SA in the global economy
Number of Objects: 1
SA scientist one of the top five female physical scientists
Number of Objects: 1
SA tree 250 years old
Number of Objects: 1
SA/Germany Workshop, Rhodes University, Grahamstown
Number of Objects: 1
SAAPAWU Payroll structure
Number of Objects: 1
SAB strike settlement agreement between Food and Allied Workers Union and South African Breweries (PTY) LTD and South African Breweries Maltings (PTY) LTD
Number of Objects: 2
SABC radio broadcast 1985
Number of Objects: 1
SABC report - Afrikaans draft 1983
Number of Objects: 1
SABC2 Morning Live Interview
Number of Objects: 1
SACCAWU - NSSC Secretariat Report & Bargaining conference resolutions
Number of Objects: 1
SACCAWU - NSSC Treasurer’s Report & NSSC Finances
Number of Objects: 1
SACCAWU - Summer School
Number of Objects: 1
SACCAWU - Synoptic report
Number of Objects: 1
SACCAWU Bargaining forum agenda
Number of Objects: 1
SACCAWU Existing benefit
Number of Objects: 1
SACCAWU Medical Aid Plan
Number of Objects: 1
SACCAWU National catering conference
Number of Objects: 1
SACCAWU National Newsletter - The Finance worker
Number of Objects: 1
SACCAWU national organising and bargaining conference 19-21 March 1993: Catholic Renewal Centre Kensington, Johannesburg
Number of Objects: 1
SACCAWU Shoprite Checkers National Shopstewards Summit
Number of Objects: 1
The Sacred Door and other Stories: Cameroon Folktales of the Beba (Makuchi)
Number of Objects: 1
Sacrificial males the potential role of copulation and predation in contributing to copepod sex-skewed ratios
Number of Objects: 1
SACTWU - Shop Stewards Bulletin No.9
Number of Objects: 1
SACTWU - Shop Stewards Bulletin Vol 1 No.1
Number of Objects: 1
SACTWU - Shop Stewards Bulletin Vol 1 No.2
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
SADSAWU - International workers day
Number of Objects: 1
SADSAWU submission to the portfolio committee on labour
Number of Objects: 1
SADSAWU: domestic workers: know your rights
Number of Objects: 1
SADTU - Teachers strike back
Number of Objects: 1
SADTU Bulletin
Number of Objects: 1
SADTU draft input on WHITE PAPER No. 5 on early childhood development
Number of Objects: 1
SADTU existing job grading
Number of Objects: 1
SADTU National - JHB
Number of Objects: 1
SADTU News - A review of SADTU Congress
Number of Objects: 1
SADTU News - Model C Schools
Number of Objects: 1
SADTU standard terms and conditions of employment
Number of Objects: 1
SADTU the Biggest Teachers’ Organisation in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
SADTU Western Cape Bulletin - Vol 1
Number of Objects: 1
SADTU Western Cape Bulletin - Vol 2
Number of Objects: 1
SADTU's Major three year capacity building programme
Number of Objects: 1
SADTU's third national congress
Number of Objects: 1
SADWU: Points to consider about the Labour relations bill
Number of Objects: 1
Safe space online: the construction of intersectional safety in a South African feminist Facebook group
Number of Objects: 1
The safety net function of NTFPs in different agro-ecological zones of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The safety of journalists: an assessment of perceptions of the origins and implementation of policy at two international television news agencies
Number of Objects: 1
The saga of South African POWs in Angola, 1975-82
Number of Objects: 1
SAIAB extension opening : lunch for the Deputy-Minister of Science and Technology
Number of Objects: 1
Sailing between Scylla and Charybdis: Mayelane v Ngwenyama
Number of Objects: 1
Saleem's Response to CHET Questions
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Salinity induced physiological responses in juvenile dusky kob, Argyrosomus japonicus (Sciaenidae)
Number of Objects: 1
The salinity tolerance of some Eastern Province fish in relation to their known distribution
Number of Objects: 1
Salix babylonica - Weeping willow
Number of Objects: 7
Salix babylonica- Weeping willow
Number of Objects: 1
Salix mucronata - Cape Willow
Number of Objects: 2
Salix mucronata - Cape willow
Number of Objects: 3
Salt in my footsteps
Number of Objects: 1
Salvaging the law: the second Ernie Wentzel memorial lecture
Number of Objects: 1
The Same Moon
Number of Objects: 1
Same time, same place
Number of Objects: 1
Sameshni Govender and friend at the end of the solidarity march
Number of Objects: 1
Sample preparation for pesticide analysis in water and sediments a case study of the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Number of Objects: 1
Sample size assessments for thermal physiology studies: An R package and R Shiny application
Number of Objects: 1
A sample survey of farming types in the divisions of Albany and Bathurst
Number of Objects: 1
Sampling in the evaluation of ore deposits
Number of Objects: 1
Samuel Palmer and Romanticism
Number of Objects: 1
SAMWU NEWS Volume 1 - Rebuild and Unite
Number of Objects: 1
SAMWU Workers News - June 1997
Number of Objects: 1
SAMWU's Anti-Privatisation campaign 1997-1999
Number of Objects: 1
SANCDB: a South African natural compound database
Number of Objects: 1
SANCDB: an update on South African natural compounds and their readily available analogs
Number of Objects: 1
Sand inundation on rocky shores : its effects on species richness and the structure of species assemblages
Number of Objects: 1
Sand stress as a non-determinant of habitat segregation of indigenous (Perna perna) and invasive (Mytilus galloprovincialis) mussels in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A sandbox-based approach to the deobfuscation and dissection of php-based malware
Number of Objects: 1
Sandiswa Imbewu ('We are growing/multiplying our seeds') Fund
Number of Objects: 1
Sanitation policy and prevention of environmental contamination in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Sankie Dolly Nkondo, Flames of Fury and Other Poems. Johannesburg Congress of South African Writers, 1990. Book Review
Number of Objects: 1
SANLiC 2013 Workshop : Ever Evolving Ebooks
Number of Objects: 3
SANPAD : South Africa Netherlands Research Programme for Alternatives in Development
Number of Objects: 1
The SANTED Virtual Classroom Project: A case study
Number of Objects: 1
Sapphic experience: lesbian gender identity development and diversity
Number of Objects: 1
"SAPS don't hurt any more of our children"
Number of Objects: 5
SAPS members' experience of diversity and diversity training within the SAPS
Number of Objects: 1
Sarcasm, conflict and style in Mtywaku's plays
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Sarqaquinoic acid and related synthetic naphthoquinones inhibit the function of Hsp90
Number of Objects: 1
SASBO and Dishonesty
Number of Objects: 1
SASBO Code of ethics
Number of Objects: 1
SASBO Strikes and lockout policies
Number of Objects: 1
SASO and Black Consciousness, and the shift to congress politics
Number of Objects: 1
SASPU editorial style book
Number of Objects: 1
Satan and Lucifer: a comparison of their metamorphoses from Angel to Devil in Milton's Paradise lost and Vondel's Lucifer and Adam in Ballingschap
Number of Objects: 1
SATAWU - 2nd National collective bargaining and policy conference
Number of Objects: 1
Satchitananda' : meditation and dance around the still point, in the form of a raga performance for piano solo : inaugural lecture/recital delivered at Rhodes University
Number of Objects: 1
Satellite television use among Zimbabwean professionals : an investigation into audience consumption of SABC Africa's '60 Minutes live in Africa'
Number of Objects: 1
Satire in J.J. R. Jolobe's literary works : a critique in relation to contemporary South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Satisfaction with family life in South Africa: The role of socioeconomic status
Number of Objects: 1
Satisfied and dissatisfied South Africans: results from the General Household Survey in international comparison
Number of Objects: 1