${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Investigating factors that contribute to the disengagement of non-custodial fathers after divorce in the King Sabatha Dalindyebo Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province of Republic of South Africa Wed 28 Feb 2024 12:41:52 SAST ]]> An investigative study of parental involvement in the governance of public and private schools in the Matatiele Distict of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa Wed 12 May 2021 23:05:05 SAST ]]> An investigation into the role of Traditional medicine in an era of biomedicine: Case of Qokolweni Location (KSDM), Eastern Cape, Republic of South Africa Wed 12 May 2021 22:47:59 SAST ]]> Response of invertebrates to alien and indigenous vegetation characteristics in Nduli and Luchaba Nature Reserves, Eastern Cape, South Africa 0.05) in species richness and abundance across sites for soil surface-dwelling invertebrates. Bray-Curtis similarity measures in PRIMER and correspondence analysis (CA) in CANOCO showed that sampling units with alien invasive plants shared most soil surface-dwelling invertebrate species at ± 75% level of similarity. Sampling unit A from the Mix alien (MA) site shared most species with indigenous vegetation sites. Sampling units from indigenous vegetation sites shared most species at ± 65% level of similarity. Multivariate analysis using CANOCO indicated that certain site variables such litter depth influenced the distribution of soil surface-dwelling invertebrates across sites. The study provided preliminary data and information for promoting invertebrate biodiversity conservation within protected areas (Nduli and Luchaba Nature Reserves) of the KSD Local Municipality. Key words: invertebrates, indigenous vegetation, alien vegetation, Lantana camara, Acacia mearnsii, and Eucalyptus.]]> Wed 12 May 2021 19:57:38 SAST ]]> An assessment on the national school nutrition programme at Siyanda Senior primary School in Butterworth, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa Wed 12 May 2021 19:33:51 SAST ]]> An investigation into the nature of relationships among SGB components: A case study of a rural school in Libode Mega District in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa Wed 12 May 2021 19:25:50 SAST ]]> Causes and effects of teachers' job satisfaction or dissatisfaction and their impact on leaner performance: a case study of two schools in the Ngqeleni Area of the Libode Mega-District, Eastern Cape Province of South Africa Thu 13 May 2021 06:11:23 SAST ]]> Challenges faced by high school managers in dealing with pregnant learners in their schools: a case study of selected high schools in the Idutywa district, Eastern Cape Region Thu 13 May 2021 05:31:09 SAST ]]> Challenges faced by female secondary school principals in the Qumbu Education District of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa Thu 13 May 2021 05:07:32 SAST ]]> Stable isotopes dynamics of macrophytes along Umtata River in the Eastern Cape of South Africa Thu 13 May 2021 02:32:59 SAST ]]> Factors contributing to high dropout rate in two selected Junior Secondary Schools in the Mqanduli Area of the Eastern Cape, South Africa Thu 13 May 2021 01:24:29 SAST ]]> Teenage pregnancy among high school girls in Mthatha, South Africa Mon 04 Mar 2024 14:13:17 SAST ]]>