en-us 5 Size-fractionated phytoplankton biomass and primary production in the Southern Ocean 50% of total chlorophyll-a at all these stations. Xl Within the IFZ (2 stations), nanophytoplankton dominated total integrated Chl-a biomass (range between 5.6 and 8.8 mg Chi-a. m-2) comprising, on average, 36% of the total. Picophytoplankton comprised an average of 12% of the total Chl-a biomass (range between 3.1 and 5.9 mg Chi-a. m-2) in the MIZ, 36% in the IFZ (range between 6.4 and 7.8 mg Chl-a . m-2) and 20% in the vicinity of the APF (range between 6.8 and 10.6 mg Chi-a. m-2). Total integrated primary production ranged between 316 and 729 mg C . m-2. d-1 at stations occupied in the vicinity of the MIZ, and between 292 and 317 mg C . m·2• d-l within the IFZ. At stations occupied in the region of the APF, total integrated production ranged between 708 and 926 mg C . m-2• dol. The contribution of various size fractions to total productivity generally displayed the same pattern as integrated Chl-a biomass. Microphytoplankton formed the most important contributor to total production at stations occupied in the MIZ and at the APF. Within the IFZ, nanophytoplankton dominated total daily production. Nutrient data suggest that concentrations of macro nutrients within the upper water column were above the threshold where growth would be limited. Preliminary results showed that concentrations of iron (Fe) were highest in the southern region of the MIZ and in the vicinity of the APF. During the second cruise, conducted in the vicinity of the Sub-Antarctic Front (SAF) and in the upstream, inter-island and downstream regions of the Prince Edward Islands, there was evidence of fresh water run-off from the islands, (i.e. decreased salinities and increased concentrations of ammonia and nitrate). Oceanographic data collected at the various production stations indicated that the upper water column was well mixed throughout the survey. Total integrated biomass during the study ranged between 8.5 and 20.1 mg Chi-a. m-2• No distinct patterns in total Chl-a biomass were evident. Picophytoplankton dominated total biomass comprising> 45 % of total pigment at all stations. Nanophytoplankton were the second most important contributor to total integrated biomass. Generally xu microphytoplankton contributed < 10 % of total ChI-a. Total daily integrated production was highest (442.6 mg Chi-a. m-2) at the single station occupied in the vicinity of the SAF. Outside this region, total areal production was lower, ranging from 94.5 to 353.0 mg C . m-2. d-1. With the exception of the station occupied in the vicinity of the SAF, total productivity was dominated by nanophytoplankton, which comprised between 48 and 66% of the total. Concentrations of macronutrients did not appear to be limiting to phytoplankton growth. The absence of a phytoplankton bloom in the vicinity of the islands appears to have been related to water column stability, which was influenced by the prevailing oceanographic regime during the survey. Previous studies have shown that when the SAF lies in close proximity to the islands, advecting forces prevail, resulting in the islands functioning as a flow-through system. During this study, the SAF lay immediately north of the islands. As a consequence no water was trapped in the leeward side of the islands. The results of the two cruises suggest that phytoplankton production in the four systems investigated: the Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ), Antarctic Polar Front (APF), Inter Frontal Zone (IFZ) and Prince Edward Islands (PEl), was largely controlled by water column stability. It is probable that the availability of iron, particularly in the region of the MIZ and APF, may have further contributed to the elevated production recorded in these two regions.]]> Thu 13 May 2021 10:40:35 SAST ]]> Mesozooplankton community structure in the vicinity of the Prince Edward Islands (Southern Ocean) 37⁰ 50'E, 46⁰ 45'S Thu 13 May 2021 06:54:14 SAST ]]>