Nabetragting van 1982 en vooruitsigte vir 1983
Number of Objects: 1
Nagoya Protocol and Africa’s willingness to share biological control agents, are we deterred by barriers instead of using opportunities to work together?
Number of Objects: 1
A naive salience-based method for speaker identification in fiction books
Number of Objects: 1
Naked Eye and Colorimetric Detection of Cyanide with a 1, 3‐Diethyl‐2‐thiobarbituric Acid Substituted Ferrocene Chemosensor
Number of Objects: 1
NALEDI research report - Missing the target
Number of Objects: 1
Namibia freedom rally
Number of Objects: 1
Namibia's long road to independence : the Botha era
Number of Objects: 1
Namibian school principals' perceptions of their management needs
Number of Objects: 1
Namibian workers organise
Number of Objects: 1
Naming in Germany in the 20th century: a sociological study of naming in times of social change, with a focus on statistical problems in empirical onomastic research
Number of Objects: 1
Naming students problems: an analysis of language-related discourses at a South African university
Number of Objects: 1
Nano Co-Crystal Embedded Stimuli-Responsive Hydrogels: A Potential Approach to Treat HIV/AIDS
Number of Objects: 1
Nano-biomimetic drug delivery vehicles: Potential approaches for COVID-19 treatment
Number of Objects: 1
Nano-enabled liposomal mucoadhesive films for enhanced efavirenz buccal drug delivery
Number of Objects: 1
Nanocomposites of carbon nanomaterials and metallophthalocyanines : applications towards electrocatalysis
Number of Objects: 1
Nanocomposites of nickel phthalocyanines as electrocatalysts for the oxidation of chlorophenols an experimental and theoretical approach
Number of Objects: 1
Nanocomposites of sulphur-nitrogen co-doped graphene oxide nanosheets and cobalt mono carboxyphenoxy phthalocyanines for facile electrocatalysis
Number of Objects: 1
Nanoconjugates of CdTe@ ZnS quantum dots with cobalt tetraamino-phthalocyanine
Number of Objects: 1
Nanofiber immobilized cellulases and hemicellulases for fruit waste beneficiation
Number of Objects: 1
Nanohybrid electrocatalyst based on cobalt phthalocyanine-carbon nanotube-reduced graphene oxide for ultrasensitive detection of glucose in human saliva
Number of Objects: 1
Nanomaterial modified electrodes : optimization of voltammetric sensors for pharmaceutical and industrial application
Number of Objects: 1
Nanosecond nonlinear optical limiting properties of new trinuclear lanthanide phthalocyanines in solution and as thin films
Number of Objects: 2
Nanosecond optical nonlinearities in low symmetry phthalocyanine nanoconjugates studied using the Z-scan technique
Number of Objects: 1
Nanostructured β-cyclodextrin-hyperbranched polyethyleneimine (β-CD-HPEI) embedded in polysulfone membrane for the removal of humic acid from water
Number of Objects: 1
Nanostructures and metallophthalocyanines : applications in microbial fuel cells
Number of Objects: 1
Narrated experiences of the pre-termination of pregnancy counselling healthcare encounter in the Eastern Cape public health sector
Number of Objects: 1
Narratiewe strategieë by die ondersoek van die verlede in twee romans, naamlik Lijken op liefde (1997) deur Astrid H. Roemer en Duiwelskloof (1998) deur André P. Brink
Number of Objects: 1
Narrating emergence in the curious terrain of academic development research: a realist perspective
Number of Objects: 1
Narrating Whales in Southern Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A narrative analysis of young black South African women's stories about the recent divorce of their parents
Number of Objects: 1
The narrative of vulnerability and deprivation in protection regimes for the internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Africa: an appraisal of the Kampala Convention
Number of Objects: 1
A narrative study of patients’ illness experiences on antiretroviral treatment
Number of Objects: 1
A narrative study of students’ and staff’s experiences of living with HIV and AIDS at Rhodes University
Number of Objects: 1
A narrative study of teachers' life stories and their work identity
Number of Objects: 1
Narrative technique in ʹBeowulfʹ
Number of Objects: 1
A narrative, child-participatory study of domestic mobility within grandmother-headed households in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A narrative-discursive analysis of abortion decision making in Zimbabwe:
Number of Objects: 1
A narrative-discursive analysis of abortion decision-making in Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
Narrative/therapy and an apartheid story: audiences, ethical witnessing
Number of Objects: 1
Narratives and home: remembering an almost forgotten walk
Number of Objects: 1
The narratives of women in South Africa who use social media to talk about gender-based violence
Number of Objects: 1
Narratives that shape the professional identities of mathematics teachers
Number of Objects: 1
Nascent Desires: Gendered Sexualities in Life Orientation Sexuality Education Programmes and Popular Music
Number of Objects: 1
A nasty chamber
Number of Objects: 1
Natal 1959: the women's protests
Number of Objects: 1
Nathaniel James Merriman, Archdeacon and Bishop 1849-1882 : a study in church life and government
Number of Objects: 1
Nathaniel Merriman's lecture: "On the study of Shakspeare".
Number of Objects: 1
Nathaniel Merriman’s lecture: “Shakspeare, as Bearing on English History”
Number of Objects: 1
National Bargaining Conference
Number of Objects: 1
National Bi-annual Conference - President's address
Number of Objects: 1
National Bi-annual Conference - Treasurer's address
Number of Objects: 1
National Computer Olympiad prizegiving, Carlton Hotel
Number of Objects: 1
National conference 1995: speeches and resolution
Number of Objects: 1
National count: number of votes cast: provisional Western Cape figures
Number of Objects: 1
National debt and sovereign credit ratings
Number of Objects: 1
National Economic Development and Labour Council
Number of Objects: 1
National identity and nation-building in post-apartheid South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
National Labour and Economic Development Institute Annual report
Number of Objects: 1
National liberation movement in the international political arena: a case study of the African National Congress at the United Nations (1960 to February 1990)
Number of Objects: 1
The National minimum wage reader
Number of Objects: 1
The National Skills Fund and green skills: towards a generative mechanism approach
Number of Objects: 1
The national state of emergency
Number of Objects: 1
National substantive agreement entered into between Parmalat SA (PTY) Ltd and the Food and Allied Workers Union
Number of Objects: 1
National substantive agreement entered into between two parties, being: Essential Foods: Grains, a division of Pioneer Foods (Pty) Ltd and Food and Allied Workers Union (FAWU)
Number of Objects: 1
National substantive agreement on wages and conditions of employment concluded between Pioneer Foods (Pty) Ltd t/a Essential Foods: Bakeries and Food and Allied Workers Union.
Number of Objects: 1
National Union of Mineworkers Constitution
Number of Objects: 1
The National Wellbeing Index in the isiXhosa translation: focus group discussions on how South Africans view the quality of their society
Number of Objects: 1
Nationwide Assessment of Population Structure, Stability and Plant Morphology of Two Mimusops Species along a Social-Ecological Gradient in Benin, West Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A native weevil and an exotic planthopper: investigating potential biological control agents for nymphaea mexicana zuccarini (nymphaeaceae) and its hybrids in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Native-range studies on insect herbivores associated with African Lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula) in South Africa: prospects for biological control in Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Natural enemies from South Africa for biological control of Lagarosiphon major (Ridl.) Moss ex Wager (Hydrocharitaceae) in Europe
Number of Objects: 1
Natural hair chronicles of black female vloggers: influences on their psychological well-being
Number of Objects: 1
The natural history and conservation of Indian Ocean Humpback Dolphins (Sousa plumbea) in South African waters
Number of Objects: 1
The natural history of the humpback dolphin, Sousa chinensis, in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa : age, growth and reproduction
Number of Objects: 1
Natural Language Processing with machine learning for anomaly detection on system call logs
Number of Objects: 1
The natural product chemistry of South African Plocamium species
Number of Objects: 1
Natural resource harvesting and disturbance in communal lands: assessing the roles of local ecological knowledge, dependency and market access
Number of Objects: 1
Natural resource products contribute to poverty mitigation amongst urbanising communities in sub-saharan Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Natural resource use as a coping and adaptation strategy to floods of vulnerable populations in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Natural resource use, incomes, and poverty along the rural–urban continuum of two medium-sized, South African towns
Number of Objects: 1
Natural resources and local management in the Hewu District of the Eastern Cape : limitations to achieving sustainability
Number of Objects: 1
The nature and control of organic compounds in soda ash evaporate production
Number of Objects: 1
The nature and development of modern physics : inaugural lecture delivered at Rhodes University
Number of Objects: 1
The nature and function of setting in Jane Austen's novels
Number of Objects: 1
The nature and measurement of labour turnover
Number of Objects: 1
The nature and origin of gold mineralization in the Tugela valley, Natal Structural and Metamorphic Province
Number of Objects: 1
The nature and quality of the mathematical connections teachers make:
Number of Objects: 1
Nature and source of suspended particulate matter and detritus along an austral temperate river–estuary continuum, assessed using stable isotope analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Nature conservation, protected areas and local communities : the Tsitsikamma National Park
Number of Objects: 1
The nature of a self
Number of Objects: 1
"The nature of a University in a changing society"
Number of Objects: 1
The nature of economic integration and co-operation within the South African region and a survey of economic benefits to member states
Number of Objects: 1
The nature of geometry instruction and observed learning-outcomes opportunities in Nigerian and South African high schools:
Number of Objects: 1
The nature of learning and work transitioning in boundaryless work : the case of the environmental engineer
Number of Objects: 1
The nature of modern mathematics: inaugural lecture delivered at Rhodes University
Number of Objects: 1
The nature of olivine-rich cumulate rocks of the lower critical and lower zones of the northwestern Bushveld Complex
Number of Objects: 1