A systematic risk management model for construction project management: a case study of the new infrastructure project in the University of Mpumalanga
- Authors: Lukhele, Themba Mfanafuthi
- Date: 2023-04
- Subjects: Risk management , Construction industry -- Management , Infrastructure -- University of Mpumalanga
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral's theses , Thesis
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/60479 , vital:65609
- Description: The construction industry has become the significant player in the economy of many developed and developing countries in the world. The industry contributes to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employment rate of many nations. As such, the industry is the engine for the economic development and growth across the world. Recently, African countries have received global attention due to its calls for massive infrastructure development and maintenance thereof. Accordingly, the South African government has adopted a National Infrastructure Development Plan (NIDP), which seeks not only to transform the economic landscape of the country, but also to support the integration of the African economies through infrastructure development. To ensure that the execution of these infrastructure projects is successfully delivered in terms of time, cost, and scope; project risk management in the construction industry has become an important area of interest in the execution and delivery of the infrastructure projects. However, the constantly increasing complexity and dynamics in the delivery of construction projects have serious effects on the risk management processes during the execution of the project. In practice, risk methods and techniques have proven to be unrealistic when using the traditional risk management approach in the context of the complexity and dynamic environments wherein construction projects are delivered. Worryingly, project management practitioners in engineering and construction projects still lack the holistic and systematic insight and understanding of construction projects when applying the risk management procedures in the complex and dynamic projects environments. As a result, there are growing reports of unsatisfactory delivery of construction projects in terms of time, cost, quality, and environmental objectives. In this regard, the call for embracing the systems thinking paradigm as the alternative approach that will provide more clarity in dealing with the complex management challenges and which will gradually substitute the traditional theoretical approach of dealing with construction project management, is becoming prominent. Against this background, this study uses a multiple case study approach to explore how a systematic risk management approach could be developed and applied towards successful delivery of construction projects, and subsequently to propose a systematic risk management model that is designed to depict and grasp the underlying complexities and dynamics embedded ix | P a g e in construction projects. The choice of the case study design is founded on its utility and appropriateness for in-depth investigations into phenomena in its context as well as its usefulness for exploratory studies. Therefore, to explore the risk management phenomenon in real-life settings, the unit of analysis in this study was based on three construction projects built in one of the new Institutions of Higher Learning in South Africa during the period between 2017 and 2019. Notwithstanding the unique characteristics of these projects, the complexity and dynamic environments of these projects also emanated from the facts that i) the successful delivery of the projects was a predecessor activity to the academic schedule and activities; ii) this was one of the first universities to be built by the democratic Republic of South Africa; and, iii) the construction contract used for the delivery of the construction projects is relatively new to the professionals in the country’s construction industry. This qualitative case study design has its backbone in the constructivism philosophical paradigm which is underpinned by the ontology that there are multiple realities as conceptualized, experienced, and perceived by the people in their real-life situations or natural settings. Accordingly, the construction professionals, projects’ documents as well as field work observations were purposively chosen as the essential and reliable methods of data collection for this case study. For analysis, a conventional content data analysis methodology was applied on the empirical data that was obtained from the multiple data sources to provide a clearer understanding of the contexts in which the risk management for construction projects is performed. Accordingly, a qualitative data analysis software system called MAXQDA was used to enable the performance of data coding, managing coding, and eventually the retrieving of the coded segments in a form of visual models and summary tables. Ultimately, the qualitative content analysis approach in this thesis was performed in terms of a ‘critical filter of thick description’ which involved a balanced approach between the deductive analysis and the inductive analysis processes. With the assistance of the MAXQDA, performing the multiple levels coding and analysis processes in this thesis has not only been efficient, but also more reliable. To shed insight into the empirical findings of the study, a hybrid theoretical framework has been applied in the discussion and interpretation of the findings. The theoretical framework of this study is underpinned by the complexity theory and the theory of systems engineering. The applicability of these theories in this study is essential in providing a x | P a g e systematic and logical explanation of the practices of risk management in construction projects and further helps to explain why particular events occurred in the processes of risk management. Eventually, the theoretical framework has enabled the designing and developing of a systematic risk management model that will assist in depicting and grasping the underlying complexities while supporting proactive decision making in the delivery of construction projects. To this end, this study has made several major contributions in three multiple folds in the body of knowledge. Firstly, this study makes theoretical contributions by developing an empirically underpinned systematic risk management model which provide more clarity on comprehending the multifaceted and complex risk factors embedded in construction projects. Secondly, the qualitative case study approach and the associated analysis methods thereof in this thesis provides novelty and lays the groundwork for future research and methodological replicability in another similar phenomenon elsewhere in the world. Thirdly, this study has gone some way towards expanding the understanding and the basis for managerial decision making in relation to front-end planning and proactive approach for risk management, and eventually to improve projects’ performances on cost, time, scope, and environmental sustainability. In this regard, the key practical implication for project management practitioners is that the adoption and embracing of the systematic and holistic thinking approach in the risk management processes could enhance the successful delivery of construction projects. In the literature, there is paucity and need for more research into the exploration and analysis of the integration and interplay between the systems engineering and complexity perspectives and the other knowledge areas in the PMBOK. In conclusion, this thesis therefore argues that to address the deficiencies in risk management practices during construction projects’ delivery, the solution requires a paradigm shift from the traditional linear approach which, by design, overlooks the complexities, non-linearity and interdependences of the elements that are underpinning and characterizing the nature of the contemporary construction projects. Therefore, this thesis supports the increasingly emerging debate on the discourse that the superior traditional and linear approaches do not solve the current problems, and as such they should be replaced with the systems and holistic thinking approach that will provide more clarity in dealing with the complex management challenges in contemporary construction projects. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Engineering, Built environment and Information Technology, School of the built Environment 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-04
- Authors: Lukhele, Themba Mfanafuthi
- Date: 2023-04
- Subjects: Risk management , Construction industry -- Management , Infrastructure -- University of Mpumalanga
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral's theses , Thesis
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/60479 , vital:65609
- Description: The construction industry has become the significant player in the economy of many developed and developing countries in the world. The industry contributes to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employment rate of many nations. As such, the industry is the engine for the economic development and growth across the world. Recently, African countries have received global attention due to its calls for massive infrastructure development and maintenance thereof. Accordingly, the South African government has adopted a National Infrastructure Development Plan (NIDP), which seeks not only to transform the economic landscape of the country, but also to support the integration of the African economies through infrastructure development. To ensure that the execution of these infrastructure projects is successfully delivered in terms of time, cost, and scope; project risk management in the construction industry has become an important area of interest in the execution and delivery of the infrastructure projects. However, the constantly increasing complexity and dynamics in the delivery of construction projects have serious effects on the risk management processes during the execution of the project. In practice, risk methods and techniques have proven to be unrealistic when using the traditional risk management approach in the context of the complexity and dynamic environments wherein construction projects are delivered. Worryingly, project management practitioners in engineering and construction projects still lack the holistic and systematic insight and understanding of construction projects when applying the risk management procedures in the complex and dynamic projects environments. As a result, there are growing reports of unsatisfactory delivery of construction projects in terms of time, cost, quality, and environmental objectives. In this regard, the call for embracing the systems thinking paradigm as the alternative approach that will provide more clarity in dealing with the complex management challenges and which will gradually substitute the traditional theoretical approach of dealing with construction project management, is becoming prominent. Against this background, this study uses a multiple case study approach to explore how a systematic risk management approach could be developed and applied towards successful delivery of construction projects, and subsequently to propose a systematic risk management model that is designed to depict and grasp the underlying complexities and dynamics embedded ix | P a g e in construction projects. The choice of the case study design is founded on its utility and appropriateness for in-depth investigations into phenomena in its context as well as its usefulness for exploratory studies. Therefore, to explore the risk management phenomenon in real-life settings, the unit of analysis in this study was based on three construction projects built in one of the new Institutions of Higher Learning in South Africa during the period between 2017 and 2019. Notwithstanding the unique characteristics of these projects, the complexity and dynamic environments of these projects also emanated from the facts that i) the successful delivery of the projects was a predecessor activity to the academic schedule and activities; ii) this was one of the first universities to be built by the democratic Republic of South Africa; and, iii) the construction contract used for the delivery of the construction projects is relatively new to the professionals in the country’s construction industry. This qualitative case study design has its backbone in the constructivism philosophical paradigm which is underpinned by the ontology that there are multiple realities as conceptualized, experienced, and perceived by the people in their real-life situations or natural settings. Accordingly, the construction professionals, projects’ documents as well as field work observations were purposively chosen as the essential and reliable methods of data collection for this case study. For analysis, a conventional content data analysis methodology was applied on the empirical data that was obtained from the multiple data sources to provide a clearer understanding of the contexts in which the risk management for construction projects is performed. Accordingly, a qualitative data analysis software system called MAXQDA was used to enable the performance of data coding, managing coding, and eventually the retrieving of the coded segments in a form of visual models and summary tables. Ultimately, the qualitative content analysis approach in this thesis was performed in terms of a ‘critical filter of thick description’ which involved a balanced approach between the deductive analysis and the inductive analysis processes. With the assistance of the MAXQDA, performing the multiple levels coding and analysis processes in this thesis has not only been efficient, but also more reliable. To shed insight into the empirical findings of the study, a hybrid theoretical framework has been applied in the discussion and interpretation of the findings. The theoretical framework of this study is underpinned by the complexity theory and the theory of systems engineering. The applicability of these theories in this study is essential in providing a x | P a g e systematic and logical explanation of the practices of risk management in construction projects and further helps to explain why particular events occurred in the processes of risk management. Eventually, the theoretical framework has enabled the designing and developing of a systematic risk management model that will assist in depicting and grasping the underlying complexities while supporting proactive decision making in the delivery of construction projects. To this end, this study has made several major contributions in three multiple folds in the body of knowledge. Firstly, this study makes theoretical contributions by developing an empirically underpinned systematic risk management model which provide more clarity on comprehending the multifaceted and complex risk factors embedded in construction projects. Secondly, the qualitative case study approach and the associated analysis methods thereof in this thesis provides novelty and lays the groundwork for future research and methodological replicability in another similar phenomenon elsewhere in the world. Thirdly, this study has gone some way towards expanding the understanding and the basis for managerial decision making in relation to front-end planning and proactive approach for risk management, and eventually to improve projects’ performances on cost, time, scope, and environmental sustainability. In this regard, the key practical implication for project management practitioners is that the adoption and embracing of the systematic and holistic thinking approach in the risk management processes could enhance the successful delivery of construction projects. In the literature, there is paucity and need for more research into the exploration and analysis of the integration and interplay between the systems engineering and complexity perspectives and the other knowledge areas in the PMBOK. In conclusion, this thesis therefore argues that to address the deficiencies in risk management practices during construction projects’ delivery, the solution requires a paradigm shift from the traditional linear approach which, by design, overlooks the complexities, non-linearity and interdependences of the elements that are underpinning and characterizing the nature of the contemporary construction projects. Therefore, this thesis supports the increasingly emerging debate on the discourse that the superior traditional and linear approaches do not solve the current problems, and as such they should be replaced with the systems and holistic thinking approach that will provide more clarity in dealing with the complex management challenges in contemporary construction projects. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Engineering, Built environment and Information Technology, School of the built Environment 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-04
Analysis of corporate failures: a case study of two South African banks
- Mqomboti, Xitshembiso Pronacia
- Authors: Mqomboti, Xitshembiso Pronacia
- Date: 2023-02
- Subjects: Business failures South Africa , Corporate governance South Africa , Risk management , Operational risk , Business ethics , Bank management South Africa , Banks and banking South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/419151 , vital:71620
- Description: This study analysed the factors that contributed to the failure of Venda Building Society Mutual Bank (VBS) and African Bank Limited and the impact it had on their key stakeholders. The specific objectives of this study were to evaluate African Bank and VBS bank's operational risk management processes and controls, the role of ethical failures at VBS bank and African Bank; and assess how the failures affected their stakeholders. The population sample of the study included African Bank and VBS. The study adopted a qualitative research method. Existing reports from both African Bank and VBS were used to collect data. The study adopted a thematic data analysis method, which includes data coding and the development of themes. The data analysis framework was derived from a defined set of research propositions and seven (7) themes were derived from this analysis method. The failure in operational controls of both banks and ineffective risk management structures including unethical conduct by the executive management and board of VBS bank, irregular financial transactions and weakened external auditing function resulted in an unaccountable executive relationship and reckless lending decision-making. This research study will expand on the existing body of knowledge on the failures and near-failures of banks in the South African banking sector. The South African banking industry and its regulatory bodies will be better equipped to strengthen their corporate governance in risk controls to mitigate future collapses and near collapses of banks. , Thesis (MBA) -- Faculty of Commerce, Rhodes Business School, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-02
- Authors: Mqomboti, Xitshembiso Pronacia
- Date: 2023-02
- Subjects: Business failures South Africa , Corporate governance South Africa , Risk management , Operational risk , Business ethics , Bank management South Africa , Banks and banking South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/419151 , vital:71620
- Description: This study analysed the factors that contributed to the failure of Venda Building Society Mutual Bank (VBS) and African Bank Limited and the impact it had on their key stakeholders. The specific objectives of this study were to evaluate African Bank and VBS bank's operational risk management processes and controls, the role of ethical failures at VBS bank and African Bank; and assess how the failures affected their stakeholders. The population sample of the study included African Bank and VBS. The study adopted a qualitative research method. Existing reports from both African Bank and VBS were used to collect data. The study adopted a thematic data analysis method, which includes data coding and the development of themes. The data analysis framework was derived from a defined set of research propositions and seven (7) themes were derived from this analysis method. The failure in operational controls of both banks and ineffective risk management structures including unethical conduct by the executive management and board of VBS bank, irregular financial transactions and weakened external auditing function resulted in an unaccountable executive relationship and reckless lending decision-making. This research study will expand on the existing body of knowledge on the failures and near-failures of banks in the South African banking sector. The South African banking industry and its regulatory bodies will be better equipped to strengthen their corporate governance in risk controls to mitigate future collapses and near collapses of banks. , Thesis (MBA) -- Faculty of Commerce, Rhodes Business School, 2023
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- Date Issued: 2023-02
Strategy implementation: a critical assessment of the application of integrated risk management in the implementation of Eastern Cape Province provincial growth and development strategy (ECPGDS)
- Tshayingca-Mashiya, Nontsikelelo Valencia
- Authors: Tshayingca-Mashiya, Nontsikelelo Valencia
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Risk assessment -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Growth , Risk assessment -- Development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Strategic planning , Risk management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD (in Public Administration)
- Identifier: vital:11678 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1007305 , Risk assessment -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Growth , Risk assessment -- Development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Strategic planning , Risk management
- Description: Strategic Management cycle consist of strategic planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and review of strategy. Strategy implementation has thus become the most significant management challenge. Yang et al. (2010) claim that although formulating a consistent strategy is a difficult task for any management team, making that strategy work and implementing it throughout the organisation is even more difficult. Yang further argues that Strategy implementation has been recorded as a key challenge for today’s organisations. According to Gurowitz (2008, there is evidence which shows that less than 10 percent of strategies formulated are effectively executed. Hrebiniak (2005) advances that; failure in organisations to effectively execute strategies is often as a result of limitation in linking organisational goals with objectives (operations). There are many other factors that influence the success of strategy implementation, ranging from the people who communicate or implement the strategy, to the systems or mechanisms in place for co-ordination. Brynard (2005) asserts that strategy implementation is equally challenging for management in Government departments, given that efforts of Government are aimed at improving service delivery. Poor strategy implementation is linked to poor service delivery. It is also worth noting that whilst implementation is acknowledged as a challenge, joint planning and joint implementation policies and strategies experience even a greater challenge in their implementation According to Young (2006), Debra and Yeates (2008), strategy implementation is in itself a risk because of its impact on the processes, people, and the systems. Strategy implementation is thus considered one of the main risk factors in organisations. In concurring with this view, Lorenzi et al. (2008) proposes that, strategy implementation implies change, and therefore poses risk to the processes, the people and the systems.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Tshayingca-Mashiya, Nontsikelelo Valencia
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Risk assessment -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Growth , Risk assessment -- Development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Strategic planning , Risk management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD (in Public Administration)
- Identifier: vital:11678 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1007305 , Risk assessment -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Growth , Risk assessment -- Development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Strategic planning , Risk management
- Description: Strategic Management cycle consist of strategic planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and review of strategy. Strategy implementation has thus become the most significant management challenge. Yang et al. (2010) claim that although formulating a consistent strategy is a difficult task for any management team, making that strategy work and implementing it throughout the organisation is even more difficult. Yang further argues that Strategy implementation has been recorded as a key challenge for today’s organisations. According to Gurowitz (2008, there is evidence which shows that less than 10 percent of strategies formulated are effectively executed. Hrebiniak (2005) advances that; failure in organisations to effectively execute strategies is often as a result of limitation in linking organisational goals with objectives (operations). There are many other factors that influence the success of strategy implementation, ranging from the people who communicate or implement the strategy, to the systems or mechanisms in place for co-ordination. Brynard (2005) asserts that strategy implementation is equally challenging for management in Government departments, given that efforts of Government are aimed at improving service delivery. Poor strategy implementation is linked to poor service delivery. It is also worth noting that whilst implementation is acknowledged as a challenge, joint planning and joint implementation policies and strategies experience even a greater challenge in their implementation According to Young (2006), Debra and Yeates (2008), strategy implementation is in itself a risk because of its impact on the processes, people, and the systems. Strategy implementation is thus considered one of the main risk factors in organisations. In concurring with this view, Lorenzi et al. (2008) proposes that, strategy implementation implies change, and therefore poses risk to the processes, the people and the systems.
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- Date Issued: 2012
The credit risk management skills shortage in Nelson Mandela Bay Metropole
- Authors: Teka, Babalwa
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Banks and banking -- Risk management -- South Africa -- Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality , Credit -- Management , Risk management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:8834 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1019893
- Description: Tito Mboweni (2011) said one of South Africa’s biggest tests is the overwhelming the skills shortage. He was echoing the views of Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande who himself said “South Africa could not afford to have an economy "constrained by a severe lack of skills". There are numerous initiatives that having been undertaken by government in an attempt to solve the skills shortage problem. However, these initiatives are not aimed at the tertiary education system. The tertiary education system is the focus of this study as the author investigates how the NMMU Business School can play a significant role in addressing the skills shortage in the credit risk management sector. Following a literature review, surveys were completed by the NMMU Business School MBA students (ninety of them completed it) and personal interviews were conducted with three Provincial HR managers from South Africa’s “four big banks” in Nelson Mandela Bay (Nedbank, Standard Bank and ABSA). The study found that the skills shortage is indeed a problem. The study found that reasons including the legacy left by apartheid and students pursuing the wrong degrees were highlighted as some of the reason for this skills shortage. An opportunity for the NMMU Business School was identified to support the banking industry in addressing credit risk management skills shortage. The benefits include financial reward and more importantly an opportunity to differentiate the Business School and the courses offered at the school from the rest. Some of the recommendations included sourcing of the best practices from institutions like the Millpark Business School on effective partnering with the banking industry as well as a proactive approach to be adopted by the banking industry in terms of lobbying support from other potential role players for example but not limited to, student bodies, BankSeta and the smaller banks in the industry.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Teka, Babalwa
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Banks and banking -- Risk management -- South Africa -- Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality , Credit -- Management , Risk management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:8834 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1019893
- Description: Tito Mboweni (2011) said one of South Africa’s biggest tests is the overwhelming the skills shortage. He was echoing the views of Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande who himself said “South Africa could not afford to have an economy "constrained by a severe lack of skills". There are numerous initiatives that having been undertaken by government in an attempt to solve the skills shortage problem. However, these initiatives are not aimed at the tertiary education system. The tertiary education system is the focus of this study as the author investigates how the NMMU Business School can play a significant role in addressing the skills shortage in the credit risk management sector. Following a literature review, surveys were completed by the NMMU Business School MBA students (ninety of them completed it) and personal interviews were conducted with three Provincial HR managers from South Africa’s “four big banks” in Nelson Mandela Bay (Nedbank, Standard Bank and ABSA). The study found that the skills shortage is indeed a problem. The study found that reasons including the legacy left by apartheid and students pursuing the wrong degrees were highlighted as some of the reason for this skills shortage. An opportunity for the NMMU Business School was identified to support the banking industry in addressing credit risk management skills shortage. The benefits include financial reward and more importantly an opportunity to differentiate the Business School and the courses offered at the school from the rest. Some of the recommendations included sourcing of the best practices from institutions like the Millpark Business School on effective partnering with the banking industry as well as a proactive approach to be adopted by the banking industry in terms of lobbying support from other potential role players for example but not limited to, student bodies, BankSeta and the smaller banks in the industry.
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- Date Issued: 2012
Epirismm: an enterprise information risk management model
- Authors: Lategan, Neil
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Risk management , Small business , Information technology -- Security measures
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:9734 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/541 , Risk management , Small business , Information technology -- Security measures
- Description: Today, information is considered a commodity and no enterprise can operate without it. Indeed, the information and the supporting technology are pivotal in all enterprises. However, a major problem being experienced in the business environment is that enterprise risk cannot be managed effectively because business and information-related risk are not congruently aligned with risk management terminology and practices. The business environment and information technology are bound together by information. For this reason, it is imperative that risk management is synergised in the business, ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and information environments. A thorough, all inclusive, risk analysis exercise needs to be conducted in business and supporting environments in order to develop an effective internal control system. Such an internal control system should reduce the exposure of risk and aid the safeguarding of assets. Indeed, in today’s so-called information age, where business processes integrate the business and ICT environments, it is imperative that a unary internal control system be established, based on a holistic risk management exercise. To ensure that the enterprise, information and ICT environments operate free of the risks that threaten them, the risks should be properly governed. A model, EPiRISMM (Enterprise Information Risk Management Model) is proposed that offers to combine risk management practices from an ICT, information, governance, and enterprise perspective because there are so many overlapping aspects inherent in them. EPiRISMM combines various well-known standards and frameworks into one coherent model. By employing EPiRISMM, an enterprise will be able to eliminate the traditional segmented approach of the ICT department and thus eliminate any previous discontinuity in risk management practices.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Lategan, Neil
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Risk management , Small business , Information technology -- Security measures
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:9734 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/541 , Risk management , Small business , Information technology -- Security measures
- Description: Today, information is considered a commodity and no enterprise can operate without it. Indeed, the information and the supporting technology are pivotal in all enterprises. However, a major problem being experienced in the business environment is that enterprise risk cannot be managed effectively because business and information-related risk are not congruently aligned with risk management terminology and practices. The business environment and information technology are bound together by information. For this reason, it is imperative that risk management is synergised in the business, ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and information environments. A thorough, all inclusive, risk analysis exercise needs to be conducted in business and supporting environments in order to develop an effective internal control system. Such an internal control system should reduce the exposure of risk and aid the safeguarding of assets. Indeed, in today’s so-called information age, where business processes integrate the business and ICT environments, it is imperative that a unary internal control system be established, based on a holistic risk management exercise. To ensure that the enterprise, information and ICT environments operate free of the risks that threaten them, the risks should be properly governed. A model, EPiRISMM (Enterprise Information Risk Management Model) is proposed that offers to combine risk management practices from an ICT, information, governance, and enterprise perspective because there are so many overlapping aspects inherent in them. EPiRISMM combines various well-known standards and frameworks into one coherent model. By employing EPiRISMM, an enterprise will be able to eliminate the traditional segmented approach of the ICT department and thus eliminate any previous discontinuity in risk management practices.
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- Date Issued: 2006
Developing risk management strategies for stock market investment portfolio management
- Authors: Grant, Peter
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: Stocks , Risk management , Portfolio management , Investments , Securities
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:10936 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/215 , Stocks , Risk management , Portfolio management , Investments , Securities
- Description: This study was conducted to establish whether risk management strategies could be developed to enable stock market investment portfolio managers to reduce the risk involved in stock market trading. The awareness of stock market risk elevates the requirement for risk management strategies as discussed in Chapter 1. The research scope is identified, and an overview of the study gives further guidance as to what lies ahead. The theory behind macroeconomic forces and how they influence share prices is discussed in Chapter 2. It is established that market sectors and companies within those sectors react differently to macroeconomic forces. Technical analysis is discussed as a mechanism to identify buying and selling signals. In Chapter 3, risk management strategies are developed from the literature. The hypothesis of the study as described in Chapter 4 is that these risk management strategies are able to reduce the risk associated with trading in the stock market. The market simulation in Chapter 5 offers the opportunity to observe the risk management strategies at work in a simulated stock market investment portfolio. In Chapter 6, the outcome of the market simulation is compared to the criteria set in Chapter 4, and the conclusion that the risk management strategies were able to reduce the risk involved in stock market trading is drawn.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2004
- Authors: Grant, Peter
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: Stocks , Risk management , Portfolio management , Investments , Securities
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:10936 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/215 , Stocks , Risk management , Portfolio management , Investments , Securities
- Description: This study was conducted to establish whether risk management strategies could be developed to enable stock market investment portfolio managers to reduce the risk involved in stock market trading. The awareness of stock market risk elevates the requirement for risk management strategies as discussed in Chapter 1. The research scope is identified, and an overview of the study gives further guidance as to what lies ahead. The theory behind macroeconomic forces and how they influence share prices is discussed in Chapter 2. It is established that market sectors and companies within those sectors react differently to macroeconomic forces. Technical analysis is discussed as a mechanism to identify buying and selling signals. In Chapter 3, risk management strategies are developed from the literature. The hypothesis of the study as described in Chapter 4 is that these risk management strategies are able to reduce the risk associated with trading in the stock market. The market simulation in Chapter 5 offers the opportunity to observe the risk management strategies at work in a simulated stock market investment portfolio. In Chapter 6, the outcome of the market simulation is compared to the criteria set in Chapter 4, and the conclusion that the risk management strategies were able to reduce the risk involved in stock market trading is drawn.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2004
Investigating the utilisation of enterprise risk management at East London industrial development zone
- Authors: Tutani, Luvo
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Risk management , Decision making
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:8773 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1012651 , Risk management , Decision making
- Description: The aim of this study was to suggest ways to use enterprise risk management (ERM) effectively towards achieving strategic objectives at East London Industrial Development Zone. The results of the research will contribute to the set of tools which business can utilise in effective business planning and achieve sustainability of enterprises. Enterprise risk management provides stakeholders with reasonable assurance that management has taken due care in drawing up strategies aligned with their appetite for risk. The objective was to investigate the utilisation of Enterprise Risk Management at East London Industrial Development Zone. The literature review revealed shortcomings of the traditional risk management strategy. Examples of the shortcomings are its preoccupation with hazard risks and its disconnection with other functions in an organisation. ERM has emerged as the organisation wide approach to the handling of risk. Effectively integrated with strategy-setting and performance management, ERM strengthens opportunity-seeking behaviour by helping directors and managers develop the confidence that they truly understand the risks inherent in the organization’s strategy and have the capabilities in place to manage and monitor those risks. The assessment of risks after the strategy formulation process results in defective risk management. The result could be strategic objectives that are unrealistic and risk management that is just an appendage to performance management. The empirical study consisted of face-to-face interviews using semi-structured questionnaires. The respondents were Business Unit Managers at East London Industrial Development Zone who advised on current practice of ERM in the organization. The main findings of the empirical investigation revealed that ERM started with organisational survival in mind but ended up being a compliance activity. Also, ERM is under-resourced as there are no dedicated ERM financial and human resources. The organization’s unstructured and informal approach to ERM could place the strategic objectives at risk. Recommendations conclude the investigation and address the shortcomings and improvements that can be made to the utilisation of ERM within the organization. The recommendations are ensuring strong commitment towards ERM and widening the participation of all employees in ERM; developing an ERM road map; allocation of resources to ERM initiative; development of a business case for ERM; training of all managers and all employees on ERM; and focusing on low-hanging return, which may result in quicker realisation of the value added by ERM to the organization.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2011
- Authors: Tutani, Luvo
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Risk management , Decision making
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:8773 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1012651 , Risk management , Decision making
- Description: The aim of this study was to suggest ways to use enterprise risk management (ERM) effectively towards achieving strategic objectives at East London Industrial Development Zone. The results of the research will contribute to the set of tools which business can utilise in effective business planning and achieve sustainability of enterprises. Enterprise risk management provides stakeholders with reasonable assurance that management has taken due care in drawing up strategies aligned with their appetite for risk. The objective was to investigate the utilisation of Enterprise Risk Management at East London Industrial Development Zone. The literature review revealed shortcomings of the traditional risk management strategy. Examples of the shortcomings are its preoccupation with hazard risks and its disconnection with other functions in an organisation. ERM has emerged as the organisation wide approach to the handling of risk. Effectively integrated with strategy-setting and performance management, ERM strengthens opportunity-seeking behaviour by helping directors and managers develop the confidence that they truly understand the risks inherent in the organization’s strategy and have the capabilities in place to manage and monitor those risks. The assessment of risks after the strategy formulation process results in defective risk management. The result could be strategic objectives that are unrealistic and risk management that is just an appendage to performance management. The empirical study consisted of face-to-face interviews using semi-structured questionnaires. The respondents were Business Unit Managers at East London Industrial Development Zone who advised on current practice of ERM in the organization. The main findings of the empirical investigation revealed that ERM started with organisational survival in mind but ended up being a compliance activity. Also, ERM is under-resourced as there are no dedicated ERM financial and human resources. The organization’s unstructured and informal approach to ERM could place the strategic objectives at risk. Recommendations conclude the investigation and address the shortcomings and improvements that can be made to the utilisation of ERM within the organization. The recommendations are ensuring strong commitment towards ERM and widening the participation of all employees in ERM; developing an ERM road map; allocation of resources to ERM initiative; development of a business case for ERM; training of all managers and all employees on ERM; and focusing on low-hanging return, which may result in quicker realisation of the value added by ERM to the organization.
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- Date Issued: 2011
A risk management model for commercial property development and investment in Ghana
- Authors: Asianoah, Rexford Kofi
- Date: 2023-04
- Subjects: Risk management , Commercial real estate , Investment -- Ghana
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral's theses , Thesis
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/60493 , vital:65633
- Description: Commercial property development and investment provide many benefits to individuals and governments around the globe; these include the generation of income for investors, employment, tax revenues, and contributions to a country‘s GDP. Yet commercial property development and investment projects involve construction, economic and management risks. A lack of effective risk assessment and management tools may lead to developers and investors incurring losses. To curtail such losses, this study sought to create a credible management model that can be used to assess and manage risks in Ghana‘s commercial property development and investment industry. An extensive literature review was done, covering all 12 identified study constructs: real estate trends and cycle, construction project management, outside advice/mentorship, spatial development, strategic factors, business management skills, PMBOK, PESTEL analysis, general management skills, governance structures, financial feasibility, professional feasibility, and risk management. Each construct was defined and operationalised. A positivistic philosophical approach was used, and quantitative approach was used to solicit data from the main respondents through the distribution of questionnaires to the target population sample. CB-SEM and SPSS version 24 were used to analyse data, SEM to test the positive relationships hypothesised between the identified variables and SPSS to analyse the demographic data. The major findings are that there is a lack of financial and professional feasibility analysis among respondents along the following factors: the PMBOK, real estate trends and cycles, general management, business management, strategic factors, spatial development, and PESTEL analysis. It was found that these factors have positive and favourable influences on CPDI projects. The study recommends that developers and investors do financial and professional feasibility studies before they embark on projects. This could improve project viability in commercial property development and investment. The study has contributed to the body of knowledge in CPDI sector by developing a new risk assessment/risk management model. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Engineering Built Environment and Technology, School of the built Environment, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-04
- Authors: Asianoah, Rexford Kofi
- Date: 2023-04
- Subjects: Risk management , Commercial real estate , Investment -- Ghana
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral's theses , Thesis
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/60493 , vital:65633
- Description: Commercial property development and investment provide many benefits to individuals and governments around the globe; these include the generation of income for investors, employment, tax revenues, and contributions to a country‘s GDP. Yet commercial property development and investment projects involve construction, economic and management risks. A lack of effective risk assessment and management tools may lead to developers and investors incurring losses. To curtail such losses, this study sought to create a credible management model that can be used to assess and manage risks in Ghana‘s commercial property development and investment industry. An extensive literature review was done, covering all 12 identified study constructs: real estate trends and cycle, construction project management, outside advice/mentorship, spatial development, strategic factors, business management skills, PMBOK, PESTEL analysis, general management skills, governance structures, financial feasibility, professional feasibility, and risk management. Each construct was defined and operationalised. A positivistic philosophical approach was used, and quantitative approach was used to solicit data from the main respondents through the distribution of questionnaires to the target population sample. CB-SEM and SPSS version 24 were used to analyse data, SEM to test the positive relationships hypothesised between the identified variables and SPSS to analyse the demographic data. The major findings are that there is a lack of financial and professional feasibility analysis among respondents along the following factors: the PMBOK, real estate trends and cycles, general management, business management, strategic factors, spatial development, and PESTEL analysis. It was found that these factors have positive and favourable influences on CPDI projects. The study recommends that developers and investors do financial and professional feasibility studies before they embark on projects. This could improve project viability in commercial property development and investment. The study has contributed to the body of knowledge in CPDI sector by developing a new risk assessment/risk management model. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Engineering Built Environment and Technology, School of the built Environment, 2023
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- Date Issued: 2023-04
An analysis of bank risk management and its relevance for the non-bank corporate sector
- Authors: Dietrich, David Roland
- Date: 2007
- Subjects: Bank management , Risk management , Corporations -- Finance , Financial institutions , Banks and banking
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:949 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002683 , Bank management , Risk management , Corporations -- Finance , Financial institutions , Banks and banking
- Description: This thesis, entitled “An analysis of bank risk management and its relevance for the non-bank corporate sector”, investigates the extent to which financial risk management by the banking sector can be applied to the non-bank corporate sector. As banks’ risk management techniques are more sophisticated than those of the non-bank corporate sector we have endeavoured to ascertain the applicability of these established risk management methods to the non-bank corporate sector. The main objectives of this study were to analyse the banking sectors’ risks and management thereof, and compare them to the risks faced by the nonbank corporate sector. This analysis was then used to present a theoretical financial risk management model for the corporate sector. This analysis was conducted using qualitative research. The thesis engaged in an in-depth investigation of financial risk management through a documentary, literature and media analysis. It was elucidated that not all companies face the same financial risks and therefore each company requires its own unique financial risk management model. Furthermore, it was established that there are several risks that both banks and non-bank corporates are subjected to. However, the management of these risks is not necessarily the same for these two types of institutes. This thesis concludes by putting forward a financial risk management model which presents all the possible financial risks that non-bank corporates may face.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2007
- Authors: Dietrich, David Roland
- Date: 2007
- Subjects: Bank management , Risk management , Corporations -- Finance , Financial institutions , Banks and banking
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:949 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002683 , Bank management , Risk management , Corporations -- Finance , Financial institutions , Banks and banking
- Description: This thesis, entitled “An analysis of bank risk management and its relevance for the non-bank corporate sector”, investigates the extent to which financial risk management by the banking sector can be applied to the non-bank corporate sector. As banks’ risk management techniques are more sophisticated than those of the non-bank corporate sector we have endeavoured to ascertain the applicability of these established risk management methods to the non-bank corporate sector. The main objectives of this study were to analyse the banking sectors’ risks and management thereof, and compare them to the risks faced by the nonbank corporate sector. This analysis was then used to present a theoretical financial risk management model for the corporate sector. This analysis was conducted using qualitative research. The thesis engaged in an in-depth investigation of financial risk management through a documentary, literature and media analysis. It was elucidated that not all companies face the same financial risks and therefore each company requires its own unique financial risk management model. Furthermore, it was established that there are several risks that both banks and non-bank corporates are subjected to. However, the management of these risks is not necessarily the same for these two types of institutes. This thesis concludes by putting forward a financial risk management model which presents all the possible financial risks that non-bank corporates may face.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2007
Small hospitality enterprises and the internet: an IT governance model for conducting business online
- Authors: Ngoqo, Bukelwa
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Hospitality industry -- South Africa , Tourism -- South Africa , Organizational effectiveness -- South Africa , Electronic commerce , Internet , Risk management , Electronic data processing
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom (Information Systems)
- Identifier: vital:11133 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/382 , Hospitality industry -- South Africa , Tourism -- South Africa , Organizational effectiveness -- South Africa , Electronic commerce , Internet , Risk management , Electronic data processing
- Description: The Internet has made a considerable impact on how business is conducted. Empowered by technology consumers are using the Internet as a tool to communicate and transact online. E-commerce (electronic commerce) presents opportunities for business to gain a competitive advantage, however it also posses certain challenges. Small and Medium Hospitality Enterprises (SMHEs) sector within the tourism industry, is one of the sectors which stands to benefit from using the Internet for business. Researchers agree that the contribution made by the tourism sector in developing economies is substantial. However, SMHEs are noted for their failure to derive optimal benefits from using the Internet for business to improve their competitiveness. This study which seeks to develop a model for use by SMHEs as a guide when making the decision to adopt technology was necessitated by the importance of SMHE’s contribution in the economy of developing countries. This model is based on the examination of existing theories and models such as; the Delone and McLean IS success model (2004), and the ITGI’s (2007) IT governance focus areas model. To elicit the desired outcomes, additional data was collected using questionnaires, interviews, and observations. The collected data was analysed and resulted in the development of a model that can be used by SMHEs in order to derive value from IT and to gain a competitive advantage.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2010
- Authors: Ngoqo, Bukelwa
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Hospitality industry -- South Africa , Tourism -- South Africa , Organizational effectiveness -- South Africa , Electronic commerce , Internet , Risk management , Electronic data processing
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom (Information Systems)
- Identifier: vital:11133 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/382 , Hospitality industry -- South Africa , Tourism -- South Africa , Organizational effectiveness -- South Africa , Electronic commerce , Internet , Risk management , Electronic data processing
- Description: The Internet has made a considerable impact on how business is conducted. Empowered by technology consumers are using the Internet as a tool to communicate and transact online. E-commerce (electronic commerce) presents opportunities for business to gain a competitive advantage, however it also posses certain challenges. Small and Medium Hospitality Enterprises (SMHEs) sector within the tourism industry, is one of the sectors which stands to benefit from using the Internet for business. Researchers agree that the contribution made by the tourism sector in developing economies is substantial. However, SMHEs are noted for their failure to derive optimal benefits from using the Internet for business to improve their competitiveness. This study which seeks to develop a model for use by SMHEs as a guide when making the decision to adopt technology was necessitated by the importance of SMHE’s contribution in the economy of developing countries. This model is based on the examination of existing theories and models such as; the Delone and McLean IS success model (2004), and the ITGI’s (2007) IT governance focus areas model. To elicit the desired outcomes, additional data was collected using questionnaires, interviews, and observations. The collected data was analysed and resulted in the development of a model that can be used by SMHEs in order to derive value from IT and to gain a competitive advantage.
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- Date Issued: 2010
The Grameen Bank model of microcredit and its relevance for South Africa
- Authors: Akpan, Iniobong Wilson
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Grameen Bank , Microfinance -- South Africa , Microfinance -- Bangladesh , Credit -- Management , Risk management , Poor -- Finance, Personal , South Africa -- Economic conditions , Bangladesh -- Economic conditions
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:980 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002714 , Grameen Bank , Microfinance -- South Africa , Microfinance -- Bangladesh , Credit -- Management , Risk management , Poor -- Finance, Personal , South Africa -- Economic conditions , Bangladesh -- Economic conditions
- Description: Among the reasons for financial exclusion is the fact that the poor, being largely illiterate and unemployed, are traditionally perceived as ‘bad credit risks’. This is the dominant perception of the poor in the formal credit markets – a perception that also exists in the microcredit sector. In other words, while information asymmetry is a recognized problem in lender-borrower relationships, lenders consider the problem particularly severe when they contemplate doing business with the poor. A contrasting paradigm, such as the one adopted by Grameen Bank of Bangladesh, views the poor as possessing economic potentials that have not been tapped – that is, as ‘good credit risks’. Grameen Bank’s microcredit features appear to have successfully mitigated the problems of information asymmetry and, to a large extent, made it possible for the poor to access microenterprise credit. Using the Grameen Bank model as a benchmark, this study examined the lending features of private sector microlenders in South Africa and those of KhulaStart (credit) scheme. The aim was to identify how the lending features affect microenterprise credit access. Primary data were obtained through interviews, while relevant secondary data were also used in the study. A key finding of the study was that while the Khulastart scheme was, like Grameencredit, targeted at the poor, the method of its delivery appeared diluted or unduly influenced by the conventional (private sector) paradigm that pre-classifies people as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ credit risks. As a result, the scheme was not robust enough to support microenterprise credit access. This has consequences for job-creation and poverty reduction. Based on the findings, the study maintains that a realistic broadening of microenterprise credit access will not occur unless there is a fundamental paradigm shift in microcredit practices, and unless measures designed to mitigate information asymmetries are sensitive to the historical, economic and sociocultural realities of the South African poor.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
- Authors: Akpan, Iniobong Wilson
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Grameen Bank , Microfinance -- South Africa , Microfinance -- Bangladesh , Credit -- Management , Risk management , Poor -- Finance, Personal , South Africa -- Economic conditions , Bangladesh -- Economic conditions
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:980 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002714 , Grameen Bank , Microfinance -- South Africa , Microfinance -- Bangladesh , Credit -- Management , Risk management , Poor -- Finance, Personal , South Africa -- Economic conditions , Bangladesh -- Economic conditions
- Description: Among the reasons for financial exclusion is the fact that the poor, being largely illiterate and unemployed, are traditionally perceived as ‘bad credit risks’. This is the dominant perception of the poor in the formal credit markets – a perception that also exists in the microcredit sector. In other words, while information asymmetry is a recognized problem in lender-borrower relationships, lenders consider the problem particularly severe when they contemplate doing business with the poor. A contrasting paradigm, such as the one adopted by Grameen Bank of Bangladesh, views the poor as possessing economic potentials that have not been tapped – that is, as ‘good credit risks’. Grameen Bank’s microcredit features appear to have successfully mitigated the problems of information asymmetry and, to a large extent, made it possible for the poor to access microenterprise credit. Using the Grameen Bank model as a benchmark, this study examined the lending features of private sector microlenders in South Africa and those of KhulaStart (credit) scheme. The aim was to identify how the lending features affect microenterprise credit access. Primary data were obtained through interviews, while relevant secondary data were also used in the study. A key finding of the study was that while the Khulastart scheme was, like Grameencredit, targeted at the poor, the method of its delivery appeared diluted or unduly influenced by the conventional (private sector) paradigm that pre-classifies people as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ credit risks. As a result, the scheme was not robust enough to support microenterprise credit access. This has consequences for job-creation and poverty reduction. Based on the findings, the study maintains that a realistic broadening of microenterprise credit access will not occur unless there is a fundamental paradigm shift in microcredit practices, and unless measures designed to mitigate information asymmetries are sensitive to the historical, economic and sociocultural realities of the South African poor.
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- Date Issued: 2005
Perceptions on risk management at Walter Sisulu University
- Authors: Qanga, Enathi Jongikhaya
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Risk management , Walter Sisulu University for Technology & Science
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/3802 , vital:20464
- Description: With the rise in the complexity of business transactions and emerging prominence of worldwide corporate governance, companies are required to adhere to certain minimal standards of governance and risk management. Organisations take various kinds of risks depending on their operating environments and the gravity of their organisational needs (risk to a return trade-off). Taking risks can either provide benefits to an organisation or cause problems for it. Given the importance of risk management, studies conducted by universities throughout the world reveal serious concerns. The primary objective of this study was to establish perceptions on risk management at Walter Sisulu University (WSU). The literature review of the study provided a discussion concerning best practice as far as the COSO internal control framework, COSO enterprise risk management framework and key aspects of the Kings III report on risk assessment and risks faced by modern business. The study adopted the quantitative research approach using a case study design. A survey was conducted by distributing questionnaires to a selected sample of, Campus management (Deans), Internal auditing III students, Lecturers in commerce, Head of departments and support service personnel of WSU. A random sampling procedure identified thirty three participants and all the participants completed questionnaires across all campuses at WSU. Graphic presentation from Microsoft excel, inferential and basic descriptive statistics from SPSS were used to analyze and interpret data to generate findings. The study revealed that, all principles for the COSO components on internal control, COSO- ERM and the King III report are regarded to be present at WSU. Respondent perceptions falls within the positive zone being “neutral”, “effective” and “highly effective”. The population score is probably also in the neutral zone indicating a not sure respondent’s perception on whether the component or principle is effective or not effective. The Cronbach’s Alpha was conducted to test the internal reliability and consistency of the data. A Cronbach’s Alpha of summated score of 0.974 was achieved on 84 principles that could contribute to the effectiveness of risk management. The researcher recommends creating a risk-awareness culture throughout WSU rather than a silo approach to risk management. Monitoring on the effectiveness of the system of internal control need greater attention at WSU. In addition, the alignment of risk management to institutional strategy needs to be improved, and the University needs to establish and develop an enterprise-risk management policy (ERMP) and create a platform for further studies on risk management.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Qanga, Enathi Jongikhaya
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Risk management , Walter Sisulu University for Technology & Science
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/3802 , vital:20464
- Description: With the rise in the complexity of business transactions and emerging prominence of worldwide corporate governance, companies are required to adhere to certain minimal standards of governance and risk management. Organisations take various kinds of risks depending on their operating environments and the gravity of their organisational needs (risk to a return trade-off). Taking risks can either provide benefits to an organisation or cause problems for it. Given the importance of risk management, studies conducted by universities throughout the world reveal serious concerns. The primary objective of this study was to establish perceptions on risk management at Walter Sisulu University (WSU). The literature review of the study provided a discussion concerning best practice as far as the COSO internal control framework, COSO enterprise risk management framework and key aspects of the Kings III report on risk assessment and risks faced by modern business. The study adopted the quantitative research approach using a case study design. A survey was conducted by distributing questionnaires to a selected sample of, Campus management (Deans), Internal auditing III students, Lecturers in commerce, Head of departments and support service personnel of WSU. A random sampling procedure identified thirty three participants and all the participants completed questionnaires across all campuses at WSU. Graphic presentation from Microsoft excel, inferential and basic descriptive statistics from SPSS were used to analyze and interpret data to generate findings. The study revealed that, all principles for the COSO components on internal control, COSO- ERM and the King III report are regarded to be present at WSU. Respondent perceptions falls within the positive zone being “neutral”, “effective” and “highly effective”. The population score is probably also in the neutral zone indicating a not sure respondent’s perception on whether the component or principle is effective or not effective. The Cronbach’s Alpha was conducted to test the internal reliability and consistency of the data. A Cronbach’s Alpha of summated score of 0.974 was achieved on 84 principles that could contribute to the effectiveness of risk management. The researcher recommends creating a risk-awareness culture throughout WSU rather than a silo approach to risk management. Monitoring on the effectiveness of the system of internal control need greater attention at WSU. In addition, the alignment of risk management to institutional strategy needs to be improved, and the University needs to establish and develop an enterprise-risk management policy (ERMP) and create a platform for further studies on risk management.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
Effective enterprise risk management: a case of Telkom South Africa
- Authors: Mkula, Tamara
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Risk management , Organizational change Telkom (Firm : South Africa)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/41054 , vital:36286
- Description: The premise of this research study was to study the phenomenon of Effective Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), to understand the effective enterprise risk management within Telkom SA after the implementation of organisational changes which have seen the company operating in six different business units. Enterprise risk management can no longer be an afterthought in an organisation, it should be integrated into an organisational strategy. Organisations which have successfully integrated an ERM into their organisational strategy have proved to be effective and profitable. However, the intention of this research study was not necessarily to analyse the ERM integration into Telkom’s organisational strategy. Rather, this study explored and described the views of the Telkom SA senior level enterprise risk management professionals in understanding if the recently implemented organisational structure changes did influence, or rather impact the effectiveness of ERM in the organisation. The selective sampling approach was used to accumulate relevant ERM data through unstructured, individual and in-depth interviews with ERM professionals in each of the six different business units at Telkom SA. A four-step data analysis interactive model was employed to analyse data collected for the study. Major findings were related to lack of ERM alignment in different business units, broad scope of ERM with no well-defined roles and responsibilities, lack of ERM skills, lack of established ERM risk committees. Some positives were those of more visibility in organisational risk, improved management of enterprise risk and increased accountability.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Mkula, Tamara
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Risk management , Organizational change Telkom (Firm : South Africa)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/41054 , vital:36286
- Description: The premise of this research study was to study the phenomenon of Effective Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), to understand the effective enterprise risk management within Telkom SA after the implementation of organisational changes which have seen the company operating in six different business units. Enterprise risk management can no longer be an afterthought in an organisation, it should be integrated into an organisational strategy. Organisations which have successfully integrated an ERM into their organisational strategy have proved to be effective and profitable. However, the intention of this research study was not necessarily to analyse the ERM integration into Telkom’s organisational strategy. Rather, this study explored and described the views of the Telkom SA senior level enterprise risk management professionals in understanding if the recently implemented organisational structure changes did influence, or rather impact the effectiveness of ERM in the organisation. The selective sampling approach was used to accumulate relevant ERM data through unstructured, individual and in-depth interviews with ERM professionals in each of the six different business units at Telkom SA. A four-step data analysis interactive model was employed to analyse data collected for the study. Major findings were related to lack of ERM alignment in different business units, broad scope of ERM with no well-defined roles and responsibilities, lack of ERM skills, lack of established ERM risk committees. Some positives were those of more visibility in organisational risk, improved management of enterprise risk and increased accountability.
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- Date Issued: 2019
A framework to investigate risk management in commercial banks
- Authors: Fick, William
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Banks and banking -- Risk management , Risk management , Asset-liability management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:9288 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1009429 , Banks and banking -- Risk management , Risk management , Asset-liability management
- Description: Businesses are continuously exposed to a changing business environment which may either exert positive or negative influences on profitability. The banking industry, in particular, is highly competitive and bank failures can have significant consequences for customers. Commercial banks, therefore, have a responsibility to protect their customers by implementing sound risk management strategies. In light of the recent financial crises (since 2007), risk management has once again become a popular topic of discussion since adequate risk management should have prevented or minimised the impact of the risks faced by failed banks. The primary objective of this study was to develop a framework that could be used by South African commercial banks to investigate risk management. Qualitative research was conducted in this regard. From this, findings and recommendations were derived in order to provide banks with a tool by which they could assess their exposure to risk. Various journals, websites, newspapers, bank reports and textbooks were consulted in support of the literature. The literature provided background information on the history and development of the risk management process. Considerable attention was given to the categories of risk that an adequate risk management framework should address. Furthermore, the current models used to manage risk in commercial bank were provided, as well as the specific reasons for bank failures. The main findings of this study were the identification of the most significant reasons for banking failures. These were identified as capital inadequacy, credit risk due to non-performing loans and a lack of banking supervision. In addition to these reasons, several other contributing principles were identified as important factors to be included in a risk management framework. A risk management framework was thus constructed in Table 5.1 based on the literature regarding global banking failures and the relevant conclusions made by the researcher.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Fick, William
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Banks and banking -- Risk management , Risk management , Asset-liability management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:9288 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1009429 , Banks and banking -- Risk management , Risk management , Asset-liability management
- Description: Businesses are continuously exposed to a changing business environment which may either exert positive or negative influences on profitability. The banking industry, in particular, is highly competitive and bank failures can have significant consequences for customers. Commercial banks, therefore, have a responsibility to protect their customers by implementing sound risk management strategies. In light of the recent financial crises (since 2007), risk management has once again become a popular topic of discussion since adequate risk management should have prevented or minimised the impact of the risks faced by failed banks. The primary objective of this study was to develop a framework that could be used by South African commercial banks to investigate risk management. Qualitative research was conducted in this regard. From this, findings and recommendations were derived in order to provide banks with a tool by which they could assess their exposure to risk. Various journals, websites, newspapers, bank reports and textbooks were consulted in support of the literature. The literature provided background information on the history and development of the risk management process. Considerable attention was given to the categories of risk that an adequate risk management framework should address. Furthermore, the current models used to manage risk in commercial bank were provided, as well as the specific reasons for bank failures. The main findings of this study were the identification of the most significant reasons for banking failures. These were identified as capital inadequacy, credit risk due to non-performing loans and a lack of banking supervision. In addition to these reasons, several other contributing principles were identified as important factors to be included in a risk management framework. A risk management framework was thus constructed in Table 5.1 based on the literature regarding global banking failures and the relevant conclusions made by the researcher.
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- Date Issued: 2012
Risk Management as a nexus to Ameliorate Citizen Centricity in the Western Cape Provincial Government
- Authors: Micketts, David
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Risk management , Corporate governance -- South Africa -- Case studies , Public administration
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63345 , vital:73259
- Description: This study aims to explore how risk management can be applied by the Western Cape Provincial Government to enhance citizen centricity in the Province. The Provincial Departments and Public Entities in this province are applauded for achieving satisfactory audit results in recent financial years from the Auditor-General South Africa. Despite the aforementioned, service delivery protests remain ongoing, which is indicative of citizen dissatisfaction and distress. Ensuring an effective, efficient, and transparent risk management system is mandatory, as prescribed by relevant legislation in South Africa and citizens are entitled to specific rights articulated in the Bill of Rights chapter of the Constitution. Therefore, it is essential that risk management – which forms part of good governance – be embedded by leadership and in processes to ultimately constrain risks which may hinder citizen centricity. Six chapters are included in this research paper. A qualitative approach was adopted, which considered a comprehensive review of literature, and a desktop analysis was performed. Secondary data and information sources were consulted and applied, without the participation of human subjects, for the purposes of primary data collection. Research findings were presented utilising thematic content analysis. It was found during the study that the Western Cape Government risk management framework is flexible to constrain various categories of risk and embraces local and global best practices in the risk management and citizen-focused governments arenas. Furthermore, the framework advocates and drives collaboration between a myriad of role-players, both internal and external to the organisation, to collectively manage risks posed to the achievement of the defined goals, objectives and priorities. To this end, the study was pursued through the lenses of a New Public Management (NPM) paradigm as well as deliberative democracy theory and public governance theories and administrative practices. , Thesis (MPA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Governmental and Social Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04
- Authors: Micketts, David
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Risk management , Corporate governance -- South Africa -- Case studies , Public administration
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63345 , vital:73259
- Description: This study aims to explore how risk management can be applied by the Western Cape Provincial Government to enhance citizen centricity in the Province. The Provincial Departments and Public Entities in this province are applauded for achieving satisfactory audit results in recent financial years from the Auditor-General South Africa. Despite the aforementioned, service delivery protests remain ongoing, which is indicative of citizen dissatisfaction and distress. Ensuring an effective, efficient, and transparent risk management system is mandatory, as prescribed by relevant legislation in South Africa and citizens are entitled to specific rights articulated in the Bill of Rights chapter of the Constitution. Therefore, it is essential that risk management – which forms part of good governance – be embedded by leadership and in processes to ultimately constrain risks which may hinder citizen centricity. Six chapters are included in this research paper. A qualitative approach was adopted, which considered a comprehensive review of literature, and a desktop analysis was performed. Secondary data and information sources were consulted and applied, without the participation of human subjects, for the purposes of primary data collection. Research findings were presented utilising thematic content analysis. It was found during the study that the Western Cape Government risk management framework is flexible to constrain various categories of risk and embraces local and global best practices in the risk management and citizen-focused governments arenas. Furthermore, the framework advocates and drives collaboration between a myriad of role-players, both internal and external to the organisation, to collectively manage risks posed to the achievement of the defined goals, objectives and priorities. To this end, the study was pursued through the lenses of a New Public Management (NPM) paradigm as well as deliberative democracy theory and public governance theories and administrative practices. , Thesis (MPA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Governmental and Social Sciences, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-04
The role of dynamic capabilities and enterprise risk management on SMMEs business continuity in Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality
- Authors: Sishuba, Hlumela
- Date: 2023-12
- Subjects: Risk management , Crisis management -- South Africa , Small business -- Management -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/65979 , vital:74293
- Description: Business continuity does not happen by chance, it is rather enabled or propelled by various activities in business operations. This study examines the role of dynamic capabilities and enterprise risk management and their role in the continuity of Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises (SMMEs) in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality. Fixated in the positivist paradigm, this study adopted a quantitative research approach to collect data from 105 SMMEs registered with the Nelson Mandela Bay Business Chamber, who were sampled using stratified and convenience sampling. Data was collected via an online survey on Google Forms and analysed using SPSS version 23. Descriptive statistics and statistical analysis methods were applied using SPSS version 23. The analysis was done in three phases. Firstly, the researcher conducted a reliability analysis of the questionnaire, and secondly, a descriptive statistical analysis to examine the research questions. The third phase was a statistical analysis to test the hypothesis. A Pearson‟s correlation test was performed to test the relationship between dynamic capabilities and enterprise risk management. The findings showed that, as enterprise risk is managed, dynamic capabilities increase, and thus there is a significant relationship between dynamic capabilities and enterprise risk management. The correlation between the variables which measured the dynamic capabilities and those which measured enterprise risk management seemed to be significant as they were all above 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that dynamic capabilities and enterprise risk management contribute to business continuity. This means that dynamic capabilities enhance business continuity, dynamic capabilities enhance enterprise risk management and enterprise risk management enhances business continuity. To leverage these positive relations, SMMEs ought to employ ERM experts or engage ERM consultants who will design Enterprise Risk management (ERM) strategies that are compatible with their enterprises. It is also recommended for SMMEs to have quarterly evaluations of the Enterprise Risk Management strategies and Dynamic Capabilities that enhance their business continuity planning , Thesis (MBA) -- Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, Business School, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-12
- Authors: Sishuba, Hlumela
- Date: 2023-12
- Subjects: Risk management , Crisis management -- South Africa , Small business -- Management -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/65979 , vital:74293
- Description: Business continuity does not happen by chance, it is rather enabled or propelled by various activities in business operations. This study examines the role of dynamic capabilities and enterprise risk management and their role in the continuity of Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises (SMMEs) in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality. Fixated in the positivist paradigm, this study adopted a quantitative research approach to collect data from 105 SMMEs registered with the Nelson Mandela Bay Business Chamber, who were sampled using stratified and convenience sampling. Data was collected via an online survey on Google Forms and analysed using SPSS version 23. Descriptive statistics and statistical analysis methods were applied using SPSS version 23. The analysis was done in three phases. Firstly, the researcher conducted a reliability analysis of the questionnaire, and secondly, a descriptive statistical analysis to examine the research questions. The third phase was a statistical analysis to test the hypothesis. A Pearson‟s correlation test was performed to test the relationship between dynamic capabilities and enterprise risk management. The findings showed that, as enterprise risk is managed, dynamic capabilities increase, and thus there is a significant relationship between dynamic capabilities and enterprise risk management. The correlation between the variables which measured the dynamic capabilities and those which measured enterprise risk management seemed to be significant as they were all above 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that dynamic capabilities and enterprise risk management contribute to business continuity. This means that dynamic capabilities enhance business continuity, dynamic capabilities enhance enterprise risk management and enterprise risk management enhances business continuity. To leverage these positive relations, SMMEs ought to employ ERM experts or engage ERM consultants who will design Enterprise Risk management (ERM) strategies that are compatible with their enterprises. It is also recommended for SMMEs to have quarterly evaluations of the Enterprise Risk Management strategies and Dynamic Capabilities that enhance their business continuity planning , Thesis (MBA) -- Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, Business School, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-12
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