${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Combined and additive effects of assembly tasks and constrained body postures combined) for most of the conditions assessed for the biomechanical and physiological responses. In the majority of cases for muscle activity, no significant differences were found between the combined and the additive effects (p < 0.05), while for the physiological responses there were mostly significant differences observed. Psychophysical responses indicated that there was a significant difference overall between the additive and combined effects. The results of this study demonstrate that in order to identify risk areas, manipulation tasks and constrained working postures may be considered either in isolation and added together (additive) or as a combined task, since there were very few significant differences observed between these two effects. Further studies are required, however, to provide conclusive evidence.]]> Wed 12 May 2021 18:40:28 SAST ]]> Trust on the semantic web Wed 12 May 2021 15:51:10 SAST ]]> Effects of treatment on Lantana camara (L.) and the restoration potential of riparian seed banks in cleared areas of the Victoria Falls World Heritage Site, Livingstone, Zambia Thu 13 May 2021 08:49:26 SAST ]]> "Is more, less?" : insect-insect interactions in a biological control context using water hyacinth as a model Thu 13 May 2021 03:05:16 SAST ]]> Prototyping a peer-to-peer session initiation protocol user agent Mon 06 May 2024 05:23:03 SAST ]]>