M 87 at metre wavelengths: the LOFAR picture
Number of Objects: 1
M.M. Hala: Memoirs of an Umkhonto WeSizwe Cadre
Number of Objects: 1
M3: Mining Mini-Halos with MeerKAT
Number of Objects: 1
Macbeth: The great doom’s image
Number of Objects: 1
The machine and painting: an investigation into the interrelationship(s) between technology and painting since 1945
Number of Objects: 1
Machine learning methods for calibrating radio interferometric data
Number of Objects: 1
A machine-independent microprogram development system
Number of Objects: 1
Macleantown: a study of a small South African community
Number of Objects: 1
Macro-locational determinants and motive of Chinese foreign direct investment in Cameroon
Number of Objects: 1
Macro-locational determinants of Chinese foreign direct investment in Cameroon
Number of Objects: 1
Macroeconomic convergence within SADC : implications for the formation of a regional monetary union
Number of Objects: 1
Macroeconomic determinants of stock market behaviour in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Macrofauna associated with intertidal mussel beds in the Knysna estuarine embayment, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Macrofaunal community structure in the littoral zone of a freshwater-deprived, permanently open Eastern Cape estuary
Number of Objects: 1
Macroinvertebrate and diatom assemblage responses to pollution, with emphasis on salinity, in the Kat River, Eastern Cape South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Macroinvertebrate communities associated with duckweed (Lemnaceae) in two Eastern Cape rivers, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Macroinvertebrate community and species responses to chlorinated sewage effluent in the Umsunduze and Umbilo rivers, Kwa Zulu-Natal, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Macroinvertebrate functional feeding group alterations in response to habitat degradation of headwater Austral streams
Number of Objects: 1
Macroinvertebrate functional organisation along the longitudinal gradient of an austral temperate river
Number of Objects: 2
Macroinvertebrate population dynamics, community composition and diversity patterns of two coastal lakes in northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Macroplastics in the environment: are they suitable habitats for macroinvertebrates in riverine systems?
Number of Objects: 1
Maerua triphylla
Number of Objects: 1
A Magical 'Dream': The Port Elizabeth Shakespearean Festival 2005
Number of Objects: 1
Magma flow inferred from AMS fabrics in a layered mafic sill, Insizwa, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Magnetic nanoparticle-indium phthalocyanine conjugate embedded in electrospun fiber for photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy and photodegradation of methyl red
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Magnitudes and temporal sequencing of load kinematics and kinetics for single-handed pulls
Number of Objects: 1
Maimed bodies in George R.R. Martin’s A song of ice and fire
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Mainstreaming education for sustainable development: Elaborating the role of position-practice systems using seven laminations of scale
Number of Objects: 1
Mainstreaming Gender Standards in Collective Bargaining
Number of Objects: 1
Maintaining the façade: the disconnect between policy and practice in heritage resources management in Makhanda, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Maintenance of public and private urban green infrastructure provides significant employment in Eastern Cape towns, South Africa:
Number of Objects: 1
Maize seed variety identification model using image processing and deep learning
Number of Objects: 1
Major security incidents since 2014: an African perspective
Number of Objects: 1
The Makana Regional Centre of expertise: Experiments in social learning
Number of Objects: 1
Making (non) sense of urban water flows: Qualities and processes for transformative and transgressive learning moments
Number of Objects: 1
Making familiar the unfamiliar: doing better journalism
Number of Objects: 1
Making meaning of citizenship: how ‘born frees’ use media in South Africa's democratic evolution
Number of Objects: 1
Making meaning of reality television celebrities: the reception of South African Idol by young adults in Joza, Grahamstown
Number of Objects: 1
Making meaning, making a home: students watching Generations
Number of Objects: 1
Making media theory from the South:
Number of Objects: 1
The making of business news in Africa: a case study of Cameroon Tribune newspaper
Number of Objects: 1
The making of masculinities: the hidden curriculum about Gender-Based Violence and Rape Culture at an elite private school in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The making of ‘loyals’ and ‘rebels’: the 1880 Transkei Rebellion and the Subversion of the chieftaincies of East Griqualand, 1874-1914
Number of Objects: 1
Making pupils think: the development of a microcomputer-inspired adaptation of the Standard 7 mathematics curriculum
Number of Objects: 1
Making room for the unexpected: the university and the ethical imperative of unconditional hospitality
Number of Objects: 1
Making rules to live by: Was the proposed regulatory regime for invasive species reasonable? Perceptions of the South African trout industry
Number of Objects: 1
Making sense of a scam: MMM Mutual Fund participants in Kagiso negotiate dissenting mainstream new coverage on social media
Number of Objects: 1
Making Sense of Barkhuizen 2 : An Investigation into the Public Policy Defence of ‘Unfair Enforcement’ in South African Law, with Reference to the Law on Covenants in Restraint of Trade
Number of Objects: 1
Making sense of climate change in a national curriculum
Number of Objects: 1
Making sense of Men's Health: an investigation into the meanings men and women make of Men's Health
Number of Objects: 1
Making sense of science through two languages: a South African case study
Number of Objects: 1
Making sense of the lived and told experience of the 'ill' body : a phenomenological exploration into the storied and embodied nature of somatic or medically unexplained symtoms
Number of Objects: 1
Making sense of ʺessenceʺ : a critical examination of the adequacy of the modern philosophical conception of ʺessenceʺ
Number of Objects: 1
Making South African tertiary education multilingual: the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of SANTED Multilingualism Projects 2007 – 2010
Number of Objects: 1
Making the Invisible Visible: Ameliorating Poverty through Natural Resource Commercialisation
Number of Objects: 1
Making the invisible visible: ameliorating poverty through natural resource commercialisation: How can NGO's make a difference?
Number of Objects: 1
Making the means justify the ends?: the theory and practice of the RDP
Number of Objects: 1
"Making the News": a case study of East Cape News (ECN)
Number of Objects: 1
Making the personal political: understanding the impacts of participation in an anti-rape protest for women who have experienced sexual violence
Number of Objects: 1
Making visible constructions of dis/advantage through genealogical investigation: South African schooled literacies
Number of Objects: 1
Making visible the affective dimensions of scholarship in postgraduate writing development work
Number of Objects: 1
Making visual literacy meaningful in a rural context: an action research case study
Number of Objects: 1
Malarial drug targets cysteine proteases as hemoglobinases
Number of Objects: 1
The Malarial Exported PFA0660w Is an Hsp40 Co-Chaperone of PfHsp70-x
Number of Objects: 1
Malawi’s foreign policy decision-making: the 2012 Malawi-Tanzania boundary dispute
Number of Objects: 1
Malawi’s trilemma: monetary policy independence, exchange rate stability and financial integration
Number of Objects: 1
Male aggression and mating opportunity in a poeciliid fish
Number of Objects: 1
Male and female cardiovascular risk in an urban, black working population
Number of Objects: 1
The male novelist and the 'woman question' George Meredith's presentation of his Heroines in The Egoist (1879) and Diana of the Crossways (1885)
Number of Objects: 1
Male peer talk about menstruation: Discursively bolstering hegemonic masculinities among young men in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Male Peer Talk About Menstruation: Discursively Bolstering Hegemonic Masculinities Among Young Men in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Malume’s bones
Number of Objects: 1
"The man can use that power", "she got courage" and "inimba": discursive resources in counsellors' talk of intimate partner violence: implications for practice
Number of Objects: 1
Man in the middle, Dr Richard Pithouse
Number of Objects: 1
Man, machines, and society: lectures in industrial sociology
Number of Objects: 1
Management 1 lecture
Number of Objects: 1
Management 1 lecture (presentaiton)
Number of Objects: 1
Management and the dynamics of labour process: study of workplace relations in an oil refinery, Nigeria
Number of Objects: 1
Management education and training
Number of Objects: 1
Management of invasive aquatic weeds with emphasis on biological control in Senegal
Number of Objects: 1
The management of lions (Panthera Leo) in small, fenced wildlife reserves
Number of Objects: 1
The management of risk: adolescent sexual and reproductive health in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Management, Processing and Analysis of Cryptographic Network Protocols
Number of Objects: 1
Manager's perceptions of performance appraisal implemented at Kansanshi Mine, Zambia
Number of Objects: 1
Managerial leadership in committees: a case study in a public rural combined school in the Ohangwena region, Namibia
Number of Objects: 1
Managerial perceptions of corporate social responsibility and social practices present at McDonalds South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Managing an inclusive school: a case study of a pilot school in Swaziland
Number of Objects: 1
Managing change at a South African Senior Secondary School : a case study
Number of Objects: 1
Managing conflict across cultures, values and identities: a case study in the South African automotive industry
Number of Objects: 1
Managing historical primary and secondary sources : a study of the efficacy of a teaching handbook prepared for first-year Vista University students
Number of Objects: 1
Managing natural resources in a rural settlement in Peddie district
Number of Objects: 1
Managing regrowth of an indigenous savanna tree species (Terminalia sericea) for fuelwood: The influence of stump dimensions and post-harvest coppice pruning
Number of Objects: 1
Managing releases of Anagyrus vladimiri (Triapitsyn) to augment biocontrol of the citrus mealybug Planococcus citri (Risso) in South African citrus orchards
Number of Objects: 1
Managing South Africa's trawl bycatch
Number of Objects: 1
Managing the invasive aquatic plant Sagittaria platyphylla (Engelm.) J.G. Sm(Alismataceae): problems and prospects
Number of Objects: 1
Mandela's Long Walk to Freedom: the isiXhosa translator's tall order
Number of Objects: 1
Mandela: the Rivonia Trial, life or death?
Number of Objects: 1
Mandela: the road to freedom
Number of Objects: 1