Chewa , Rwanda , Kenya , Nyasaland , Ndebele , Mzilikazi , Zezuru , Drums , Flutes , Lamentation , Negro slaves music , Pula , Rain song , Tswana , Chief Batwe Village , Kanye , Nandi people , Zande people , Northern Congo , Lobatse , Bechuanaland , Mbira , Famine songs , Religious songs , Rhodesia , Lake Victoria , Spirit of the Lake , Bantu , Broken drum , Work songs , Singing , Political , Cultural heritage , Independent , Interdependence , South Africa , Dances , Folk stories , Jesuits , Missionaries , Father Fernandes, Andrea , Inyarime River , Portuguese , Xylophone , Chopi , Timbila , Hymns , Clapping , Church , Guitar , Nyoro people , Masindi , Percussion instrument , Nashville , Tennessee , Hammer songs , Preditors , Chingoma chakubaruka , Mbuluwundi, Reuben Tancard
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15116 , BC134 , , Reel number: BC134
- Description: 8th programme in the ‘Africa‘s Heritage‘ Series, broadcast by the South African Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: African , Heritage , Legacy , Character , Personality , Parasites , Zulu , Praises , Izibongo , Bunyoro , Uganda , Hutu , Tutsi , Hehe , Kikuyu , Masai , Yao , Chewa , Rwanda , Kenya , Nyasaland , Ndebele , Mzilikazi , Zezuru , Drums , Flutes , Lamentation , Negro slaves music , Pula , Rain song , Tswana , Chief Batwe Village , Kanye , Nandi people , Zande people , Northern Congo , Lobatse , Bechuanaland , Mbira , Famine songs , Religious songs , Rhodesia , Lake Victoria , Spirit of the Lake , Bantu , Broken drum , Work songs , Singing , Political , Cultural heritage , Independent , Interdependence , South Africa , Dances , Folk stories , Jesuits , Missionaries , Father Fernandes, Andrea , Inyarime River , Portuguese , Xylophone , Chopi , Timbila , Hymns , Clapping , Church , Guitar , Nyoro people , Masindi , Percussion instrument , Nashville , Tennessee , Hammer songs , Preditors , Chingoma chakubaruka , Mbuluwundi, Reuben Tancard
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15116 , BC134 , , Reel number: BC134
- Description: 8th programme in the ‘Africa‘s Heritage‘ Series, broadcast by the South African Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
The Many Sides of African Music No. 13
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Malimba , Hand piano , French West Africa , Malinke , Xylophones , Chopi , Mozambique , Flutes , Baule , Statues , Masks , Goldsmiths , Muslims , Camel trains , Arab , Dhow , Street musicians , Drums , Blind musician , Tonga , Bow , Gourd , Religious , Christian , Zambia , Lusaka , Bemba , The War in Libiya , Marriage , Wife , Nyasaland , Nkondo kolybia , South Africa , Sotho , Working song , Uganda , Royal band , Hymn , Copper Cross , Idioms , Teaching , Gutu , Fort Victoria , Chipendani , Mbira , Njari , Gilbert Rouget , Dr. Schweitzer , Kingdom of West Africa , The musee de l‘homme , Flautist , Sudan , Kukoro , Hourglass shaped drum , Nigeria , Nile , Northern Rhodesia , Kafuwe , River Mpanza , Wemba , War in Lybia , Ndebele , Bulawayo , Mr. John Sharman , Linguist , Syncopated rhythm , Zither , Osborn Awards , Unanekobo , Braying song , Kabaka of Buganda , Royal drummers of Buganda , Joseph Kiwele , Southern Congo , Salve Regina , Rumba , Cook boy , Babu Runesso Chipika , Karanga , Southern Rhodesia , Study
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15079 , , Reel number: BC061
- Description: The Many Sides of African Music No. 13 of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Malimba , Hand piano , French West Africa , Malinke , Xylophones , Chopi , Mozambique , Flutes , Baule , Statues , Masks , Goldsmiths , Muslims , Camel trains , Arab , Dhow , Street musicians , Drums , Blind musician , Tonga , Bow , Gourd , Religious , Christian , Zambia , Lusaka , Bemba , The War in Libiya , Marriage , Wife , Nyasaland , Nkondo kolybia , South Africa , Sotho , Working song , Uganda , Royal band , Hymn , Copper Cross , Idioms , Teaching , Gutu , Fort Victoria , Chipendani , Mbira , Njari , Gilbert Rouget , Dr. Schweitzer , Kingdom of West Africa , The musee de l‘homme , Flautist , Sudan , Kukoro , Hourglass shaped drum , Nigeria , Nile , Northern Rhodesia , Kafuwe , River Mpanza , Wemba , War in Lybia , Ndebele , Bulawayo , Mr. John Sharman , Linguist , Syncopated rhythm , Zither , Osborn Awards , Unanekobo , Braying song , Kabaka of Buganda , Royal drummers of Buganda , Joseph Kiwele , Southern Congo , Salve Regina , Rumba , Cook boy , Babu Runesso Chipika , Karanga , Southern Rhodesia , Study
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15079 , , Reel number: BC061
- Description: The Many Sides of African Music No. 13 of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
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