A framework for the governance of social media in the workplace
- Authors: Scharneck, Justin William
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Social media -- Law and legislation , Social media -- Economic aspects , Work environment , Online social networks
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:8861 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1020180
- Description: Social media is fast becoming an ever-increasingly significant part of the world of business and a phenomenon which cannot be evaded. The advent of social media in the workplace compels organisations to acclimatise to the transformation emanating from employees‟ adoption of these technologies (Hanaki & Casella, 2008). Approximately seventy percent of organisations do not have a social media governance framework in place (Fink et al., 2011). Social media governance in organisations is very disjointed; companies have varying stances as to social media strategy, the risks, benefits and business use of social media (Thompson et al., 2011). The growth of social media and its use in the business environment will see a more standardised approach to social media governance (Thompson et al., 2011). Being at the forefront of technology development in Africa, and in certain areas, globally (Government of the Republic of South Africa, 2012), places added emphasis on IT organisations in South Africa to set the standard as it relates to social media governance. The diversity and depth of the human and technology resources within these organisations, creates an environment conducive to establishing and pioneering sound social media governance structures. The treatise consists of a study on the governance of social media and the successive development of two frameworks; an integrated framework for the governance of social media in the workplace, as well as integrated framework for a social media policy within an IT organisation. These frameworks are empirically evaluated amongst employees, within the context of Information Technology (IT) organisations, in South Africa. Several recommendations are proposed by the author in relation to the adoption of the proposed frameworks.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Scharneck, Justin William
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Social media -- Law and legislation , Social media -- Economic aspects , Work environment , Online social networks
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:8861 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1020180
- Description: Social media is fast becoming an ever-increasingly significant part of the world of business and a phenomenon which cannot be evaded. The advent of social media in the workplace compels organisations to acclimatise to the transformation emanating from employees‟ adoption of these technologies (Hanaki & Casella, 2008). Approximately seventy percent of organisations do not have a social media governance framework in place (Fink et al., 2011). Social media governance in organisations is very disjointed; companies have varying stances as to social media strategy, the risks, benefits and business use of social media (Thompson et al., 2011). The growth of social media and its use in the business environment will see a more standardised approach to social media governance (Thompson et al., 2011). Being at the forefront of technology development in Africa, and in certain areas, globally (Government of the Republic of South Africa, 2012), places added emphasis on IT organisations in South Africa to set the standard as it relates to social media governance. The diversity and depth of the human and technology resources within these organisations, creates an environment conducive to establishing and pioneering sound social media governance structures. The treatise consists of a study on the governance of social media and the successive development of two frameworks; an integrated framework for the governance of social media in the workplace, as well as integrated framework for a social media policy within an IT organisation. These frameworks are empirically evaluated amongst employees, within the context of Information Technology (IT) organisations, in South Africa. Several recommendations are proposed by the author in relation to the adoption of the proposed frameworks.
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- Date Issued: 2012
A guide for using online social media and social networking activities for SMME's
- Authors: Morley, Charmaine Joan
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Electronic commerce , Social media -- Economic aspects , Customer relations , Online social networks
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:8873 , http://hdl/handle.net/10948/d1020350
- Description: Social media is playing an increasingly important role in people’s lives and is becoming a part of most organisations’ business models. Businesses cannot ignore this phenomenon due to the increasing influx of Generation Y employees in their businesses and the Generation Y consumers who are going to buy their products and services in the future. Social media is changing the way that marketing is being conducted, in a positive way. It is changing from businesses focusing on selling products or services to customers, to businesses building relationships with customers and adding value to their lives through their products and services. This phenomenon was the base for this study. The research problem was identified as follows: SMME business owners do not understand the importance and impact of social media on their businesses. Sub-problems were identified as: defining social media and networking, describing the importance of this, which strategies are currently being used in business, how it compares to traditional networking, how this is used in recruitment strategies and what are the disadvantages of social media and networking. The research problem and sub-problems were addressed in a literature study and an empirical study. The literature study included information on SMME businesses, their importance in our economy and how social media can help them. The empirical study was done using SMME’s registered with the George Business Chamber. A questionnaire was designed and distributed to the owners of the businesses by email. The answers were analysed and collated on a spreadsheet which were presented in graph and diagram format. Social media and networking are becoming an integral part of businesses especially small businesses. They specifically have an important role to play in creating economic wealth and creating employment. SMME’s are faced with a lot of challenges which make it difficult for them to become successful and sustainable. Social media can play a role in overcoming a lot of these challenges by helping SMME’s with marketing, customer engagement, relationship building, recruitment, and finding valuable information, experience and partners. Social media also has disadvantages which include: virus attacks, risk of confidential information leaking and so forth, but these can easily be managed by social media polices and rules. A bigger risk lies in the fact that if a business owner ignores the existence of social media, this can lead to conversations by consumers about this business being ignored and not responded to. Another big risk for SMME’s is the fact they are at a competitive disadvantage by ignoring this new technology. This was clear from the empirical results in this study which stated that 53 percent of the businesses surveyed, were aware their competitors are using social media. The empirical results indicated a very low use of social media activities among the SMME’s surveyed but showed potential as the SMME’s understood the importance of social media and were eager to implement strategies in their businesses. The reasons offered for not using social media included the fact that it was difficult to measure its worth in time and money, advice is needed from experts and so forth. Social media and networking are not quick or cheap methods for businesses to advertise and sell their products or services. They are tools to be used over time, in order to engage with customers and build relationships. Consumers and customers expect value for their money and if they find this from a business, they will gladly share it with others. On the other hand, if they do not find value for money it could have a negative impact on the business. SMME’s must not try to replace their current marketing strategy with social networking activities. They should integrate it slowly into their current business models and search for unique ways in which it could improve the relationship with their current customers and find new customers. It should help them to either showcase their existing value added products or services, or improve it if it is not worth selling. Small businesses now have the platform to compete.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Morley, Charmaine Joan
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Electronic commerce , Social media -- Economic aspects , Customer relations , Online social networks
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:8873 , http://hdl/handle.net/10948/d1020350
- Description: Social media is playing an increasingly important role in people’s lives and is becoming a part of most organisations’ business models. Businesses cannot ignore this phenomenon due to the increasing influx of Generation Y employees in their businesses and the Generation Y consumers who are going to buy their products and services in the future. Social media is changing the way that marketing is being conducted, in a positive way. It is changing from businesses focusing on selling products or services to customers, to businesses building relationships with customers and adding value to their lives through their products and services. This phenomenon was the base for this study. The research problem was identified as follows: SMME business owners do not understand the importance and impact of social media on their businesses. Sub-problems were identified as: defining social media and networking, describing the importance of this, which strategies are currently being used in business, how it compares to traditional networking, how this is used in recruitment strategies and what are the disadvantages of social media and networking. The research problem and sub-problems were addressed in a literature study and an empirical study. The literature study included information on SMME businesses, their importance in our economy and how social media can help them. The empirical study was done using SMME’s registered with the George Business Chamber. A questionnaire was designed and distributed to the owners of the businesses by email. The answers were analysed and collated on a spreadsheet which were presented in graph and diagram format. Social media and networking are becoming an integral part of businesses especially small businesses. They specifically have an important role to play in creating economic wealth and creating employment. SMME’s are faced with a lot of challenges which make it difficult for them to become successful and sustainable. Social media can play a role in overcoming a lot of these challenges by helping SMME’s with marketing, customer engagement, relationship building, recruitment, and finding valuable information, experience and partners. Social media also has disadvantages which include: virus attacks, risk of confidential information leaking and so forth, but these can easily be managed by social media polices and rules. A bigger risk lies in the fact that if a business owner ignores the existence of social media, this can lead to conversations by consumers about this business being ignored and not responded to. Another big risk for SMME’s is the fact they are at a competitive disadvantage by ignoring this new technology. This was clear from the empirical results in this study which stated that 53 percent of the businesses surveyed, were aware their competitors are using social media. The empirical results indicated a very low use of social media activities among the SMME’s surveyed but showed potential as the SMME’s understood the importance of social media and were eager to implement strategies in their businesses. The reasons offered for not using social media included the fact that it was difficult to measure its worth in time and money, advice is needed from experts and so forth. Social media and networking are not quick or cheap methods for businesses to advertise and sell their products or services. They are tools to be used over time, in order to engage with customers and build relationships. Consumers and customers expect value for their money and if they find this from a business, they will gladly share it with others. On the other hand, if they do not find value for money it could have a negative impact on the business. SMME’s must not try to replace their current marketing strategy with social networking activities. They should integrate it slowly into their current business models and search for unique ways in which it could improve the relationship with their current customers and find new customers. It should help them to either showcase their existing value added products or services, or improve it if it is not worth selling. Small businesses now have the platform to compete.
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- Date Issued: 2012
A methodological framework for ICT roadmap development for rural areas
- Authors: Jere, Nobert Rangarirai
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Online social networks , User interfaces (Computer systems) , Communication in rural development
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD (Computer Science)
- Identifier: vital:11395 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1016147 , Online social networks , User interfaces (Computer systems) , Communication in rural development
- Description: The use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) can support sustainable development within societies. ICTs have been supported by governments, private companies, non-governmental organisations, academic institutions and individuals. However, technological changes have made most ICT initiatives haphazard due to poor planning. There is no systematic plan on how to deploy services, infrastructure and devices especially in rural areas. For instance, in some cases, computers have been donated to communities in rural areas yet they are not being used, and ICT services have been deployed without the supporting ICT infrastructure. One of the solutions to addressing these ICT challenges is through the use of roadmaps to guide ICT solution implementation. This thesis proposes an ICT roadmap methodological framework to improve ICT roadmap development for rural ICT solutions. A composite methodological approach was employed in this research. This involves the use of qualitative research techniques such as participant observation, design exercises, workshops, focus groups and individual interviews supported by ethnographic studies. The Siyakhula Living Lab in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa was used as the case study. Studies were conducted to identify the current state of ICTs in rural areas, the future of ICTs and overview of roadmap developments. Rural users in South Africa, ICT experts in Europe and Africa, government officials and academic institutions were engaged to understand the current ICT planning, developments and needs. The author found that there are variations in individual ICT services required by rural users but, most ICT services in need fall mainly in the areas of health, education, entrepreneurship, agriculture and employment creation for rural people. These services require ICT devices and infrastructure which include computer peripherals, mobile phones, radios, televisions and wireless infrastructure, mobile infrastructure, satellites and broadcasting infrastructure respectively. It was found that the common future ICT projections expected in rural areas include: growth of mobile usage, social networking, increase internet services and localization of services. The roadmap framework is built based on the current state of ICTs, trends in ICTs, future technological projections and the plans currently been initiated in African continent. The ICT roadmap methodological focuses on how roadmaps could accommodate infrastructure, services and ICT devices to reach rural people. This should help rural users to be able to access public services within their respective communities using available ICT devices. ICT stakeholders could use the designed framework to improve the ICT roadmap development process for rural ICT users in Africa.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Jere, Nobert Rangarirai
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Online social networks , User interfaces (Computer systems) , Communication in rural development
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD (Computer Science)
- Identifier: vital:11395 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1016147 , Online social networks , User interfaces (Computer systems) , Communication in rural development
- Description: The use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) can support sustainable development within societies. ICTs have been supported by governments, private companies, non-governmental organisations, academic institutions and individuals. However, technological changes have made most ICT initiatives haphazard due to poor planning. There is no systematic plan on how to deploy services, infrastructure and devices especially in rural areas. For instance, in some cases, computers have been donated to communities in rural areas yet they are not being used, and ICT services have been deployed without the supporting ICT infrastructure. One of the solutions to addressing these ICT challenges is through the use of roadmaps to guide ICT solution implementation. This thesis proposes an ICT roadmap methodological framework to improve ICT roadmap development for rural ICT solutions. A composite methodological approach was employed in this research. This involves the use of qualitative research techniques such as participant observation, design exercises, workshops, focus groups and individual interviews supported by ethnographic studies. The Siyakhula Living Lab in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa was used as the case study. Studies were conducted to identify the current state of ICTs in rural areas, the future of ICTs and overview of roadmap developments. Rural users in South Africa, ICT experts in Europe and Africa, government officials and academic institutions were engaged to understand the current ICT planning, developments and needs. The author found that there are variations in individual ICT services required by rural users but, most ICT services in need fall mainly in the areas of health, education, entrepreneurship, agriculture and employment creation for rural people. These services require ICT devices and infrastructure which include computer peripherals, mobile phones, radios, televisions and wireless infrastructure, mobile infrastructure, satellites and broadcasting infrastructure respectively. It was found that the common future ICT projections expected in rural areas include: growth of mobile usage, social networking, increase internet services and localization of services. The roadmap framework is built based on the current state of ICTs, trends in ICTs, future technological projections and the plans currently been initiated in African continent. The ICT roadmap methodological focuses on how roadmaps could accommodate infrastructure, services and ICT devices to reach rural people. This should help rural users to be able to access public services within their respective communities using available ICT devices. ICT stakeholders could use the designed framework to improve the ICT roadmap development process for rural ICT users in Africa.
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- Date Issued: 2012
A phenominological study of young adults' experiences of facebook
- Authors: Prince, Inge
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Teenagers -- Social networks , Online social networks , Internet -- Social aspects
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:9979 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1021116
- Description: Social networking sites are a recent phenomenon and have experienced tremendous growth in popularity especially among young people. Social networking sites are changing the way individuals communicate with each other and the world. Social networking sites (SNS) provide users with a unique computer-mediated environment where individuals are able to disclose their thoughts, feelings, and experiences within their own social network. The present study aims to explore the experiences of young adults regarding Facebook. A transcendental phenomenological approach was used to elicit the essence of the experiences of the participants. Theoretical sampling ensured relevant participants were selected through haphazard sampling procedures. Data was collected through the use of biographical questionnaires and individual, semi-structured interviews. The data was processed according to the four phenomenological principles epoche, phenomenological reduction, imaginative variation and synthesis using Tesch’s eight steps. Lincoln and Guba’s model was used to assess the trustworthiness of the data obtained. The participants described their experiences of Facebook by highlighting how they use Facebook as a communication tool which assists them in their relationship maintenance with others. Participants use self-presentation on Facebook to manage how they are perceived. The participants experience Facebook as having many privacy risks. They indicated that Facebook has addictive qualities and facilitates cyber stalking behaviour.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2014
- Authors: Prince, Inge
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Teenagers -- Social networks , Online social networks , Internet -- Social aspects
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:9979 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1021116
- Description: Social networking sites are a recent phenomenon and have experienced tremendous growth in popularity especially among young people. Social networking sites are changing the way individuals communicate with each other and the world. Social networking sites (SNS) provide users with a unique computer-mediated environment where individuals are able to disclose their thoughts, feelings, and experiences within their own social network. The present study aims to explore the experiences of young adults regarding Facebook. A transcendental phenomenological approach was used to elicit the essence of the experiences of the participants. Theoretical sampling ensured relevant participants were selected through haphazard sampling procedures. Data was collected through the use of biographical questionnaires and individual, semi-structured interviews. The data was processed according to the four phenomenological principles epoche, phenomenological reduction, imaginative variation and synthesis using Tesch’s eight steps. Lincoln and Guba’s model was used to assess the trustworthiness of the data obtained. The participants described their experiences of Facebook by highlighting how they use Facebook as a communication tool which assists them in their relationship maintenance with others. Participants use self-presentation on Facebook to manage how they are perceived. The participants experience Facebook as having many privacy risks. They indicated that Facebook has addictive qualities and facilitates cyber stalking behaviour.
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- Date Issued: 2014
An investigation into integrating social sites as a teaching and learning practice to create dialogue spaces in the language classroom
- Authors: Olamijulo, Christianah
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Online social networks , Blended learning
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8429 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1020149
- Description: This study intends to explore how social media or social networking sites (SNSs) such as Facebook can facilitate communication channels or create dialogue spaces in a language class. Social media is a form of participatory media, which broadly refers to the “collection of communication channels or mediums (primarily online and mobile) through which social networks originate and are sustained” (Flew 2008:109). Although the term social media is often used as a collective term for SNSs or as the core trademark of Web 2.0, Flew (2008:17) also distinguishes social media by calling it a “communications infrastructure” that allows for “participation, interactivity, collaborative learning and social networking”. Flew (2008) identifies various online sites including the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia and the online user-generated video site YouTube as well as various personalised web space sites such as MySpace, Facebook, Friendster and Bebo as participatory media. The study’s data collection was situated at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) and investigated how social media can be used to facilitate dialogue between a tutor and BKI1120 Communication in English B students in a Higher Education (HE) context using qualitative methodology. This study compared the use of existing and more traditional or conventional classroom communication practices with those of SNSs as a communication channel, while focusing on social media application as a communication tool to create dialogue spaces that support teaching and learning practices. The research also attempted to identify alternative applications of social media for teaching and learning practices to inform researchers in the fields of HE and media. In the first data-collection phase, BKI1120 Communication in English B Public Management students were selected as the sample for the study. Seventeen students participated in the BKI1120 Facebook page created for the purpose of this study. In the second data-collection phase, a taped focus-group interview was conducted with eight BKI1120 Communication in English B students. The interview transcript was then analysed qualitatively for themes. The research findings showed that social media or SNSs such as Facebook can facilitate communication channels or create dialogue spaces in a language class, if it is managed effectively.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Olamijulo, Christianah
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Online social networks , Blended learning
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8429 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1020149
- Description: This study intends to explore how social media or social networking sites (SNSs) such as Facebook can facilitate communication channels or create dialogue spaces in a language class. Social media is a form of participatory media, which broadly refers to the “collection of communication channels or mediums (primarily online and mobile) through which social networks originate and are sustained” (Flew 2008:109). Although the term social media is often used as a collective term for SNSs or as the core trademark of Web 2.0, Flew (2008:17) also distinguishes social media by calling it a “communications infrastructure” that allows for “participation, interactivity, collaborative learning and social networking”. Flew (2008) identifies various online sites including the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia and the online user-generated video site YouTube as well as various personalised web space sites such as MySpace, Facebook, Friendster and Bebo as participatory media. The study’s data collection was situated at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) and investigated how social media can be used to facilitate dialogue between a tutor and BKI1120 Communication in English B students in a Higher Education (HE) context using qualitative methodology. This study compared the use of existing and more traditional or conventional classroom communication practices with those of SNSs as a communication channel, while focusing on social media application as a communication tool to create dialogue spaces that support teaching and learning practices. The research also attempted to identify alternative applications of social media for teaching and learning practices to inform researchers in the fields of HE and media. In the first data-collection phase, BKI1120 Communication in English B Public Management students were selected as the sample for the study. Seventeen students participated in the BKI1120 Facebook page created for the purpose of this study. In the second data-collection phase, a taped focus-group interview was conducted with eight BKI1120 Communication in English B students. The interview transcript was then analysed qualitatively for themes. The research findings showed that social media or SNSs such as Facebook can facilitate communication channels or create dialogue spaces in a language class, if it is managed effectively.
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- Date Issued: 2012
An investigation of social computing
- Authors: Schlenkrich, Lara
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Online social networks , Online social networks -- Law and legislation , Interpersonal communication , Internet in education , Education -- Communication system , Education -- Data processing
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:1149 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1006194 , Online social networks , Online social networks -- Law and legislation , Interpersonal communication , Internet in education , Education -- Communication system , Education -- Data processing
- Description: Social network sites have recently become extremely popular online destinations as they offer users easy ways to build and maintain their relationships with each other. Consequently, students, lecturers, teachers, parents and businesses are using these tools to communicate with each other in a fast and cost-effective manner. However, literature suggests that the full potential of social network sites has not yet been revealed since users are still battling to overcome the various negative characteristics surrounding these sites. A framework for appropriate use of these sites is needed so that users are able to overcome these negative aspects, allowing them to be more effective and use the sites successfully. The goal of this research is to construct a framework for perceived successful use of social computing tools in educational institutions. This framework will include critical success factors that need to be adopted by users in order to develop the positive aspects of social computing, while at the same time overcoming the disadvantages experienced by users. Factors for successful use were derived from the literature and consolidated into a theoretical framework in order to understand the factors that drive successful use of social network sites. Measures used to test successful use of social network sites were also derived from these sources and were included in the same theoretical framework; these measures allow users to evaluate the extent of perceived successful use of social network sites. This framework was tested empirically by means of a pilot study and online survey, and revised according to the results of the survey. The factors were identified using Cronbach alpha coefficients (in the pilot study) and exploratory factor analysis to confirm the reliability of the scales developed. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient analysis, t-tests and Pearson Chi-Square tests were used to measure the relationships amongst the variables in the framework proposed in this research. The factors influencing perceived successful use of social network sites were identified by the empirical study as: • Privacy and Security Settings need to be enabled. These are split into: - Settings: content that users allow others to see - Viewers: people who are allowed onto a user's profile • It is necessary for users to practise Legal and Acceptable Activities when using social network sites • Suspect Information needs to be checked before sharing it with others • Personal and Professional Time needs to be separated to ensure that work is completed before social activities occur • Users need to practise Professional and Ethical Behaviour • Users need to have a Positive Attitude when using social network sites • Usability of sites affects their success. This includes: - technical capacity (broadband) - ease of use - functionality (range of features and functions) • Current and Controversial Issues need to be discussed on social network sites. The extent to which social network sites are being used successfully can be evaluated by the presence of the following measures: • Range of Content must be available to users. This includes: - Content displayed on profiles - Viewers able to visit profiles • Visitors Behaviour is monitored and no unwanted visitors are present users' profiles • Social Contracts found on sites are followed by users • Critical Thinking Skills and Accurate Information are displayed by users • Work is completed before social activities occur on sites • A Variety of Users is present on sites • Collaboration between people as well as variety of opinions exist on sites • Social Capital (well-being) is present after users have been on sites • Learning and Advising Skills are enhanced on sites. The framework developed provides users with a useful instrument to overcome the negative characteristics associated with social network sites. If used successfully, social network sites can offer lecturers and students a unique method to develop their relationship, creating a positive learning experience.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2009
- Authors: Schlenkrich, Lara
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Online social networks , Online social networks -- Law and legislation , Interpersonal communication , Internet in education , Education -- Communication system , Education -- Data processing
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:1149 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1006194 , Online social networks , Online social networks -- Law and legislation , Interpersonal communication , Internet in education , Education -- Communication system , Education -- Data processing
- Description: Social network sites have recently become extremely popular online destinations as they offer users easy ways to build and maintain their relationships with each other. Consequently, students, lecturers, teachers, parents and businesses are using these tools to communicate with each other in a fast and cost-effective manner. However, literature suggests that the full potential of social network sites has not yet been revealed since users are still battling to overcome the various negative characteristics surrounding these sites. A framework for appropriate use of these sites is needed so that users are able to overcome these negative aspects, allowing them to be more effective and use the sites successfully. The goal of this research is to construct a framework for perceived successful use of social computing tools in educational institutions. This framework will include critical success factors that need to be adopted by users in order to develop the positive aspects of social computing, while at the same time overcoming the disadvantages experienced by users. Factors for successful use were derived from the literature and consolidated into a theoretical framework in order to understand the factors that drive successful use of social network sites. Measures used to test successful use of social network sites were also derived from these sources and were included in the same theoretical framework; these measures allow users to evaluate the extent of perceived successful use of social network sites. This framework was tested empirically by means of a pilot study and online survey, and revised according to the results of the survey. The factors were identified using Cronbach alpha coefficients (in the pilot study) and exploratory factor analysis to confirm the reliability of the scales developed. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient analysis, t-tests and Pearson Chi-Square tests were used to measure the relationships amongst the variables in the framework proposed in this research. The factors influencing perceived successful use of social network sites were identified by the empirical study as: • Privacy and Security Settings need to be enabled. These are split into: - Settings: content that users allow others to see - Viewers: people who are allowed onto a user's profile • It is necessary for users to practise Legal and Acceptable Activities when using social network sites • Suspect Information needs to be checked before sharing it with others • Personal and Professional Time needs to be separated to ensure that work is completed before social activities occur • Users need to practise Professional and Ethical Behaviour • Users need to have a Positive Attitude when using social network sites • Usability of sites affects their success. This includes: - technical capacity (broadband) - ease of use - functionality (range of features and functions) • Current and Controversial Issues need to be discussed on social network sites. The extent to which social network sites are being used successfully can be evaluated by the presence of the following measures: • Range of Content must be available to users. This includes: - Content displayed on profiles - Viewers able to visit profiles • Visitors Behaviour is monitored and no unwanted visitors are present users' profiles • Social Contracts found on sites are followed by users • Critical Thinking Skills and Accurate Information are displayed by users • Work is completed before social activities occur on sites • A Variety of Users is present on sites • Collaboration between people as well as variety of opinions exist on sites • Social Capital (well-being) is present after users have been on sites • Learning and Advising Skills are enhanced on sites. The framework developed provides users with a useful instrument to overcome the negative characteristics associated with social network sites. If used successfully, social network sites can offer lecturers and students a unique method to develop their relationship, creating a positive learning experience.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2009
An investigation of social media as a dimension of the social identity formation among female adolescents in King William's Town
- Authors: Mbinjama, Adelina
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Online social networks , Social media -- South Africa -- King Williams Town
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8393 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1015 , Online social networks , Social media -- South Africa -- King Williams Town
- Description: According to Jensen (2000:215), though we talk of the growing digital divide between rich and poor countries, Africa has shown encouraging signs that it is rapidly adopting the Internet and making innovative use of the technology. Nevertheless, the continent is still well behind other developing regions of the world in taking advantage of the information and communication revolution. The main reasons for this are the limited and expensive telecommunication infrastructure, small markets, and lack of skills and awareness. At the end of 1996, just 11 of Africa’s 54 countries had local Internet access, but by February 2000 all of the continent’s countries had access in the capital cities (Jensen 2000:215). Excluding South Africa, the number of computers permanently connected to the Internet in Africa exceeded 10,000 early in 1999 (Jensen 2000:215). By January 2000, the total had increased to about 25,000, which means Africa, with an estimated population of 780 million people, has about as many Internet-connected computers (hosts) as Latvia, which only has a population of 2.5 million (Jensen 2000:215). Measuring the actual number of Internet users is difficult, but figures for the number of dial-up accounts supplied by Internet service providers (ISPs) show that Africa has more than 500,000 subscribers (Jensen 2000:215). Each computer with an Internet or e-mail connection supports an average of three users, a recent study by the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has found (Jensen 2000:215). This puts current estimates of the number of African Internet users at somewhere around 1.5 million. Most are in South Africa with approximately 1 million (Jensen 2000:215). Apart from the widespread use of Internet for business and entertainment purposes, social networking sites are becoming widely popular in South Africa. Although there has been little academic research on social networking sites in South Africa, there have been a few articles on websites, newspapers, and magazines that have touched on this phenomenon. Social networking sites, particularly Facebook, have become very popular among the adult internet user population, as both business and private applications. BMW South Africa, for example, has a Facebook page where video posts of recent car models and photos of cars are placed. The Facebook page also has a link to the company’s website (www.bmw.co.za) on the profile which takes a user straight to the commercial website. FM Tech (www.fmtech.co.za) is technology industry news and opinion website edited by Duncan McLeod, associate editor at the Financial Mail, South Africa’s top-selling and best-read weekly business, technology and current affairs magazine. McLeod’s article, What SA Internet users searched for in 2008, revealed that “Facebook”, “Cape Town” and “games” are the terms that South African Internet users searched for most often in 2008. Farber (2008) suggests that this is according to the results of US Web search giant Google’s annual “Zeitgeist” survey of the top searches worldwide. Farber also includes the year’s list of fastest-rising search terms which showed an enormous interest in international social networking sites. 1.2 Articles from popular media The following four popular articles describe the nature of social networking sites and its influence on South African users. Article 1: Cathryn Reece (2007) wrote an article entitled Facebook fever grips SA. “Cape Town - South Africans have embraced the internet social networking revolution, with over 50 000 new users signing on to the local Facebook network. The Facebook "South Africa" network currently has over 87 000 members - up from 35 000 in May. When a user registers on the site, they are given a blank profile page which they can update with their personal information and are encouraged to join a network. Members can then search the site for their friends and link up to each other, re-creating their social circle on the internet.
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- Date Issued: 2009
- Authors: Mbinjama, Adelina
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Online social networks , Social media -- South Africa -- King Williams Town
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8393 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1015 , Online social networks , Social media -- South Africa -- King Williams Town
- Description: According to Jensen (2000:215), though we talk of the growing digital divide between rich and poor countries, Africa has shown encouraging signs that it is rapidly adopting the Internet and making innovative use of the technology. Nevertheless, the continent is still well behind other developing regions of the world in taking advantage of the information and communication revolution. The main reasons for this are the limited and expensive telecommunication infrastructure, small markets, and lack of skills and awareness. At the end of 1996, just 11 of Africa’s 54 countries had local Internet access, but by February 2000 all of the continent’s countries had access in the capital cities (Jensen 2000:215). Excluding South Africa, the number of computers permanently connected to the Internet in Africa exceeded 10,000 early in 1999 (Jensen 2000:215). By January 2000, the total had increased to about 25,000, which means Africa, with an estimated population of 780 million people, has about as many Internet-connected computers (hosts) as Latvia, which only has a population of 2.5 million (Jensen 2000:215). Measuring the actual number of Internet users is difficult, but figures for the number of dial-up accounts supplied by Internet service providers (ISPs) show that Africa has more than 500,000 subscribers (Jensen 2000:215). Each computer with an Internet or e-mail connection supports an average of three users, a recent study by the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has found (Jensen 2000:215). This puts current estimates of the number of African Internet users at somewhere around 1.5 million. Most are in South Africa with approximately 1 million (Jensen 2000:215). Apart from the widespread use of Internet for business and entertainment purposes, social networking sites are becoming widely popular in South Africa. Although there has been little academic research on social networking sites in South Africa, there have been a few articles on websites, newspapers, and magazines that have touched on this phenomenon. Social networking sites, particularly Facebook, have become very popular among the adult internet user population, as both business and private applications. BMW South Africa, for example, has a Facebook page where video posts of recent car models and photos of cars are placed. The Facebook page also has a link to the company’s website (www.bmw.co.za) on the profile which takes a user straight to the commercial website. FM Tech (www.fmtech.co.za) is technology industry news and opinion website edited by Duncan McLeod, associate editor at the Financial Mail, South Africa’s top-selling and best-read weekly business, technology and current affairs magazine. McLeod’s article, What SA Internet users searched for in 2008, revealed that “Facebook”, “Cape Town” and “games” are the terms that South African Internet users searched for most often in 2008. Farber (2008) suggests that this is according to the results of US Web search giant Google’s annual “Zeitgeist” survey of the top searches worldwide. Farber also includes the year’s list of fastest-rising search terms which showed an enormous interest in international social networking sites. 1.2 Articles from popular media The following four popular articles describe the nature of social networking sites and its influence on South African users. Article 1: Cathryn Reece (2007) wrote an article entitled Facebook fever grips SA. “Cape Town - South Africans have embraced the internet social networking revolution, with over 50 000 new users signing on to the local Facebook network. The Facebook "South Africa" network currently has over 87 000 members - up from 35 000 in May. When a user registers on the site, they are given a blank profile page which they can update with their personal information and are encouraged to join a network. Members can then search the site for their friends and link up to each other, re-creating their social circle on the internet.
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- Date Issued: 2009
Coping with romantic relationship dissolution: the role of social media
- Authors: Cothill, Elzaan
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Online social networks , Man-woman relationships , Cyberspace -- Social aspects
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:9982 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1021161
- Description: Individuals utilise social networking sites (SNSs) such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter to communicate and stay in touch with romantic partners and to maintain relationships. SNSs also play a role in connecting individuals to each other – it enables users to gain a better understanding of the self and to develop meaningful relationships with others. It is used to share personal experiences and is frequently used as a means of social support. Making use of social media can therefore also play a role in coping with relationship dissolution, both at the time of the dissolution and during the post-dissolution stages of the romantic relationship. Lazarus’ Stress and Coping Theory, as well as aspects of Social Interactionist Theory, were utilised as a theoretical framework to conceptualise coping strategies and online behaviour. The aim of the study was to create a detailed description of the role of social media in coping with relationship dissolution. The study was a qualitative, phenomenological study and participants were obtained using purposive and snowball sampling. Unstructured, in-depth interviews were used to collect the data. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Based on the findings of the researcher, social media can be both advantageous and disadvantageous in coping with relationships dissolution. Moreover, using social media in order to cope during and after relationship dissolution indicated adaptive coping in the short-term, and maladaptive coping in the long-term. This study has therefore generated an understanding of the role of social media in coping with relationship dissolution.
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- Date Issued: 2014
- Authors: Cothill, Elzaan
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Online social networks , Man-woman relationships , Cyberspace -- Social aspects
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:9982 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1021161
- Description: Individuals utilise social networking sites (SNSs) such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter to communicate and stay in touch with romantic partners and to maintain relationships. SNSs also play a role in connecting individuals to each other – it enables users to gain a better understanding of the self and to develop meaningful relationships with others. It is used to share personal experiences and is frequently used as a means of social support. Making use of social media can therefore also play a role in coping with relationship dissolution, both at the time of the dissolution and during the post-dissolution stages of the romantic relationship. Lazarus’ Stress and Coping Theory, as well as aspects of Social Interactionist Theory, were utilised as a theoretical framework to conceptualise coping strategies and online behaviour. The aim of the study was to create a detailed description of the role of social media in coping with relationship dissolution. The study was a qualitative, phenomenological study and participants were obtained using purposive and snowball sampling. Unstructured, in-depth interviews were used to collect the data. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Based on the findings of the researcher, social media can be both advantageous and disadvantageous in coping with relationships dissolution. Moreover, using social media in order to cope during and after relationship dissolution indicated adaptive coping in the short-term, and maladaptive coping in the long-term. This study has therefore generated an understanding of the role of social media in coping with relationship dissolution.
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- Date Issued: 2014
Engaging within zones of proximal development on Facebook : the case of using Facebook to support learning and mentoring on a NQF Level 5 environmental education, training and development practices learnership
- Authors: Chetty, Preven
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Social media -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- South Africa , Internet in education , Online social networks , Organizational learning , Employees -- Training of , Group work in education
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:2024 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1017335
- Description: This study focuses on two roll-outs of a, year-long National Qualification Framework (NQF) level 5, environmental education learnership in South Africa and attempts at enhancing collaborative learning at workplaces using a familiar social networking site called Facebook. This study uses the Facebook group sites created for the workplace course component of the course as one of the means of data collection. Additional interviews and focus groups with learners and administrators on both Environmental Education Training and Development Practices (EETDP) courses also informed the study. The study is located within the context of the rise of the information age, its effects on socio-ecological landscape at large and ways of using social networking sites in order to facilitate scaffolding and meaning making within zones of proximal development for environmental education learnerships. It also looks at the model of apprenticeship and workplace based learning as it is broadly located at the nexus of the SAQA-led academic inquiry into workplace based learning and professional development. It was found that the use of Facebook on the EETDP learnership allowed for collaborative learning to take place between peer to peer interactions as well as between tutors and learners. It was also noted that scaffolding processes requires both technical assistance and strong instructional input from course tutors. One of the most important findings in terms of collaborative learning and engaging within the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) was that learners were able to communicate more effectively and freely with both fellow learners and tutors on course after participating on the Facebook group sites. The study offers recommendations on how a social networking platform like Facebook can be utilised effectively for environmental education. The study recommends that scaffolding of workplace based tasks and concepts needs to be better integrated with the course and in both online and offline interactions between learners. It also illustrates how social networking sites can become powerful tools for creating meaning making when combined with course work.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Chetty, Preven
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Social media -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- South Africa , Internet in education , Online social networks , Organizational learning , Employees -- Training of , Group work in education
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:2024 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1017335
- Description: This study focuses on two roll-outs of a, year-long National Qualification Framework (NQF) level 5, environmental education learnership in South Africa and attempts at enhancing collaborative learning at workplaces using a familiar social networking site called Facebook. This study uses the Facebook group sites created for the workplace course component of the course as one of the means of data collection. Additional interviews and focus groups with learners and administrators on both Environmental Education Training and Development Practices (EETDP) courses also informed the study. The study is located within the context of the rise of the information age, its effects on socio-ecological landscape at large and ways of using social networking sites in order to facilitate scaffolding and meaning making within zones of proximal development for environmental education learnerships. It also looks at the model of apprenticeship and workplace based learning as it is broadly located at the nexus of the SAQA-led academic inquiry into workplace based learning and professional development. It was found that the use of Facebook on the EETDP learnership allowed for collaborative learning to take place between peer to peer interactions as well as between tutors and learners. It was also noted that scaffolding processes requires both technical assistance and strong instructional input from course tutors. One of the most important findings in terms of collaborative learning and engaging within the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) was that learners were able to communicate more effectively and freely with both fellow learners and tutors on course after participating on the Facebook group sites. The study offers recommendations on how a social networking platform like Facebook can be utilised effectively for environmental education. The study recommends that scaffolding of workplace based tasks and concepts needs to be better integrated with the course and in both online and offline interactions between learners. It also illustrates how social networking sites can become powerful tools for creating meaning making when combined with course work.
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- Date Issued: 2015
Facebook as a tool for social customer relationship marketing
- Authors: Puffett, Lauren
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Facebook (Electronic resource) , Internet marketing , Customer relations , Online social networks , Relationship marketing
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8415 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1012083 , Facebook (Electronic resource) , Internet marketing , Customer relations , Online social networks , Relationship marketing
- Description: This study aimed to provide public relations professions with insight into the use of Social Customer Relationship Marketing as a marketing 2.0 tool which delivers the potential to elicit the opportunity for organisations to monitor, engage and manage conversations and relationships through Facebook. Drawing on literature from the fields such as new media, public relations, social customer relationship marketing, and public relations, a qualitative content analysis of case studies of selected organisations was conducted including 10 South African organisations that have incorporated Facebook into their Social Customer Relationship Marketing strategies. The content analysis was conducted to determine the amount of communications taking place on each fan page in order to support the data and provide additional insight into the research question, primary data was collected through two survey questionnaires of, firstly, social media users who subscribe to an organisation‘s Facebook page and, secondly, a survey conducted among the social organisations. Surveys were conducted to firstly determine the social organisations interactions with Facebook as secondly, to determine the social media users‘ interactions with the Facebook. The study found that the majority of the organisations under study in the content analysis successfully elicited user generated conversations about the brand, through content that was advocated by the organisations Facebook administrator. It is also evident as seen in the minority of organisations that these platforms are only likely to elicit consumer- driven dialogue on Facebook if the platform is managed effectively through initiated daily conversations about the brand. The continuous involvement by the administrator in encouraging conversations was necessary, as well as response to all wall posts by the social customer, participation in all conversations by providing accurate information to customers and potential customers about the brand. Conclusions from the survey questionnaires among the social identified the social customers need to be communicated with pro-actively by an organisations who can provide, through collaborative conversations, information pertaining to the brand in real time conversation, while the survey among the social organisation concluded the need for an organisation to not only create a social media footprint, but to allow for a space in which through conversation with the social customer, conversations can turn into relationships.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Puffett, Lauren
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Facebook (Electronic resource) , Internet marketing , Customer relations , Online social networks , Relationship marketing
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8415 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1012083 , Facebook (Electronic resource) , Internet marketing , Customer relations , Online social networks , Relationship marketing
- Description: This study aimed to provide public relations professions with insight into the use of Social Customer Relationship Marketing as a marketing 2.0 tool which delivers the potential to elicit the opportunity for organisations to monitor, engage and manage conversations and relationships through Facebook. Drawing on literature from the fields such as new media, public relations, social customer relationship marketing, and public relations, a qualitative content analysis of case studies of selected organisations was conducted including 10 South African organisations that have incorporated Facebook into their Social Customer Relationship Marketing strategies. The content analysis was conducted to determine the amount of communications taking place on each fan page in order to support the data and provide additional insight into the research question, primary data was collected through two survey questionnaires of, firstly, social media users who subscribe to an organisation‘s Facebook page and, secondly, a survey conducted among the social organisations. Surveys were conducted to firstly determine the social organisations interactions with Facebook as secondly, to determine the social media users‘ interactions with the Facebook. The study found that the majority of the organisations under study in the content analysis successfully elicited user generated conversations about the brand, through content that was advocated by the organisations Facebook administrator. It is also evident as seen in the minority of organisations that these platforms are only likely to elicit consumer- driven dialogue on Facebook if the platform is managed effectively through initiated daily conversations about the brand. The continuous involvement by the administrator in encouraging conversations was necessary, as well as response to all wall posts by the social customer, participation in all conversations by providing accurate information to customers and potential customers about the brand. Conclusions from the survey questionnaires among the social identified the social customers need to be communicated with pro-actively by an organisations who can provide, through collaborative conversations, information pertaining to the brand in real time conversation, while the survey among the social organisation concluded the need for an organisation to not only create a social media footprint, but to allow for a space in which through conversation with the social customer, conversations can turn into relationships.
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- Date Issued: 2012
Robert Pattison as the object of desire: an investigation into the representation of the Twilight saga in online media
- Authors: Martin, Shelley-Ann
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Online social networks , Social media
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8418 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1014075
- Description: This study aimed to provide researchers in the development of media studies with research into understanding the star as the object of desire in a contemporary context, using Robert Pattinson as the star and The Twilight Saga, which made him famous, as an example of the effects that the use of social and online media have on audiences in terms of their perception and identification of a particular star. This study drew from literature and theories such as stardom, star as the object of desire, audience theory, fantasy, desire and escapism as well as theory on globalisation, the mass media and online and social media. Whilst social and online media have been in existence for a number of years, there is little research that has been performed in order to determine whether or not the use of social and online media directly affect users’ understanding and perception of certain stars and films. There has also been little research performed in order to gain an understanding of fantasy and desire, in terms of films and film stars, outside the constraints of the cinema. This study examined this notion, noting that The Twilight Saga has been successful production worldwide, in order to discover whether or not the use of social and online media perpetuates obsession in the fans and audience members. The first part of the study that was conducted, applied certain theories discussed and developed in the literature review, to Robert Pattinson and The Twilight Saga in order to obtain a better understanding of the star and the film series in terms of cinema, stardom, fantasy and escapism and online and social media. A comparative case study of six online articles, from prominent online sources featuring Pattinson, was then conducted in order to investigate Pattinson’s image and status in the online community. Finally, a content analysis of various online and social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube was performed in order to find out what type of information and imagery was being generated about Pattinson and the Saga as well as to investigate how fans and followers engaged with the different media channels and what kinds of comments they were making about the star and the Saga. It was found that Pattinson, the character he plays in the film series, Edward Cullen, and The Twilight Saga have a large presence on key social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, with a vast amount of followers and fans; Facebook and Twitter being the most popular and interactive media avenues. It was also found that Pattinson, Edward and The Twilight Saga, through the avid use of the social media tools, elicited and incited signs of obsession, fantasy and desire within an extensive amount of fans and followers, outside the constraints of the cinema
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- Date Issued: 2011
- Authors: Martin, Shelley-Ann
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Online social networks , Social media
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8418 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1014075
- Description: This study aimed to provide researchers in the development of media studies with research into understanding the star as the object of desire in a contemporary context, using Robert Pattinson as the star and The Twilight Saga, which made him famous, as an example of the effects that the use of social and online media have on audiences in terms of their perception and identification of a particular star. This study drew from literature and theories such as stardom, star as the object of desire, audience theory, fantasy, desire and escapism as well as theory on globalisation, the mass media and online and social media. Whilst social and online media have been in existence for a number of years, there is little research that has been performed in order to determine whether or not the use of social and online media directly affect users’ understanding and perception of certain stars and films. There has also been little research performed in order to gain an understanding of fantasy and desire, in terms of films and film stars, outside the constraints of the cinema. This study examined this notion, noting that The Twilight Saga has been successful production worldwide, in order to discover whether or not the use of social and online media perpetuates obsession in the fans and audience members. The first part of the study that was conducted, applied certain theories discussed and developed in the literature review, to Robert Pattinson and The Twilight Saga in order to obtain a better understanding of the star and the film series in terms of cinema, stardom, fantasy and escapism and online and social media. A comparative case study of six online articles, from prominent online sources featuring Pattinson, was then conducted in order to investigate Pattinson’s image and status in the online community. Finally, a content analysis of various online and social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube was performed in order to find out what type of information and imagery was being generated about Pattinson and the Saga as well as to investigate how fans and followers engaged with the different media channels and what kinds of comments they were making about the star and the Saga. It was found that Pattinson, the character he plays in the film series, Edward Cullen, and The Twilight Saga have a large presence on key social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, with a vast amount of followers and fans; Facebook and Twitter being the most popular and interactive media avenues. It was also found that Pattinson, Edward and The Twilight Saga, through the avid use of the social media tools, elicited and incited signs of obsession, fantasy and desire within an extensive amount of fans and followers, outside the constraints of the cinema
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- Date Issued: 2011
The correlation between Instagram usage and relationship satisfaction amongst University students
- Authors: Widan, Rio Justine
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Online social networks
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/52385 , vital:43621
- Description: At the turn of the twenty-first century, advancements in technology evolved at an exponential rate. This surge was mirrored by the rise in popularity and uptake of social networking sites (SNSs), and more recently, by Instagram, especially among emerging adults. SNSs have become an indispensable part of our daily lives and are influencing the ways individuals communicate, and develop and maintain romantic relationships. The Couple and Family Technology (CFT) Framework describes how the ecological elements of technology influence the structures and processes of romantic relationships, and is the lens through which this study was interpreted. The aim of this study was to determine if there was a relationship between Instagram use behaviours and relationship satisfaction amongst university students. This study employed a quantitative research approach and utilised a correlational research design. Participants included a sample of Nelson Mandela University students (N = 231) who were recruited through the nonprobability sampling methods of convenience and purposive sampling. Data were captured online through two measures. The biographical and Instagram use survey measured three variables, namely, frequency of Instagram usage, frequency of monitoring one’s partner’s Instagram activity, and frequency of posting behaviour. The Relationship Assessment Scale measured relationship satisfaction. Significant negative relationships were found between relationship satisfaction and frequency of Instagram usage and frequency of monitoring one’s partner’s Instagram activity. This research study contributed towards the existing body of knowledge, theoretical model, as well as insights for future lines of study within the realm of cyberpsychology. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
- Authors: Widan, Rio Justine
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Online social networks
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/52385 , vital:43621
- Description: At the turn of the twenty-first century, advancements in technology evolved at an exponential rate. This surge was mirrored by the rise in popularity and uptake of social networking sites (SNSs), and more recently, by Instagram, especially among emerging adults. SNSs have become an indispensable part of our daily lives and are influencing the ways individuals communicate, and develop and maintain romantic relationships. The Couple and Family Technology (CFT) Framework describes how the ecological elements of technology influence the structures and processes of romantic relationships, and is the lens through which this study was interpreted. The aim of this study was to determine if there was a relationship between Instagram use behaviours and relationship satisfaction amongst university students. This study employed a quantitative research approach and utilised a correlational research design. Participants included a sample of Nelson Mandela University students (N = 231) who were recruited through the nonprobability sampling methods of convenience and purposive sampling. Data were captured online through two measures. The biographical and Instagram use survey measured three variables, namely, frequency of Instagram usage, frequency of monitoring one’s partner’s Instagram activity, and frequency of posting behaviour. The Relationship Assessment Scale measured relationship satisfaction. Significant negative relationships were found between relationship satisfaction and frequency of Instagram usage and frequency of monitoring one’s partner’s Instagram activity. This research study contributed towards the existing body of knowledge, theoretical model, as well as insights for future lines of study within the realm of cyberpsychology. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
The effects of social media on relationship patterns among adolescents: A study of students in three selected high schools of Alice in Eastern Cape, South Africa
- Kalasaru, Onai Ronald https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4984-4250
- Authors: Kalasaru, Onai Ronald https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4984-4250
- Date: 2014-11
- Subjects: Online social networks , Mass media and children
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/25085 , vital:63966
- Description: Technology with the aid of the internet and social media has brought so much into the world, it has managed to reach and develop almost the entire world and this includes remote areas of Sub-Saharan countries like South Africa. These are the least developed and usually the last regions of the world to receive technology. It should be noted that most of the times, technology is bound to make an impact as people use it and this was the motive behind this study which aimed at assessing the effects of socialised media on adolescents who are the future of South Africa. In the study, the researcher aims at discovering whether the use of social media engines among adolescents affects the ways with which they relate with one another. The study which adopted a quantitative methodology was conducted on matriculating students from three randomly selected schools from within and surrounding town of Alice in Eastern Cape South Africa. Respondents were sampled conveniently and data was collected through self-administered questionnaires. From the results and conclusions, it showed that technology has reached South Africa’s remote areas and young people like adolescents have many uses for it. However, they proved that even though they now have technology in form of the internet and social media, it does not affect the ways with which they form and maintained social relations. This means that technology does not have a significant impact in the relationship patterns of adolescents in remote areas of South Africa. , Thesis (MSoc) -- Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2014
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2014-11
- Authors: Kalasaru, Onai Ronald https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4984-4250
- Date: 2014-11
- Subjects: Online social networks , Mass media and children
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/25085 , vital:63966
- Description: Technology with the aid of the internet and social media has brought so much into the world, it has managed to reach and develop almost the entire world and this includes remote areas of Sub-Saharan countries like South Africa. These are the least developed and usually the last regions of the world to receive technology. It should be noted that most of the times, technology is bound to make an impact as people use it and this was the motive behind this study which aimed at assessing the effects of socialised media on adolescents who are the future of South Africa. In the study, the researcher aims at discovering whether the use of social media engines among adolescents affects the ways with which they relate with one another. The study which adopted a quantitative methodology was conducted on matriculating students from three randomly selected schools from within and surrounding town of Alice in Eastern Cape South Africa. Respondents were sampled conveniently and data was collected through self-administered questionnaires. From the results and conclusions, it showed that technology has reached South Africa’s remote areas and young people like adolescents have many uses for it. However, they proved that even though they now have technology in form of the internet and social media, it does not affect the ways with which they form and maintained social relations. This means that technology does not have a significant impact in the relationship patterns of adolescents in remote areas of South Africa. , Thesis (MSoc) -- Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2014
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- Date Issued: 2014-11
The role of Facebook in a survivor’s post-assault life: rape on campuses, women activists, and mental health
- Authors: Witi, Sinethemba Juliet
- Date: 2022-10-14
- Subjects: Online social networks , Rape in universities and colleges South Africa Makhanda , Student movements South Africa Makhanda , College students Mental health South Africa Makhanda , Sex crimes South Africa Makhanda , Social media and college students South Africa Makhanda , Intersectionality (Sociology) , Womanism
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/405952 , vital:70222
- Description: The rise of Social Networking Sites (SNSs) has raised concerns about the negative impact social media platforms, and in particular Facebook, has on their users. Research has linked the excessive use of Facebook with mental health challenges such as loneliness, depression, and stress. This research examined how Yolanda Dyantyi, a gender rights activist registered as a student from 2015 to 2017 at Rhodes University, used Facebook as an outlet following the #RUreferencelist protests and her subsequent permanent exclusion from the institution for her role in the protests. The study explored Dyanti’s use of Facebook, examining in particular her ongoing activism, her mental health challenges, and her struggles to re-establish herself in a community after the exclusion from Rhodes. The study employed an intersectional feminist theoretical framework and drew on a qualitative content analysis, a semi-structured interview, and the scroll back method to review the Facebook posts she had made. A thematic analysis of the data showed that Dyantyi is a multifaceted, and evolving Facebook user and contrary to existing research her prolific use of Facebook has had positive effects on her mental health and has enabled her to build social capital. The study suggests that activism is an important component to research alongside studies of mental health on such media platforms. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Journalism and Media Studies, 2022
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- Date Issued: 2022-10-14
- Authors: Witi, Sinethemba Juliet
- Date: 2022-10-14
- Subjects: Online social networks , Rape in universities and colleges South Africa Makhanda , Student movements South Africa Makhanda , College students Mental health South Africa Makhanda , Sex crimes South Africa Makhanda , Social media and college students South Africa Makhanda , Intersectionality (Sociology) , Womanism
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/405952 , vital:70222
- Description: The rise of Social Networking Sites (SNSs) has raised concerns about the negative impact social media platforms, and in particular Facebook, has on their users. Research has linked the excessive use of Facebook with mental health challenges such as loneliness, depression, and stress. This research examined how Yolanda Dyantyi, a gender rights activist registered as a student from 2015 to 2017 at Rhodes University, used Facebook as an outlet following the #RUreferencelist protests and her subsequent permanent exclusion from the institution for her role in the protests. The study explored Dyanti’s use of Facebook, examining in particular her ongoing activism, her mental health challenges, and her struggles to re-establish herself in a community after the exclusion from Rhodes. The study employed an intersectional feminist theoretical framework and drew on a qualitative content analysis, a semi-structured interview, and the scroll back method to review the Facebook posts she had made. A thematic analysis of the data showed that Dyantyi is a multifaceted, and evolving Facebook user and contrary to existing research her prolific use of Facebook has had positive effects on her mental health and has enabled her to build social capital. The study suggests that activism is an important component to research alongside studies of mental health on such media platforms. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Journalism and Media Studies, 2022
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- Date Issued: 2022-10-14
The use of social media for marketing and communication purpose in institutions of higher learning
- Authors: Mangolothi, Brightness
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Branding (Marketing) , Social media , Online social networks , Internet marketing , Education, Higher
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:8821 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1019698
- Description: Social media have become a widely used tool to communicate with the orgnisations stakeholders. Institutions of higher learning are also venturing into this new way of marketing and communication. This study intended to determine how South African institutions of higher learning are using social media for marketing and communication purposes. Firstly, a literature study was conducted to gain an understanding on how social media are used. Further an empirical study was conducted, which consisted of two phases. The first phase was a case study on NMMU and Stellenbosch University. Structured-interviews, focus groups and observation were used to collect data from the cases. The collected data were then used to construct a questionnaire that was used for a survey. The survey was distributed to all 23 universities, 50 public FET colleges and the 200 private FET college. 92 institutions responded to the survey. The findings prove that there are various opportuntities and challenges in using social media although it should be stressed that the opportunities outweigh the threats. There is no visible difference between colleges social media implementation in relation to institutions of higher learning. Most institutions use more than one social media tool. Facebook is the most widely used social media followed by Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn. Flickr, MXit, Google+ and Blog are the least used social media. The observations of the NMMU and Stellenbosch University show that these two institutions are striving to engage with their target audiences. Although the institutions are using social media, some of the concerns are that institutions are not measuring their social media use. For those who are measuring, most depend on the free measurement tools which focus only on the quantitative measure. The governance of the social media use is none existent. Most respondents stated that they do not have a policy or guidelines informing social media management. Most of the respondents felt that they want to use more social media tools in future although some of the challenges alluded to were lack of capacity, human resources and budget.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Mangolothi, Brightness
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Branding (Marketing) , Social media , Online social networks , Internet marketing , Education, Higher
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:8821 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1019698
- Description: Social media have become a widely used tool to communicate with the orgnisations stakeholders. Institutions of higher learning are also venturing into this new way of marketing and communication. This study intended to determine how South African institutions of higher learning are using social media for marketing and communication purposes. Firstly, a literature study was conducted to gain an understanding on how social media are used. Further an empirical study was conducted, which consisted of two phases. The first phase was a case study on NMMU and Stellenbosch University. Structured-interviews, focus groups and observation were used to collect data from the cases. The collected data were then used to construct a questionnaire that was used for a survey. The survey was distributed to all 23 universities, 50 public FET colleges and the 200 private FET college. 92 institutions responded to the survey. The findings prove that there are various opportuntities and challenges in using social media although it should be stressed that the opportunities outweigh the threats. There is no visible difference between colleges social media implementation in relation to institutions of higher learning. Most institutions use more than one social media tool. Facebook is the most widely used social media followed by Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn. Flickr, MXit, Google+ and Blog are the least used social media. The observations of the NMMU and Stellenbosch University show that these two institutions are striving to engage with their target audiences. Although the institutions are using social media, some of the concerns are that institutions are not measuring their social media use. For those who are measuring, most depend on the free measurement tools which focus only on the quantitative measure. The governance of the social media use is none existent. Most respondents stated that they do not have a policy or guidelines informing social media management. Most of the respondents felt that they want to use more social media tools in future although some of the challenges alluded to were lack of capacity, human resources and budget.
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- Date Issued: 2012
Trust and identity management within online social networks
- Authors: Galpin, Ryan
- Date: 2010-12
- Subjects: Online social networks , Data privacy
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/25972 , vital:64638
- Description: Online social networking is one of the largest Internet activities, with almost one third of all daily Internet users visiting these websites. Characteristics of this environment are issues relating to trust, user privacy and anonymity. Service providers are focused primarily on acquiring users, and little attention is given to the effective management of these users within the social networking environment. This study serves to evaluate if proper identity management processes and controls are needed to protect users and their informational privacy, while establishing a higher degree of user trust for other users and the system. Design Science is followed as the primary methodology, with the final outcome being a proposed artefact. Through a detailed experiment, an evaluation of the controls and processes exhibited by Facebook and MySpace was conducted. The areas of evaluation were identified through the Vulnerability Mitigation and Assessment (VAM) methodology. The findings of this experiment, together with the secondary data reviewed, form the proposed artefact, which is a set of controls aimed at increasing trust and privacy through the effective implementation of these controls and identity management processes. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Management and Commerce, 2010
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- Date Issued: 2010-12
- Authors: Galpin, Ryan
- Date: 2010-12
- Subjects: Online social networks , Data privacy
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/25972 , vital:64638
- Description: Online social networking is one of the largest Internet activities, with almost one third of all daily Internet users visiting these websites. Characteristics of this environment are issues relating to trust, user privacy and anonymity. Service providers are focused primarily on acquiring users, and little attention is given to the effective management of these users within the social networking environment. This study serves to evaluate if proper identity management processes and controls are needed to protect users and their informational privacy, while establishing a higher degree of user trust for other users and the system. Design Science is followed as the primary methodology, with the final outcome being a proposed artefact. Through a detailed experiment, an evaluation of the controls and processes exhibited by Facebook and MySpace was conducted. The areas of evaluation were identified through the Vulnerability Mitigation and Assessment (VAM) methodology. The findings of this experiment, together with the secondary data reviewed, form the proposed artefact, which is a set of controls aimed at increasing trust and privacy through the effective implementation of these controls and identity management processes. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Management and Commerce, 2010
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- Date Issued: 2010-12
“Don’t forget to be awesome”: the role of social learning as a component of belonging in virtual communities: a case study of the Youtube fan community “Nerdfighteria”
- Authors: Steenkamp, Elri Colleen
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Nerdfighteria (Online) , Social learning , Online social networks , Belonging (Social psychology) , Communities of practice , YouTube (Firm)
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/63753 , vital:28484
- Description: The growth of the Internet has allowed fans who consume various media products, to interact and convene with other who share similar interests in online fan communities. Historically the study of fans has focused on pleasure and enjoyment as the main motivating factors why individual fans join, stay and participate in fan communities. This study, however, suggests that learning as a component of belonging has been underestimated within contemporary fan studies. Close examination of the literature of fan studies and the social practices of online fan communities reveal that these spaces may serve as fertile spaces for learning and the sharing of knowledge. Daily learning occurs within multiple spheres, including personal interests, peer culture, and academic content; all elements which can be found within fan communities. This study used the social learning theory “communities of practice” (CoP) model developed by Wenger (1998) to understand of this element of learning and knowledge sharing that seems to take places within fan communities. This study explores learning as a component of belonging to online fan communities by using the fan community of the YouTube personalities Vlogbrothers, which has named itself Nerdfighteria, as a case study. Through a qualitative research approach, which includes participation observation methods and qualitative interviews, this thesis has analysed the fan community Nerdfighteria, and used two Nerdfighter fan Facebook groups, the global NERDFIGHTEIRIA and local Nerdfighters South Africa, as case studies to evaluate whether the elements of learning taking place within these spaces serves as a motivating factor for belonging and participation. The results of this research support the idea that learning plays a role within the fan community Nerdfighteria and thus that it functions as a CoP. Fans within the global NERDFIGHTERIA Facebook group use this fan space to discuss and debate content related to their media of choice; thereby learning and acquiring knowledge as a CoP. The Nerdfighters South Africa Facebook group, despite the learning potential, fails to function as a CoP because it is no longer functionally allows for shared learning. Online fan communities, this research found, have the potential to serve as functioning communities of practice (CoP) only if they embody the characteristics and practicalities consistent with a learning space. Overall these fan groups may be categorised as communities of interests but sub-sections within these communities fit the criteria of a community of practice due to the kind of learning that is taking place. This research supports an alternative, yet promising, approach to the study of fan online communities which prioritises learning.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
- Authors: Steenkamp, Elri Colleen
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Nerdfighteria (Online) , Social learning , Online social networks , Belonging (Social psychology) , Communities of practice , YouTube (Firm)
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/63753 , vital:28484
- Description: The growth of the Internet has allowed fans who consume various media products, to interact and convene with other who share similar interests in online fan communities. Historically the study of fans has focused on pleasure and enjoyment as the main motivating factors why individual fans join, stay and participate in fan communities. This study, however, suggests that learning as a component of belonging has been underestimated within contemporary fan studies. Close examination of the literature of fan studies and the social practices of online fan communities reveal that these spaces may serve as fertile spaces for learning and the sharing of knowledge. Daily learning occurs within multiple spheres, including personal interests, peer culture, and academic content; all elements which can be found within fan communities. This study used the social learning theory “communities of practice” (CoP) model developed by Wenger (1998) to understand of this element of learning and knowledge sharing that seems to take places within fan communities. This study explores learning as a component of belonging to online fan communities by using the fan community of the YouTube personalities Vlogbrothers, which has named itself Nerdfighteria, as a case study. Through a qualitative research approach, which includes participation observation methods and qualitative interviews, this thesis has analysed the fan community Nerdfighteria, and used two Nerdfighter fan Facebook groups, the global NERDFIGHTEIRIA and local Nerdfighters South Africa, as case studies to evaluate whether the elements of learning taking place within these spaces serves as a motivating factor for belonging and participation. The results of this research support the idea that learning plays a role within the fan community Nerdfighteria and thus that it functions as a CoP. Fans within the global NERDFIGHTERIA Facebook group use this fan space to discuss and debate content related to their media of choice; thereby learning and acquiring knowledge as a CoP. The Nerdfighters South Africa Facebook group, despite the learning potential, fails to function as a CoP because it is no longer functionally allows for shared learning. Online fan communities, this research found, have the potential to serve as functioning communities of practice (CoP) only if they embody the characteristics and practicalities consistent with a learning space. Overall these fan groups may be categorised as communities of interests but sub-sections within these communities fit the criteria of a community of practice due to the kind of learning that is taking place. This research supports an alternative, yet promising, approach to the study of fan online communities which prioritises learning.
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- Date Issued: 2018
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