The V-C's Awards
Number of Objects: 1
Vabvakure, people from far away
Number of Objects: 1
Vachellia erioloba (camel thorn) and microbial interactions
Number of Objects: 1
Valedictory address: Miss M.G Richardson
Number of Objects: 1
Valerie Møller: a pioneer in South African Quality of Life Research
Number of Objects: 1
Validation of a predictor battery for engineering technicians
Number of Objects: 1
Validation of an assessment tool for mental fatigue applied to rotational shift work
Number of Objects: 1
Validation of growth zone deposition in otoliths of two large endemic cyprinids in Lake Gariep, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Validation of high frequency propagation prediction models over Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Validation of the periodicity of growth zone formation in the otoliths of four fish species from the Upper Zambezi ecoregion, southern Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Validation of University of New Brunswick Ionospheric Modeling Technique with ionosonde TEC estimation over South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Validity and reliability of an objective test of cricket skills
Number of Objects: 1
Validity of categories related to gender identity in ICD-11 and DSM-5 among transgender individuals who seek gender-affirming medical procedures
Number of Objects: 1
the valley
Number of Objects: 1
The valuation of amounts for the purpose of inclusion in gross income
Number of Objects: 1
Valuation of banks in emerging markets: an exploratory study
Number of Objects: 1
The valuation of campus built heritage from the student perspective: comparative analysis of Rhodes University in South Africa and St. Mary’s College of Maryland in the United States
Number of Objects: 1
Valuation of communal area livestock benefits, rural livelihoods and related policy issues
Number of Objects: 1
Valuation of intellectual capital in South African companies: a comparative study of three valuation methods
Number of Objects: 1
Value and size investment strategies: evidence from the cross-section of returns in the South African equity market
Number of Objects: 1
The value of a Rhodes University degree and securing employment
Number of Objects: 1
The value of economic capital as an indicator to protect prospective and existing ordinary shareholders
Number of Objects: 1
The value of locally isolated freshwater micro-algae in toxicity testing for water resource management in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The value of many small vs. few large marine protected areas in the Western Solomon Islands
Number of Objects: 1
The value of non-native fish species : a study of recreational angling in the Amathole district
Number of Objects: 1
The value of shared corporate services in improving patient care
Number of Objects: 1
The value of the middleman in the supply chain of South African tyre production
Number of Objects: 1
Valuing Higher Education
Number of Objects: 2
Valuing South Africa's savannas: Methodological Issues
Number of Objects: 1
Valuing the arts: pitfalls in economic impact studies of arts festivals
Number of Objects: 1
Valuing the purposes of higher education
Number of Objects: 1
Vantage Points: Essays, Critical Perspectives, Field Notes, and a Manual.
Number of Objects: 1
Variability analysis of a sample of potential southern calibration sources
Number of Objects: 1
The variability and predictability of the IRI shape parameters over Grahamstown, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Variability in and coupling of larval availability and settlement of the mussel Perna perna : a spatio-temporal approach
Number of Objects: 1
Variability in pH, fCO2, oxygen and flux of CO2 in the surface water along a transect in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean
Number of Objects: 1
Variability in the fractionation of stable isotopes during degradation of two intertidal red algae
Number of Objects: 1
Variable discursive constructions of three genres of science
Number of Objects: 1
Variables associated with run out opportunities in cricket: coaches’ perceptions versus video analyses of the Indian Premier League 2018/2019 seasons
Number of Objects: 1
Variation in breeding systems, floral morphology and nectar properties in three co-occurring Erica species with contrasting pollination syndromes
Number of Objects: 1
Variation in foraging activity of Acanthochitona garnoti (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from different habitats
Number of Objects: 1
Variation in perception of environmental change in nine Solomon Islands communities: implications for securing fairness in community-based adaptation
Number of Objects: 1
Variation in the timing of reproduction of the four-striped field mouse, Rhabdomys pumilio, in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Variation in urease and β-glucosidase activities with soil depth and root density in a ‘Cripp's Pink’/M7 apple orchard under conventional and organic management.
Number of Objects: 1
Variation partitioning of benthic diatom community matrices: Effects of multiple variables on benthic diatom communities in an Austral temperate river system
Number of Objects: 1
Variations in moult, morphology, movement and survival rates of the Sombre Greenbul Andropadus importunus within southern Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Varsity boss tackles ANC MP: Rhodes VC angered by ""dangerous"" remark from Bisho
Number of Objects: 1
Varying degrees of spatio-temporal partitioning among large carnivores in a fenced reserve, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
VAT is a public issue - Take a public stand
Number of Objects: 1
VAT Summit
Number of Objects: 1
VC Badat cuts to the heart of darkness - and asks us to re-imagine
Number of Objects: 1
VC Dr Sizwe Mabizela applauds the students at the end of the march
Number of Objects: 1
VC Dr Sizwe Mabizela joins the students in song
Number of Objects: 1
VC Sizwe Mabizela addressing the students 21 Oct 2015
Number of Objects: 1
VC's China Visit
Number of Objects: 1
VC's Preface - Report on 2008 research outputs
Number of Objects: 1
VC's Public Forum
Number of Objects: 1
VC's summing up of Rhodes University 2006 Imbizo
Number of Objects: 1
VC's welcome at the legacies of apartheid wars project and conference dinner
Number of Objects: 1
VC's welcome at the Rhodes University house committees and sub-wardens workshop
Number of Objects: 2
VC's welcome at the Rhodes University House Committees and Sub-Wardens workshop
Number of Objects: 1
VC's welcome at the Rhodes University House Committees and Sub-wardens Workshop
Number of Objects: 1
VC’s tapestry unveiling address
Number of Objects: 1
A Veblenian Dichotomy re-examination of labour brokerage and South African labour market functionality
Number of Objects: 1
Vegetation controls on channel stability in the Bell River, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Vegetation ecology of the Camdebo and Sneeuberg regions of the Karoo biome, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The vegetation of the habitat of the Brenton blue butterfly, Orachrysops niobe (Trimen), in the Western Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The vegetation potential of natural rangelands in the mid-Fish River Valley, Eastern Cape, South Africa: towards a sustainable and acceptable management system
Number of Objects: 1
Vein and replacement type Sn and Sn-W mineralization in the Southern Kaoko Zone, Damara Province, South West Africa/Namibia
Number of Objects: 1
Vein structure in relation to phloem loading in selected Ranunculaceae, Apocynaceae and Asclepiadaceae of the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Venerating death
Number of Objects: 1
The venture capital industry in South Africa and the potential for participation by Black entrepreneurs
Number of Objects: 1
Veracity, transparency and inclusivity plus engagement and empowerment: regulations, ethics, accountability
Number of Objects: 1
Verb agreement and the syntax of ciNsenga relative clauses
Number of Objects: 1
The verdict
Number of Objects: 1
Verdrängung und verleugnung der wirklichkeit als erzählproblem im werk Hans Erich Nossacks
Number of Objects: 1
Vere deus vere homo: a critical assessment of Christological discourse concluding with a brief appraisal of selected Christological hymns
Number of Objects: 1
Verification of Ionospheric tomography using MIDAS over Grahamstown, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Verkenninge in die woordeskat van die poësie met spesiale verwysing na N. P. van Wyk Louw
Number of Objects: 1
Vernacular sound technologies: experimenting with reverb in isiXhosa choral recordings
Number of Objects: 1
Version of events according to Siyanda Mati (student no.) student at Cullen Bowles
Number of Objects: 1
Versions of confinement: Melville's bodies and the psychology of conquest
Number of Objects: 1
Versions of hospitality in recent writing on the fiction of JM Coetzee:
Number of Objects: 1
Versions of virginity : an exploration of university students' narrative accounts of first sexual experience
Number of Objects: 1
Vertebrate Biostratigraphy of the Witteberg Group and the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The very thorough lens Photojournalism: the professionals' approach, Kenneth Kobré: latest books
Number of Objects: 1
The viability of small-scale farming at the Tyhefu Irrigation Scheme, Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Vice Chancellor New staff welcome address, 2006
Number of Objects: 1
Vice Chancellor New staff welcome address, 2007
Number of Objects: 1
Vice Chancellor's 2nd circular death of a Rhodes student
Number of Objects: 2
Vice Chancellor's Address to new students, 1987
Number of Objects: 1
Vice Chancellor's Address to staff, 1980
Number of Objects: 1
Vice Chancellor's Graduation luncheon speech, 1987
Number of Objects: 1
Vice Chancellor's message to the Toronto Old Rhodian Reunion
Number of Objects: 1
Vice Chancellor's Oppidan Newspaper message, 2007
Number of Objects: 1
Vice Chancellor's toast to honorary graduates, 1986
Number of Objects: 1
Vice-Chancello's 2014 address to graduation ceremonies
Number of Objects: 1
A Vice-Chancellor looks back
Number of Objects: 1
Vice-Chancellor's 2014 Address to Graduation Ceremonies
Number of Objects: 2
Vice-Chancellor's address to new students 1976
Number of Objects: 1