en-us 5 Towards understanding how exploitation influences the wild energetic response of marine fish to temperature variability Wed 12 May 2021 15:56:48 SAST ]]> Towards the development of a pro-environmental strategy for improving catch-and-release behaviour in recreational fisheries – a case study on a competitive South African angling body Wed 12 May 2021 14:36:35 SAST ]]> The effects of temperature and exploitation on the behaviour of red roman Chrysoblephus laticeps (Sparidae) at baited video stations Thu 29 Sep 2022 15:26:40 SAST ]]> A biological assessment of the Cape knifejaw (Oplegnathus conwayi) an endemic South African teleost 0.05), with the overall population growth curve being best described as L(t) = 697.15(1-e-0.06(t-6.30)). Males matured at a slightly larger size than females, however, no significant differences were observed (LRT, p > 0.05). The length- and age- at-50% maturity was 330 mm (FL) and 5.73 years for the full population, respectively. Histological analyses showed that Oplegnathus conwayi are asynchronous spawners with a gonochoristic reproductive style. Macroscopic staging and gonadosomatic index results indicated a protracted spawning season for Oplegnathus conwayi, with a peak in spring. A survey was designed and disseminated to collect FEK on the biology and population status of Oplegnathus conwayi and human dimension information on South Africa’s spearfishery. A total of 103 survey responses were received, of which 94 were regarded as specialised (spearfishers who had greater experience, skill and avidity, and maintained spearfishing as an important component of their lifestyle) spearfishers. Based on the responses of the specialist spearfishers, the top four main species caught by spearfishers from this survey were Seriola lalandi (13.9%), Pachymetopon grande (11.7%), Oplegnathus conwayi (11.4%) and Sparodon durbanensis (11%), and the majority of respondents indicated that there had been no changes in abundance, size and catches of these species in the years that they had been spearfishing. Respondents indicated that Oplegnathus conwayi are most commonly targeted in the Eastern Cape and are found at depths of up to 40 m. Respondents also indicated that there may be a seasonal onshore (Summer/Winter) and offshore (Summer/Winter) migration with year-round spawning and a peak in November, December and January. The incorporation of spearfishers into the data collection, both through the collection of specimens and their FEK, was beneficial to this study. Besides providing samples from a broader geographical range than the primary collection area, the collaboration with spearfishers has promoted the inclusion of this group into the management system. The findings of this study also suggest that FEK data can be more reliable if the concept of recreational specialisation is incorporated into data collection. While the FEK suggested that the population was stable, a stock assessment is necessary to fully understand the population status and implement management strategies. Nevertheless, the key life history characteristics (slow growth and late maturation) observed in this study are characteristic of species that is vulnerable to overexploitation, and thus the precautionary approach should be applied. The reproductive information collected in this study has provided information for the implementation of an appropriate size limit regulation for Oplegnathus conwayi. Here, a minimum size limit of 400 mm TL, which corresponds approximately with the length-at-50% maturity of 330 mm FL, would be appropriate to allow fish to mature and spawn, and reduce the likelihood of recruitment overfishing. Reduction in the bag limit from five to two fish per person per day may also be appropriate as a precautionary measure until a stock assessment has been completed. Finally, the incorporation of stakeholder into biological collection and the use of FEK may be a useful approach for other data deficient species and in countries with limited resources for ecological research.]]> Thu 29 Sep 2022 14:29:54 SAST ]]> Assessing estuarine nursery habitats for Cape Stumpnose (Rhabdosargus holubi), (Pisces: Sparidae) in a warm-temperate estuary in the Eastern Cape, South Africa Thu 29 Sep 2022 14:28:44 SAST ]]> Using a multi-method approach to understand the movement patterns and the associated environmental correlates of an iconic West African recreational fish 100 km) behaviour, respectively. Further behavioural diversity was observed with ‘resident’, ‘roaming’ and ‘embayment’ contingents identified based on varying levels of affinity to certain habitats. The presence of both resident and migratory individuals within the northernmost study during June and July, combined with available biological information, suggested that area-specific spawning may take place. While PAT, CPUE and CT largely aligned in determining area specific high-area use, results from network analyses and mixed effects models conducted on the PAT data supported the spawning hypothesis, with anomalous behaviour around specific receivers during the spawning season. All fish, regardless of behavioural contingent, displayed similar movement behaviour during the spawning season and this was driven by factors generally associated with reproduction, such as lunar illumination. Interestingly, these drivers were different from those that determined the area specific use of individuals outside of the spawning season. The environmental drivers of longshore migration into the northern study site were identified as a decline in water temperature and shorter day lengths. The results of this study highlight the importance of using a multi-method approach in determining migratory movement behaviour, area specific area use, and stock structure of key fisheries species. The identification of different behavioural contingents highlights the importance of acknowledging individual variation in movement and habitat-use patterns. This is particularly relevant as future climate change and spatiotemporal variation in fishing effort may artificially skew natural selection processes to favour certain behavioural groups. This study also highlighted the importance of scientists forming relationships with resource-users, such as recreational angling lodges in areas where limited research has been conducted. This is particularly relevant within the West African context where little is known about many of the fish species that are being increasingly targeted by tourism angling ventures.]]> Thu 29 Sep 2022 14:25:47 SAST ]]> Towards a norm of compliance in recreational fisheries Thu 29 Sep 2022 14:24:30 SAST ]]> A physiological study on a commercial reef fish to quantify the relationship between exploitation and climate change resilience Thu 29 Sep 2022 14:23:25 SAST ]]> Physiological winners and losers in an ocean warming hotspot: a Case study on argyrosomus off the Namibian coast, with implications for their future management Thu 29 Sep 2022 14:22:36 SAST ]]> The metabolic physiology of early stage Argyrosomus japonicus with insight into the potential effects of pCO2 induced ocean acidification Thu 29 Sep 2022 14:21:25 SAST ]]> Effects of CO2-induced ocean acidification on the early development, growth, survival and skeletogenesis of the estuarine-dependant sciaenid Argyrosomus japonicus Thu 29 Sep 2022 14:18:31 SAST ]]> Towards defining the tipping point of tolerance to CO2-induced ocean acidification for the growth, development and metabolism of larval dusky kob Argyrosomus japonicus (Pisces: Sciaenidae) 0.05), development or the active metabolic (P > 0.05) or metabolic scope (P > 0.05) of fish in the three treatments throughout the study. However, the standard metabolic rate was significantly higher in the year 2068 treatment but only at the flexion/post-flexion stage which could be attributed to differences in developmental rates (including the development of the gills) between the 2068 and the other two treatments. Overall, the metabolic scope was narrowest in the 2090 treatment, but varied according to life stage. Although not significantly different, metabolic scope in the 2090 treatment was noticeably lower at the flexion stage compared to the other two treatments, and the development appeared slower, suggesting that this could be the stage most prone to OA. The study concluded that, in isolation, OA levels predicted to occur between 2050 and 2090 will not negatively affect size-at-hatch, growth, development, and metabolic responses of larval A. japonicus up to 22 DAH (flexion/post-flexion stage). Taken together with the previous studies of the same species, the tipping point of tolerance (where negative impacts will begin) in larvae of the species appears to be between the years 2090 and 2100.]]> Thu 29 Sep 2022 12:56:05 SAST ]]> Uncoupling the exploitation and climate change effects on the biology of Cape monkfish, Lophius vomerinus Valenciennes 1837 in Namibia 250 m) for the 2001–2018 time series. Comparison of the contemporary (2015–2019) proportions of developing, ripe and spent gonads to the historical study data (1996 – 2000) show minimal differences. Ripe ovaries capable of spawning (Stage IV) were dominant in July (23.8%) and August (26.2%), while ripe testes were prevalent in April (52.5%) and November (28.5%). The discovery of the veil (a gelatinous, flat ribbon structure containing individual eggs) off Namibia for the first time (during this study) is a significant because this result provides important reproduction activities information of this species, which were never recorded off Namibia. The location where the veil was discovered, off Swakopmund (22⁰30'S, 13⁰25'E), provides further evidence of the identified spawning hotspot areas, this location is also identified as a monkfish consecutive hotspot fishing area. The ages, growth rates, and length-weight relationships were compared between fish collected during monkfish commercial fishing activities between 1996 and 1998 (Period 1) and during monkfish routine monitoring surveys from 2014 to 2016 (Period 2). A total of 607 (size range: 9–96 cm total length (TL)) and 852 (size range: 9–96 cm TL) Cape monkfish were aged by reading sectioned illicia, during Periods 1 and 2, respectively. The length-weight relationships were W = 0.012L3.035 (r2 = 0.98) and W = 0.014L 2.989 (r2 = 0.98) for females and males, respectively, during Period 1, and W = 0.01L2.97 (r2 = 0.98) and W = 0.01L 3.03 (r2 = 0.98) for females and males, respectively, in Period 2. The growth of Cape monkfish (in cm) for combined sexes was described by Lt = 94(1 − e(−0.10(t−(-0.31))) in Period 1 and Lt = 98(1 − e(−0.10(t−(-0.33))) in Period 2. Females grew significantly faster during Period 1 (LRT results from Maartens et al., 1999), while male and female growth was not significantly different during Period 2 (F = 0.65, p = 0.58). There were no significant differences between the male and female growth curve in Period 2 (F = 0.65, p = 0.58). Although the growth curves are similar between Period 1 and Period 2, the larger fish are in Period 2 are lighter than those in Period 1. This finding is important to the monkfish fishing industry because fish is sold by weight. This finding may suggest that although the fish grow similarly by length, changes in the environmental conditions may have resulted in a reduced condition of the fish. In terms of mean age, the historical Period 1 had a slightly lower mean age of 4.40 compared with a mean age of 5.49 during Period 2. Slight differences were also observed in the age structure between the two periods, with 2-year-olds (20.3%) the most abundant age class in the historical period while 5-year-old fish (18.3%) were most abundant in Period 2. Although the spatial distribution of the catch was not available for Period 1, 0-year-old fish were distributed from 22⁰ to 24⁰S, and 25⁰ to 26⁰S in shallower waters of 166–290 m during Period 2. Only fish between 5 and 16 years old were found off the documented historical nursery area off 28º S. The similar growth curves and spatial overlap of nursery habitats between Period 1 and Period 2 suggest that Cape monkfish may be fairly resilient to the rapid environmental change reported in this region and to the extensive levels of exploitation for the species. However, the recent spatial shifts in the nursery areas are sensitive to disturbance and may indicate that these changes could be having an impact on the early life stages of the species. Continued monitoring may be necessary to understand the consequences of these spatial shifts for the age and growth and resilience of the species. Analysis of the overall spatial and temporal catches of monkfish (both Cape monkfish and shortspine African monkfish) off Namibia between 1998 and 2018 identified noticeable spatio-temporal trends. The pattern of fishing activities for Cape monkfish is heterogeneous, with identified ‘hotspots’ in specific areas. Of particular importance is the consecutive hotspot, between 1998 to 2018 for monkfish fishing activities between 25⁰ and 26⁰ S. The kernel density analysis indicated that the area around 24⁰S, and between 26º and 27 ⁰S, between Walvis Bay and Lüderitz, had the highest total catch densities (~300 kg/km2), suggesting that this is the core of the stock abundance. Annual monkfish catches have fluctuated since the inception of the fishery in 1994, with a drastic decline in the catch recorded after 2003 through to 2018. Generally, there has been an underutilisation of the total allowable catch (TAC) for most of the years. The decrease in catches and the underutilisation of the TAC might be indicative of the reduction in the stock abundance. However, external factors such as lack of capacity of the fishing industry and the administration can contribute to underutilisation of TAC. Basic regression analysis between total monthly catches and monthly sea surface temperature (SST) yielded low r-squared values indicate that in all three grids, only ~ 1% of the variation is explained between SST and total monkfish catches in these areas. The most prominent points to consider from this study are the results of the comparative feeding study (Chapter 3), reproductive indicators (Chapter 4) and age and growth (Chapter 5). Certainly, there have been changes in feeding, demography, and distribution of the species in the last two decades – climate-driven changes were recorded in the feeding habits of Cape monkfish, spatially and temporally – but despite the changes in prey species composition, distribution and abundance in various habits and periods, Cape monkfish was able to switch prey species, reflecting wide trophic adaptability. The dominance of M. paradoxus at all size classes in all analysed habitats is a significant result because. The peak spawning period has remained the same between July and September, as previously reported in Period 1. The consecutive spawning hotspots were identified in the areas between 22º and 25ºS. From a fisheries management perspective, the spawning ground and spawning season should be protected (by means of closure). The evidence of changes in length at 50% maturity presented in this study hints at both climate change and extensive exploitation pressure. The discovery of the veil for the first time in this study is very important; however, it might be sampling related and not driven by climate or exploitation pressure. Finally, the change in the Cape monkfish distribution discussed in Chapter 6 may be attributed to a shift in the distribution or fishing effort as a consequence of shallow water depletion.]]> Thu 29 Sep 2022 12:49:29 SAST ]]> Coastal pH variability and the eco-physiological and behavioural response of a coastal fish species in light of future ocean acidification 10 m depth) and inshore sites (intertidal surf zones). Many sites in the bay, especially the atypical site at Cape Recife, exhibit higher than the average pH levels (>8.04), suggesting that pH variability may be biologically driven. This is further evidenced by high diurnal variability in pH (~0.55 pH units). Although the specific drivers of the high pH variability in Algoa Bay could not be identified, baseline carbonate chemistry conditions were identified, which is necessary information to design and interpret biological experiments. Long-term, continuous monitoring is required to improve understanding of the drivers of pH variability in understudied coastal regions, like Algoa Bay. A local fisheries species, D. capensis, was selected as a model species to assess the impacts of future OA scenarios in Algoa Bay. It was hypothesized that this temperate, coastally distributed species would be adapted to naturally variable pH conditions and thus show some tolerance to low pH, considering that they are exposed to minimum pH levels of 7.77 and fluctuations of up to 0.55 pH units. Laboratory perturbation experiments were used to expose early postflexion stage of D. capensis to a range of pH treatments that were selected based on the measured local variability (~8.0–7.7 pH), as well as future projected OA scenarios (7.6–7.2 pH). Physiological responses were estimated using intermittent flow respirometry by quantifying routine and active metabolic rates as well as relative aerobic scope at each pH treatment. The behavioural responses of the larvae were also assessed at each pH treatment, as activity levels, by measuring swimming distance and speed in video-recording experiments, as well as feeding rates. D. capensis had sufficient physiological capacity to maintain metabolic performance at pH levels as low as 7.27, as evidenced by no changes in any of the measured metabolic rates (routine metabolic rate, active metabolic rate, and relative aerobic scope) after exposure to the range of pH treatments (8.02–7.27). Feeding rates of D. capensis were similarly unaffected by pH treatment. However, it appears that subtle increases in activity level (measured by swimming distance and swimming speed experiments) occur with a decrease in pH. These changes in activity level were a consequence of a change in behaviour rather than metabolic constraints. This study concludes, however, that based on the parameters measured, there is no evidence for survival or fitness related consequences of near future OA on D. capensis. OA research is still in its infancy in South Africa, and the potential impacts of OA to local marine resources has not yet been considered in local policy and resource management strategies. Integrating field monitoring and laboratory perturbation experiments is emerging as best practice in OA research. This is the first known study on the temperate south coast of South Africa to quantify local pH variability and to use this information to evaluate the biological response of a local species using relevant local OA scenarios as treatment levels for current and near future conditions. Research on local conditions in situ and the potential impacts of future OA scenarios on socio-economically valuable species, following the model developed in this study, is necessary to provide national policy makers with relevant scientific data to inform climate change management policies for local resources.]]> Thu 29 Sep 2022 12:42:34 SAST ]]> Understanding a West African recreational fishery as a complex social-ecological system – a case study of the fishery for giant African threadfin Polydactylus quadrifilis (Cuvier, 1829) in the Kwanza Estuary, Angola Thu 13 May 2021 05:39:40 SAST ]]> Thermal physiology of juvenile red roman seabream, Chrysoblephus laticeps after long-term exposure to low pH conditions Sun 07 Jul 2024 19:46:02 SAST ]]> The link between behavioural plasticity and aerobic scope phenotypes in predicting the survival of Chrysoblephus laticeps under climate variability Sun 07 Jul 2024 19:45:41 SAST ]]> Thermal tolerance and the potential effects of climate change on coastal intertidal and estuarine organisms in the Kariega Estuary and adjacent intertitdal coastline, Eastern Cape, South Africa Sat 04 Dec 2021 12:41:27 SAST ]]> The role of angling-guides in promoting pro-environmental catch-and-release attitudes and behaviours in the recreational angling community Mon 24 Oct 2022 09:15:55 SAST ]]> An eco-physiological investigation of fisheries-induced evolution: comparing the resilience of larvae from exploited and unexploited commercial reef fish populations to projected ocean acidification Mon 10 Oct 2022 08:02:20 SAST ]]> Examining the expenditures and retention of money of recreational fishing along the Wild Coast, South Africa Fri 24 May 2024 13:56:00 SAST ]]>