"Burnout" in children's home houseparents
- Authors: Bath, Peter John
- Date: 1983
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/193118 , vital:45300
- Description: Aimed at replicating the results of an American study into "Burnout" in Group Home houseparents, this research had the following aims: 1) To ascertain the validity and reliability of the instrument used in the original study and presented as a "useful measure of burnout”. 2) To establish whether this line of research, within a highly problematic research field, can at present offer any guidelines in the resolution of the current staffing crisis faced by South African children's homes. 3} To describe more closely the burnout syndrome. 4) To study possible etiological factors within a local context. Sixty three houseparents completed questionaires and three independent measures of burnout were obtained. The results were regarded as having failed to replicate those of the original study. The reason for this was found to be the low validity of the original instrument. The main conclusion drawn was that the line of research adopted in the original study can offer only very tentative guidelines towards the resolution of the staffing crisis faced until such time as valid and reliable instruments to measure burnout have been developed. Many of the suggested relationships between situational variables and ones of personal characteristics were confirmed for the local population of houseparents. , Thesis (MSocSci) -- Faculty of Humanities, Psychology, 1983
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1983
- Authors: Bath, Peter John
- Date: 1983
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/193118 , vital:45300
- Description: Aimed at replicating the results of an American study into "Burnout" in Group Home houseparents, this research had the following aims: 1) To ascertain the validity and reliability of the instrument used in the original study and presented as a "useful measure of burnout”. 2) To establish whether this line of research, within a highly problematic research field, can at present offer any guidelines in the resolution of the current staffing crisis faced by South African children's homes. 3} To describe more closely the burnout syndrome. 4) To study possible etiological factors within a local context. Sixty three houseparents completed questionaires and three independent measures of burnout were obtained. The results were regarded as having failed to replicate those of the original study. The reason for this was found to be the low validity of the original instrument. The main conclusion drawn was that the line of research adopted in the original study can offer only very tentative guidelines towards the resolution of the staffing crisis faced until such time as valid and reliable instruments to measure burnout have been developed. Many of the suggested relationships between situational variables and ones of personal characteristics were confirmed for the local population of houseparents. , Thesis (MSocSci) -- Faculty of Humanities, Psychology, 1983
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- Date Issued: 1983
"The word as image": survey with special reference to the twentieth century
- Authors: Edworthy, S
- Date: 1991-03
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/191247 , vital:45075
- Description: This essay is intended, firstly for those who at some time have had the urge to include words into their otherwise conventional representational images, but are deterred by the suspicion that such elements have no place in the picture plane. Secondly, it is hoped, that this dissertation will provide some understanding concerning the motivations and aims of artists, using "verbal symbols" in their visual images. At this point, I offer some explanation of the term "verbal symbols". The alphabet that we are accustomed to today differs vastly from the first writing that was invented. The naming of items nowadays is arbitrarily established and all we are left with is a name that bears no visual resemblance to the object it represents in real life. The word "house", for example, tells us nothing of the physical nature of a house. However, owing to our conditioning, the word evokes in us a mental picture of a house, even if the details of this picture will vary amongst individuals. Words then are symbols which denote, broadly speaking, objects that exist in our daily lives, without being in any way visual representations of these objects. Of course there are also words which are dependent on other words for their meaning, such as prepositions, conjunctions or suffices, but this is irrelevant to this essay. , Thesis (MFA) -- Faculty of Humanities, Fine Art, 1991
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1991-03
- Authors: Edworthy, S
- Date: 1991-03
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/191247 , vital:45075
- Description: This essay is intended, firstly for those who at some time have had the urge to include words into their otherwise conventional representational images, but are deterred by the suspicion that such elements have no place in the picture plane. Secondly, it is hoped, that this dissertation will provide some understanding concerning the motivations and aims of artists, using "verbal symbols" in their visual images. At this point, I offer some explanation of the term "verbal symbols". The alphabet that we are accustomed to today differs vastly from the first writing that was invented. The naming of items nowadays is arbitrarily established and all we are left with is a name that bears no visual resemblance to the object it represents in real life. The word "house", for example, tells us nothing of the physical nature of a house. However, owing to our conditioning, the word evokes in us a mental picture of a house, even if the details of this picture will vary amongst individuals. Words then are symbols which denote, broadly speaking, objects that exist in our daily lives, without being in any way visual representations of these objects. Of course there are also words which are dependent on other words for their meaning, such as prepositions, conjunctions or suffices, but this is irrelevant to this essay. , Thesis (MFA) -- Faculty of Humanities, Fine Art, 1991
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- Date Issued: 1991-03
'N polisistemiese ondersoek na die poësie van instagram-digters
- Authors: De Wat Jane
- Date: 2023-12
- Subjects: Prosodic analysis (Linguistics) , Poetry
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63265 , vital:73242
- Description: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die opkoms van Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie en die literêre en sosiale status daarvan te ondersoek met spesifieke verwysing na die volgende Afrikaanse aanlyn digters en hul selfpublikasies: Skakerings van geel (@skildermetdigkuns) en Alles wat ek wou sê (@ontmasker), sowel as die sogenaamde Rupi Kaur van Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie, (@kaalwoorde), se digbundel Kosmos en komete wat onlangs deur LAPA Uitgewers gepubliseer is. Daar word ondersoek ingestel na die manier waarop die metamodernistiese konteks waarbinne digitale of e-letterkunde ontwikkel het, in dié skryfstyl manifesteer. In my ondersoek fokus ek op metamodernisme eerder as postmodernisme, omdat metamodernisme groter klem op die waarheid en die objektiewe realiteit plaas, wat ʼn opvallende tema in die werk van die gekose digters is. Die impak van aanlyn poësie op die identiteit en voorstelling van die Zoomer-generasie (individue wat ná 1996 gebore is, andersins bekend as generasie Z) word nagespeur ten einde die impak van hierdie poësie op die gemiddelde Afrikaanse Zoomer-leser te bepaal. Verskeie vrae rakende die posisie van Instagrampoësie binne die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers en kanon word ook onder die loep geneem. Die analise en interpretasie van die gedigte is daarop gemik om die literêre status van hierdie gedigte te ondersoek op grond van skryfpatrone, die evolusie daarvan en die gewildheid wat gemeet word in terme van followers (voortaan volgelinge), likes (voortaan bekend as voorkeure) en comments (voortaan kommentaar).1 Daar is bewys dat die metamodernistiese konteks (wat breedvoerig in die studie gekonseptualiseer en in terme van Suid-Afrika gekontekstualiseer word) waarin hierdie gedigte geformuleer en versprei is, ʼn beduidende invloed het op die toon en temas daarvan. Daar word getoon dat die tematiese stryd met kwessies soos identiteit, geloof en liefde in dié woordkuns verband hou met die sosiopolitieke konteks van die Zoomer-generasie. Hierdie metamodernistiese toestand word gekenmerk deur progressiewe denke, diversiteit en ʼn samelewing wat voortdurend verander. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie ʼn literêre diskoers skep met die doel om nuwe idees met betrekking tot die waarhede van ʼn generasie wat dikwels misverstaan en misgekyk word, voor te stel. Die vryheid van Instagrampoësie bied met ander woorde ʼn geleentheid vir Zoomer-denkers om hulle stempel binne ʼn metamoderne samelewing af te druk. Deur Even-Zohar se 1 Instagram-terme wat verwys na die hoeveelheid mense wat die digter volg, sy/haar/sig gedigte lees en dan ook daarop reageer op ʼn “hou van/hou nie van nie” glyskaal. 4 polisisteemteorie en die leser-reaksie-teorie by die ondersoek na die skep en ontvangs van aanlyn poësie te betrek, word aangetoon dat e-letterkunde wel ʼn plek binne die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers vind. Hoewel die skeppingsproses, publikasie en ontvangs van aanlyn poësie verskil van dié van ander literêre vorme, stel die studie hierdie vorm van poësie aan die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers en kanon bekend. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-12
- Authors: De Wat Jane
- Date: 2023-12
- Subjects: Prosodic analysis (Linguistics) , Poetry
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63265 , vital:73242
- Description: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die opkoms van Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie en die literêre en sosiale status daarvan te ondersoek met spesifieke verwysing na die volgende Afrikaanse aanlyn digters en hul selfpublikasies: Skakerings van geel (@skildermetdigkuns) en Alles wat ek wou sê (@ontmasker), sowel as die sogenaamde Rupi Kaur van Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie, (@kaalwoorde), se digbundel Kosmos en komete wat onlangs deur LAPA Uitgewers gepubliseer is. Daar word ondersoek ingestel na die manier waarop die metamodernistiese konteks waarbinne digitale of e-letterkunde ontwikkel het, in dié skryfstyl manifesteer. In my ondersoek fokus ek op metamodernisme eerder as postmodernisme, omdat metamodernisme groter klem op die waarheid en die objektiewe realiteit plaas, wat ʼn opvallende tema in die werk van die gekose digters is. Die impak van aanlyn poësie op die identiteit en voorstelling van die Zoomer-generasie (individue wat ná 1996 gebore is, andersins bekend as generasie Z) word nagespeur ten einde die impak van hierdie poësie op die gemiddelde Afrikaanse Zoomer-leser te bepaal. Verskeie vrae rakende die posisie van Instagrampoësie binne die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers en kanon word ook onder die loep geneem. Die analise en interpretasie van die gedigte is daarop gemik om die literêre status van hierdie gedigte te ondersoek op grond van skryfpatrone, die evolusie daarvan en die gewildheid wat gemeet word in terme van followers (voortaan volgelinge), likes (voortaan bekend as voorkeure) en comments (voortaan kommentaar).1 Daar is bewys dat die metamodernistiese konteks (wat breedvoerig in die studie gekonseptualiseer en in terme van Suid-Afrika gekontekstualiseer word) waarin hierdie gedigte geformuleer en versprei is, ʼn beduidende invloed het op die toon en temas daarvan. Daar word getoon dat die tematiese stryd met kwessies soos identiteit, geloof en liefde in dié woordkuns verband hou met die sosiopolitieke konteks van die Zoomer-generasie. Hierdie metamodernistiese toestand word gekenmerk deur progressiewe denke, diversiteit en ʼn samelewing wat voortdurend verander. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie ʼn literêre diskoers skep met die doel om nuwe idees met betrekking tot die waarhede van ʼn generasie wat dikwels misverstaan en misgekyk word, voor te stel. Die vryheid van Instagrampoësie bied met ander woorde ʼn geleentheid vir Zoomer-denkers om hulle stempel binne ʼn metamoderne samelewing af te druk. Deur Even-Zohar se 1 Instagram-terme wat verwys na die hoeveelheid mense wat die digter volg, sy/haar/sig gedigte lees en dan ook daarop reageer op ʼn “hou van/hou nie van nie” glyskaal. 4 polisisteemteorie en die leser-reaksie-teorie by die ondersoek na die skep en ontvangs van aanlyn poësie te betrek, word aangetoon dat e-letterkunde wel ʼn plek binne die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers vind. Hoewel die skeppingsproses, publikasie en ontvangs van aanlyn poësie verskil van dié van ander literêre vorme, stel die studie hierdie vorm van poësie aan die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers en kanon bekend. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, 2023
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- Date Issued: 2023-12
'Underground' hip hop and rock music scenes in East London: exploring identity and authenticity, c1994 - 2010
- Mtshemla, Sinazo https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4057-5637
- Authors: Mtshemla, Sinazo https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4057-5637
- Date: 2014-01
- Subjects: Identity (Philosophical concept) , Rap (Music)
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/25195 , vital:63993
- Description: This study explores how through music discourses and representations of identity and authenticity are articulated through a reading of hip hop and rock music scenes in post-apartheid East London. I have read through interviews, spaces where performances occur and material culture associated with the artists, of musicians moving between ideas of resistance to the mainstream as well as conforming in their representations of identity. The tensions aroused by these underground music scenes in my study ran between resistance and conforming narratives in relation to how musicians express how they make sense of identity and authenticity in the changing post-apartheid landscape. Therefore the complex readings of identity derived from the study showed how contradictory music allows one to be. Further the study found that the assertions about race, ethnicity and identity were often more subtle and contradictory at times, which warranted one to pay closer attention to these music scenes. Inasmuch as musicians attempted to move out of the mainstream by placing themselves in an alternative positioning, they remained limited to ‘authentic’ articulations of identity, where race remained either ‘invisibly’ white or problematically ‘native’ as centres of authentic representation. Moreover the study was able to show the anxieties and tensions around citizenship, identity and belonging. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2014
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- Date Issued: 2014-01
- Authors: Mtshemla, Sinazo https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4057-5637
- Date: 2014-01
- Subjects: Identity (Philosophical concept) , Rap (Music)
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/25195 , vital:63993
- Description: This study explores how through music discourses and representations of identity and authenticity are articulated through a reading of hip hop and rock music scenes in post-apartheid East London. I have read through interviews, spaces where performances occur and material culture associated with the artists, of musicians moving between ideas of resistance to the mainstream as well as conforming in their representations of identity. The tensions aroused by these underground music scenes in my study ran between resistance and conforming narratives in relation to how musicians express how they make sense of identity and authenticity in the changing post-apartheid landscape. Therefore the complex readings of identity derived from the study showed how contradictory music allows one to be. Further the study found that the assertions about race, ethnicity and identity were often more subtle and contradictory at times, which warranted one to pay closer attention to these music scenes. Inasmuch as musicians attempted to move out of the mainstream by placing themselves in an alternative positioning, they remained limited to ‘authentic’ articulations of identity, where race remained either ‘invisibly’ white or problematically ‘native’ as centres of authentic representation. Moreover the study was able to show the anxieties and tensions around citizenship, identity and belonging. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2014
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- Date Issued: 2014-01
: the representation of rape in Lewis Nkosi’s Mating Birds and Arthur Maimane’s Hate No More
- Authors: Yawa, Sibulele Yola
- Date: 2021-02
- Subjects: South Africa--Politics and government--1994 , Post-apartheid era--South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/21134 , vital:47131
- Description: The main aim of this thesis is to provide a literary study through a comparative analysis of how sexual politics are played out in the texts Mating Birds by Lewis Nkosi and Hate No More by Arthur Maimane. It seeks to determine the modalities of representation of rape in each text and also to investigate the extent to which the novels are similar or different in the way in which they represent sexual politics or the politics of rape during the apartheid era. This investigation was done using Frantz Fanon‟s postcolonial theory and, particularly, his seminal work, Black Skin, White Masks. Most importantly, for the purpose of this study, is Fanon‟s chapter on the love/sexual relationships between the man of colour and the white woman. This is helpful as Fanon touches on what he believes the attraction of the man of colour to the white woman stems from. Using Fanon‟s theory, one discovers that the motivation for Ndi Sibiya to allegedly rape Veronica stems from his anger at the system of apartheid and its oppression of black people. This is similar to Philip Mokone‟s case; the novel explicitly states that he was motivated by anger and his rape of Jean Ryan was a form of communication to the white people and the apartheid system. , Thesis (MA) (English) -- University of Fort Hare, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-02
- Authors: Yawa, Sibulele Yola
- Date: 2021-02
- Subjects: South Africa--Politics and government--1994 , Post-apartheid era--South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/21134 , vital:47131
- Description: The main aim of this thesis is to provide a literary study through a comparative analysis of how sexual politics are played out in the texts Mating Birds by Lewis Nkosi and Hate No More by Arthur Maimane. It seeks to determine the modalities of representation of rape in each text and also to investigate the extent to which the novels are similar or different in the way in which they represent sexual politics or the politics of rape during the apartheid era. This investigation was done using Frantz Fanon‟s postcolonial theory and, particularly, his seminal work, Black Skin, White Masks. Most importantly, for the purpose of this study, is Fanon‟s chapter on the love/sexual relationships between the man of colour and the white woman. This is helpful as Fanon touches on what he believes the attraction of the man of colour to the white woman stems from. Using Fanon‟s theory, one discovers that the motivation for Ndi Sibiya to allegedly rape Veronica stems from his anger at the system of apartheid and its oppression of black people. This is similar to Philip Mokone‟s case; the novel explicitly states that he was motivated by anger and his rape of Jean Ryan was a form of communication to the white people and the apartheid system. , Thesis (MA) (English) -- University of Fort Hare, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-02
[iLahleko - Loss]
- Authors: Qhali, Itumeleng
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Xhosa poetry 21st century , South African poetry (English) 21st century , Short stories, South African (English) 21st century , Loss (Psychology) in literature , Poetry History and criticism , Bilingual authors , Bilingualism and literature , Bilingualism in literature
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/191825 , vital:45169
- Description: My thesis is a collection of poems and prose that explores the disjunction of losses for women and children across the two languages I inhabit, isiXhosa and English. Ukulahlekelwa lithemba, ukudukelwa yingqondo, ukholo, ubuwena, umzimba nothando. For me, isiXhosa captures the innate musicality and deep emotions within a word or a sound that are not available in English. On the other hand, English readily produces visceral images that are more difficult for me to access in isiXhosa. Kolu phononongo ndikwasebenzisa namagama emboleko ukuze ndikhulise isigama. Ndisebenzisa amagama azibeka zinjalo iimvakalelo, angqalileyo kuncwadi lwesiXhosa. Ndisebenzisa zombini ilyric form kunye neprozi ngenxa yesingqi esiphuhliswa yilyric, nangenxa yenkululeko umbali ayifumanayo kwiprozi. As a bilingual writer ndifuthelwe sisingqi nobunzulu bentlungu obufumaneka in the translated and bilingual works of Isabella Motadinyane, noMarina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva, imibongo yeDaikwan eguqulwe nguStephen Watson ethi Song of the Broken String; iimbongi zespanish ezinjengo Antonia Machado; ngendlela abasebenzisa ngayo ulwimi lwabo ukunabisa nokugqithisa umyalezo ngeentlungu abadibana nazo, bakwanaso nesingqi somculo othuthuzelayo kwimibongo yabo. The structure of my thesis is inspired by the innovative mixed genre layout of Sindiswa Busuku-Mathese’s Loud and Yellow Laughter, and the new formats of isiXhosa writing presented in Mthunzikazi Mbugwana’s poetry. My work has also been shaped by the visceral imagery and briefly captured moments of loss in imisebenzi ka S.S Mema, Nontsizi Mgqwetho, noPascale Petit, novangile gantsho. Imisebenzi yabo ikuzobela umfanekiso ngqondweni ophilayo. Bonke abababhali bahambe indlela endinika umdla nendifuna ukuyihamba nam njengombhali omtsha obhala ngeelwimi ezimbini. , My thesis is a collection of poems and prose that explores the disjunction of losses for women and children across the two languages I inhabit, isiXhosa and English. For me, isiXhosa captures the innate musicality and deep emotions within a word or a sound that are not available to me in English. On the other hand, English readily produces visceral images that are more difficult for me to find in isiXhosa. My poems use the music and introspection of the lyric form, as well as the emotional outpouring that prose poetry allows. As a bilingual writer, I am influenced by the transference of musicality and gravity of loss conveyed in the translated and bilingual work of Isabella Motadinyane, the Russian Marina Tsvetaeva, Stephen Watson’s Song of the Broken String, as well as the Spanish poets Antonio Machado. The structure of my thesis is inspired by the innovative mixed genre layout of Sindiswa Busuku-Mathese’s Loud and Yellow Laughter, and the new formats of isiXhosa writing presented in Mthunzikazi Mbugwana’s poetry. My work has also been shaped by the visceral imagery and briefly captured moments of loss in the work of South African poets vangile gantsho, S.S. Mema, and Nontsizi Mgqwetho, as well as the English poet, Pascale Petit. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanitites, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
- Authors: Qhali, Itumeleng
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Xhosa poetry 21st century , South African poetry (English) 21st century , Short stories, South African (English) 21st century , Loss (Psychology) in literature , Poetry History and criticism , Bilingual authors , Bilingualism and literature , Bilingualism in literature
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/191825 , vital:45169
- Description: My thesis is a collection of poems and prose that explores the disjunction of losses for women and children across the two languages I inhabit, isiXhosa and English. Ukulahlekelwa lithemba, ukudukelwa yingqondo, ukholo, ubuwena, umzimba nothando. For me, isiXhosa captures the innate musicality and deep emotions within a word or a sound that are not available in English. On the other hand, English readily produces visceral images that are more difficult for me to access in isiXhosa. Kolu phononongo ndikwasebenzisa namagama emboleko ukuze ndikhulise isigama. Ndisebenzisa amagama azibeka zinjalo iimvakalelo, angqalileyo kuncwadi lwesiXhosa. Ndisebenzisa zombini ilyric form kunye neprozi ngenxa yesingqi esiphuhliswa yilyric, nangenxa yenkululeko umbali ayifumanayo kwiprozi. As a bilingual writer ndifuthelwe sisingqi nobunzulu bentlungu obufumaneka in the translated and bilingual works of Isabella Motadinyane, noMarina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva, imibongo yeDaikwan eguqulwe nguStephen Watson ethi Song of the Broken String; iimbongi zespanish ezinjengo Antonia Machado; ngendlela abasebenzisa ngayo ulwimi lwabo ukunabisa nokugqithisa umyalezo ngeentlungu abadibana nazo, bakwanaso nesingqi somculo othuthuzelayo kwimibongo yabo. The structure of my thesis is inspired by the innovative mixed genre layout of Sindiswa Busuku-Mathese’s Loud and Yellow Laughter, and the new formats of isiXhosa writing presented in Mthunzikazi Mbugwana’s poetry. My work has also been shaped by the visceral imagery and briefly captured moments of loss in imisebenzi ka S.S Mema, Nontsizi Mgqwetho, noPascale Petit, novangile gantsho. Imisebenzi yabo ikuzobela umfanekiso ngqondweni ophilayo. Bonke abababhali bahambe indlela endinika umdla nendifuna ukuyihamba nam njengombhali omtsha obhala ngeelwimi ezimbini. , My thesis is a collection of poems and prose that explores the disjunction of losses for women and children across the two languages I inhabit, isiXhosa and English. For me, isiXhosa captures the innate musicality and deep emotions within a word or a sound that are not available to me in English. On the other hand, English readily produces visceral images that are more difficult for me to find in isiXhosa. My poems use the music and introspection of the lyric form, as well as the emotional outpouring that prose poetry allows. As a bilingual writer, I am influenced by the transference of musicality and gravity of loss conveyed in the translated and bilingual work of Isabella Motadinyane, the Russian Marina Tsvetaeva, Stephen Watson’s Song of the Broken String, as well as the Spanish poets Antonio Machado. The structure of my thesis is inspired by the innovative mixed genre layout of Sindiswa Busuku-Mathese’s Loud and Yellow Laughter, and the new formats of isiXhosa writing presented in Mthunzikazi Mbugwana’s poetry. My work has also been shaped by the visceral imagery and briefly captured moments of loss in the work of South African poets vangile gantsho, S.S. Mema, and Nontsizi Mgqwetho, as well as the English poet, Pascale Petit. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanitites, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
A baseline study of land tenure rights and livelihoods in the Amatole District in the context of proposed shale gas development
- Authors: Mmtsila, Mkhuseli
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Gqeberha (South Africa) , Eastern Cape (South Africa) , South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/52969 , vital:44869
- Description: Shale Gas Exploration (SGE) is one among various means that are seen as a solution to the energy crisis of the 21st century. In many first world countries, especially in America, Shale Gas Exploration (SGE) has been one of the energy sources that has been utilised along with other energy sources like coal as a means of moving towards a cleaner and more sustainable renewable energy source to reduce carbon emissions as it burns cleaner than coal. Shale Gas Development (SGD) is now gaining momentum around the world, including in the African continent and in particular, South Africa, which has shown potential for exploration. The recently discovered shale gas deposits in the Karoo region have drawn significant attention across the entire central region of the interior, including the Amathole District of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, a region often neglected in the discussion surrounding SGD as it falls within the far eastern corner of the existing areas under application for exploration. In the District, as in the Province as a whole, this has brought discussions around potential for development for the area and the country at large. Since the discovery of shale gas extracts in the Karoo, there has also been a heated debate in looking at Shale Gas Development (SGD) as one of the alternatives to coal within the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) to be a part of a mixed resource plan for the country. The heated debate is based on anticipated environmental short run effects together with long-run impacts in comparison with the economic benefits that could bring about economic growth and development in the Eastern Cape and South Africa at large. The concerns around Shale Gas Development (SGD) make it difficult to exploit the resource due to scepticism of residents of the Amathole District Municipality, environmental organisations, NGOs and civil society, including land tenure rights as there is an unresolved land question in South Africa. The debate around the land question in South Africa is based on redressing the socio-economic imbalances that were caused by the historical land dispossessions and the apartheid system that disallowed the indigenous black majority land rights. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, Department of Development Studies, 2021
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2021-04
- Authors: Mmtsila, Mkhuseli
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Gqeberha (South Africa) , Eastern Cape (South Africa) , South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/52969 , vital:44869
- Description: Shale Gas Exploration (SGE) is one among various means that are seen as a solution to the energy crisis of the 21st century. In many first world countries, especially in America, Shale Gas Exploration (SGE) has been one of the energy sources that has been utilised along with other energy sources like coal as a means of moving towards a cleaner and more sustainable renewable energy source to reduce carbon emissions as it burns cleaner than coal. Shale Gas Development (SGD) is now gaining momentum around the world, including in the African continent and in particular, South Africa, which has shown potential for exploration. The recently discovered shale gas deposits in the Karoo region have drawn significant attention across the entire central region of the interior, including the Amathole District of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, a region often neglected in the discussion surrounding SGD as it falls within the far eastern corner of the existing areas under application for exploration. In the District, as in the Province as a whole, this has brought discussions around potential for development for the area and the country at large. Since the discovery of shale gas extracts in the Karoo, there has also been a heated debate in looking at Shale Gas Development (SGD) as one of the alternatives to coal within the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) to be a part of a mixed resource plan for the country. The heated debate is based on anticipated environmental short run effects together with long-run impacts in comparison with the economic benefits that could bring about economic growth and development in the Eastern Cape and South Africa at large. The concerns around Shale Gas Development (SGD) make it difficult to exploit the resource due to scepticism of residents of the Amathole District Municipality, environmental organisations, NGOs and civil society, including land tenure rights as there is an unresolved land question in South Africa. The debate around the land question in South Africa is based on redressing the socio-economic imbalances that were caused by the historical land dispossessions and the apartheid system that disallowed the indigenous black majority land rights. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, Department of Development Studies, 2021
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2021-04
A battle of values: analysing the changing attitudes towards African refugees in Europe
- Authors: Mannion, Megan Kate
- Date: 2024-04-04
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/435525 , vital:73165
- Description: Cosmopolitanism is a moral perspective that stresses the importance that every human being is an equal and ultimate unit of moral concern. These principles make cosmopolitanism more concerned for and accommodative towards outsiders to a political community. Against the abstraction and universalism of cosmopolitanism, communitarianism emphasizes the role communities play in shaping our individual identities and sees it as justified that the interests and well-being of community members receive priority over those of outsiders. Both these value systems are present in Europe. The question is about which direction the trend has moved in recent decades. This dissertation examines the changing values that inform attitudes toward African refugees in Europe to get at this issue. Have attitudes towards African refugees shifted in a cosmopolitan or a communitarian direction in recent decades? This dissertation examines newspaper articles from The Guardian between 1990 and 2022 to track changes in value. The analysis of these articles uncovered that communitarian values were the most prevalent and stayed the most prevalent from 1990 to 2022. These findings indicate that communitarian values are higher than cosmopolitan values regarding African refugees within the general European context. These findings add to the growing body of knowledge regarding attitude shifts, and they provide a timeline for value changes that can help predict future values and be used in future comparative studies. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, Political and International Studies, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04-04
- Authors: Mannion, Megan Kate
- Date: 2024-04-04
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/435525 , vital:73165
- Description: Cosmopolitanism is a moral perspective that stresses the importance that every human being is an equal and ultimate unit of moral concern. These principles make cosmopolitanism more concerned for and accommodative towards outsiders to a political community. Against the abstraction and universalism of cosmopolitanism, communitarianism emphasizes the role communities play in shaping our individual identities and sees it as justified that the interests and well-being of community members receive priority over those of outsiders. Both these value systems are present in Europe. The question is about which direction the trend has moved in recent decades. This dissertation examines the changing values that inform attitudes toward African refugees in Europe to get at this issue. Have attitudes towards African refugees shifted in a cosmopolitan or a communitarian direction in recent decades? This dissertation examines newspaper articles from The Guardian between 1990 and 2022 to track changes in value. The analysis of these articles uncovered that communitarian values were the most prevalent and stayed the most prevalent from 1990 to 2022. These findings indicate that communitarian values are higher than cosmopolitan values regarding African refugees within the general European context. These findings add to the growing body of knowledge regarding attitude shifts, and they provide a timeline for value changes that can help predict future values and be used in future comparative studies. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, Political and International Studies, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-04-04
A best practice model for international Financial feasibility in property Development
- Authors: Adendorff, Ryan Gregg
- Date: 2022-12
- Subjects: Built environment , Real estate development
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/59348 , vital:62073
- Description: Property development is a sector which provides economic benefits to many countries worldwide. Such economic benefits are employment provision and GDP contribution to the economy. Interestingly, financial feasibility is one of the tools that can be used to ensure property development projects’ success. It has been therefore recognised that some of the property development entrepreneurs lack financial feasibility know-how which could position their property development businesses into a competitive edge and sustainability in this continuous fluctuating property market. Hence, the aim of this study was to examine the key factors and variable that drive financial feasibility in property development and generate a financial feasibility model which can be used by property development entrepreneurs to analyse the financial feasibility of property development projects. Based on the aim of this study, an extended review of the literature relating to property business, property development, demand planning and risk management within the built environment discipline was conducted in identifying factors affecting the perceived success of financial feasibility for property development projects internationally. The research reviewed literature in the property development industry by identifying the variables for profitability, outside advice, trend analysis and real estate strategies. The research methodology approach that was used for this study, a qualitative explanatory multi-case study where embedded unit of analysis and valuable insight was provided for the success of financial feasibility in property development internationally. Semistructured interviews were conducted with various industry experts as indicated below: • Project Manager at Property Company; • Project Manager at developer; • Development Manager; • Owner of Property Group; • Part time lecturer at NMU Built Environment; • Development consulting company CEO; vi • Trustgro Developments (Pty) Ltd: Managing Director; • Tswaranang Consulting – Managing Director; • Capelo Development Company (Property Development) Director; and • NMBM - Senior Director: Land Planning and Management. The interview questions and primary and secondary propositions were defined together with the validity and reliability of the research. The purpose of the qualitative research was to unravel key factors that determine the perceived success of international financial feasibility of property development projects. Replication logic was used to generalise the results and the findings of this research effort suggested that the following variables emerging from qualitative themes, positively influences the perceived success of the financial feasibility in property development projects: profitability, risk management, outside advice, trend analysis, property cycles and demand planning. The implication arising from this study is that the perceived success of international financial feasibility in property development projects has the following positive influencing factors: profitability, risk management, outside (specialist) advice, trends analysis, property cycles and demand planning which must be considered by property developers and investors to ensure the success of their property development interventions. The curriculum of property development and real estate management practice should equally take into account the afore-mentioned factors. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Engineering, the Built Environment, and Technology, 2022
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2022-12
- Authors: Adendorff, Ryan Gregg
- Date: 2022-12
- Subjects: Built environment , Real estate development
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/59348 , vital:62073
- Description: Property development is a sector which provides economic benefits to many countries worldwide. Such economic benefits are employment provision and GDP contribution to the economy. Interestingly, financial feasibility is one of the tools that can be used to ensure property development projects’ success. It has been therefore recognised that some of the property development entrepreneurs lack financial feasibility know-how which could position their property development businesses into a competitive edge and sustainability in this continuous fluctuating property market. Hence, the aim of this study was to examine the key factors and variable that drive financial feasibility in property development and generate a financial feasibility model which can be used by property development entrepreneurs to analyse the financial feasibility of property development projects. Based on the aim of this study, an extended review of the literature relating to property business, property development, demand planning and risk management within the built environment discipline was conducted in identifying factors affecting the perceived success of financial feasibility for property development projects internationally. The research reviewed literature in the property development industry by identifying the variables for profitability, outside advice, trend analysis and real estate strategies. The research methodology approach that was used for this study, a qualitative explanatory multi-case study where embedded unit of analysis and valuable insight was provided for the success of financial feasibility in property development internationally. Semistructured interviews were conducted with various industry experts as indicated below: • Project Manager at Property Company; • Project Manager at developer; • Development Manager; • Owner of Property Group; • Part time lecturer at NMU Built Environment; • Development consulting company CEO; vi • Trustgro Developments (Pty) Ltd: Managing Director; • Tswaranang Consulting – Managing Director; • Capelo Development Company (Property Development) Director; and • NMBM - Senior Director: Land Planning and Management. The interview questions and primary and secondary propositions were defined together with the validity and reliability of the research. The purpose of the qualitative research was to unravel key factors that determine the perceived success of international financial feasibility of property development projects. Replication logic was used to generalise the results and the findings of this research effort suggested that the following variables emerging from qualitative themes, positively influences the perceived success of the financial feasibility in property development projects: profitability, risk management, outside advice, trend analysis, property cycles and demand planning. The implication arising from this study is that the perceived success of international financial feasibility in property development projects has the following positive influencing factors: profitability, risk management, outside (specialist) advice, trends analysis, property cycles and demand planning which must be considered by property developers and investors to ensure the success of their property development interventions. The curriculum of property development and real estate management practice should equally take into account the afore-mentioned factors. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Engineering, the Built Environment, and Technology, 2022
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- Date Issued: 2022-12
A biography on inkosi Albert John Mvumbi Luthuli as an African intellectual
- Mngadi, Samkelo Ntobeko Vukani
- Authors: Mngadi, Samkelo Ntobeko Vukani
- Date: 2022-04-07
- Subjects: Luthuli, A J (Albert John), 1898-1967 , Luthuli, A J (Albert John), 1898-1967 Political and social views , Africans Intellectual life , South Africa History , South Africa Politics and government , African National Congress Biography , Apartheid South Africa , Political activists South Africa Biography , Intellectuals Political activity South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/294493 , vital:57226
- Description: [Excerpt taken from Introduction] The purpose of this study is to take a look at one of these African leaders, inkosi Albert Luthuli through a biographical lens to assess whether he should be recognised as an African intellectual. Sifiso Mxolisi Ndlovu states that inkosi Luthuli is recognised as the father of South Africa’s non-racialism. He used his moral authority in a historic fashion to influence the liberation movement to adopt non-violent resistance. During his time as President-General, he became the beacon of non-violent resistance. As the president of the liberation organisation, he delivered speeches that steered the African National Congress (ANC) and the liberation movement when the State escalated its oppression against Africans. The State retaliated by deposing him as an elected Chief, imprisoned him, imposed multiple bans on him in attempts to silence him. His intellect proved to be a threat to the State. He spoke out boldly against the apartheid state and advocated for chiefs, African people, African women, sugar farmers, and all oppressed racial groups. Inkosi Luthuli used his speeches to deliver political concepts like non-racialism, multiracialism, African nationalism and democracy into the public space. He cemented ANC’s cooperation policy that created the environment for the existence of the Congress Alliance that produced the Freedom Charter. He spoke out against the oppression of not just South Africans but Africa and all oppressed groups internationally. He illustrated that he possessed geopolitics that would gain the attention of the world. He illustrated his geopolitics through his internationalism philosophy gained the international community’s attention. Inkosi Luthuli was revered and respected by his Groutville community, the African community, South Africans of all racial groups and the international community. His impact can be seen through him being the first African-born Nobel Peace Prize recipient. He pushed for the international community to place economic sanctions and believed that international sanctions were the appropriate non-violent method the global community could get involved in fighting apartheid.5 The purpose of this study will be to explore how a Christian Zulu Chief’s intellectual thinking was able to move South Africa towards a multiracial democracy using non-violent resistance as a strategy to gain Africa and the world’s attention—looking at him from the vantage point of being an African intellectual. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, History, 2022
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2022-04-07
- Authors: Mngadi, Samkelo Ntobeko Vukani
- Date: 2022-04-07
- Subjects: Luthuli, A J (Albert John), 1898-1967 , Luthuli, A J (Albert John), 1898-1967 Political and social views , Africans Intellectual life , South Africa History , South Africa Politics and government , African National Congress Biography , Apartheid South Africa , Political activists South Africa Biography , Intellectuals Political activity South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/294493 , vital:57226
- Description: [Excerpt taken from Introduction] The purpose of this study is to take a look at one of these African leaders, inkosi Albert Luthuli through a biographical lens to assess whether he should be recognised as an African intellectual. Sifiso Mxolisi Ndlovu states that inkosi Luthuli is recognised as the father of South Africa’s non-racialism. He used his moral authority in a historic fashion to influence the liberation movement to adopt non-violent resistance. During his time as President-General, he became the beacon of non-violent resistance. As the president of the liberation organisation, he delivered speeches that steered the African National Congress (ANC) and the liberation movement when the State escalated its oppression against Africans. The State retaliated by deposing him as an elected Chief, imprisoned him, imposed multiple bans on him in attempts to silence him. His intellect proved to be a threat to the State. He spoke out boldly against the apartheid state and advocated for chiefs, African people, African women, sugar farmers, and all oppressed racial groups. Inkosi Luthuli used his speeches to deliver political concepts like non-racialism, multiracialism, African nationalism and democracy into the public space. He cemented ANC’s cooperation policy that created the environment for the existence of the Congress Alliance that produced the Freedom Charter. He spoke out against the oppression of not just South Africans but Africa and all oppressed groups internationally. He illustrated that he possessed geopolitics that would gain the attention of the world. He illustrated his geopolitics through his internationalism philosophy gained the international community’s attention. Inkosi Luthuli was revered and respected by his Groutville community, the African community, South Africans of all racial groups and the international community. His impact can be seen through him being the first African-born Nobel Peace Prize recipient. He pushed for the international community to place economic sanctions and believed that international sanctions were the appropriate non-violent method the global community could get involved in fighting apartheid.5 The purpose of this study will be to explore how a Christian Zulu Chief’s intellectual thinking was able to move South Africa towards a multiracial democracy using non-violent resistance as a strategy to gain Africa and the world’s attention—looking at him from the vantage point of being an African intellectual. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, History, 2022
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2022-04-07
A biological assessment of the Cape knifejaw (Oplegnathus conwayi) an endemic South African teleost
- Authors: Foster, Ryan Matthew
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Perciformes South Africa , Osteichthyes South Africa , Fisheries South Africa , Perciformes Growth , Perciformes Age , Perciformes Reproduction , Sampling Citizen participation , Cape knifejaw (Oplegnathus conwayi)
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/191057 , vital:45054
- Description: The South African spearfishery forms a small component of South Africa’s complex coastal fishery. Although the smallest, this fishery sector has the largest proportion of data deficient species, and as a consequence is poorly managed. Oplegnathus conwayi (Cape knifejaw) is an example of one of these species for which there is very little and outdated biological and ecological data. This species is among the top target species by recreational spearfishers in South Africa. This thesis aimed to improve our socio-ecological knowledge of the South African spearfishery through the collection of biological and Fishers’ Ecological Knowledge (FEK) information on Oplegnathus conwayi, and human dimension information on the South African spearfishery. Monthly biological samples were collected through routine sampling (spearfishing) and augmented by recreational spearfishers. A total of 254 fish were collected from the warm-temperate coastal zone (East London – Cape Agulhas), 28 from the sub-tropical zone (Durban – East London) and 23 from the cool-temperate zone (Cape Agulhas – Cape Point). The results indicated that Oplegnathus conwayi is a slow-growing species, with a maximum recorded age of 27 years. The population sex ratio was skewed, with males dominant in the population (1M:0.6F). The length- and age-frequency distributions were, however, similar for both sexes. No significant differences were observed between male and female growth (LRT, p > 0.05), with the overall population growth curve being best described as L(t) = 697.15(1-e-0.06(t-6.30)). Males matured at a slightly larger size than females, however, no significant differences were observed (LRT, p > 0.05). The length- and age- at-50% maturity was 330 mm (FL) and 5.73 years for the full population, respectively. Histological analyses showed that Oplegnathus conwayi are asynchronous spawners with a gonochoristic reproductive style. Macroscopic staging and gonadosomatic index results indicated a protracted spawning season for Oplegnathus conwayi, with a peak in spring. A survey was designed and disseminated to collect FEK on the biology and population status of Oplegnathus conwayi and human dimension information on South Africa’s spearfishery. A total of 103 survey responses were received, of which 94 were regarded as specialised (spearfishers who had greater experience, skill and avidity, and maintained spearfishing as an important component of their lifestyle) spearfishers. Based on the responses of the specialist spearfishers, the top four main species caught by spearfishers from this survey were Seriola lalandi (13.9%), Pachymetopon grande (11.7%), Oplegnathus conwayi (11.4%) and Sparodon durbanensis (11%), and the majority of respondents indicated that there had been no changes in abundance, size and catches of these species in the years that they had been spearfishing. Respondents indicated that Oplegnathus conwayi are most commonly targeted in the Eastern Cape and are found at depths of up to 40 m. Respondents also indicated that there may be a seasonal onshore (Summer/Winter) and offshore (Summer/Winter) migration with year-round spawning and a peak in November, December and January. The incorporation of spearfishers into the data collection, both through the collection of specimens and their FEK, was beneficial to this study. Besides providing samples from a broader geographical range than the primary collection area, the collaboration with spearfishers has promoted the inclusion of this group into the management system. The findings of this study also suggest that FEK data can be more reliable if the concept of recreational specialisation is incorporated into data collection. While the FEK suggested that the population was stable, a stock assessment is necessary to fully understand the population status and implement management strategies. Nevertheless, the key life history characteristics (slow growth and late maturation) observed in this study are characteristic of species that is vulnerable to overexploitation, and thus the precautionary approach should be applied. The reproductive information collected in this study has provided information for the implementation of an appropriate size limit regulation for Oplegnathus conwayi. Here, a minimum size limit of 400 mm TL, which corresponds approximately with the length-at-50% maturity of 330 mm FL, would be appropriate to allow fish to mature and spawn, and reduce the likelihood of recruitment overfishing. Reduction in the bag limit from five to two fish per person per day may also be appropriate as a precautionary measure until a stock assessment has been completed. Finally, the incorporation of stakeholder into biological collection and the use of FEK may be a useful approach for other data deficient species and in countries with limited resources for ecological research. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
- Authors: Foster, Ryan Matthew
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Perciformes South Africa , Osteichthyes South Africa , Fisheries South Africa , Perciformes Growth , Perciformes Age , Perciformes Reproduction , Sampling Citizen participation , Cape knifejaw (Oplegnathus conwayi)
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/191057 , vital:45054
- Description: The South African spearfishery forms a small component of South Africa’s complex coastal fishery. Although the smallest, this fishery sector has the largest proportion of data deficient species, and as a consequence is poorly managed. Oplegnathus conwayi (Cape knifejaw) is an example of one of these species for which there is very little and outdated biological and ecological data. This species is among the top target species by recreational spearfishers in South Africa. This thesis aimed to improve our socio-ecological knowledge of the South African spearfishery through the collection of biological and Fishers’ Ecological Knowledge (FEK) information on Oplegnathus conwayi, and human dimension information on the South African spearfishery. Monthly biological samples were collected through routine sampling (spearfishing) and augmented by recreational spearfishers. A total of 254 fish were collected from the warm-temperate coastal zone (East London – Cape Agulhas), 28 from the sub-tropical zone (Durban – East London) and 23 from the cool-temperate zone (Cape Agulhas – Cape Point). The results indicated that Oplegnathus conwayi is a slow-growing species, with a maximum recorded age of 27 years. The population sex ratio was skewed, with males dominant in the population (1M:0.6F). The length- and age-frequency distributions were, however, similar for both sexes. No significant differences were observed between male and female growth (LRT, p > 0.05), with the overall population growth curve being best described as L(t) = 697.15(1-e-0.06(t-6.30)). Males matured at a slightly larger size than females, however, no significant differences were observed (LRT, p > 0.05). The length- and age- at-50% maturity was 330 mm (FL) and 5.73 years for the full population, respectively. Histological analyses showed that Oplegnathus conwayi are asynchronous spawners with a gonochoristic reproductive style. Macroscopic staging and gonadosomatic index results indicated a protracted spawning season for Oplegnathus conwayi, with a peak in spring. A survey was designed and disseminated to collect FEK on the biology and population status of Oplegnathus conwayi and human dimension information on South Africa’s spearfishery. A total of 103 survey responses were received, of which 94 were regarded as specialised (spearfishers who had greater experience, skill and avidity, and maintained spearfishing as an important component of their lifestyle) spearfishers. Based on the responses of the specialist spearfishers, the top four main species caught by spearfishers from this survey were Seriola lalandi (13.9%), Pachymetopon grande (11.7%), Oplegnathus conwayi (11.4%) and Sparodon durbanensis (11%), and the majority of respondents indicated that there had been no changes in abundance, size and catches of these species in the years that they had been spearfishing. Respondents indicated that Oplegnathus conwayi are most commonly targeted in the Eastern Cape and are found at depths of up to 40 m. Respondents also indicated that there may be a seasonal onshore (Summer/Winter) and offshore (Summer/Winter) migration with year-round spawning and a peak in November, December and January. The incorporation of spearfishers into the data collection, both through the collection of specimens and their FEK, was beneficial to this study. Besides providing samples from a broader geographical range than the primary collection area, the collaboration with spearfishers has promoted the inclusion of this group into the management system. The findings of this study also suggest that FEK data can be more reliable if the concept of recreational specialisation is incorporated into data collection. While the FEK suggested that the population was stable, a stock assessment is necessary to fully understand the population status and implement management strategies. Nevertheless, the key life history characteristics (slow growth and late maturation) observed in this study are characteristic of species that is vulnerable to overexploitation, and thus the precautionary approach should be applied. The reproductive information collected in this study has provided information for the implementation of an appropriate size limit regulation for Oplegnathus conwayi. Here, a minimum size limit of 400 mm TL, which corresponds approximately with the length-at-50% maturity of 330 mm FL, would be appropriate to allow fish to mature and spawn, and reduce the likelihood of recruitment overfishing. Reduction in the bag limit from five to two fish per person per day may also be appropriate as a precautionary measure until a stock assessment has been completed. Finally, the incorporation of stakeholder into biological collection and the use of FEK may be a useful approach for other data deficient species and in countries with limited resources for ecological research. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
A business model framework for mission-driven organisations
- Authors: Thackeray, Sean Robin
- Date: 2023-03-31
- Subjects: Nonprofit organizations South Africa Makhanda , Business model , Sustainable development South Africa Makhanda , Resource-based view , Social responsibility of business South Africa Makhanda
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/419123 , vital:71618
- Description: Non-profit organisations (NPOs) contribute to our society by addressing needs through value-creation activities which are normally not addressed by normal for-profit organisations. These NPOs generate their income through donations, fundraising and market activities such as the sale of products or services. However, in the pursuit of organisational sustainability, these NPOs need to ensure that their income meets their expenditure needs over the long run, to allow continuous value creation and to pursue their mission. An organisation’s business model can be visualised through a business model framework (BMF), which have been illustrated to be useful tools for organisations to test new business models, plan and coordinate activities, and to communicate how an organisations business model works to stakeholders. The use of BMFs by NPOs may be useful for similar purposes. However, a key challenge for NPOs and their management is adapting for-profit tools to be more applicable to the NPO environment. Whilst there has been some progress within the literature on adapting these for-profit business model tools to NPOs, this area of research is relatively underrepresented in the literature. The single case study method, exploratory in nature, following a deductive approach with a theoretical framework was used to evaluate the NPO Business model framework for NPOs with multiple income streams (Sanderse, 2014) appropriateness for the Centre for Biological Control (CBC), a mission-driven research organisation located within Rhodes University. The study made use of an interpretivist paradigm through the lens of resource-based theory. The contextual environment of the CBC was similar to other NPOs in that their organisational sustainability was at risk due to uncertainty about the availability of long-term funding. The CBC is actively diversifying their income streams by establishing new partnerships, which increase the capacity and resource base of the organisation to improve its flexibility in meeting current and potential funders’ needs. The NPO Business model framework for NPOs with multiple income streams was found to be a suitable BMF to visualise the holistic operations of the CBC. However, the role of governance-related matters being represented in this BMF was found to be lacking. An amended framework including governance as part of the Business model framework for NPOs with multiple income streams was developed. This improved the BMF, by allowing for further contextual insight into the CBCs business model as governance played a major role in the key activities and income-generating strategies they participate in. The role a BMF has in assisting an organisation with resource management activities was also explored. A suitable BMF, which allows for a holistic and explicit display of an organisation’s business model, would assist in determining how resources could be better managed or orchestrated to pursue different potential income-generating strategies or improve the efficiency of how resources are used in the current business model. This study contributed to business model theory by further testing the Business model framework for NPOs with multiple income streams as a tool to visualise an NPOs business model and identifying that once the governance block was added, this BMF became more suitable within the CBCs context. A minor contribution to resource based theory was the exploration of the potential roles BMFs play in resource management, which should be further investigated in line with additional research questions proposed. , Thesis (MBA) -- Faculty of Commerce, Rhodes Business School, 2023
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- Date Issued: 2023-03-31
- Authors: Thackeray, Sean Robin
- Date: 2023-03-31
- Subjects: Nonprofit organizations South Africa Makhanda , Business model , Sustainable development South Africa Makhanda , Resource-based view , Social responsibility of business South Africa Makhanda
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/419123 , vital:71618
- Description: Non-profit organisations (NPOs) contribute to our society by addressing needs through value-creation activities which are normally not addressed by normal for-profit organisations. These NPOs generate their income through donations, fundraising and market activities such as the sale of products or services. However, in the pursuit of organisational sustainability, these NPOs need to ensure that their income meets their expenditure needs over the long run, to allow continuous value creation and to pursue their mission. An organisation’s business model can be visualised through a business model framework (BMF), which have been illustrated to be useful tools for organisations to test new business models, plan and coordinate activities, and to communicate how an organisations business model works to stakeholders. The use of BMFs by NPOs may be useful for similar purposes. However, a key challenge for NPOs and their management is adapting for-profit tools to be more applicable to the NPO environment. Whilst there has been some progress within the literature on adapting these for-profit business model tools to NPOs, this area of research is relatively underrepresented in the literature. The single case study method, exploratory in nature, following a deductive approach with a theoretical framework was used to evaluate the NPO Business model framework for NPOs with multiple income streams (Sanderse, 2014) appropriateness for the Centre for Biological Control (CBC), a mission-driven research organisation located within Rhodes University. The study made use of an interpretivist paradigm through the lens of resource-based theory. The contextual environment of the CBC was similar to other NPOs in that their organisational sustainability was at risk due to uncertainty about the availability of long-term funding. The CBC is actively diversifying their income streams by establishing new partnerships, which increase the capacity and resource base of the organisation to improve its flexibility in meeting current and potential funders’ needs. The NPO Business model framework for NPOs with multiple income streams was found to be a suitable BMF to visualise the holistic operations of the CBC. However, the role of governance-related matters being represented in this BMF was found to be lacking. An amended framework including governance as part of the Business model framework for NPOs with multiple income streams was developed. This improved the BMF, by allowing for further contextual insight into the CBCs business model as governance played a major role in the key activities and income-generating strategies they participate in. The role a BMF has in assisting an organisation with resource management activities was also explored. A suitable BMF, which allows for a holistic and explicit display of an organisation’s business model, would assist in determining how resources could be better managed or orchestrated to pursue different potential income-generating strategies or improve the efficiency of how resources are used in the current business model. This study contributed to business model theory by further testing the Business model framework for NPOs with multiple income streams as a tool to visualise an NPOs business model and identifying that once the governance block was added, this BMF became more suitable within the CBCs context. A minor contribution to resource based theory was the exploration of the potential roles BMFs play in resource management, which should be further investigated in line with additional research questions proposed. , Thesis (MBA) -- Faculty of Commerce, Rhodes Business School, 2023
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- Date Issued: 2023-03-31
A case study of code-switching in English First Additional Language Foundation Phase classrooms
- Authors: Goliath, Eldrige Justine
- Date: 2024-04-05
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/436453 , vital:73273
- Description: Access restricted. Expected release in 2026. , Thesis (MEd) -- Faculty of Education, Secondary and Post School Education, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-04-05
- Authors: Goliath, Eldrige Justine
- Date: 2024-04-05
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/436453 , vital:73273
- Description: Access restricted. Expected release in 2026. , Thesis (MEd) -- Faculty of Education, Secondary and Post School Education, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-04-05
A case study of how to implement continuous improvement initiatives
- Authors: Ntsoane, Makobe Collen
- Date: 2023-12
- Subjects: Employee morale , Incentives in industry , Corporate culture
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/65902 , vital:74282
- Description: The aim of this study was to establish an understanding of the critical success factors of how to successfully implement and sustain continuous improvement projects at the Festive poultry processing plant using the 20 Keys continuous improvement (CI) tool. There are many continuous improvements in methodologies such as lean, 20 Keys , TQM and business process re-engineering. However, it has proven difficult for numerous businesses globally. Festive, a division of Astral Foods, a poultry processing plant, attempted to implement the 20 Keys , a continuous improvement methodology, and it was no exception as it was added to the list of unsuccessful companies. Because of the failed attempt to implement 20 Keys at Festive and many other manufacturing businesses, which attempted to introduce CI initiatives but ultimately failed, factors such as management support, training, rewards and recognition and organisational culture have been revealed by the literature review as contributors to continuous improvement initiatives’ successful or unsuccessful implementation. A case study methodology was applied in this study to understand the real-life context of the failed implementation of Continuous Improvement at Festive. Furthermore, it aimed to explore and explain complex causal links of training, rewards and recognition, organisational culture and management support which can positively impact the implementation of 20 Keys within the poultry processing industry or any manufacturing industry. A mixed method was followed through an online survey and in-depth interviews. The qualitative and quantitative data analysis results revealed that management support, training, rewards and recognition and organisational culture all were related and influenced continuous improvement implementation. Furthermore, companywide training, rewards and recognition proved to be the most significant challenge, resulting in the unsuccessful implementation of 20 Keys. The findings revealed that implementing continuous improvement is not immediate and entails all employees being adequately involved in the entire process from the start. The main finding at Festive was that when implementing the 20 Keys continuous , Thesis (MBA) -- Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, Business School, 2023 , The aim of this study was to establish an understanding of the critical success factors of how to successfully implement and sustain continuous improvement projects at the Festive poultry processing plant using the 20 Keys continuous improvement (CI) tool. There are many continuous improvements in methodologies such as lean, 20 Keys , TQM and business process re-engineering. However, it has proven difficult for numerous businesses globally. Festive, a division of Astral Foods, a poultry processing plant, attempted to implement the 20 Keys , a continuous improvement methodology, and it was no exception as it was added to the list of unsuccessful companies. Because of the failed attempt to implement 20 Keys at Festive and many other manufacturing businesses, which attempted to introduce CI initiatives but ultimately failed, factors such as management support, training, rewards and recognition and organisational culture have been revealed by the literature review as contributors to continuous improvement initiatives’ successful or unsuccessful implementation. A case study methodology was applied in this study to understand the real-life context of the failed implementation of Continuous Improvement at Festive. Furthermore, it aimed to explore and explain complex causal links of training, rewards and recognition, organisational culture and management support which can positively impact the implementation of 20 Keys within the poultry processing industry or any manufacturing industry. A mixed method was followed through an online survey and in-depth interviews. The qualitative and quantitative data analysis results revealed that management support, training, rewards and recognition and organisational culture all were related and influenced continuous improvement implementation. Furthermore, companywide training, rewards and recognition proved to be the most significant challenge, resulting in the unsuccessful implementation of 20 Keys. The findings revealed that implementing continuous improvement is not immediate and entails all employees being adequately involved in the entire process from the start. The main finding at Festive was that when implementing the 20 Keys continuous improvement tool, the training provided was inadequate and mainly focused on managers and not staff. Furthermore, the lack of a rewards and recognition strategy, linked to continuous improvement goals, contributed to resistance to change in the culture and an inability to adapt to change. Misalignment between managers and staff regarding what contributes to successful continuous improvement initiatives, such as training, management involvement and rewards and recognition, was also found to be a contributor to the unsuccessful implementation of continuous improvement.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-12
- Authors: Ntsoane, Makobe Collen
- Date: 2023-12
- Subjects: Employee morale , Incentives in industry , Corporate culture
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/65902 , vital:74282
- Description: The aim of this study was to establish an understanding of the critical success factors of how to successfully implement and sustain continuous improvement projects at the Festive poultry processing plant using the 20 Keys continuous improvement (CI) tool. There are many continuous improvements in methodologies such as lean, 20 Keys , TQM and business process re-engineering. However, it has proven difficult for numerous businesses globally. Festive, a division of Astral Foods, a poultry processing plant, attempted to implement the 20 Keys , a continuous improvement methodology, and it was no exception as it was added to the list of unsuccessful companies. Because of the failed attempt to implement 20 Keys at Festive and many other manufacturing businesses, which attempted to introduce CI initiatives but ultimately failed, factors such as management support, training, rewards and recognition and organisational culture have been revealed by the literature review as contributors to continuous improvement initiatives’ successful or unsuccessful implementation. A case study methodology was applied in this study to understand the real-life context of the failed implementation of Continuous Improvement at Festive. Furthermore, it aimed to explore and explain complex causal links of training, rewards and recognition, organisational culture and management support which can positively impact the implementation of 20 Keys within the poultry processing industry or any manufacturing industry. A mixed method was followed through an online survey and in-depth interviews. The qualitative and quantitative data analysis results revealed that management support, training, rewards and recognition and organisational culture all were related and influenced continuous improvement implementation. Furthermore, companywide training, rewards and recognition proved to be the most significant challenge, resulting in the unsuccessful implementation of 20 Keys. The findings revealed that implementing continuous improvement is not immediate and entails all employees being adequately involved in the entire process from the start. The main finding at Festive was that when implementing the 20 Keys continuous , Thesis (MBA) -- Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, Business School, 2023 , The aim of this study was to establish an understanding of the critical success factors of how to successfully implement and sustain continuous improvement projects at the Festive poultry processing plant using the 20 Keys continuous improvement (CI) tool. There are many continuous improvements in methodologies such as lean, 20 Keys , TQM and business process re-engineering. However, it has proven difficult for numerous businesses globally. Festive, a division of Astral Foods, a poultry processing plant, attempted to implement the 20 Keys , a continuous improvement methodology, and it was no exception as it was added to the list of unsuccessful companies. Because of the failed attempt to implement 20 Keys at Festive and many other manufacturing businesses, which attempted to introduce CI initiatives but ultimately failed, factors such as management support, training, rewards and recognition and organisational culture have been revealed by the literature review as contributors to continuous improvement initiatives’ successful or unsuccessful implementation. A case study methodology was applied in this study to understand the real-life context of the failed implementation of Continuous Improvement at Festive. Furthermore, it aimed to explore and explain complex causal links of training, rewards and recognition, organisational culture and management support which can positively impact the implementation of 20 Keys within the poultry processing industry or any manufacturing industry. A mixed method was followed through an online survey and in-depth interviews. The qualitative and quantitative data analysis results revealed that management support, training, rewards and recognition and organisational culture all were related and influenced continuous improvement implementation. Furthermore, companywide training, rewards and recognition proved to be the most significant challenge, resulting in the unsuccessful implementation of 20 Keys. The findings revealed that implementing continuous improvement is not immediate and entails all employees being adequately involved in the entire process from the start. The main finding at Festive was that when implementing the 20 Keys continuous improvement tool, the training provided was inadequate and mainly focused on managers and not staff. Furthermore, the lack of a rewards and recognition strategy, linked to continuous improvement goals, contributed to resistance to change in the culture and an inability to adapt to change. Misalignment between managers and staff regarding what contributes to successful continuous improvement initiatives, such as training, management involvement and rewards and recognition, was also found to be a contributor to the unsuccessful implementation of continuous improvement.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-12
A case study of Jeffrey Dahmer
- Authors: Freeman, Chanté F
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Serial murders -- Case studies , Personality development -- Psychological aspects
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/51032 , vital:43202
- Description: Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer is an infamous serial killer and cannibal. He was described as a normal, but shy little boy, yet developed into an adult who brutally murdered, engaged in necrophiliac acts, dismembered and ate parts of his victims. This study took the form of an intrinsic case study with the aim to explore and describe the personality development of Jeffrey Dahmer. This exploration examined Dahmer’s known childhood experiences through the theoretical perspective of Otto Kernberg’s (1974, 1975, 1976) Object Relations Theory, in order to understand how Dahmer’s personality was formed. Data was collected from multiple resources, including books, authoritative biographies, academic articles, and internet sources available in the public domain. It was analysed using Miles, Huberman, and Saldaña’s (2014) three-step process namely, data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. This study’s findings confirmed the formation of pathological behavioural patterns supported by primitive defence mechanisms, associated with Kernberg’s lower level pathologies. It reflected Dahmer’s pathological formation of psychic structures seen in a diffuse identity and impaired formation of the superego, that supported these patterns. Additionally, the research was valuable in enhancing the researcher’s insight into personality development according to Kernberg’s Object Relations Theory. This study may also be beneficial to practising clinicians and professionals as an example of the early identification of personality pathology. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-04
- Authors: Freeman, Chanté F
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Serial murders -- Case studies , Personality development -- Psychological aspects
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/51032 , vital:43202
- Description: Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer is an infamous serial killer and cannibal. He was described as a normal, but shy little boy, yet developed into an adult who brutally murdered, engaged in necrophiliac acts, dismembered and ate parts of his victims. This study took the form of an intrinsic case study with the aim to explore and describe the personality development of Jeffrey Dahmer. This exploration examined Dahmer’s known childhood experiences through the theoretical perspective of Otto Kernberg’s (1974, 1975, 1976) Object Relations Theory, in order to understand how Dahmer’s personality was formed. Data was collected from multiple resources, including books, authoritative biographies, academic articles, and internet sources available in the public domain. It was analysed using Miles, Huberman, and Saldaña’s (2014) three-step process namely, data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. This study’s findings confirmed the formation of pathological behavioural patterns supported by primitive defence mechanisms, associated with Kernberg’s lower level pathologies. It reflected Dahmer’s pathological formation of psychic structures seen in a diffuse identity and impaired formation of the superego, that supported these patterns. Additionally, the research was valuable in enhancing the researcher’s insight into personality development according to Kernberg’s Object Relations Theory. This study may also be beneficial to practising clinicians and professionals as an example of the early identification of personality pathology. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-04
A case study of lessons learned through empowering and mobilizing unemployed youth into sustainable green jobs within the SANBI – Groen Sebenza partnership programme by a Host Institution in South Africa
- Authors: Fullard, Donovan
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: South African National Biodiversity Institute , Green movement South Africa , Environmental education South Africa , Communities of practice South Africa , Social learning South Africa , Biodiversity conservation Employees , Job creation South Africa , Mentoring South Africa , Groen Sebenza
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/191964 , vital:45183
- Description: This research project constituted as a thesis of limited scope for a Masters in Education Degree (i.e. as 50% of the degree) focusses on a job creation programme named ‘Groen Sebenza’ [Green Work]. Groen Sebenza is an environmental education ‘incubator’ programme driven and implemented by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) to unlock green jobs and bridge the gap between education and job opportunities in the biodiversity sector in South Africa. The programme is a key intervention to strengthen biodiversity human capacity development in the biodiversity sector in South Africa, seeking to contribute to transformation of the biodiversity sector, and also address issues of youth unemployment in the country. The young ‘interns’ in the programme were called ‘pioneers’ at the start of the project. This research project explores how a host institution operating as a community of practice within a landscape of practice managed to implement the Groen Sebenza programme by absorbing and appointing all their pioneers into sustainable jobs beyond the pilot project. I sought to better understand the process of supporting and empowering unemployed youth into sustainable green jobs within the Groen Sebenza partnership programme. I drew on Community of Practice (CoP) theory, and its value creation framework to develop this understanding, and I under-laboured the analysis with a social realist analysis of enabling and constraining factors. The unit of analysis of a Community of Practice was a useful focus for the study, as these mentors, managers, and administrators were all involved in supporting the empowerment and retention of the young pioneers in the host institution. To develop deeper insight into the learning and knowing, and value created in and by the Groen Sebenza CoP in the Host Institution, I also sought insight into enabling and constraining factors and how these shaped and contributed to empowerment and retention of the pioneers in sustainable green jobs. The research addressed the main question of ‘How do processes of learning, knowing and value creation contribute to empowerment and retention of unemployed youth in a successful Host Institution in the Groen Sebenza programme, and what enabled or constrained the empowerment and retention processes and outcomes?’. Three sub-questions were used in the study, which focussed on the mentoring, training and workplace experiences and how they contribute to the process of learning and knowing within the Groen Sebenza Community of Practice in the Host Institution? [Addressed in Chapter 4], the value creation elements that emerged in the implementation of the programme in support and empowerment of the pioneers in the Host institution’s Groen Sebenza CoP? [Addressed in Chapter 5], and the enabling and constraining factors that shaped and contributed to the uptake of the Pioneers into sustainable green jobs at the Host Institution within the Groen Sebenza Programme? [Addressed in Chapter 6]. The research was conducted as a qualitative case study, in which I used semi-structured interviews as a key data source, as well as document analysis, and a questionnaire. The study drew on inductive, abductive and retroductive modes of inference since I sought to explore an understanding of the practices and learning that occurred that contributed and led to the successful uptake of Pioneers into jobs, as well as the enabling and constraining factors. The study was interpretive at the epistemic level, and had a social realist under-labouring at the ontological level. Key findings of the study point to the development of enabling cultures of mentoring in workplaces, and the provision of a diversity of workplace learning experiences including formal training. It also points to the importance of personal emergent properties amongst mentors and pioneers that embrace a willingness to work together and build strong relationships, and to learn together. Learning in the community of practice was shown to develop identity and a sense of belonging as pioneers were given meaningful tasks to do and their training and interactions with mentors was experienced as meaningful and relevant. The contributions of the pioneers to the institutional mandate was appreciated by the mentors and therefore also well supported within an empowerment orientation. Various structural factors contributed to this enabling situation, most notably strong support from management as well as good co-operation across divisions. Constraining factors included the physical distances in the province, as well as financial and technical issues such as poor ICT communication systems. Overall, though the study showed that a strong approach to learning in communities of practice supported by empowering mentoring can lead to the integration of young pioneers into sustainable green jobs in the environmental sector. A whole institution approach to this process is, however, needed, and the organisation needs to develop a culture of social learning. As recently as September 2020 as this study was being finalised, the Presidential Employment Stimulus Plan (Office of the President, 2020) following the initial economic shocks emanating from the COVID-19 pandemic, made yet another commitment to using the Groen Sebenza model to create and support sustainable job creation for young people in South Africa today in the environmental sector. This study has been developed and designed to understand those processes and enabling conditions that can support retention and empowerment of young people to take up jobs in the environmental sector today. Its recommendations may therefore be of value to those involved in seeking to support sustainable impacts in terms of retention and employment in programmes such as the Groen Sebenza, and in the Groen Sebenza programme itself as it continues to unfold as a key job creation tool for unemployed youth. , Thesis (MEd) -- Faculty of Education, Education, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
- Authors: Fullard, Donovan
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: South African National Biodiversity Institute , Green movement South Africa , Environmental education South Africa , Communities of practice South Africa , Social learning South Africa , Biodiversity conservation Employees , Job creation South Africa , Mentoring South Africa , Groen Sebenza
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/191964 , vital:45183
- Description: This research project constituted as a thesis of limited scope for a Masters in Education Degree (i.e. as 50% of the degree) focusses on a job creation programme named ‘Groen Sebenza’ [Green Work]. Groen Sebenza is an environmental education ‘incubator’ programme driven and implemented by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) to unlock green jobs and bridge the gap between education and job opportunities in the biodiversity sector in South Africa. The programme is a key intervention to strengthen biodiversity human capacity development in the biodiversity sector in South Africa, seeking to contribute to transformation of the biodiversity sector, and also address issues of youth unemployment in the country. The young ‘interns’ in the programme were called ‘pioneers’ at the start of the project. This research project explores how a host institution operating as a community of practice within a landscape of practice managed to implement the Groen Sebenza programme by absorbing and appointing all their pioneers into sustainable jobs beyond the pilot project. I sought to better understand the process of supporting and empowering unemployed youth into sustainable green jobs within the Groen Sebenza partnership programme. I drew on Community of Practice (CoP) theory, and its value creation framework to develop this understanding, and I under-laboured the analysis with a social realist analysis of enabling and constraining factors. The unit of analysis of a Community of Practice was a useful focus for the study, as these mentors, managers, and administrators were all involved in supporting the empowerment and retention of the young pioneers in the host institution. To develop deeper insight into the learning and knowing, and value created in and by the Groen Sebenza CoP in the Host Institution, I also sought insight into enabling and constraining factors and how these shaped and contributed to empowerment and retention of the pioneers in sustainable green jobs. The research addressed the main question of ‘How do processes of learning, knowing and value creation contribute to empowerment and retention of unemployed youth in a successful Host Institution in the Groen Sebenza programme, and what enabled or constrained the empowerment and retention processes and outcomes?’. Three sub-questions were used in the study, which focussed on the mentoring, training and workplace experiences and how they contribute to the process of learning and knowing within the Groen Sebenza Community of Practice in the Host Institution? [Addressed in Chapter 4], the value creation elements that emerged in the implementation of the programme in support and empowerment of the pioneers in the Host institution’s Groen Sebenza CoP? [Addressed in Chapter 5], and the enabling and constraining factors that shaped and contributed to the uptake of the Pioneers into sustainable green jobs at the Host Institution within the Groen Sebenza Programme? [Addressed in Chapter 6]. The research was conducted as a qualitative case study, in which I used semi-structured interviews as a key data source, as well as document analysis, and a questionnaire. The study drew on inductive, abductive and retroductive modes of inference since I sought to explore an understanding of the practices and learning that occurred that contributed and led to the successful uptake of Pioneers into jobs, as well as the enabling and constraining factors. The study was interpretive at the epistemic level, and had a social realist under-labouring at the ontological level. Key findings of the study point to the development of enabling cultures of mentoring in workplaces, and the provision of a diversity of workplace learning experiences including formal training. It also points to the importance of personal emergent properties amongst mentors and pioneers that embrace a willingness to work together and build strong relationships, and to learn together. Learning in the community of practice was shown to develop identity and a sense of belonging as pioneers were given meaningful tasks to do and their training and interactions with mentors was experienced as meaningful and relevant. The contributions of the pioneers to the institutional mandate was appreciated by the mentors and therefore also well supported within an empowerment orientation. Various structural factors contributed to this enabling situation, most notably strong support from management as well as good co-operation across divisions. Constraining factors included the physical distances in the province, as well as financial and technical issues such as poor ICT communication systems. Overall, though the study showed that a strong approach to learning in communities of practice supported by empowering mentoring can lead to the integration of young pioneers into sustainable green jobs in the environmental sector. A whole institution approach to this process is, however, needed, and the organisation needs to develop a culture of social learning. As recently as September 2020 as this study was being finalised, the Presidential Employment Stimulus Plan (Office of the President, 2020) following the initial economic shocks emanating from the COVID-19 pandemic, made yet another commitment to using the Groen Sebenza model to create and support sustainable job creation for young people in South Africa today in the environmental sector. This study has been developed and designed to understand those processes and enabling conditions that can support retention and empowerment of young people to take up jobs in the environmental sector today. Its recommendations may therefore be of value to those involved in seeking to support sustainable impacts in terms of retention and employment in programmes such as the Groen Sebenza, and in the Groen Sebenza programme itself as it continues to unfold as a key job creation tool for unemployed youth. , Thesis (MEd) -- Faculty of Education, Education, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
A case study of role conflict experienced by middle management during organizational change
- Authors: Sepeng, Mugabe
- Date: 2023-10-13
- Subjects: Role conflict , Change management , Middle managers , Middle management , ISO 9001 Standard Implementation of
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/419189 , vital:71624
- Description: This research investigation is based on continuous improvement changes arising from - and related to - ISO 9001 implementation at Sundays River Citrus Company (SRCC), which is one of the biggest packers, marketers, and exporters of citrus fruit in South Africa. The Board of SRCC adopted ISO 9001 to ensure organizational efficiency and sustainability while improving quality control, customer service, teamwork and leadership. However, research indicates not all organizations that have Implemented ISO 9001 realize the intended benefits. While no research was available on the citrus agriculture industry, research in the tourism industry indicates that not only did some companies not realize the expected benefits, but also incurred substantial investment costs. It is estimated that approximately thirty to ninety percent of change initiatives fail to meet their objectives, and research studies also indicate that middle managers play a critical role that can influence the outcomes of a change project. However, Balogun (2003) indicates that middle managers play a complex role and are exposed to role conflict, which can influence the outcomes of change initiatives. In this context, this research study aimed to investigate the role conflicts experienced by middle managers during the process of an ISO 9001 continuous improvement change. The study draws on role theory, applying it to their management of change. The following role conflict types were investigated: (1) intra-sender conflict, (2) inter-sender role conflict, (3) inter-role conflict, (4) role ambiguity and (5) role strain. The research approach is qualitative, and has adopted a post-positivist paradigm, utilizing a deductive qualitative method. The study adopted a case study approach. Data was gathered mainly from interviews and supported by organizational documents. Semi structured interviews were conducted with questions formulated through the use of the coding manual (See Appendix C) to ensure alignment of data collection with the research propositions derived from literature. A deductive thematic analysis method was used to analyze the interview data. The research findings confirmed that during continuous improvement change, as middle managers strived to satisfy the incompatible expectations of role senders (mainly senior and junior managers), they experienced the five role conflict types. The study findings also indicate that middle managers experience conflicts due to the incompatible expectations of other role senders such as quality and marketing departments. The findings suggest that middle managers are managing these conflicts, but notes that they do require some assistance and support from senior management. The study concludes with managerial and research recommendations. , Thesis (MBA) -- Faculty of Commerce, Rhodes Business School, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-10-13
- Authors: Sepeng, Mugabe
- Date: 2023-10-13
- Subjects: Role conflict , Change management , Middle managers , Middle management , ISO 9001 Standard Implementation of
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/419189 , vital:71624
- Description: This research investigation is based on continuous improvement changes arising from - and related to - ISO 9001 implementation at Sundays River Citrus Company (SRCC), which is one of the biggest packers, marketers, and exporters of citrus fruit in South Africa. The Board of SRCC adopted ISO 9001 to ensure organizational efficiency and sustainability while improving quality control, customer service, teamwork and leadership. However, research indicates not all organizations that have Implemented ISO 9001 realize the intended benefits. While no research was available on the citrus agriculture industry, research in the tourism industry indicates that not only did some companies not realize the expected benefits, but also incurred substantial investment costs. It is estimated that approximately thirty to ninety percent of change initiatives fail to meet their objectives, and research studies also indicate that middle managers play a critical role that can influence the outcomes of a change project. However, Balogun (2003) indicates that middle managers play a complex role and are exposed to role conflict, which can influence the outcomes of change initiatives. In this context, this research study aimed to investigate the role conflicts experienced by middle managers during the process of an ISO 9001 continuous improvement change. The study draws on role theory, applying it to their management of change. The following role conflict types were investigated: (1) intra-sender conflict, (2) inter-sender role conflict, (3) inter-role conflict, (4) role ambiguity and (5) role strain. The research approach is qualitative, and has adopted a post-positivist paradigm, utilizing a deductive qualitative method. The study adopted a case study approach. Data was gathered mainly from interviews and supported by organizational documents. Semi structured interviews were conducted with questions formulated through the use of the coding manual (See Appendix C) to ensure alignment of data collection with the research propositions derived from literature. A deductive thematic analysis method was used to analyze the interview data. The research findings confirmed that during continuous improvement change, as middle managers strived to satisfy the incompatible expectations of role senders (mainly senior and junior managers), they experienced the five role conflict types. The study findings also indicate that middle managers experience conflicts due to the incompatible expectations of other role senders such as quality and marketing departments. The findings suggest that middle managers are managing these conflicts, but notes that they do require some assistance and support from senior management. The study concludes with managerial and research recommendations. , Thesis (MBA) -- Faculty of Commerce, Rhodes Business School, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-10-13
A case study on responsible leadership in a renewable energy organisation in the Eastern Cape
- Authors: Mdingi, Chulumanco
- Date: 2022-06
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/419101 , vital:71616
- Description: This research was a case study of responsible leadership in a renewable energy organisation in the Eastern Cape. The study aimed to understand and describe how a renewable energy organisation applies responsible leadership to build trust. The four objectives of the study were namely to: (1) describe how the organisation interacts with its stakeholders to build trust; (2) understand how the members of the organisation demonstrate the characteristics of responsible leadership; (3) understand how different stakeholders perceive and experience the interaction of the company with established stakeholders; (4) make recommendations that a renewable energy organisation can exercise the characteristics of responsible leadership to develop its stakeholder engagement framework. In the study the stakeholder theory was applied as the theoretical framework, and the theory encourages organisations to determine the "power, legitimacy, and urgency" of stakeholders with whom they interact. A qualitative approach was used in this study. The data collection method was semi-structured interviews for all 12 participants. Data were analysed through a deductive thematic approach to identify, analyse and report patterns or themes within the data collected. The study showed that the wind farm unintentionally applies some components of responsible leadership among its stakeholders. Openness, transparency, and communication are critical actions that this organisation undertakes to cultivate trust among both its internal and external stakeholders. External stakeholders experience this organisation differently. There are mixed feelings regarding how the wind farm conducts its stakeholder engagement activities, particularly relating to landowners and government institutions. A stakeholder engagement framework is imperative if an organisation is to maintain cordial relations with its stakeholders. , Thesis (MBA) -- Faculty of Commerce, Rhodes Business School, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2022-06
- Authors: Mdingi, Chulumanco
- Date: 2022-06
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/419101 , vital:71616
- Description: This research was a case study of responsible leadership in a renewable energy organisation in the Eastern Cape. The study aimed to understand and describe how a renewable energy organisation applies responsible leadership to build trust. The four objectives of the study were namely to: (1) describe how the organisation interacts with its stakeholders to build trust; (2) understand how the members of the organisation demonstrate the characteristics of responsible leadership; (3) understand how different stakeholders perceive and experience the interaction of the company with established stakeholders; (4) make recommendations that a renewable energy organisation can exercise the characteristics of responsible leadership to develop its stakeholder engagement framework. In the study the stakeholder theory was applied as the theoretical framework, and the theory encourages organisations to determine the "power, legitimacy, and urgency" of stakeholders with whom they interact. A qualitative approach was used in this study. The data collection method was semi-structured interviews for all 12 participants. Data were analysed through a deductive thematic approach to identify, analyse and report patterns or themes within the data collected. The study showed that the wind farm unintentionally applies some components of responsible leadership among its stakeholders. Openness, transparency, and communication are critical actions that this organisation undertakes to cultivate trust among both its internal and external stakeholders. External stakeholders experience this organisation differently. There are mixed feelings regarding how the wind farm conducts its stakeholder engagement activities, particularly relating to landowners and government institutions. A stakeholder engagement framework is imperative if an organisation is to maintain cordial relations with its stakeholders. , Thesis (MBA) -- Faculty of Commerce, Rhodes Business School, 2023
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- Date Issued: 2022-06
A case study on the incidence and extent of medullated and coloured fibres in the commercially produced South African wool clip 2010 – 2017
- Authors: Zietsman, Jolandrie
- Date: 2022-04
- Subjects: Port Elizabeth (South Africa) , Eastern Cape (South Africa) , South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/55445 , vital:52002
- Description: No formal study on the incidence and extent of medullated and coloured fibres has been performed in South Africa. The purpose of this research project was to investigate the validity of the claims that there has been an increase in the production of wool contaminated with medullated and coloured fibres. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to determine whether the incidence and extent of medullated and coloured fibres in the South African wool clip have changed over time. Secondly, the study aimed to determine whether the incidence and extent of medullated and coloured fibres have a distinct geographic distribution. This study explored eight years of wool production records (2010 to 2017) obtained from BKB, the largest wool broker in South Africa. For the purpose of this research, the wool-producing areas of South Africa were divided into 6 regions, according to average annual rainfall, vegetation type and major farming practices applied in the area. Statistical analysis of the data included descriptive statistics, analysis of variance and post-hoc tests, as well as regression analyses. This study succeeded in quantifying the extent and prevalence of contamination with medullated and coloured fibres in the South African wool clip. The overarching conclusions were: • Floating kemp is the most important contaminant of wool in South Africa, with the incidence of harsh kemp and coloured fibres being very low. • Generally, the most important areas that need attention in combatting contamination in the South African wool clip, are the Mixed Farming Summer Rainfall Region, the Semi-Arid Grassveld and the High Rainfall Grassland. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, School of Environmental Sciences, 2022
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- Date Issued: 2022-04
- Authors: Zietsman, Jolandrie
- Date: 2022-04
- Subjects: Port Elizabeth (South Africa) , Eastern Cape (South Africa) , South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/55445 , vital:52002
- Description: No formal study on the incidence and extent of medullated and coloured fibres has been performed in South Africa. The purpose of this research project was to investigate the validity of the claims that there has been an increase in the production of wool contaminated with medullated and coloured fibres. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to determine whether the incidence and extent of medullated and coloured fibres in the South African wool clip have changed over time. Secondly, the study aimed to determine whether the incidence and extent of medullated and coloured fibres have a distinct geographic distribution. This study explored eight years of wool production records (2010 to 2017) obtained from BKB, the largest wool broker in South Africa. For the purpose of this research, the wool-producing areas of South Africa were divided into 6 regions, according to average annual rainfall, vegetation type and major farming practices applied in the area. Statistical analysis of the data included descriptive statistics, analysis of variance and post-hoc tests, as well as regression analyses. This study succeeded in quantifying the extent and prevalence of contamination with medullated and coloured fibres in the South African wool clip. The overarching conclusions were: • Floating kemp is the most important contaminant of wool in South Africa, with the incidence of harsh kemp and coloured fibres being very low. • Generally, the most important areas that need attention in combatting contamination in the South African wool clip, are the Mixed Farming Summer Rainfall Region, the Semi-Arid Grassveld and the High Rainfall Grassland. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, School of Environmental Sciences, 2022
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- Date Issued: 2022-04
A causal analysis to investigate low production efficiency in the tyre manufacturing industry in South Africa
- Authors: Bruinders, Bramwill Bertram
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Industrial efficiency , Production management , Lean manufacturing -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/50977 , vital:43177
- Description: The evolution of tyre manufacturing in South Africa went back to the early 1930s and matured technologically, becoming automated in the 1960s. The tyre industry in South Africa is worth approximately R30bn per annum and is one of the major supporting industries for domestic vehicle manufacturers. The local industry manufactures only 11 million tyres but can manufacture 18 million tyres per annum. The tyre industry thus plays a crucial role in South Africa’s economic development. Consumers are opting to buy cheaper imported tyres even though tyres are essential purchases. Therefore, the major tyre manufacturers must compete against an estimated 200 importers of various brands, most from China and Japan. The excess local capacity and increasing volume of imports put the local tyre manufacturers under severe pressure to grow their market share, reduce operational cost and achieve economies of scale. The study’s general objective was to conduct a root cause analysis of South African tyre manufacturers’ underlying issues resulting in low production efficiencies. This study used critical manufacturing principles such as traceability, knowledge of lean principles, lean implementation challenges, Total Quality Management, organisational buy-in, waste and rework and maintenance planning that constitute tools of lean practices. These principles provided an opportunity to adopt efficient manufacturing practices in tyre manufacturing companies and help organisations identify improvement areas. A questionnaire was developed and distributed electronically to 93 respondents employed in the tyre manufacturing industry in South Africa. The study addressed product traceability, investigated the quality measures in place, and examined the influence of the workforce’s attitude and morale on productivity, and determined management’s influence on decision-making. The key findings indicated that traceability, lean implementation challenges and organisational buy-in played a significant role in improving production efficiency. Recommendations were made to management to ensure that they lead by example and enhance these key constructs to foster their growth. , Thesis (MBA) -- Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, Business Administration , 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
- Authors: Bruinders, Bramwill Bertram
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Industrial efficiency , Production management , Lean manufacturing -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/50977 , vital:43177
- Description: The evolution of tyre manufacturing in South Africa went back to the early 1930s and matured technologically, becoming automated in the 1960s. The tyre industry in South Africa is worth approximately R30bn per annum and is one of the major supporting industries for domestic vehicle manufacturers. The local industry manufactures only 11 million tyres but can manufacture 18 million tyres per annum. The tyre industry thus plays a crucial role in South Africa’s economic development. Consumers are opting to buy cheaper imported tyres even though tyres are essential purchases. Therefore, the major tyre manufacturers must compete against an estimated 200 importers of various brands, most from China and Japan. The excess local capacity and increasing volume of imports put the local tyre manufacturers under severe pressure to grow their market share, reduce operational cost and achieve economies of scale. The study’s general objective was to conduct a root cause analysis of South African tyre manufacturers’ underlying issues resulting in low production efficiencies. This study used critical manufacturing principles such as traceability, knowledge of lean principles, lean implementation challenges, Total Quality Management, organisational buy-in, waste and rework and maintenance planning that constitute tools of lean practices. These principles provided an opportunity to adopt efficient manufacturing practices in tyre manufacturing companies and help organisations identify improvement areas. A questionnaire was developed and distributed electronically to 93 respondents employed in the tyre manufacturing industry in South Africa. The study addressed product traceability, investigated the quality measures in place, and examined the influence of the workforce’s attitude and morale on productivity, and determined management’s influence on decision-making. The key findings indicated that traceability, lean implementation challenges and organisational buy-in played a significant role in improving production efficiency. Recommendations were made to management to ensure that they lead by example and enhance these key constructs to foster their growth. , Thesis (MBA) -- Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, Business Administration , 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04