The C-Band : continuum mapping and measuring the radio environment
Number of Objects: 1
C.O.R.I.C. 2nd Annual General Meeting
Number of Objects: 1
Calibration and imaging with variable radio sources
Number of Objects: 1
Calibration and interpretation of A 2.3 GHz continuum survey
Number of Objects: 1
Calibration and wide field imaging with PAPER: a catalogue of compact sources
Number of Objects: 1
The call centre labour process : a study of work and workers’ experiences at Joburg Connect, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Call centres as a vehicle to improve customer satisfaction in local government: a case study of front line workers in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
Calling rhythm as a predictor of the outcome of vocal interactions: flight departure in pale-winged starling pairs
Number of Objects: 1
Camdeboo stinkwood
Number of Objects: 2
The Campaign for a Militant SACTWU
Number of Objects: 1
Campaign for decent work
Number of Objects: 1
Campaigns Bulletin : Anti-Privatisation Campaign Special Issue
Number of Objects: 1
Campaigns Bulletin : The government is starving us to death!
Number of Objects: 2
Campaigns Bulletin : Wage negotiations 2000
Number of Objects: 1
Camphor derivatives in asymmetric synthesis: a synthetic, mechanistic and theoretical study
Number of Objects: 1
Camphor-derived chiral auxiliaries in asymmetric synthesis
Number of Objects: 1
Camphor-derived chiral auxiliaries: a synthetic, mechanistic and computational study
Number of Objects: 1
Can contracts be both plain and precise?
Number of Objects: 1
Can expansive (social) learning processes strengthen organisational learning for improved wetland management in a plantation forestry company, and if so how? : a case study of Mondi
Number of Objects: 1
Can eyeflecks be used to sex African Black Oystercatchers Haematopus moquini in the field?
Number of Objects: 1
Can formal language planning link to grassroots cultural initiatives?: an informal investigation
Number of Objects: 1
Can Jamaica put music first?: a comment
Number of Objects: 1
Can Local Knowledge of Small-Scale Fishers Be Used to Monitor and Assess Changes in Marine Ecosystems in a European Context?
Number of Objects: 1
Can local use assist in controlling invasive alien species in tropical forests?: The case of Lantana camara in southern India
Number of Objects: 1
Can perceptions of environmental and climate change in island communities assist in adaptation planning locally?
Number of Objects: 1
Can shed snakeskin be considered to be a model membrane for human stratum corneum?
Number of Objects: 1
Can sport impact rational investor behaviour? : an evaluation of the impact of national sporting performance on stock market returns in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Can workers look forward to a safer and healthier workplace in the new South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Can δ15N and δ13C stable isotopes and fatty acid signatures indicate changes in phytobenthos composition on an artificial substrate?
Number of Objects: 1
Cancer research professor empowers Africa and the world
Number of Objects: 1
Cancer stem cells in breast cancer and metastasis:
Number of Objects: 1
Cancer: science and society
Number of Objects: 1
A Canonical Implementation Of The Advanced Encryption Standard On The Graphics Processing Unit
Number of Objects: 1
CANS: Customizable Alarm Notification System, an H. 323 Signalling Service
Number of Objects: 1
A capabilities analysis: degree mobility and the impact of returning South African alumni on their home country’s sustainable development
Number of Objects: 1
A capability approach: Its potential for transformative education research focusing on education for sustainable development and gender issues in science teacher education
Number of Objects: 1
Cape Chestnut
Number of Objects: 1
Cape chestnut
Number of Objects: 17
Cape Fold Ecoregion fish community ecology and responses to stressors
Number of Objects: 1
The Cape Midlands: its demography (1911-1960) and regional income (1954/55-1959/60)
Number of Objects: 1
Cape Sugarbird and Pincushion Proteas
Number of Objects: 1
Cape Town talks about sex workers
Number of Objects: 1
Cape White-eyes in the Eastern Cape: plumage characters, survival, and movements
Number of Objects: 1
Capillary membrane-immobilised polyphenol oxidase and the bioremediation of industrial phenolic effluent
Number of Objects: 1
A capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) method for the determination of cyclizine hydrochloride in tablets and suppositories
Number of Objects: 1
Capital E for events: ways that work: useful solutions
Number of Objects: 1
Capital mobility and economic growth in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Capital or critique?: when journalism education seeks to influence the field
Number of Objects: 1
Capitalism and natural rights: Marx, Locke and the moral justification of capitalism: inaugural lecture delivered at Rhodes University
Number of Objects: 1
Capparis albinear - Witgatboom
Number of Objects: 1
Capsule immobilisation of sulphate-reducing bacteria and application in disarticulated systems
Number of Objects: 1
Capturefoundry: a gpu accelerated packet capture analysis tool
Number of Objects: 1
Capturing the Soweto Uprising: South Africa’s most iconic photograph lives on
Number of Objects: 1
The caramel Venus and other stories
Number of Objects: 1
Carbon credit restoration projects in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa: considerations for sustainable local economic development
Number of Objects: 1
Carbon nanotube-enhanced photoelectrochemical properties of metallo-octacarboxyphthalocyanines
Number of Objects: 2
Carbonate petrography and geochemistry of BIF of the Transvaal supergroup : evaluating the potential of iron carbonates as proxies for palaeoproterozoic ocean chemistry
Number of Objects: 1
Carbonylation of cyclohexene with carbon dioxide (CO2) using transition metals as heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts
Number of Objects: 1
Card games and containment : forensic psychiatric patients' experiences of a student-led initiative
Number of Objects: 1
Cardiac responses under diverse combinations of marching speed and backpack load
Number of Objects: 1
Cardiovascular disease risk in Black African females and the efficacy of a walking programme on blood pressure in a sub-sample
Number of Objects: 1
Cardiovascular disease risk in Black and Caucasian females: an Eastern Cape sample
Number of Objects: 1
Care as dissent in the art of Georgina Maxim, Gladys Kalichini, Kresiah Mukwazhi, Masimba Hwati and Léonard Pongo
Number of Objects: 1
Career choices of Rhodes University academics : internal and external influences on the decision making process
Number of Objects: 1
A career in photophysicochemical and electrochemical properties of phthalocyanine: A Linstead Career Award paper
Number of Objects: 1
The career maturity of the gifted and talented pupil
Number of Objects: 1
Career oriented science education for the next millennium
Number of Objects: 1
Career success for women academics in higher education: choices and challenges
Number of Objects: 1
Careerism and capitalism as women’s emancipation: a critical analysis of Rand Merchant Bank’s ‘Athena Programme', South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Caring for a child with disabilities: a psychosocial case study
Number of Objects: 1
Carnivore intra-guild competition in Selati Game Reserve, Limpopo Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Carnivory submerged: aspects of the ecology and ecophysiology of the aquatic Utricularia stellaris L. fil. (Lentibulariaceae) in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The Case for a Cray on a Chip
Number of Objects: 1
The case for collation to inform debate and transform practice in decolonising Psychology
Number of Objects: 1
A case for contemporary third literature: the black experience in the postmillennial fiction of three Kwela authors
Number of Objects: 1
A case for geography in South African senior primary schools: an analysis and evaluation of current geographical thinking and practice
Number of Objects: 1
A case for institutional investigations in economic research methods with reference to South Africa's agricultural sector
Number of Objects: 1
A case for the adoption of Swahili as a language of early school literacy instruction in Ekegusii-speaking areas of western Kenya:
Number of Objects: 1
Case in modern standard Arabic
Number of Objects: 1
A case of effective single-session treatment for attention deficit and learning problems in a routine clinical practice : the value of a transdiagnostic approach to case formulation
Number of Objects: 1
The case of James Erith, 1820 settler, and his struggle for compensation
Number of Objects: 1
Case Studies for UNECCC, UNESCO and CEE The COPART Climate Train
Number of Objects: 1
Case studies of brain fag syndrome in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Case studies of equivalent fuzzy subgroups of finite abelian groups
Number of Objects: 1
Case studies of second language learners who excel at writing in English
Number of Objects: 1
Case studies of tutors' responses to student writing and the way in which students interpret these
Number of Objects: 1
Case study : profitability drivers in the South African airline industry : a comparative analysis of SAA and Comair
Number of Objects: 1
A case study : tracing the development of emergent literacy in a Grade R class
Number of Objects: 1
Case study : using visual representations to enhance conceptual knowledge of division in mathematics
Number of Objects: 1
A case study analysis of the role of resources in the teaching and learning of senior primary geography in the Northern Province
Number of Objects: 1
A case study describing factors perceived to be impacting staff satisfaction amongst health care professionals at the East London Hospital complex
Number of Objects: 1
A case study exploring the level of awareness of NCP Chlorchem's staff of environmental costs associated with hazardous waste
Number of Objects: 1
Case Study For Linking Water Quality License Conditions With Resource Quality Objectives For The Leeutaaiboschspruit Industrial Complex Situated Within The Vaal Barrage Catchment Volume 1
Number of Objects: 1
A case study investigation into drama in education as an effective teaching methodology to support the goals of outcome based education
Number of Objects: 1
A case study investigation into the utility of baseline data versus normative data using a computer-based concussion management programme
Number of Objects: 1
A case study investigation of the neuropsychological profile of a rugby player with a history of multiple concussions
Number of Objects: 1
A case study of a pre-service mathematics education course to grow and develop proficient teaching in mathematics in the intermediate phase
Number of Objects: 1