${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Contribution towards the development of a management plan for the baitboat and sport fishery for tuna in South Africa Wed 12 May 2021 20:52:43 SAST ]]> An assessment of inland fisheries in South Africa using fisheries-dependent and fisheries-independent data sources 0.05) amount of variability (63%) was explained by a predictive model incorporating these variables as investigations were constrained by small sample sizes and aggregated catch information. Scientific survey data provided multi-species information and highlighted the high proportion of non-native fish species in Eastern Cape impoundments. Gillnet catches were influenced primarily by species composition and were less subject to fluctuations induced by environmental factors. Overall standardised gillnet CPUE was influenced by surface area, conductivity and age of impoundment. Although the model fit was not significant at the p<0.05 level, 23% of the variability in the data was explained by a predictive model incorporating these variables. The presence of species which could be effectively targeted by gillnets was hypothesised to represent the most important factor influencing catch rates. Investigation of factors influencing CPUE in impoundments dominated by Clarias gariepinus and native cyprinids indicated that warmer, younger impoundments and smaller, colder impoundments produced higher catches of C. gariepinus and native cyprinids respectively. A predictive model for C. gariepinus abundance explained a significant amount of variability (77%) in CPUE although the small sample size of impoundments suggests that predictions from this model may not be robust. CPUE of native cyprinids was influenced primarily by the presence of Labeo umbratus and constrained by small sample size of impoundments and the model did not adequately explain the variability in the data (r² = 0.31, p>0.05). These results indicate that angling catch- and scientific survey data can be useful in providing predictions of fish abundance that are biologically realistic. However, more data over a greater spatial scale would allow for more robust predictions of catch rates. This could be achieved through increased monitoring of existing resource users, the creation of a centralised database for catch records from angling competitions, and increased scientific surveys of South African impoundments conducted by a dedicated governmental function.]]> Wed 12 May 2021 16:19:14 SAST ]]> Movement patterns, stock delineation and conservation of an overexploited fishery species, Lithognathus Lithognathus (Pisces: Sparidae) 600 km) between aggregation and spawning areas. This uncertainty in the level of connectivity among coastal regions was addressed using mitochondrial DNA sequencing and genotyping of microsatellite repeat loci in the nuclear genome, which showed no evidence of major geographic barriers to gene flow in this species. Samples collected throughout the white steenbras core distribution showed high genetic diversity, low genetic differentiation and no evidence of isolation by distance or localised spawning. Although historically dominant in several fisheries, analysis of long-term commercial and recreational catch data for white steenbras indicated considerable declines and ultimately stock collapse. Improved catch-per-unit-effort in two large MPAs subsequent to closure confirmed that MPAs can be effective for the protection of white steenbras. However, the current MPA network encompasses a low proportion of sandy shoreline, for which white steenbras exhibits an affinity. Many MPAs do not prohibit recreational shore angling, which currently accounts for the greatest proportion of the total annual catch. Furthermore, EPAs within the juvenile distribution protect a negligible proportion of the total available surface area of estuaries – habitat on which white steenbras is wholly dependent. Despite some evidence of recent increases in abundance in estuaries and the surf zone in certain areas, white steenbras meets the criteria for “Endangered” on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, and for “Protected species” status on the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act of South Africa. The species requires improved management, with consideration for its life-history style, estuarine dependency, surf zone residency, predictable spawning migrations and its poor conservation status. The multidisciplinary approach provides valuable information towards an improved scientific basis for the management of white steenbras and a framework for research that can be adopted for other overexploited, estuarine-associated coastal fishery species.]]> Thu 13 May 2021 04:06:38 SAST ]]>