en-us 5 The current utility of oligonucleotide aptamers in targeting the MUC1 mucin tumour marker Wed 12 May 2021 16:48:33 SAST ]]> Key considerations for novel aptamer generation and aptasensor platform design: a case study on human α-thrombin and histamine as sensor targets Wed 12 May 2021 16:25:10 SAST ]]> Discovery and validation of a CD4 binding aptamer through Crossover SELEX towards the preliminary development of a point-of-care aptasensor for rapid CD4+ T-cell counting Thu 13 May 2021 05:30:51 SAST ]]> Characterization of Fluorescently-Labelled Plasmodium Lactate Dehydrogenase-Binding Aptamers for the Detection and Speciation of Malarial Infections Mon 15 Nov 2021 10:55:00 SAST ]]> Photosynthetic microbial fuel cells and fabricated photobioreactors applied with halotolerant microorganisms for nutrient and metal remediation under adverse hypersaline Mon 15 Nov 2021 10:47:45 SAST ]]> Fabrication of gold-nanoparticle/conductive polymer composite materials: application to aptamer-based impedimetric biosensors for detection of histamine Mon 15 Nov 2021 10:40:48 SAST ]]> Investigation of microbial fuel cell technologies for flexible, small-scale domestic and educational use Mon 15 Nov 2021 10:30:14 SAST ]]> The influence of selected classes of surfactants on microbial fuel cell performance: extensive analysis of microbial activity, bioremediation and power generation for wastewater treatment Mon 15 Nov 2021 10:12:46 SAST ]]>