en-us 5 Stability of prochlorperazine in solution and in the solid-state fluorescent I diffuse light. Solid state samples, however, were found to be relatively stable to the various light / heat conditions over a 6 month period when compared to prochlorperazine solutions, but still considerably unstable. Thus both storage and packaging is a vital consideration for prochlorperazine injectables. The thermal behaviour of mixtures of prochlorperazine with standard excipients, was assessed for potential interactions, using differential scanning calorimetry. For most of the excipients (magnesium stearate, stearic acid, Explotab®, AC-Di-Sol®, Encompress® and Ludipress®, lactose and Starch 1500®) disappearance or broadening of the melting endotherm of the drug indicated interactions. Lubritab®, however, was the only 'inert' excipient tested. Liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry (LC-MS) was used to determine the nature of the degradation products. The major degradation pathways included dechlorination and demethylation of the parent drug, as well as sulfoxidation and Noxidation. Prochlorperazine underwent dechlorination and sulfoxidation with subsequent photosubstitution to yield the 2-hydroxy derivative. The solid state photostudies showed the formation of dealkylated, oxidised and hydroxylated products, sulfoxides and dimers. Since N-demethylation, N-oxidation, sulfoxidation and aromatic hydroxylation are reported to occur in the in vitro metabolism of perazine derivatives, it does appear that there is some relationship between metabolites and photoproducts (Breyer, 1974). This study has been successful in providing understanding of the photolytic and thermal degradation pathways of prochlorperazine.]]> Wed 12 May 2021 18:31:51 SAST ]]> Pyrroloiminoquinone metabolites from South African Latrunculid sponges Thu 13 May 2021 08:55:23 SAST ]]>